Elm Street 2919 2919 Elm St.
0 -James Kohn
Erect Frame Garage B.P. 85 3 -9 -70 1,400,00
Erect detached fr. carport 250.00 5 -21 -76 456
0 -Dan White C -J & J Pools
install 20x36 above ground pool & deck SF res BP 14974
4/4/89 $9100.00
Board of Adjustment Docket 6 -93 for Special Exception
to allow construction of new garage on rear property
line, replacing exisitng garage /carport. Approved w/
conditions that overhang not encroach on public r of way
2919 Elm St.
0 -Dan White C -Owner
erect 22x32 d et.frm.gar.remove old B221677 3/30/93
0-Dan C -Metro Rfg & Sdg
t /o, reroof SF BP34573 4/22/96 $6000.00