Elm Street 2943 2943 Elm St.
0 -Nic De Villa. G -Fiord stdgner,
.erect one story frame d elling.
B.P. 332 9/8/32
wrect fr. garage B.P. 302 8/23/32 191.00
0- Clarence Grutz
Enclose front porch & Constuct Dormer to S.F.Frame
Dwelling. B.P. 771 10 -10 -53 300,00
0- Clarence Grutz
Const. Dormer & Rear Stairway to convert S.F. to 2.fam.
Dweilbg B.P. 35 2 -11 -52 500.00
2943 Elm St
0. _-t1arrence—Grntz---. .._, ........ ._._.._.. -_
Erect addition to SF Frame Dwllg, B.P. 210, 4/9/79
0 -Mary Grutz C -Steve Stackis
Reside (v), sof, fas, cas, SF BP 31966 8/9/95 $5000.00
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