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Elm Street 2444
2444 wlm "treet® 0 --nna a."endell Bodisch.C- aiettel Lend & "ecurity Co. Erect 1 story frame dwelling. B.F. 5/6/25 r _O-a r1_ ,vex - - - - -- _0-Henschel _ Bfg.- Co.___ Reroofing aid& fan. frame dwelling B.ao 1079 4/ 2 X85.00 21/ g 4/ C Henschel Roofing o. k`esi.de_ frame. dwelling_ 198 -.00 0- 0. Maiden Ennlose reap porch of S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 564 8 -11 -52 90.00' 0 -16rs , Clara O'Hare 2444 Elm St. Reroof S.F. Frame Dwellg, P.R. 997 11 -6 -61 195.00 C— Cletus Nauman 250.00 Enclose front porch of S F.Fr, Dwellg.D.P, 312 3-9-66