Elm Street 2598 1
2098 mim
0- L Lohti.i al a. 0-John :a icht.
m , arcla. La a 528 11./2/37 a 0. 00
C-trei aler 21 °s
Rem of frame axial:Lin& Lara 5 8/25/58 185,00
0 Steffen C-Strub Const. Co.
Alterations to S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P1 891 3-8-50 1500.00
0-Modern Siding & R oofing Co.
Repair roof of S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 730 9-4-62 4
0. Ravis Parker
Reroof SF Fr Dwl1g.B.P.402 5/31/74 200.00
2598 Elm St. 4..
0 -Greg Parker C -Owner
erect 24x26 det. frm gar SF frmdwllg BP 3938 11/4/81
0- Matthew Jochum C- Owner
t /o, reroof, SF & det garage, sd BP28813 4 -5 -95