Elm Street 2517 f
2517 Elm St.
0- Donald J $ronfeldt
Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 80 3 -21 -53 5,000.00
B,of A. Petn to waive rear yard requirement for Garage
and breezeway 3 from rear property line, Granted
Docket No. 48-63
0. Ferdinand Reinhardt
Add. Front S.F. Frame Dwelling 8.P.200 4 -15 -63 2,000.00
Gave Stangl
Repair fire damage to S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.F. 251 1 -21-
Const. enclosed rear porch S.F. Fr. Dw. B.P. 470370-02:3-068
2517 Elm St.
Board of Adjustment Docket 15 -97 for Special Exception
ito bui -ld att garage 3- from rear prop. fine. Approved -_-.
w/condition 5/22/97
0- Marvin Backes C- Owner /Mark Steger
erect 24'x26' att. garage, SF BP37798 9/15/97 $5000.00