Embassy West Drive 1660 1660 Embassy West Dr. l
0- Westmark Enterprises C -Prism Corp.
install fndn for future office bldg BP23537 4/6/94 N/A
0- Westmark Enter. Inc. C -Prism Corp.
erect shell only on exist. fndn, ■offices, BP23781
5/9/94 $1,026,876.00
0- Westmark Enterp. Inc. C- Continental Fire Sprinkler
install automatic sprinkler system comm.bldg BP24223
7/8/94 $21,951.00
0- Westmark Enterprises C -Prism Corp.
inter. remodeling for office space BP24446 8/9/94
1660 Embassy West Dr. rxA
0- Westmark Profess. Bldg C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst.
install new ilium. 2'x6' dbl faced sign free standing
BP24475 8/12/94 n /a_..
0- Westmark Enterprises Inc. C -Prism Corp.
inter. remodel, as half 2nd fir, office BP24502 8/18/94
$N /A
' 0- Westmark Enterprises C- Prism Corp
Finish 2nd floor, Comm BP27299 11 -21- 94$21,721.00
0- Westmark Enterprises C -Prism Corp
Completion of inter.'for east portion, 1st stry, Comm
BP _33473 10/24/95 $21,348.00
O-Westmark Enterprises C -Prism Corp.
Inc - finis off office space, sprinklers comm BP35062
617/96 n/a
0- Westmanr Prof. Bldrs. C- Prism Corp
finish inter; of office revise ass syst. office BP35144
6/14/96 $6,860.00
0- Horizon Development C -Prism
remodel interior for retail space BP36016 9/19/96 $10,980
0-Horizon C -Prism
new partitions w/ finish to underside of floor deck above
on tenants side only 156 sq ft on L.L. Comm bldg
BP37346 7/3/97 $2400.00
1660 Embassy West Dr. `t
0- Westmark Profess. Bldg C-Prism Corp.
finish inter. for office space BP37620 8/15/97 $4825.00
0- Westmark Prof. Bldg C -Prism Corp.
finish -- inter for office space BP38132 12 /4/97 $7959
O- Westmark -Bldg C-Cont. Fire Sprklr Syst.
relocate exist. fire sprinkler heads, offices BP38158
12/15/97 $600.00
-0— Westmark Enterp. C- Tricon
add partitions to divide office space into leaseable areas
BP41581 5/1/2000 $6,600.00
0- Westmark - Enterprises C -Tri Con
remodel inter. for tenant space, comm. BP41911 7/6/2000
1660 Embassy West
0- Westmark Enterprises C-Tri-Con Const.
-- remndat for comma P42263 —