Elm Street 2954 P954 1Ifi 't.
0-h.L0 Clerk. 0 -John c lookey.
Remodel 2 story frame dmellimE D.P. 16 4/15/35 200.00
Erecting chinney on frame dwellg. B.P. 637 - 9/15/41
0-Willis Z. Clarke C-Owner
Cutting windows in sing. fi in. frane dwelling B.P. 1332
7/3/42 1;20.00
2954 Elm St.
0— Frank Post
Reroof S.F.Frame Dwellg.B,P, 530 8 -17 -54 90,00
O. Herbert Benn
Erect Storage Shed B.P. 547 7 -1 -63 75.00
Const. Roof Over Patio S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 337
6 -9 -65 119.00
O- Herbert Benn C -R & RHome Imp.
... Reroof_SFFrame_.dwllg, B.P. _. 519, ..6/7/77..800.00
0 -Herb Benn C- Bullock Garages
erect 22'x26' det. frm gar SF frm dwllg BP 2769 10/20/80
2954 Elm
Board of Adjustment Docket 38 -87 for variance in side
yard setback -- requirements to allow an addition 1' from
prop. line. - Approved 7/23/87
0 -Tom Draus C -Owner
erect 8x15 add. to SF frm dwllg BP 12316 8/7/87 $5000.00
0- Michael" Plumley C- Owner
t /o, reroof, t /o-,-- reside, sd, SF__BP28811__4 -5 -95_