2003 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
of the
of the
For the Year
COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE ..............................................ANN E. MICHALSKI
COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE ......... ............................ DANIEL E. NICHOLSON
COUNCIL MEMBER FIRST WARD ..... ...................................JOHN H. MARKHAM
COUNCIL MEMBER SECOND WARD ..............................................ROY D. BUOL
COUNCIL MEMBER THIRD WARD .... ..................................JOYCE E. CONNORS
COUNCIL MEMBER FOURTH WARD .....................................PATRICIA A. CLINE
CITY MANAGER .........................................................MICHAEL C. VAN MILLIGEN
CITY CLERK ......................................................................JEANNE F. SCHNEIDER
CORPORATION COUNSEL .....................................................BARRY A. LINDAHL
ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER .................................. . CYNTHIA M. STEINHAUSER
AIRPORT MANAGER ................................................ ...............ANDREW D. PERRY
BUDGET DIRECTOR ................................................ DAWN LANG FROM 10/20103
BUILDING SERVICES MANAGER ........................... .......... RICHARD R. RUSSELL
CITY ASSESSOR ...................................................... .......RICHARD A. ENGELKEN
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ............... .................WILLIAM J. BAUM
FINANCE DIRECTOR ............................................... ...........KENNETH J. TEKIPPE
FIRE CHIEF .............................................................. ................ E. DANIEL BROWN
HUMAN RIGHTS DIRECTOR ................................... ................ KELLY R. LARSON
LEISURE SERVICES MANAGER ............................. ...................... GIL D. SPENCE
LIBRARY DIRECTOR ............................................... ............ SUSAN A. HENRICKS
PERSONNEL MANAGER ......................................... ............... RANDALL K. PECK
PLANNING SERVICES MANAGER .......................... ........... LAURA B. CARSTENS
POLICE CHIEF ......................................................... ................... KIM B. WADDING
PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST ................................ ...... MARY ROSE CORRIGAN
WATER DEPARTMENT MANAGER ......................... ...............ROBERT M. GREEN
Regular Meetings of the City Council were held on the
First and Third Mondays of each month at 6:30 P.M.
(1/6)(1/20)(2/17)(4/7)(5/5)(8/4)(9/2)(9/15)(10/20)(12/15) .......... 1,10,36,89,128,231,265,277,327,406
A & B Tap, Inc., Carol Meyers, 2600 Central, Cigarette Per. (6/16) ............................................. 178
A & B Tap, MUL, Inc., 2600 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per.; refund of liquor lic.
(1/6)(5/5)(717)..................................................................................................................... 5,6,131,196
A & G Electric Co., final of Burlington N RR Depot Restoration Project Contract 2 - Roofs,
Gutters, Downspouts. (11/17) .................................................................................................. 369
A & G Electric Company, final, First & Main Street Historical Lighting Project. (11/3)...... 351,352
A & T LLC, Plaza 20 Amoco, 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/16) .................................................179
Abstract of votes for Nov. 3 City Council Election. (11/17)......................................................... 370
Acceptance of deeds - Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Inc., also Bill Miller Logging, Inc. & Wm.
A & Mary L. Miller. (1/6).....................,....................................................................................... 2,3
Access & Indemnity Agreement, Mississippi on the River, photo shoot at Shot Tower. (7/21)217
Access Road - Rockdale Rd. development for Ed Tschiggfrie etc. (8/18) ............................... 257
Access, temporary, for Harvest Development, M. McNamer, from NW Arterial to 4100 Asbury for
development of assisted living project. (9/15)(10/6) ....................................................... 278,325
Account Clerk I position, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (10/6) .......................... 300
Accreditation in 2004, Police Department - Law Enforcement. (9/15)......................................281
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for Comprehensive Annual Financial
Reports - Certificate . for FY ending June 30, 2002. (5/5).....................................................130
Acquisition, Relocation Assist. Program Bee Branch Basin Stormwater Mitigation Act. (7/7)199
Acquisition and Demolition of flooded Old Mill Road properties. (9/15) ................................... 295
ADA Renovation, Eagle Point Water Plant. (9/15) ........................................................................ 285
Adair Street, E of, vacate & sell portion of Decorah St. to Douglas & Jean Kapp and Wm. &
Carole Kubler. (1/6).......................................................................................................................6
Adams Co. Development Agreement - City purchase their Port of Dbq property & relocate them
to Dbq Industrial Center West; part of Management Agenda. (5/5)(5/19)(9/4) 133,158,159,276
Adams Co. relocation & demolition, Project Amendment No.1 to contract with EDA. (717) ...195
Adams Co. Relocation to Dbq Ind. Center West, Economic Development Grant - G.O. Loan
Notes. (10/6)(10/20) ..................................................................................................... 317,340,341
Adams Co. Acceptance of Deed from them. (11/3)......................................................................355
Adams Co. - dismissal of their suit against City. (11/17)............................................................368
Adams Co. - Agreement to Economic Development Grant Agreement. (12/15)....................... 429
Adler, Eric, Claim; referred to Ins. (9/15) ......................................................................................277
Administrative Fee added - Police authorized Vehicle Impoundments, (10/20).......................342
Administrative Services contract for Old Mill Road property (flooded) purchase grant. (3/17) 82
Administrative Services Fee Renewal rates submitted by Alternative Service Concepts -
worker's comp claims administrator. (10/20)........................................................................329
Affordable Housing Program funds to assist families to buy homes. (3/17)..................:............ 81
Affordable Housing, Main & West 11th ,John Gronen, Local Contributing Effort. (11/17).382,383
Agency - Dbq Met. Area Solid Waste Agency, budget & 2004 landfill fees. (1/6) ......................... 4
Aggie St., end of, final plat of Medical Associates Subd. No.3 for Bob Hartig. (10/20)... 328,329
Agreement, IDOT, Roadway Improvements - State Park & Institutional Road, allow IDOT to bid
for roadway to Rip Row Valley at Mines of Spain. (1/6).............................................................3
Agreement, Total Administrative Services Corp. Agree. Flex spending, City employees. (1/6).4
Agreement addendum. IDOT Widening project, five lane, U.S. 20, NW Arterial to West of Old
Highway Road. (1/20) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""...............13
Agreement, 28E Indemnification, Dbq School District, for use of each other's facilities. (2/3) 24
Agreement with Canadian National RR for Fiber Optic Connection between City & Port of
Dubuque. (213) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""................................... 25
Agreement, Bunker Hill Management, with George Stephenson - G.M.S. Inc. (2/17) ................ 37
Agreement, concessions at Swimming Pools, Baseball Dreamers. (3/3).................................... 69
Agreement, Cable Franchise, Extension. (3/3)(6/2)(6/16)......................................... 73,168,181,182
Agreement, IDOT - Preconstruction, fiber optic conduit installation - US 20 Improve. (417).... 91
Agreement, Release of Escrow, Downtown Rehab Loan, Cooper Building, 299 Main. (4/7) 94,95
Agreement, Development, Adams Co. - City purchase their Port of Dbq property & relocate
them to Dbq Industrial Center West. (5/5)(5/19) ....................................................... 133,158,159
Agreement, FY 2003 & FY 2004, Four Mounds Foundation, Summer Day Camp Prog. (5/19).146
Agreement, FY 2004, NE Iowa School of Music, Uptown Recreation Prog. music lessons.
(5/19) ............................................................................................................................................146
Agreement, grant, Dbq Museum of Art, summer art programs Uptown Rec. Program. (5/19) 146
Agreement, Heritage Trail Extension Grant Agreement, extension of trail - Heron Pond
Wetlands to Dbq Jaycees Trail. (5/19).....................................................................................148
Agreement, Police - School Resource Officers, SRO, in schools.(6/2)(11/3) ....................165,348
Agreement Development, Second Amendment, Interstate Power & Light - development of
property of Interstate in Dbq Industrial Center West. (6/2)....................................................166
Agreement, Plastic Center, Inc. for lawsuit in Ice Harbor Urban Renewal Dis. (6/2) ................166
Agreement, Development, sale of property in Dubuque Industrial Center West 2"" Addn to
Vessel Systems, Inc. (6/2) ........................................................................................................170
Agreement, CEBA, Barnstead International. (6/16)......................................................................175
Agreement, contract with IA Dept. of Public Health, Dubuque Visiting Nurse Assn. (6/16) ....177
Agreement, Joint Labor Management Health Care Committee iii 6/30/05. (6/16)......................178
Agreement, Pre-Design, City & IDOT, new US 20 Mississippi River Crossing Project. (717) ...193
Agreement, Chamber of Commerce Loan, Marketing, America's River Projects. (717).....194,195
Agreement, Purchase of Services, Dubuque Humane Society. (7/21) """"""""""""""""""" 214
Agreement, Access & Indemnity Agreement with Mississippi on the River to do a photo shoot
at The Shot Tower. (7/21) ......................................................................................................... 217
Agreement, Subordination, Cooper Development Loan - DB & T, mortgage interest. (7/21).. 223
Agreement Amendment - Bargaining, Dbq. Professional Firefighters Assn. (7/28)(9/2).. 229,265
Agreement, Amalgamated Transit Union. (8/18) ................................................................... 244,245
Agreement, Confined Space Rescue Services. (9/2) ................................................................... 267
Agreement Amendment, City Manager Employment. (9/2) ......................................................... 267
Agreement, Infrastructure Assistance Program Loan Agreement between Eagle Window &
Door, certificate of compliance. (9/15) .................................................................................... 279
Agreement, Subordination, Premier Bank, 101-123 Main St. (9/15)(10/6)...........................284,319
Agreement, HUD Lead-Based Paint Award. (9/26)............................................................... 296,297
Agreement, Economic Development Grant-Adams Co. Expansion Loan Notes etc. (10/6).317
Agreement, Hillcrest Family Services for Murphy Park for Lighting Display. (10/20) ...............332
Agreement with Iowa Central & Eastern Railroad for Railroad Switch & Extension for the Flynn
Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Railroad Spur. (10/20) ..........................................................:.......... 332
Agreements - Industrial Sewer Use with Rousselot (Sanofi Bio Industries, Swiss Valley Farms
and Inland Protein). (8/18) ........................................................................................................ 245
Agreements, ISU Extension Services for Uptown Recreation Programs, FY 2003 & FY 2004 to
provide summer programs. (5/19) ...........................................................................................146
Agreements, Purchase of Services. (9/2) ..................................................................................... 273
Air Service Development Pilot Program - Small Community, grant application. (7/21)........... 217
Airport Commission, reappointment of Council Member John Markham. (1120) """"""""""'" 21
Airport - Northwest Airlines pulling out of Dubuque; Notice of NW Airlink - Mesaba Aviation,
Inc. to suspend Dubuque service 5/13/03. (2/3)(3/3)(417)............................................... 32,69,95
Airport CIP - reallocation of FAA Funds. (8/18) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""." 245
- .
Airport Department, Council review departmental budget. (2/20)................................................46
Airport Inn, E. Schwartz, 574 E. 16th, Liquor Lic. (7/7).................................................................197
Airport's Capital Improve. Prog. Project Budget, assessment, Quonset & shop bldg (7/21).. 217
Airport's grant application - Air Service Development Pilot Prog. - Small Community (7/21) 217
Aldi #30, Aldi Inc. 2160 Holiday Dr., Beer Per.; Liquor Lic. (11/3)...............................................356
Alexander Co., Development Agreement reo Dubuque Star Brewery Building. (4/21)..............124
Alexander Co. application for Historic Tax Credits for Star Brewery rehab. (10/6) .................. 304
Alexander, Senator, extend moratorium to 2005. (11/17)............................................................ 370
Alignment Study Request, Bee Branch, issues, 2nd phase, Drainage Basin Master Plan.(3/17)87
Alley platted & vacated in Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. (4/21).................112,114
Alley vacate between Bryant & Ramona Streets... Dubuque Community School Dis.
(3/3)(3/17)................................................................................................................................... 71,85
Alley vacated in Block 11 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. (4/21) """""""""""""""""""'" 113
Alley, portion, purchase request of Michelle Kenline, 205 S. Grandview, alley abutting.(8/18)244
Alley vacate request SW ofW 5th St. to The Finley Hospital. (8/18)(9/2) ............................. 247,271
Alley vacate & disposal, portion alley N of Hillcrest & W - St. Celia to Damian F. Arensdorf, alley
in Block 1 of Sunset Park Subd. No.3. (10/6)(11/17)(12/1) """""""""""" 300,371,372,399,400
Alley vacate request N of West 7"' St. - Mary Ransdell Settlement Agreement. (12/15)...411,412
Alleys in Blocks 20 & 28 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn., plats & vacation of
property in Fourth St. area - Port of Dubuque. (4/21)................................111,112,113,114,115
Alliant, was Interstate Power Co. - second amendment to Development Agreement. (6/2)....166
Alliant, Interstate Power, Utility Franchise Fee established. (7/28)(9/15) ...........................227,292
Alliant Energy Amphitheater, added to Park Ordinance, prohibiting alcohol etc. (417)101,102,103
Alliant Energy Grant of Easement to install underground telecommunications lines on city-
owned property- between 16th St & Kerper Ct. behind Smithfield property. (4/7)(4/21)96,123
Allison Henderson Park - In-Line Skate Rink Concrete Project. (8/18) """"""""""""""""""" 248
Altenhoff, Joseph, of ARC Design Resources, requesting funding to help clean up former meat
packing plant at 16th & Sycamore forWal-Mart. (1/20)(2/17) .........................................18,39,40
Alternate Components Project, Mississippi River's Edge Plaza etc. (10/6) .............................. 315
Alternate Parking - portion of E. 16th St. from Central to alley entrance, added to list of streets
for year round alternate side parking restrictions. (2/3) ..................................................... 31,32
Alternative Service Concepts - worker's comp claims administrator - Administrative Services
Fee Renewal. (1 0/20) ................................................................................................................. 329
Ambulance Services - adjustment of fees. (2/27)........................................................................ 59
Ambulance transfer business - Marvin Nye of Peosta, IA. (8/4)................................................. 241
Amendment, FY 2004 Budget. (1/20)(2/10)(2127)(5/19)(717)(7/9)(8/4) ...... 21,34,50,145,190,204,236
Amendment of current budget. (2/3)(5/19)(6/16) .............................................................26,160,186
Amendment - Heritage Trail Extension Engineering Contract, amendment, for trail from 22"" St.
to the Mines of Spain...add connection from Jaycees at NE corner of Kerper & 16th St.
across the Peosta Channel to the Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail. (1/6)............&.............3
Amendment 1 to FY 2004 Annual Action Plan; Amendment 2. (9/2)(12115)................. 266,267,430
Amendment of Engineering Contract for Heritage Trail Extension Project. (1/6).........................4
Amendment to contract, Economic Development Admin. - Adams Co. relocation. (717)........195
Amendment to Employment Agreement for City Manager Michael Van Milligen. (9/2) ............ 267
Amendm~nts to Federal Legislative Issues. (2117)........................................................................39
America's Crown Communities - Dubuque named that for 2003 - America's River project
award. (11/17)(12/15)...........................................................................................................382,432
America's First Responders, Nat'l League of Cities letter to President Bush urging him to
provide funding for Police, Fire, etc. (1/6) ................................................................................. 5
America's River Corporation, City as charter member & City Manager serving as rep. (5/19) 163
America's River Partnership - recognition -International Economic Development Council 2003
Honorable Mention Partnership Award. (11/3) .............'............................................................ 364
America's River Project, Loan with Chamber, Start-Up Marketing Effort by Convention &
Visitors Bureau. (717)..................................................................................................................195
America's Treasures (Save) Grant Application for Shot Tower. (3/3) ..................................... 69,70
American Heritage Streetcars - purchase for shuttle, Port of Dbq to downtown. (9/2) ........... 272
American Legion Post #6,1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/16>- ..........................................................179
American Trust & Savings Bank, appreciation for naming River's Edge Plaza to American Trust
River's Edge Plaza. (1/6)...............................................................................................................1
American Trust & Savings Bank, agents, HMS Preferred Health Choices, authorized to make
bank withdrawals for health and disability expenses. (3/17) .................................................. 81
American Trust River's Edge Plaza, - added to Park Ord., prohibiting alcohol. (4/7).101,102,103
American Trust River's Edge Plaza, Port of Dbq. Sign Landscaping Recognition Wall.(4/21) 124
American Trust River's Edge Plaza, Port of Dubuque, no garbage can, set out policy for
garbage - refuse pickup for visiting passenger boats. (9/15)............................................... 295
Amoco Food Shop, Mulgrew Oil, 1450 Loras Blvd., Beer Per. (7/21).........................................218
Amoco site, former, at 351 Dodge, monitoring well placement. (3/3) .......................................... 70
Amoco, Asbury, Mulgrew Oil Co., 3300 Asbury, Beer Per. (9/2) ................................................. 269
Amphitheater, Riverwalk, and Rivers Edge Plaza Usage Policies. (4/7) .................................... 100
Andaluz, Bruggeman Corp., 253 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/15)....................................................411
Anderson, Bob, IA Resource for International Service, thanks to City for hospitality for
international guests. (3/17)......................................................................................................... 82
Angie's Bar, Angela Mangeno, 1401 Elm, Liquor Lic. (9/15)....................................................... 282
Animal Licenses - fees changed for dog, cat and penalty. (7/9)......................................... 206,207
Annexation - City of Asbury, Notice that a hearing will be conducted on 9/5/03 on various
voluntary annexation requests. (9/2) ............."........................................................................ 265
Annexation, city's voluntary, heard by City Development Board at their 7/03 meeting. (6/16) 175
Annexation, Sageville, denial notice from City Development Bd. (5/5)(7/21)(8/18) 129,130,215,244
Annexation, Stewart Construct. property S Old Highway Road and W of Seippel Rd. (5/5).. 137
Annexation - voluntary, City Mgr. letter in opposition. (3/17)....................................................... 82
Annexation - voluntary requested by Kenneth & Maurine Harris; rezoning requested concurrent
with annexation. (10/6)(11/17)....................................................................................315,377,378
Annexation & rezoning, property Old Highway Rd., Dubuque County M1 to City LI. (4/21)118,119
Annexation proposed for nearly 700 acres along Middle Road, Seippel Road & Asbury Road.
(8/18)(1211) ................................................................................................................... 248,249,401
Annexation request for portion of ROW - Tanzanite Drive. (1/6)(2/3) ....................................... 6,29
Annexation Study Update - contract with Veenstra & Kimm. (5/19)..........................................148
Annexation, voluntary, city of Asbury, Joel Callahan. (6/16)(717)(8/18)........................178,191,251
Annual Action Plan, FY 2004. (1/20) ................................................................................................17
Annual Action Plan - CDBG; Amendment No.1; Amendment No.2. (1/20)(9/2)(12/15);7,266,430
Annual Action Plan, Amendment 3, FY 2003, CDBG funds; amendment 4; Amendment 5.
Annual Action Plan, Amendment 1, FY 04. (9/2) ................................................................... 266,267
Annual Business Licenses, increase in fee. (7/9).......................................................................209
Annual Conference - Iowa League of Cities Conference, submit bid for 2007 & name Markham
as a rep.; Dubuque chosen for year 2007. (1/20)(3/3) ......................................................... 21,67
Annual Report by East Central Intergovernmental Assn. - ECIA (1/6) .........................................1
Annual Report by Mediacom - TV Cable Co. (5/19) .....................................................................146
Annual Tax Increment Financing Report - TIF Report. (1211)..................................................... 404
Anti-War Resolution requested by Fabian Yaklin. (2/17)(3/3) ........................"................... 36,74,75
Anti-War Resolution, communication of Valorie Woerdehoff. (3/3) ............................................. 67
Apartment Buildings converted to Condominiums - building regulations set out. (8/4)......... 238
Apartments Ltd., Dubuque Mining, 555 JFK Road, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2117)(717)..39,106
Apex Concrete Plant rezoning Hwy 61/151 & Hwy 52, property of Dan Mueller, many objections
to rezoning. (2117)(4/21)(12/15)....................................................................................40,121,415
Applebee's GrilUBar, Apple Corp., 1395 Associates, Liquor Lic. (6/16).....................................179
Apples for Students Months Proclamation. (6/16).......................................................................174
Application for Section 8 Mainstream Program Housing Vouchers. (6/16) ............................... 173
Application - US EPA for Brownfield Grant for cleanup of petroleum contamination in Port of
Dubuque Area. (7/21)................................................................................................................216
Application - Air Service Develop Pilot Program, Small Community, grant application. (7/21)217
Application - updated REAP Plan. (7/21) ..................................................................................... 224
Application - Vendors criteria at Port of Dubuque and Hawthorne Street Peninsula. (7/21)... 224
Application - Certified Local Government Program - CLG Program Funding Phase V of
Architectural Historical Survey. (9/2)....................................................................................... 267
Application - Iowa Vision fund reo Minor League Baseball Team. (10/20) ................................. 327
Application - Vision Iowa, authorized for baseball stadium. (11/3)............................................363
Applications. Capital Advance Programs, HUD funding for Section 202 & 811. (5/5)...........131
Appointments of city reps to Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning Comm. (6/2)............................ 171
April 2003, claims and revenues, proof of publication. (6/2) ......................................................165
April 2003, Council Proceedings approved as printed. (717) ...................................................... 190
April 21, 2003, Proof of Council Proceedings. (5/19)...................................................................144
Aquarium - Nat'l Mississippi River Museum - Grand Opening Print presented. (9/2).............265
Aragon Tap, Myra Woodman, 1103 Iowa, Cigarette Permit; Liquor Lic. (6/16)(11/17) .......178,371
Aramark Education Services, Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista, Liquor Lic.(417) .......................... 95
Arbor Estates - Sanitary Sewer Lift Station accepted. (5/5).......................................................130
Arbor Estates, Lot 1A, vacation of a portion of JF Kennedy Rd. & W. 32"" St. - Selchert's.
(12/15).................................................................................................................................. 412,413
Arbor Glen Apartments First Add., final plat, accept dedication of Raven Oaks Dr. (4/7).. 99,100
Arbor Group - Arbor Glen Apartments First Addition, final plat, accept dedication of Raven
Oaks Dr. (4/7)........................................................................................................................99,100
Arboretum & Botanical Gardens requesting No Parking on South Side of Arboretum Dr.
(4/21) .............................................................................................................................................108
ARC Design Resources, Inc./JMC Gold Medal Meat, Inc., Wal-Mart Stores - requesting
rezoning of 16th & Sycamore Sts. -former meat packing plant. (1/20)(2117)...............18,39,40
Architect for baseball stadium in Port of Dubuque, action tabled. (12/18)................................433
Architectural and Historical Survey- Phase III, draft report. (5/19)..........................................162
Architectural and Historical Survey- Phase IV - CLG Grant Agreement. (5/5)(6/16).......129,176
Architectural Salvage Warehouse, Midwest, Comm. in support, letter, Vance DeLire. (717) ...191
Area Labor Management DBQ, Town Clock Plaza area, Beer Permits. (7/21)................:.......... 218
Area Lifetime Center, Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/21) ...................................................108
Arensdorf, Damian, purchase alley, by2117 St. Celia St. (10/6)(11/17)(1211)300,371,372,399,400,
Arensdorf, Pamela, Instant Replay, 1602 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/16)(12115)178,411
Arenz, John, objecting to rezoning at 296 N. Grandview. (1/20) ..................................................19
Army Corps of Engineers, special study, CoulerValley reach. Little Maquoketa River. (4/21)109
Army Corps of Engineers, definition of "reasonably foreseeable" reo SW Arterial. (5/5).........140
Army Corps of Engineers, Couler Valley Study completion by %. (12/1) ................................... 393
Arson fire at St. Joseph the Worker Church, letter of support. (8/18) ...................................... 260
Art Museum for Uptown Recreation Programs, FY 2003 Agreement. (5/19) .............................146
Art Museum Loan Agree. amend defer interest payments Downtown Rehab Loan. (4/21) 124
Arterial Corridor- SW, moratorium on building permits in that area. (417)(4/21) ..............104,121
Arterial update, Southwest, legislators, Nussle requesting $41 M for this project. (4/21)...109
Arterial, SW, US Army Corps of Engineers explanation. (5/5) ....................................................140
Arts & Culture Task Force, J. Enzler of Museum wanting representative. (1120) ...................... 21
Artwork for Grand River Center. (9/15)(11/17) ................................................................ 291,292,386
Asbury Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil Co., 3300 Asbury Rd., Cigarette Per. (6/16)................178
Asbury Amoco, 3300Asbury, Mulgrew Oil, Beer Per. (9/2) .......................................................... 269
Asbury Plaza Detention Facility - drainage problems, Atty Werner Hellmer for Joseph & Judy
Riniker. (7/7)(9/2) ................................................................................................................199,267
Asbury Plaza Drainage issue, response of City Manager to inquiries. (6/2).............................166
Asbury Rd, 3501, Donald & Clarence Pfohl requesting to purchase property. (5/19)............... 144
Asbury Plaza Planned Commercial District - Hy-Vee, Rubloff, requesting zoning to add
convenience store and carwash. (5/19) ..................................................................................156
Asbury Rd & NW Arterial, rezoning forDB & T Bank. (9/15) ....................................................... 288
Asbury Rd at South Way, Clarence P. Pfohl, requesting vacation of a portion. (9/15) ...... 282,283
Asbury Rd at South Way, deed from DuTrac Community Credit Union for ROW. (10/6).......... 304
Asbury Rd, 1870, rezoning from C1 to C2 for Dbq County Right to Life. (11/17) ...................... 379
Asbury Rd, 4100, Harvest Development rezoning from R1 & R3 to PUD with PR - senior
assisted living housing complex - McNamer etc.; temporary access from NW Arterial
requested. (7/21)(9/15)(10/6)............................................................................... 221,222,278,325
Asbury Rd, Middle Road, Seippel Road, - annexation of nearly 700 acres in county to Dubuque.
Asbury, City of, Voiuntary Annexation, J. Callahan Construction. (6/16) ..................................178
Asbury, City of, Annexation, Notice of hearing on 9/5/03 voluntary requests. (9/2) ................. 265
Ashley Lane, final plat ofWynstone Subd. (11/17) ............................................................... 383,384
Asphalt Paving Project, FY 2004. (5/5)(6/2) ...........................................................................135,171
Assessment Funds, Transfer Excess Special Assess. Funds to Street Construct. Fund. (2117)37
Assistance Program - Eagle Window & Door & City, certificate of compliance.(9/15) ............ 279
Assistant Police Chief names certified by Civil Service Commission. (1120)..............................10
Associate Planner position, add'l, requesting funding. (2/20)(2/27)..................................46,50,58
Athenian Grill, 1091 University, Beer Wine License. (5/5)...........................................................132
Atkinson, Jerrod, in support of higher taxes rather than losing City jobs. (7/9)....................... 205
Audubon Elementary School, Cp2 funds. (5/19)..........................................................................162
Audubon School Appreciation Poster to CD Comm. & Principal of Audubon School. (9/2) ... 265
Audubon Society - W. Buchholtz, comments @ condo development at 2800 Rhomberg. (2/3)27
August 2003, Financial Reports. (9/15).........................................................................................277
August Claims & Revenues Summary, Proof. (10/6) .................................................................. 299
August 2003 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (10/20).................................................... 327
Avenue of Flags - Noon Optimists Project. (12/1)....................................................................... 404
Avery, Alan, application for Library Board of Trustees; appointed. (6/2)(6/16)...............,...169,180
Award, America's Crown Communities, Dubuque 2003, America's River. (11/17)(12/15) 382,432
Awards for City, Main St Awards Banquet. (5/19)........................................................................163
Awards - Iowa Ready Mixed Concrete Assn - Mississippi Riverwalk Phase 11- recipient of
Recreational Trails / Golf Cart Paths Category Award for 2003. (11/3) .................................. 364
Awards - HUD - Section 8 Rental Assistance Programs recognized with 2 certificates of
achievement. (8/18)...................................................................................................................245
Awards -Int'I Economic Devel. Council 2003 Honorable Mention Partnership. (11/3)............ 364
Awn Stop Mart, Inc., 1998 Jackson, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (2/3)(8/4) .............................. 27,233
Bald Eagle Court, final plat of Eagle Valley Subd. (8/18)......................................................257,258
Ball Field Fencing Project, - Dbq Girls Independent League, final. (1/6)....................................... 2
Ball Field Development Project, Rip Row Valley, final estimate etc. (3/3) ................................... 68
Ballot, Referendum, Dbq. Initiatives, for bringing Minor League Baseball Team to Dubuque.
(10/20)(11/3) ........................................................................................................................ 327,362
Bandy, Jonas, VP of Dbq Professionals Firefighters Assn Local 353, address Council reo Fire
Dept. staffing budget reductions. (6/16)(7/9)...................................................................185,204
Bank Account Information, Finance Dept. employees authorized to obtain info etc. (11/3)....354
Bank Withdrawals, American Trust and Savings Bank, authorized agents of City for Health
Choices for medical and disability expenses. (3/17) ............................................................... 81
Bankruptcy Notice for Eagle Foods. (4/21)(8/4)(10/6)(10/20)(1211) .................109,231,300,328,389
Banks - City fiscal officers authorized to do electronic investment transactions with Treasury
Direct and to sign checks and drafts. (11/3).................................................................... 353,354
Banner, Street, in Historic Districts, request Historic Pres. Comm. be part of advisory review.
(11/3)........................................................................................................................................... 364
Banworth, Francine, reo Eagle Point Bluff Devel. - Condo's. (10/6).................................... 321,322
Bar X, Michael's, L & M Wharf Corp., 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic. (12/15)...................................411
Baranchikova, Ms. Darina, from Slovakia, welcomed to City at Council Meeting. (3/3) ............. 67
Barbee, John, letter - proposed baseball stadium. (12/1) ......................".................................. 389
Bargaining Agreement- Amalgamated Transit Union. (8/18) ............................................... 244,245
Bargaining Agreement amendment, Int'I Union of Operating Engineers. (8/18)....................... 245
Barge Tour, Nicholson and Connors, comments @ riverfront development. (8/18) ................ 260
Barnhart, Chris, claim; referred to Ins. (7/21)(8/4) ............................................................... 212,231
Barnstead International- CEBAApplication for expansion. (5/5)(6/16).............................140,175
Barrick, Wm., & Anthony Kemp, subordinate a mortgage interest in 101-123 Main St. (9/15).284
Bartolotta, Michael, claim; settlement. (6/16)(7/7).................................................................174,190
Barton Randle Addn., disposing easement - John F. Kennedy Rd. to Grand View United
Methodist Church; acceptance of public improvements. (10/6)(10/20)(12/1) ........ 316,340,393
Baseball Dreamers, LLC., Admiral Sheehy Dr., Beer Permit. (3/3) ............................................... 71
Baseball - Dbq Girls Independent League, Grand Opening. (5/5).............................................. 139
Baseball- Rising Stars Independent League Days Proclamation. (612)....................................165
Baseball Stadium special election. (11/3).................................................................................... 362
Baseball Stadium Press Release. (11/3) ....................................................................................... 365
Baseball Stadium Referendum, letter from John Barbee. (12/1) ................................................ 389
Baseball Stadium, filing of Vision Iowa Application authorized. (11/3) .....................................363
Baseball Stadium, RFP's for Design Services. (11/17) .........................................:.................... 386
Baseball Stadium, General Fund Capital Loan Notes & selection of architect. (12/18) ...........433
Baseball Team, Minor League, Dbq Initiatives requesting referendum for bringing to Dubuque;
communications against. (10/20)(11/3)(11/17)......................................................... 327,362,369
Baseball, Riverside, LCC, - disposition of property in Ice Harbor by Lease. (11/3)(12/15) 358,427
Baseball Referendum, Sr. Margaret Ann Willging letter. (12/15) ................................................408
Basket Expressions, Mildred Dolter, 474 Bluff, Wine Permit. (7/21) .......................................... 218
Bauer, Jodie L, Claim; denial. (7/21)(8/18)............................................................................ 212,243
Bauerly, M. Kathryne, purchase city alley near 145 S. Grandview. (717) ...................................190
Baum, Bill, appointed as proxy if Council or Manager not at DMATS Mtg; on GDDC Board of
Directors. (5/19)(6/16).........................................................................................................149,184
Baumhover, Damian, claim; Denial. (1/20)(2/3) .........................................................................10,23
Bee Branch Alignment Study Request for Proposals - second phase of Drainage Basin Master
Plan; approval of Camp Dresser & McGhee for engineering of it. (3/17)(5/19)...............87,162
Bee Branch Basin Stormwater Mitigation Activities, Acquisition Relocation Assistance
Program. (717)...........................................................................................................................199
Bee Branch Citizen Advisory Committee roster for Alignment Study. (8/18) ............................ 259
Bee Branch Citizen Advisory Committee, Alignment Study Area possible building permit
moratorium be referred to them. (1211)(12/15).................................................................400,430
Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Committee letter to Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., stormwater
problems. (12/1) ........................................................................................................................ 389
Beecher Beverage, 1691 Asbury Rd., Beer Per.; Class "BW" Wine Permit; Cigarette Permit.
(5/5)(6/16) ........................................................................................................................131, 132,178
Beecher, Stephanie, youth applicant for Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm.; appointed.
(10/20)(11/3) ........................................................................................................................ 335,361
Bees, Rev. Tim, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Gave Invocation. (1120) ....................................10
Behnke, Paul J., Claim; settlement. (1120)......................................................................................10
Belcastro, Frank & Joan, objecting to 296 N. Grandview rezoning. (1120)..................................19
Bell - John Bell Block Building, put on National Register of Historic Places. (1/20) ................. 15
Bell & Fifth St. Construction Project awarded contract to Tschiggfrie. (2/3) """"""""""""""" 31
Bell & Third Street, Port of Dubuque Sign & Landscaping project. (4/21).................................124
Bell St. Extension, Bus Storage, remote, temporary. (8/18)........................................................245
Bell St. Sidewalk Color Pattern, design changed & revised crosswalk, Fifth & Bell Sts. (1/20)21
Bell St., final plat of Riverwalk 4th - Fourth Addn. (5/19).............................................................146
Bell St., final plat of Riverwalk 5th Addn. (12/1)............................................................................ 393
Bell Street, NW, in Port of Dubuque, vacate certain portions. (4/21) ....................110,111,112,113
- Bell Tower Theater, 2728 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic. (8/4) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 234
Bell, Gina, applicant - Community Development Comm.; applicant - Housing Commission;
appointed - Housing. (6/2)(6/16)(7/21)(8/4).........................................................169,180,219,236
Bemis, Harry J., applicant for Transit Board of Trustees. (8/4) .................................................. 236
Bennett St., 1755, rezoning request for N. Grandview property of former Grandview Methodist
Church, for Hartig Drug. (10/20)............................................................................................... 335
Bergen, Nadine, One Flight Up, 44 Main St., Cigarette Per. (7/21)..............................................218
Bergfeld, Kenneth & Janet, Farm Lease Extension. (7/21) .........................................................217
Best Buy retail store, rezoning, amend PUD of Kennedy Mall, 555 JF Kennedy Rd.(5/19) ......154
Bichel, Kenneth,P., reo proposed Wal-Mart at 16th & Sycamore. (1/20)........................................18
Bichell, Mary Loney, Jackson Park applicant for Historic Preservation Comm.; appointed.
(3/3)(3/17) ..................................................................................................................................73,84
Bichell, Mary Loney, Mississippi Mug Bistro, 373 Bluff, Liquor Lic. (12/1) ............................... 394
Bickel, Dr. Kenneth R., concerns @ stormwater utility. (1/6).........................................................1
Bickel, Rev. Ken, Pastor of First Congregational Church of Christ, Gave Invocation. (213) ...... 23
Bicycle Fee Ordinance changed. (2/27) .......................................................................................... 58
Bidding threshold, public, letter to legislators. (3/17) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 82
Bid-letting specifics of Police towing contract with vehicles. (8/4) ................................:.......... 232
Bierstube, Ltd., Marie Moeller, business license refund. (1120) ...................................................15
Bierstube - Europa Haus, Inc. 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (10/20) .......................................... 333
Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (2/17)(6/16) .......................................... 39,178
Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil, 1875 JFK Road, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(11/3).....................178,356
Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil, 9th and Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(12/15) ................... 178,410
Bitter, Attorney Joe, representing Pat Kennedy for rezoning S of Nightengale Lane. (2117)..... 40
Bixler, Andrea, applicant, Environmental Steward. Adv. Com. appointed. (10/20)(11/3).. 335,361
Blackwater Grill, Cooper Mngemt, 299 Main, Liquor Lic.; Class B Beer Per. (5/19)(6/2)..150,167
Blake, Marilyn, voluntary annexation agreement. (9/2) ...............................................................266
Blakeman, Kent J., & Housing Services, claim/suit by Crestar Mortgage. (5/19)..................,...144
Blind Society - White Cane Safety Day Proclamation. (10/6)......................................................299
Bluff Land Overlay District, City to look at creation. (2117)(4/21).......................................... 44,125
Bluff Land Protective Measures, City Mgr. info on 4/7/03 meeting. (3/3)(3/17)....................... 68,87
Board of Directors - GDDC, appointments to Board. (6/16) ....................................................... 184
Board of Supervisors, Dubuque County, Manager request, rezoning conditions for property on
Seippel Rd. (6/2) .......................................................................................................................166
Boards & Commissions appointments of Council themselves. (1/6) ............................................ 8
Boat Club, Walter Pregler questioning relocation of maintenance shop of Water Dept. (11/3)365
Boats, visiting passenger, reo refuse/garbage pickup procedure. (9/15)...................................295
Bodine's LlC, 1445 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (4/21) ............................................109,110
Bodines, 1445 Central, Cigarette Permit. (6/16) ...........................................................................178
Boge, Tim & Malin, requesting rezoning of 296 N. Grandview property. (1120) .....................18,19
Bond Registrar, Wells Fargo Bank Iowa, serve as Paying Agent for G.O. Bond Sale for
Stormwater Projects.; issuance of $2,110,000 G. O. Bonds. (10/6).......................306,307-314
Bonds - Tax Increment Revenue Bonds to support Vessel Systems. (12/1) """""""""'" 395,396
Bonds, G.O., Sale to support Stormwater Project. (8/4)(8/18)(9/15) ............... 234,255,256,290,291
Bonson Road Watermain Project. (5/5).........................................................................................138
Book Room for Summer School- Audubon Elementary School- Cp2 funds. (5/19)..............162
Boothby, Linda, Claim, referred to Ins. (6/16)...............................................................................174
Borchers, Jack, for Grand View United Methodist Church rezoning on N. Grandview. (10/20)335
Bowling Lanes (Dbq), 1029 % Main St., Liquor Lic. (6/2).............................................................167
Boyes Place, portion of rezoned - Lincoln Ave. for Jay Winger. (1211)..............................400,401
Boynton, Amy, The Mandolin Inn, 199 Loras, Wine Permit. (9/2) ...............................................269
Bradford, Pam, petition reo Chestnut St Reconstruction Proj. (10/6).................................. 319,320
Bradley, James, zoning change, N. Grandview, former Grand View Methodist Church for Hartig
Drug. (10/20) .............................................................................................................................. 335
Brashaw, Mary, traffic @ Washington School- Lombard St. (10/6) .........................................300
Breaktime Bar & Grill, Michael & Theresa Kalmes, 1097 Jackson, Liquor Lic. ; Cigarette Per.
Bredeweg, Thomas G., Ex. Dir. of Nat'l League of Cities, letter to Governor Vilsack. (5/19)...145
Breezer's Pub, 600 Central, Liquor Lic.; Liquor Lic. (116)(12115)............................................. 6,411
Breitbach, Susan, Claim; denial of claim. (6/2)(6/16)...........................................................165,174
Brevirt, Gregory A, US HUD, reo City's CDBG Program. (213)....................................................... 27
Brewery- NW of Bell St. and the Brewery, vacation of streets & alleys. (4/21) ........................110
Brewery Lease, Management Agenda for 2005. (9/4) .................................................................. 276
Brewery Redevelopment, formal Development Agreement with The Alexander Co. (4/21).....124
Brewery Rehabilitation Project - Environmental Notice & Release of Funds. (7/21 )(9/2).213,265
Brewery, Star, Application for Historic Tax Credits for Alexander Co. for rehab. (10/6) .......... 304
Brick crosswalks & limestone curb & gutter - Chestnut Street Reconstruction Proj. (11/3).. 364
Brick Pavers - Downtown Neighborhood Council to install brick paver sidewalks in 1'100 & 1400
block of Locust Street. (7/21)..................................................................................................... 225
Bricktown - Blackwater Grill, Cooper Management, 299 Main, Liquor Lic.; Class "B" Beer
Permit. (5/19)(6/2) ...............................................................................................................150, 167
Bricktown Brewery, Class B Beer Per. (6/2) ................................................................................. 167
Bridge Restaurant, Raysan Corp., 31 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (11/3)...........................................356
Bridge, U.S. 20, discussion of proposed design of 2"" bridge, D. Rusk & Long Range Planning
Comm. requesting identical design as original. (3/3)..............................................................74
Bridge, U.S. 20, Pre-Design Agreement, IDOT, Mississippi River Crossing Project. (717)......193
Brimeyer, Gerald, claim; settlement. (8/18)(9/2).................,................................................243,265
Broessel, Patricia, Corner Tap, 2093 Washington, Liquor Lic. (5/5) .......................................,.. 132
Brownfield Assessments Demonstration Pilot grant program in the Port of Dubuque. (1/6)...... 4
Brownfield Cleanup Grant - EPA, for cleanup of Port of Dubuque area. (7/21)........................216
Brownfield Redevelopment Program Application -IDED, for Port of Dubuque environmental
remediation. (1 0/6) ....................................................................................................................304
Bruggeman Corp., Andaluz, 253 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/15) ....................................................411
Brunskill Rd., 2711, Wagner Subd. Final Plat. (4/21) ...................................................................107
Bruse, Steven, Claim; referred to Drew Cook & Sons. (9/15).....................................................277
Bryant and Ramona Streets, alley, Vacating Request by Dbq Community School District.
(3/3)(3/17)(5/19)............................................................................................................... 71,72,85,147
Bryant School Place plat approved. (5/19) ...................................................................................147
Buchholtz, Wayne, Dubuque Audubon Society, letter@ rezoning for condos at 2800 Rhomberg
..former Tolibridge Inn. (2/3)..........................................................,............................................ 27
Budget of landfill & FY 04 landfill fees - Dbq Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency. (1/6).......4
Budget, FY 2004, Operating & CIP; adoption; Budget reduction; amendment set for Public
Hearing; modifications; amendment. (1/20)(2110)(2/27)(5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(717)(7/9)(8/4)(9/2)
...................................................................... 21.34,58,163,172,174,185,186,202,204,236,271,272
Budget Public Hearing - stormwater utility decision. (1/20)(7/21) ........................................20,224
Budget, FY 2003, Budget Form Conversion. (2/3) ......................................................................... 25
Budget Amendment, FY 2003. (2/3)(4/21)(5/19)(6/16)......................................... 26,117,160,185,186
Budget - council review of various departments. (2/20)(2/26) ................................................ 46,48
Budget - Operating Budget for Assisted Housing Programs of Housing & Community
Development Department. (2/27) ...............................................................................................49
Budget Public Heating, FY 2004; special meeting - review of FY 04 Operating Budget.
(2127)(11/10) .....................................................................................................................50-65,366
Budget cuts because of State budget cuts for FY 04 Budget. (5/19).........................................145
Budget reduction -letter from Community Development ColT)m. @ impact; .(6/16)................174
Budget problems reo Project Concern status. (6/16) ................................................""""""""'" 178
Budget reduction, Firefighters concerns etc. (6/16) .................................................................... 185
Budget reduction - Transit Trustee Board letter. (7/7)................................................................196
Budget FY 2005, direction on presentations of budget. (11/17).................................................386
Budget Guidelines, FY 2005 Policy. (1211)....................................................................................404
Budget, FY 2005, Hearing Schedule set. (12/15) .......................................................................... 432
Budget, FY 2005, speciai meeting reo source of funds, also review FY 04 Budget. (10/30)..... 345
Buesing & Associates - Dan Conrad, final plat of Cedar Crest Subdivision. (1120)..............19,20
Buesing & Associates reo QHQ requested rezoning for property S of Holliday Dr. & W of NW
Arterial. (5/19)(612)(8/4)(10/6)........................................................................153,169,236,237,322
Building conversion to Condominiums. (8/4) ..........................................".......................... 238,239
Building Demolitiol1 & Site Clearance Project, Port of Dubuque. (7/21)(8/18)............. 218,219,257
Building Permits fees increased. (2127).......................................................................................... 59
Building Regulations, Code Ch. 11, amended reo Demolition Districts. (10/20).............,......... 342
Building Service Dept., Council departmental budget review. (2110)........................................... 34
Buildings on Lower Main St. -litigation, settlement. (7/7) .........................................................193
Bunker Hill Golf Course Management Agree with G.M.S. Inc - George Stephenson. (2/17).... 37
Bunker Hill Golf Course Renovation Master Plan - hiring of Gill Miller architects. (3/17) ......... 87
Buol, Council Member Roy D., reappointed to Long Range Planning Advisory Comm.;
reappointed to DRA Board. (7/7)(12/1) ............................................................................. 202,402
Buol, Mayor Pro-Tem Roy D., took special meeting. (2/20)(5/5) ............................................ 46,127
Burger, Wm., plat of survey of Martin Addition. (2/17) .................................................................. 38
Burgess, Larry, ,for rezoning, Grand View United Meth Church, N. Grandview. (10/20)......... 335
Burkhart, Stephanie A., Claim; referred to Insurance. (5/5) ........................................................128
" ~"
Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, acceptance of Contract 2 & 5.
(3/3) ......................................................................................................................................... 67,68
Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, Contract 7, Finish Carpentry, final.
(10/6)........................................................................................................................................... 303
Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, Contract 8, Roof, final. (10/6) ........ 303
Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, Contract 2 - Roof, Gutters &
Downspouts completed by A & G Electric Co. (11/17).................................................... 369,370
Burlingtoll Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, Controls 13 HVAC & 14 Plumbing
accepted. (11/3)..................................................................................................................350,351
Bus Line - Greyhound Bus Contract, Keyline Transit to sell tickets etc. (5/5) ........................ 130
Bus Line - Keyline, objections increase fare rates & deletion of Saturday services. (7/21)... 212
Bus Loading - Unloading & Parking Policy at Port of Dubuque. (12/15)...................................431
Bus storage - remote, temporary, Bell St. Extension to old Peavey Grain Storage. (8/18) ..... 245
Buses - trolleys, discussion of Transit Alternatives Analysis for Port of Dubuque
transportation to downtown Dubuque; purchase of trolley replicas. (8/11)(9/2).......... 242,272
Bushman, Tim, claim; referred to Ins. (1/20)(2117)....................................................................10,36
Business Incubator, downtown Dubuque, cost sharing of NICC for a feasibility study. (4121)124
Business Licenses fee increased. (7/9) ........................................................................................ 209
Busted Lift, 180 Main St., 1 Day Liquor lic. for outside.; Liquor Lic.; Lease agreement for public
ROW for outdoor service; Liquor License Outdoor Service; Irish Fest request to Council;
Class B Beer Permit at Murphy Park for Irish Fest. (2117)(4/21)(6/2)(7/1)(10/6)
.......................................................................................................................... 39,110,171,189,322
Byrnes Subdivision, easement for Alliant Energy telecommunication lines. (4/21)................123
(1/20)(2/3)(2/17)(3/17)(417)(5/5)(6/16)(1 0/20).............................................. 10,23,36,78, 128,174,327
(1/6)( 1/20)(213)(2/17)(3/3)(3/17)(417)(4/21)( 5/5)( 5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(717)(8/4)(8/18)(9/2)(9/15)( 10/6)
.......... 1,10,23,36,67,78,89,107,128,144,165, 174, 190,231,243,265,277 ,299,327 ,347,368,389,406
(1/20)(2/5)(2/1 0)(2/20)(2/24)(2/26)(2/27)(3/5)(5/5)(5/8)(6/16)(6/23)(7/1 )(7/9)(7/28)(8/11 )(8/21)(9/3)
............ 9,33,34,46,47,48,50,76,127,142,173,187, 189,204,227 ,242,262,275,276,345,366,367,433
(1/6)(2/3)(2/17)(3/3)(3/17)(4/7)(4/21 )(5/5)(5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(717)(7/21 )(8/4)(8/18)(9/2)(9/3)(9/15)
.......1,23,36,67,78,89,107,128,144,165, 174,190,212,231,243,265,275,277,299,327 ,347 ,368,389,406
CIVIC CENTER (FIVE FLAGS) SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/6)(2/17)(2/24)(3/3)(7/7)(8/18)
(1/20)(2/17)(3/17)(4/21 )(7/21)(8/4)(1 0/6)(1 0/20)(11/3) ....................... 10,36,78,107,212,231,299,327
(2/3)(2/17)(3/17)(4/7)(6/2)(6/16)(8/18)(8/19)(9/2)(9/15)(9/26)(1 0/6)(1 0/20)(11/3)(11/17)(12/15)
................................................. 32,44,88,105,172,186,260,261 ,274,295,296,326,344,365,386,432
(213)(2/17)(717)(8/18)(9/2)(1 0/6) .............................................,...................... 23,36,190,243,265,299
CONFERENCE. BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/17)(3/3)(4/7) ........................................ 36,67,89
Cabela's Walleye Tournament in Dubuque, Letter of Support for 2005. (11/17) .......................371
Cable Rate Increase effective 2/1/03 - Mediacom. (1/6) ....................................................:.............. 8
Cable Teleprogramming Commission appointment of Burton Everist. (2/3) .............................. 28
Cable Teleprogramming Commission applicant Jennifer Tigges; reappointed. (8/4)(8/18)236,251
Cable TV, Mediacom Franchise Extension.
(3/3)(3/17)(6/2)(6/16)(1211)(12/15) ..................................................,............. 73,86,168,182.395,396
Cable TV Division budget, Council review. (2/5)............................................................................33
Cable TV - Mediacom, annual report submitted. (5/19) ..............................................................146
Caboose, Main Street, Donald Meyer, refund of liquor Lic. (7/21)..............................................217
Cafaro Co., rezoning of Kennedy Mall, 555 JFK Rd. (5/19)(10/20) ..................154,155,156,338,339
Café - Outdoor, Sidewalk Café Ordinance criteria. (7/7)(8/4) ................................200-202,237,238
Café Manna Java, 269 Main, Liquor Lic. (10/6).............................................................................316
CAFR - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, 2002. (1/6) ....................................................... 3
Callahan, Joel - Callahan Construction, voluntary annexation of property owned by Callahan
Construction; requesting facilitation of mixed use subdivision development.
(7/7)(7/16)(7/21)(8/18)(9/15) ....................................................................191,178,218,251 ,252,291
Callahan, Joel, final plat of Westbrook Subd. (10/6)....................................................................324
Callahan, Joel, Seippel Rd. North of Dubuque Industrial Center West, rezoning. (10/20) 336,337
Camp Dresser & McKee - CDM, consultants for Storm water utility, clarification; Bee Branch
alignment study; communication @ stormwater problems. (2/20)(5/19)(1211) ........ 46,162,389
Canadian National Railroad reo Installation of a Four Inch PVC Fiber Optic Conduit. (2/3)....... 25
Canfield Place No.2, plat of survey - SW Corner of Fourth & Iowa Sts. (3/17)........................... 80
CAPER - Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report - CAPER for 7/1/02 thru
6/30/03. (9/15) ........................................................................................................................... 280
Capital Advance Programs, HUD funding available for Section 202 & 811, requesting
applications. (5/5)...................................................................................................................... 131
Capital Fund Loan Notes & Loan Agreement. (11/3)(11/17).................................................360,381
Capitol Improvement Program - FY 2004 Operating Budget, overview of proposed budget by
MVM. (1/20)..................................................................................................................................21
Capitol Improvement Program, Five Year, Public Hearing etc. (2/10)(2127) ...................... 34,56,57
Capital Improvement Program Project - Airport. structural assessment for Quonset & shop,
building. - state grant. (7/21) ..................................................'................................................. 217
Capitol Improvement Project - Reallocation of FAA Funds. (8/18) ............................................ 245
Capitol Improvement Program - CIP Projects - Management Agenda set out by Council in goal
setting session. (9/4) ................................................................................................................ 276
Captain - Fire, certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/21) ............................................................... 215
Captain - Police, certified by Civil Service Comm. (1120) .............................................................11
Carey Graybill/Steelegray, Inc., rezoning of 2915 John F. Kennedy Rd. (6/16) ..................180,181
Carlo's O'Kelly's, at Miller Riverview Park, special Beer/Liquor Lic. (8/18)...............................246
Carlos O'Kelly's, 1355 Associates, Liquor Lic. (10/20)................................................................ 333
Camegie Stout Public Library Board of Trustees requesting work session about Library
renovation project. (11/3) .................................................................................................. 363,364
Carnegie Stout Public Library Roof Replacement Project. (213)(3/17) .......................... 27,28,86,87
Carper, Senator, Letter reo appropriations bill. (11/17)...............................................................370
Carroll's Wine Co., Grape Harbor, 123 Main, Liquor Lic.; Outdoor Service Liq. Lic.; Special
Class "C" Liquor Lic. (7/1)(7/21)(10/20)....................................................................189,218,333
Carstens, Laura, Planning Services Mgr., appreciation from Nat'l Trust for Historiç Preservation
project summary etc.; comments @ wayfinding signage; presentation @ downtown
development. (1/20)(4/21)(5/5)......................................................................................14,124,127
Cartegraph Systems & City CEBA Contract completed; Development Agreement.
(2117)(4/21)............................................................................................................................... 36,124
Carter Road Detention Basin consultant contract with Veenstra & Kimm; approval of-design
perameters; advertise for Sale $2,110,000 G.O. Bonds. (5/19)(717)(814)(8/18) 162,200,234,255
Carter Road Detention Basin Project; listed as Major Project of Council. (9/2)(9/4) ........ 270,276
Carter Road Detention Basin Project, issuance of $2,110,000 G.O. Bonds. (10/6) ............ 306-314
Carter Road Detention Basin Project. (10/6) ......................................................................... 320,321
Carts - Waste collection carts available & fees set. (2127) ............................................................ 60
Casey's General Store, 4003 Peru Rd., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (5/19)(6/16) ....................149,178
Casey's Marketing, Casey's General Store, 2699 Rockdale, Beer Per.: Cig. Per.
(5/19)(6/16)............................................................................................................................149, 178
Casino, Diamond Jo, Peninsula Gaming Co., 400 E. 3'" St., Cigarette Per. (717) ......................196
Cassetti, Mama's, Pasta, Rod Christ, refund on Liquor Lic.(4/21) .........................................,...109
Cat Licenses - and Dogs, License fees and penalty increased. (7/9).................................206,207
Catfish Festival, Hawthorne St. Peninsula, Beer Per. (5/5) """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 131
Cathedral Historic Preservation District rep Chris Schoepner resigning from Historic
Preservation Comm. (5/19).......................................................................................................149
Catholic School System - Holy Family, and City Council, County Supervisors and School Board
Members, legislative issue discussions. (11/12) ...................................................................367
Cats and Dogs, License Fees Increased. (7/9)............................................................................206
Catwalk at 1598 Central Ave., request and approval to demolish. (11/3) ..................................355
Caucuses for president - move Council Meeting of 1/19/04 to 3 p.m. (11/3) ........................... 365
Cavanaugh, Garry, objecting to rezoning of Hwy 52 S & 61/151 - Dan Mueller and Apex for
Concrete Plant. (12/15) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"..........415
Cavanaugh, Steve, 955 Shelby, objecting to dumpster fee increase. (7/9)................................ 204
Cawiezell, Konnie Kay, IA League of Cities requesting Policy Committee participation. (7/7) 194
C.DBG Annual Plan - FY 2004, public hearing. (1120)....................................................................17
CDBG Funds, Annual Action Plan, Amendment 3, FY 2003, CDBG funds; amendment 4;
Amendment 5. (1/20)(5/19)(7n) ....................................................................................14,145,194
CDBG Plan, adopt as amended. (2/26)(2/27) .............................................................................48,58
CDBG . Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan, allocationoffunds for
Historic Preservation Homeowner Grant Program. (2127) ....................................................... 57
CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Economic Devel. Loan to Heartland Financial
USA Inc. DB & T, for renovation offormerWalsh Store Bldg., 13th & Central. (3/3) ............ 74
CDBG funds allocation from HUD. (3/17)....................................................................................... 82
CDBG Funds - Consolidated Plan for 2001-2006 - CDBG Funds. (417) ....................................... 93
CDBG Funds - Notice reo Environment & Release of Funds request. (4/7)............................91,92
CDBG Agreement with HUD, $1,481,000. (7/7) .............................................................................195
CDBG Funds - Community Development Block Grant Funds - Amend 5 to FY 03 Plan. (7/7) 194
CDBG Annual Action Plan, Amendment 1 to FY 2004 - Program Year 2003. (9/2) ............ 266,267
CDBG Curb Ramp Installation, 2002, final acceptance. (12/1)............................................ 391,392,
CDBG Block Grant Funds, amended & restated FY 2004 (Program Year 2003) Annual Plan
Amendment 2. (12/15) ............................................................................................................... 430
CDBG Program - HUD communication from G. A. Bevirt. (2/3)....................................................27
CDBG Program under HUD - CAPER Report. (9/15).................................................................... 280
CDF . Conservation Design Forum, information - stormwater management. (1120).................. 14
CDM - Camp Dresser & McKee, consultants for Storm water utility, clarification of program;
Bee Branch alignment study. (2/20)(5/19).......................................................................... 46,162
CDM - Camp Dresser & McKee - CDM, stormwater problems communication. (1211) ............ 389
CEBAApplication - Barnstead International. (5/5)(6/16) .....................................................140,175
CEBA Application - Vessel Systems to IDED; approval of Loan Agreement $125,000.
(5/19)(7/21) ..........................................................................................................................163,212
CEBA contract City & Cartegraph Systems complete; Development Agree. (2117)(4/21.) ... 36,124
CEBA program application for the Shepherd Company, to IDED. (8/18)(11/17).................259,369
Cedar Crest Subdivision - Dan Conrad (in County) Final Plat approval. (1120) .....................19,20
Cedar Cross Amoco, LB Metcalf, 1200 Cedar Cross Rd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)178,179
Cedar Cross Road & Starlite Dr., site plan for East Dubuque Savings Bank. (7/21).................223
Cedar Rapids, City Park Commissioner, appreciation for tour of Port of Dubuque. (5/5)........131
Cedar Ridge Acres No.2, portion S of Nightengale Lane, rezoned for Pat Kennedy's. (2117)..40
Cedar Ridge Farms Place #4, Lots 1-7, acceptance requested by Julien Nemmers; accepting
improvements. (8/18)(9/15) .............................................................................................." 244,281
Cemetery, Center Grove Methodist Episcopal, Fair Market Value on U.S. 20 properties for ROW
Acquisition. (8/4) .....................n......................................................................."""""""n,"""" 232
Center Grove Methodist Episcopal Cemetery Assn., Fair Market Value on U.S. 20 properties for
ROW acquisition. (8/4) .............................................................................................................. 232
Central Ave. & Thirteenth St. Community Deveiopment Block Grant Economic Devel. Loan to
Heartland Financial USA Inc" DB & T, for renovation offormer Walsh Store Bldg., 13"' &
Central; Easement for underground Tunnel between former Walsh Store & main DB & T
Bank; dispose by easement to DB & T for tunnel. (3/3)(4/21)(10/6)(10/20).74,109,318,339,340
Central Ave., 1112-1114, demolition request of buildings, parking lot for Colts Drum & Bugle
Corps. (5/5) ................................................................................................................................139
Central Ave., 1598, demolish 2"" story catwalk approved. (11/3) ...............................................355
Central High School & Recreation Div. budget review, suggestion more cooperative events.
Central Tap, Inc., Myra Woodman, 1046 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (4/21)(7/21) 110,218
Central, Iowa, Chicago (Iowa) & Eastern Railroad for installation of fiber optic conduit and
railroad switch for Flynn Ready Mix Concrete at 17th & Elm Streets. (10/20) ....................... 332
Centre Grove Addn, vacating Railroad Street, - Edward Zalaznik estate; disposal of city interest
to Edward Zaiaznik Trust. (5/19)(6/2).................................................................150,151,169,170
Certificate of Achievement - Government Finances Officer Assn. Excellence in Financial
Reporting. (5/5)..........................................................................................................................130
Certificate of Completion for Platinum Holdings, Development Agreement - Grand Harbor
Resort and Waterpark Project. (5119) ......................................................................................148
Certificate of Completion for obligations reo Development Agreement - Giese Mfg in Dbq
Industrial Center West. (9/15),.................................................................................................280
Certificate of Compliance- Eagle Window & Door Job Attainment Goal - PIAP. (9/15) .........279
Certificates of Achievement, Housing Section 8 Rental Program, recognized by HUD. (8/18) 245
Certif.ed Local Governments - CLG - 2002 Government Performance & Results Act Annual
Products Report. (1/6)................................................................................................................... 1
Certified Local Government - CLG - Annual report, 2002, for state Historical Society. (1/6) ...... 2
Certified Local Government, CLG Grant Agree. conduct Architectural/Historical Survey.(5/5)129
Certified Local Government - CLG - Application Phase V of the Architectural/ Historical
Survey. (9/2)...............................................................................................................................267
Certified Local Government - CLG - Grant, conduct Historic Preservation Symposium.. (9/2)268
Chamber Foundation Grant Request to update technology in Boardroom. (3/3) ....................... 70
Chamber of Commerce, Steward Sandstrom, objecting to Stormwater Utility fee. (2127) ......... 50
Chamber of Commerce Purchase of Services Agree. (4121).......................................................108
Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau Purchase of Services Agree. (4/21)...108
Chamber of Commerce Loan Agreement with City. (717).....................................................194,195
Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau report. (11/17)......................................382
Chamber of Commerce in support of Cabela's Walleye Tournament in 2005. (11/17) ............. 371
Change in Demolition District Review Process by Historic Preservation. (1/6) ............................ 7
Channel Inn, Carolyn Fonck, 2010 % Kerper, Liquor Lic. (1'0/20) ....................................:.......... 333
Chapman, Kristina, Oky Doky #14, 1050 University Ave., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (717) ......... 197
Chapman, Linda, of RSVP, requesting funding for Retired Senior Volunteer Program. (2/26) .48
Charhouse Restaurant, Kostas Inc. 1575 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic. (5/5)..........................................132
Charter & permanent board member, City - America's River Corporation. (5/19)...................163
Chase, Chad M., claim; referred to Insurance. (5/5) ....................................................................128
Chase, Jeff and Julie, requesting to purchase property near Gay Park. (11/3).........................347
Chavenelle Drive Extension Project, acceptance. (1/20)...............................................................13
Chavenelle Road, Bridge North, contract awarded to W.C. Stewart Construction - Water Main
along Seippel Road. (12115) """"""""""""""""""""""""""'....................................................4
Check received for paramedic services from Pauline Wegner of Van Dyne, WI - in appreciation
for help - given to EMS Dept. (10/6).........................................................................................326
Checks & Drafts, designation of City employees to execute electronic investments and to sign
on behalf of City of Dubuque. (11/3)................................................................................... 353,354
Checotah, Cynthia, applicant for Human Rights Commission. (1/6).............................................. 6
Chemical Compound Wall and Roof Replacement Project. at Eagle Point Water Plant.
(9/15)(10/20).......................................................................................................................... 284,341
Chestnut Street Reconstruction Project.
(9/15)(10/6)(1 0/20)(11/3) .............................................................. 286,287,319,320,328,329,330,364
Chicago (Iowa) & Eastern Railroad for installation of fiber optic conduit and railroad switch for
Flynn Ready Mix Concrete at 17th & Elm Streets. (10/20) ....................................................... 332
Chief, Assistant Fire, individuals certified by Civil Service Com. (7/21).................................... 215
Chief, Assistant Police, certified by Civil Service Comm. (1120) ..................................................11
Child Care - Purchase of Service Agreement with Project Concern. (4/21)..............................108
Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding, IA Dept. of Public Heath. (6/16) ................................176,177
Choo Choo Charlie's Pizza and Ice Cream, 1895 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic. (8/4)..............................234
Christ, Rod, Mama Cassetti's Pizza, refund on Liquor Lic.(4/21)...............................................109
Christmas Greetings from Sister City Pyatigorsk. (1/6) .................................................................. 5
Ciapalo, Nancy B., thank Council re:Chestnut St Reconstruction. (10/20).............................. 328
Cigarette - Tobacco Penalties, hearing set for assessment for businesses with underage
tobacco sales. (3/17)(4/7)(5/5) ........................................................................................ 81,99,139
CIP Capitol Improvement Program, Five Year, Public Hearing etc. (2/10)(2/27) ............... 34,56,57
CIP Project - Structural Assessment- for Quonset & Shop Building, Airport's. (7/21) ..........217
CIP Projects - Management Agenda set out by Council in goal setting session. (9/4)............ 276
CIP Schedule, FY 2004, Dubuque Racing Assn. (12/1)................................................................ 394
Citizen Safety Issues re: Fire Dept etc., information of City Manager. (717) .............................. 202
Citizens Advisory Committee - Stormwater Utility, report. (1120) ................................................ 20
City Clerk's Office departmental budget work session with Council. (215) ................................. 33
City Council appointments to various boards - stay as is. (1/6) .................................................... 8
City Council asked by J. Enzler, Dbq Historical Society, to include representative to the recently
created Arts & Culture Task Force. (1/20)................................................................................. 21
City Council Election, Abstract of 1113/03 referendum. (11/17) .................................................. 370
City Council invited for a cruise aboard the USS Dubuque. (10/6)............................................. 300
City Council Proceedings, approved as printed: Nov. 2002; December 2002; January 03;
February & March 03; April 03; May 03; June, 2003; July 2003; August 2003; September
2003. (1/20)(2/3)(5/18)(6/16)(7/7)(8/4)(8/18)(10/6)(10/20)(11/3)(12/1)
City Council requesting that they be provided with a page for each department or division
detailing the amount of property tax report. (11/10) .............................................................. 366
City Development Bd, Steven McCann advising, voluntary annexation request of Citý. (6/16)175
City Development Bd, denial of City of Sageville annexations. (7/21) ....................................... 215
City Employees authorized to make withdrawals for health benefits at American Trust &
Savings Bank. (3/17) ................................................................................................................... 81
City Employees authorized to sign checks and drafts at banks etc. and to do electronic
investment transactions. (11/3) ............................................................................................... 353
City Employees Wage Plan and Compensation package changed; delayed; reinstated.
City Expo, appreciation of Council Member Nicholson. (4/21) ................................................... 125
City Hall & Port of Dubuque - National Railroad, Canadian, installation of 4" conduit underneath
RR tracks at Fourth & White Sts - fiber optic connection. (2/3) ............................................. 25
City Manager Michael Van MiJligen, evaluation of professional competency; Twelfth
Employment Agreement. (8/19)(9/2) ................................................................................. 261,267
City Manager's Office request for continuation of Wellness Program & Service Pins. (7/9)...209
City Manager's Office Departmental budget work session with Council. (215)........................... 33
City of Dubuque employees to sign checks & drafts & do electronic investments. (11/3)353,354
City of Dubuque Finance Department Employees authorized to obtain bank account information
& make transfers between accounts etc. (11/3)......................................................................354
City of Dubuque, Bunker Hill Golf Course, 2200 Bunker Hill Rd., Liquor Lic. (4/7) .................... 95
City of Dubuque, Five Flags Civic Center, 405 Main, Liquor Lic. (7/21)..................................... 218
City of Sageville Annexations - City Development Bd denied annexation applications. (7/21)215
City's Annexation Study- contract with Veenstra & Kimm. (5119) ............................................148
City's Legislative Issues approved for 2004. (11/3) ..................................................................... 364
City's Local Flood Protection Project Continuing Eligibility Inspection. (213) ............................ 24
City's Refuse customers, one free holiday sticker. (12/15).........................................................431
Civic Center - Five Flags, departmental budget review by Council. (2124) ................................. 47
Civic Center- Five Flags, City of Dubuque, 405 Main St. Liquor License. (7/21) ...................218
Civic Center Commission, applicants Gary Dolphin and Cynthia A Fuller; reappointed.
(6/16)(717) ............................................................................................................................180,198
Civic Center, Five Flags, Contract with Thunderbirds for Dubuque Hockey, Inc. (10/6).......... 305
Civil Service Commission certifying Assistant Police Chief names. (1120).................................10
Civil Service Commission certifying Police Captain names. (1/20)..............................................11
Civil Service Commission certifying Police Lieutenant names. (1/20).........................................11
Civil Service Commission certifying Parking Meter Checker names. (3/17) ............................... 82
CivilSe.vi¡:e Commission certifying Mechanic position names. (4/21)..............................108,109
Civil Service Commission certifying Fire Equipment Operator individuals. (7/21)................... 214
Civil Service Commission certifying Fire Lieutenant individuals. (7/21) ................................... 214
Civil Service Commission certifying Assistant Fire Chief individuals. (7/21) ........................... 215
Civil Service Commission certifying Fire Captain individuals. (7/21) ........................................ 215
Civil Service Commission certifying Account Clerk individuals. (10/6)..................................... 300
Civil Service Commission certifying Equipment Operator II individuals. (10/20) ..................... 328
Civil Service Commission certifying Water Meter Repairworker I. (11/3) .................................. 355
Civil Service Commission certifying Equipment Operator I. (12115)..........................................406
Civil Service Commission certifying Truck Driver individuals. (12115)......................................407
Claim of Shane O'Brien, release of subrogation claim. (7/21).................................................... 217
Claim of Tomothy Wardle, request for reinvestigation.(5/19) ......................................................161
Claims administrator - Worker's Comp, Administrative Services Fee Renewal. (10/20)......... 329
Claims and Revenues - Proofs of Publications for: November, 2002; for December 02; January
2003; February 2003; March 03; April 03; May 03; June 03; July 03. August 03; September 03;
October 03. (1/20)(2/3)(3/17)(417)(5/5)(6/2)(717)(8/4)(9/15)(1 0/6)(11/17)(12115)
.............................................................................10,23,78,89, 128, 165, 190, 231,277,299, 368,406
Claims and suits against City:
(1/6)(1/20)(213)(2117)(3/3)(3/17)(417)(4/21 )(5/5)(5119)(6/2)(6/16)(717)(7/21 )(8/4)(8/18)(9/2)(9/15)
.. 1,10,23,36,67,78,89,107,128,144,165,174, 190,212,231 ,243,265,277,299,327,347,368,389, 406
Clark Retail Enterprises, 700 Rhomberg, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (2117)(717) .................... 39,196
Clark, JMS Investments, 700 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (9/2) ............................ 268,269
Clark's Subdivision No.2, request, City to purchase property- Roger & Ann Pickel. (11/17) 368
Clarke College, 1550 Clarke Dr., Liquor Lic.; Sunday Sales; Outdoor sales etc.
Classrooms, portable, zoning allowance for extension of time for usage for Hillcrest. (3/17).. 85
Clean-up activities in the Port of Dubuque, EDI to HUD; application for Brownfield Grant with
EPA for cleanup in Port of Dubuque. (6/16)(7/21) ...........................................................177,216
Cleanup Grant Contract, EPA, Port of Dubuque, filing of application. (7/21)..................... 216,217
Clearance Project - Port of Dubuque Building & Site Demolition Project. (7/21).....................218
Clemens, Atty Jennifer, for IIW Engineers, claim for unpaid services at DLEC. (1/6) ..................1
Cleveland Ave., 1205, rezoning from R2 to C1 for Doug & Marie Colin. (2/17)............................ 41
CLG - Certified Local Governments - 2002 Government Performance & Results Act Annual
Products Report. (1/6)...................................................................................................................1
CLG - Annual report, 2002, for state Historical Society. (1/6) ........".............................................. 2
CLG - Grant Agreement to conduct an Architectural/ Historical Survey. (5/5) ........................129
CLG - Application to conduct Phase V of the Architectural/ Historical Survey. (9/2) ............. 267
CLG - Grant to conduct Historic Preservation Symposium.. (9/2).............................................268
Cline, Council Member Pat, serve as one oflowa's representatives for National League of Cities on
the Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Committee; sworn in as Mayor Pro-rem;
took portion of meeting for Mayor; electronically joined the Meeting; reaffirmed for appointment
to GDDC Board of Directors; as Mayor Pro-Tem took portion of meeting for Mayor; took meeting
reo Transit Alternatives Analysis; took meeting 8/19/03 - evaluation of City Manager; took
meeting reo goal setting session; took meeting - Policy and Management Agenda; took Meeting
to discuss FY 04 Operating Budget; took meeting reo Baseball stadium Gen. Fund Capital Loan
Notes Discussion etc. (2/3)(5/5)(6/2)(6/16)(8/4)(8/11)(8/19)(9/3)(9/4)(11/10)(12/18)
......................,.................................................. 32,128,169,180,184,236,242,261,275,276,366,433
Closure of Kennedy Rd. from stoplight at Wacker to University & Dodge, request. (2/3)..... 29,30
Closure of Hamilton, Kilgore & E. Roosevelt Est. for Fireworks display by KDTH. (7/21) ....... 212
CLS - Convention, Sports and Leisure, Five Flags Civic Center, work session set. (2124) ....... 47
Clubhouse, The, M. Spiegelhalter, 2364 Washington, Liquor Lic. (2/3) ...........".......................... 27
CNL Funding 2000-A, loP., Establishing. Fair Market value for property owned by them for ROW
for intersection improvements. (8/4) .......................................................................................233
Coast Guard Marine Security Measures ,Regulations, information. (2/17) ..,............................ 37
Code of Ordinances revision - E. 16th St. from Central to alley entrance immediately east of
Central Ave. - added for year-round alternate side parking. (2/3) .......................................... 31
Code Supplement No. 57 to the City Code; No. 58; No. 59. (3/3)(717)(12/15) ................. 69,190,410
Coghlan, Kukankos, Cook, Attorneys for personal injury claim of Trevor Hingtgen; referred to
Insurance. (11/17) ......................................................................................................................368
Colin, Doug & Marie, rezoning of 1205 Cleveland. (2117) ........................,..................................... 41
Colin, Nan, of Visiting Nurse Assn., thanking City for CP2 grant for dental health screening for
low income elderly. (6/16).........................................................................................................178
Collection of delinquent sewer & garbage & refuse accounts to County Treasurer.12/15)408,409
Collective Bargaining Agreement - Amalgamated Transit Union. (8/18) ...........".............. 244,245
Collective Agreement Amendment -International Union of Operating Engineers. (8/18)...... 245
Collective Bargaining Agreement Amendment with Professional Firefighter's Assn. W/2) .... 265
College City Forum & University, Iowa League of Cities, notification of meeting. (9/2)...........274
College District design logo forWayfinding Signage.(4/21)(5/19).......................................124,162
Collins, Yvonne, Claim and referred to Ins. (11/17) ........................................................"........... 368
Color pattern for Bell Street Sidewalk, change. (1/20) .................................................................. 21
Colt's Drum & Bugle Corp, demolition request for building across the street at 1112 -1114
Central for a parking lot. (5/5) ..................................................................................................139
Colts Drum & Bugle Corps, Legion-Aires Drum & Bugle Corp. 1101 Central, Liquor Lic. (9/2)269
Columbia Addn. Lot 1A & 3A, dispose of city interested to Dubuque Community Schools; final
plat of Bryant School Place etc. (3/3)(5/19).......................................................................72,147
Commendation to Staff on amount if work done and questioning staffing. (11110)................ 366
- , "'.. ..,
Commerce Park, final plat of Westbrook Subdivision. (10/6) ..................................................... 324
Commission - Historic Preservation, review process change - Demolition District. (1/6) ......... 7
Commission & Board appointments of City Council. (1/6) ............................................................. 8
Community Development Advisory Commission resignation of R.J. Sullivan. (1/20)................10
Community Development Advisory Commission applicant Thomas Wainwright. (1/20) "",""'" 18
Community Development Advisory Commission reappointment of Thomas Wainwright. (213) 28
Community Development Adv. Com. applicant Chuck Isenhart; reappointed. (2/17)(3/3)39,73,74
Community Development Advisory Comm. request W. Pregler that Budget stay as is. (2126).. 47
Community Development Advisory Comm. Brownfield Economic Development Initiative.(417)99
Community Development Advisory Comm. reorganization. (5/19) .....................................162,163
Community Development Advisory Comm. applicants: Gina Bell, Sr. Paula Maloy and David
Shaw; appointments of Sr. Paula Maloy and David Shaw. (6/2)(6/16)..........................169,180
Community Development Advisory Commission, impact of FY 04 budget reductions to City's
Community Development Program. (6/16)..............................................................................174
Community Development Advisory Commission applicant David Oliver, LowlMod Income area;
appointed. (7/21)(8/4) ....................................................................................................... 219,236
Community Development Advisory Commission, W. Pregler, presentation of Audubon School
Appreciation Poster. (9/2).........................................................................................................265
Community Development Block Grant Funds - Annual Action Plan, Amendment 3, FY 2003,
CDBG funds; amendment 4; Amendment 5. (1/20)(5/19)(717)....................................14,145,194
Community Development Block Grant - CDBG Annual Plan - FY 2004, public hearing. (1120) 17
Community Development Block Grant Program Public Hearing. (2/26) ...................................... 48
Community Development Block Grant Funds, CDBG Plan, adopt as amended. (2/26)(2127)48,58
'Community'Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan, allocation of funds for Historic
Preservation Homeowner Grant Program. (2127) ..................................................................... 57
Community Development Block Grant Economic Devel. Loan to Heartland Financial USA Inc. -
DB &'T,for renovation offormerWalsh Store Bldg., 13th & Central. (3/3)............................. 74
CommunitýDevelopment Block Grant funds allocation from HUD. (3/17)................................. 82
Community Development Block Grant - CDBG Funds, Notice reo Environment & Release of
Funds'request. (417)...............................................................................................................91,92
Community Development Block Grant Funds - Consolidated Plan for 2001-2006 - CDBG Funds.
(417)......................................................................................................,........................................ 93
Community Development Block Grant Funds, FY 2003 Annual Action Plan, amendment #4.
(5/19) .............................................................................................................................................145
Community Development Block Grant Funds - Amendment 5 to'FY 03 Plan. (717) ..........,......194
Community Development Block Grant Agreement - CDBG with HUD, $1,481,000. (717)..........195
Community Development Block Grant Funds. CDBG Annual Action Plan, Amendment 1 to FY
2004 - Program Year 2003. (9/2) ....................................................................................... 266,267
Community Development Block Grant Program - CDBG Program under HUD - CAPER Report.
Community Development Block Grant - CDBG Funds, amended & restated FY 2004 (Program
Year 2003) Annual Plan Amendment 2. (12115) ......................................................................430
Community Development Week Proclamation. (4/21) """"""""""""""""""""."...................... 1 07
Community Economic Betterment Agreement - CEBA contract with the City & Cartegraph
Systems completed; Development Agreement. (2117)(4/21) ............................................ 36,124
Community Economic Betterment Application - Barnstead International. (5/5)(6/16)......140,175
Community Economic Betterment Application - Vessel Systems, application. (5/19) ............ 163
Community Economic Betterment Application - CEBA program application for the Shepherd
Company, to IDED. (8/18).......................................................................................................... 259
Community Health Center, cp2 funds granted.(5/19) ...........................................................161,162
, .
Community Partnership Program - cp2, allocation of Cp2 funds for FY 04. (5/19)...........161,162
Community Development Advisory Commission letter to Long Range Planning & Zoning
Commission reo Wal-Mart request for rezoning at 16th & Sycamore Sts. (1/6) ........................ 4
Compassionate Friends Awareness Week Proclamation. (5/5)..................................................128
Compensation & Wage Plan for non-bargaining unit employees, delaying of implementation
due to budget reductions; reinstated Wage Plan. (6/23)(7/28).......................................187,228
Compensation Insurance - Excess Workers, Policy approved. (5/5) ........................................ 129
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - CAFR, 2002. (1/6) ....................................................... 3
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports for FY ending 6/30/02. (5/5) ....................................130
Comprehensive Energy Bill-letters to legislators etc. (10/6).................................................... 305
Comprehensive Plan - Downtown, implementation, request for Top Priority. (10/6)............... 300
Computer - fiber optic connection between City & Port of Dubuque. (3/17) .............................. 83
Computer software - Parking TIcket Software, contract for with EDC-AIMS Corp. (417)...........93
Computer software purchase of Permits Plus for Housing & Comm. Devel. Dept. (1120) .........15
Conceptual Development Plan - Zoning from University of Dubuque, South Campus, Student
Apartments. (9/15) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 279
Concession Agreement with Baséball Dreamers for City Swimming Pools. (3/3)...................... 69
Concrete Plant, Apex, requested rezoning for property S of Hwy 61/151 & Highway 52 (Lot 1 of
Key Gate Center No.2) from PR to PI to allow a concrete batch mix plant - Apex Concrete,
property owned by Dan Mueller. (2117)(4/21)(12/15)..........................................................40,415
Concrete, Flynn Ready-Mix Railroad Spur, approve agreement. (10/20) ................................... 332
Conditional Use - Zoning - Résidential Use as conditional use in the HI Heavy Industrial
Zoning District. (8/18) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..............................253
Condominium complex proposal atformerTolibridge Restaurant, 2800 Rhomberg, AJ. Spiegel
- Eagie Villa, Royal Oaks Development; signatures objecting.
(2/3)(4/21)(5/5)(5/8)(10/6)(11/3)(11/17) ....................................... 27,117,142,140,143,322,347,368
Condominiums - conversion of apartment buildings to them.... building code requirements etc.
(8/4)...........................,.....,;,.................................................................................................. 238,239
Conference for year 2007, Iowa League Of Cities, bid by Dubuque. (1120) .................................. 21
Conference of Mayors, U.S. reo MTBE liability issue etc. (10/6).................................................. 305
Confined Space Rescue Fee of $500 per year for each facility - agreement. (9/2) ................... 267
Conlon Construction awarded contract by IDOT for Wood Piers & Decking - Miss. River
Discovery Center; awarded contract for Port of Dubuque Sign, Landscaping & Recognition
Wall Project. (3/5)(6/16)........................................................................................................ 76,184
Conlon, Paul, 3156 Shiras, objecting to rezoning at 3251 Roosevelt Rd. (5/5) .........................136
Connection Fee for Country Farm Sanitary Interceptor Sewer. (10/20)(11/17)............ 334,380,381
Connection Fees - Establishment of Interceptor Sanitary Sewer. (8/18) .................................. 252
Connection fees for Sewer & Water, request to waive fees by John Miller, for development at
Roosevelt & Peru Rd. (12/15) .................................................................................................... 430
Connection Fees, Southfork Phase IV, Sanitary Sewer. (12/1)........................................:... 396,397
Connection Ordinance, Sanitary Sewer, Policy & Ordinance. (9/2)..................................... 272,273
Connector, Locust Street, Reconstruction Pro.; final acceptance. (5/5)(12/1)...................139,389
Connolly, Senator Mike, request opposition to bills concerning telecommunication utilities;
appreciation for recent vote to reject "Reinvention Bill." (2/17)(5/5) ..............................37,128
Conrad, Dan, final plat approval of Cedar Crest Subd. (1/20)..................................................19,20
Conservation Design Forum - CDF, information - stormwater management. (1/20).................14
Conservation Society, Dbq County, proposed Eagle Point Condominium complex info. (417).90
Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report CAPER for 7/1/02 thru 6/30/03. (9/15)280
Consolidated Plan for 2001-2006 - CDBG Funds. (417) ................................................................. 93
Consultant to review & update Zoning Ordinance, request for funds. (2/20)(2/27) .............. 46,58
Consulting Services - Pay As You Throw - PAYT -IA DNR grant from IA DNR to supply
consulting services to Iowa Communities reo PAYT. (1/20)....................................................15
Contamination cleanup - Port of Dubuque EPA Contract application. (7/21)........................... 216
Continuum Sculpture, discussion for placement. (3/17)...............................................................78
Contract - Design, f U.S. 20 Improvements, project agreement - Howard R. Green. (2/17)....... 37
Contract- Local Housing Assistance Program -IDED, amended. (4121).................................109
Contract- Thunderbirds Hockey, with Five Flags Civic Center. (10/6) .....................................305
Contract for Administrative Services for Old Mill Road Property Purchase Grant, acquisition of
3 flood damaged properties and demolition etc. (3/17) .......................................................... 81
Contract for Parking Division Parking Enforcement Software Project. (4/7) .............................. 93
Contract for Services for Environmental Assessments & Consulting Services for USEPA
Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Project in Port of Dubuque. (1/6)................... 4
Contract with Economic Development Administration, Project Amendment No.1, for Adams Co.
relocation and demolition. (717)...............................................................................................195
Contract IA Dept of Public Health & Agreement with VNA- Childhood lead poisoning. (6/16)177
Contract IA Dept. of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Pro. (6/16) ....176,177
Contract with Veenstra & Kimm to update City's Annexation Study. (5/19)..............................148
Contract, EPA Cleanup, Port of Dubuque, application for Brownfield Cleanup Grant. (7/21) 216
Convention.& Visitors Bureau - special meeting with City Council - update of activities;
quarterly report; wayfinding signage; quarterly report. (1/20)(417)(4/21)(8/4) ...... 9,99,124,236 ,
Convention & Visitors Bureau, suggestion for repayment to be moved back one year. (2126) 48
Convention & Visitors Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Purchase of Services Agree. (4/21)..108
Convention & Visitors Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Loan Agree. marketing effort. (717) .195
cConventioR -&Visitors Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, report. (11/17) """""""""""""""""" 382
Convention and conference facilities - Grand River Center, temporary meeting room names be
revised. (8/4) """"""""""""""""""""""'............................n................................................... 233
Convention, Sports and Leisure, Five Flags Civic Center, work session set. (2124)..................47
Cook, Drew, awarded contract for West Locust Manhole Reconstruction Proj.; final of Old US
Highway 20 Water Main Phase II Ext. Project. (6/16)(9/15) ............................................183,278
Cook, Drew, claim of Steven Bruse referred to him. (9/15) "......n............................................... 277
Cooper Acquisitions, Scott Neuwoehner, demolish Martin Gas Station, 280 Locust St. (5/5)129
Cooper Development Co. application Property Tax Rebates for Historic Properties.
(11/3)(11/17) ........................................................................................................................ 356,381
Cooper Development Co., LLC - Tax Increment Financing - TIF. (11/3) ............................ 356,357
Cooper Development Loan Subordination Agreement - Mortgage - with Dubuque Bank & Trust
- Downtown Rehab Loan, (717)(7/21) ...............................................................................198,223
Cooper Management Co. - Stonewall/Bricktown/Blackwater Grill., 299 Main, Liquor Lic. ; 6
month beer license; Cigarette Per. (5119)(6/2)(717).................................................150,167,197
Cooper Wagon Works Building renovation etc. Property Tax Rebates for Historic Properties.
(11/3)(11/17)...................................................................................................................:... 356,381
Coriell's Dubuque, plat approval, vacation - alley N. ofW. 7"' to Mary Ransdell. (12/15).411,412
Cornell and Catherine Streets, West 16"', Residential Parking Permit Dis. request. (11/3)...347
Corner Tap, P. Broessel, 2093 Washington, Liquor Lic. (5/5).....................................................132
Corps of Engineers - Dept. of the Army, notice of special study along Couler Valley of Little
Maquoketa River in Dubuque County. (4121) ..........................................................................109
Corps of Engineers, US. concerns @ time frame for SW Arterial project. (5/5)........................140
Corps of Engineers, Study of Couler Valley completion March 2004. (1211) ............................. 393
Corridor preservation, IDOT, along U.S. 20 from Peosta interchange easterly to NW Arterial
intersection. (1/6)(6/2) ............................................................................................................ 5,165
Corridor, US. Highway 20, Intersection Improvements, addendum to Preconstruction
Agreement with IDOT. (1/20) ......................................................................................................13
Cottingham and Butler, Intercreditor Agreement -IDED - Town Clock Building, mortgage
interest sharing. (6/2).........................................................................................................165,166
Coty, Michael, applicant to the Historic Preservation Comm.; appointed to Historic Preservation
Comm. for Cathedral District. (6/2)(6/16) .........................................................................169,180
Couler Valley of Little Maquoketa River - Corps of Engrs for special study. (4/21) ................. 109
Couler Valley, County letter to City of Army Corps of Engineers Study completion. (1211)..... 393
Council appointments to various boards - stay as is. (116)............................................................ 8
Council Meeting time for 1/19/04 changed to 3 p.m. due to presidential caucuses. (11/3)......365
Council Minutes - Proofs submitted.
(1/6)(1/20)(2/3)(2/17)(3/3)(3/17)(4/7)(4/21 )(5/5)(5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(717)(7/21 )(8/4)(8/18)(9/2)(9/15)
..1,10,23,36,67,78,89,107,128,144, 165,174, 190,212,231,243,265,277,299,327,347,368,389,406
Council, departmentai budget sessions, keep same format. (11/17).........................................386
Counseling services for home purchase education - County Ext. Dis., HUD Family Self-
Sufficiency Program families. (2/3)(5/19) ........................................................................... 27,145
Counseling, City employees, contract with Mercy Medical Center for Employee Assistance
Program Services. (9/15) .......................................................................................................... 277
Country Club - Dbq Golf, fireworks display request for July 03. (4/7)......................................... 90
County, Annexation of nearly 700 acres along Middle Road, Seippel Rd., & Asbury Rd. (8/18)249
County - Corps of Engineers - Dept. of the Army, notice of special study along Couler Valley of
Little Maquoketa River in Dubuque County. (4/21).................................................................109
County Bd of Supervisors, info@ problem, Jorja's Restaurant. (4/7) ......................................... 90
County Bd of Supervisors, School Board Members, Holy Family School System, and Council,
special meeting. (11/12)............................................................................................................ 367
County Board of Health contract for Lead Paint Program, training grant administration. (417) 91
County Clerk of Court, claim of Jennifer Sheldon referred to them. (5/19) ...............................144
County Extension District ...,Memo of Understanding, counseling services for home purchase
education to HUD Family Self-Sufficiency Program families. (2/3)(5/19) ........................ 27,145
County Fair Week Proclamation. (7/21).........................................................................................212
County Farm Interceptor Sewer Extension Project. (10/20)(11/17) .............................. 334,380,381
Cox, David A, Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn., need funding Loras Blvd. lighting project.
(8/4) ...............................................................................................~............................................... 237
Coyle, Mike, Atty., in support of Kennedy Mall PUD. (5/19).................................;.......................154
Cp2 -Community Partnership Funds, allocation of funds. (5/19) .............................................161
Cp2 - Four Oaks Housing Education and Rehabilitation Training to Subcontract with Four
Mounds Foundation. (12/15) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..................408
Creative Touch Gallery, Ooh La La, 3460 Hillcrest Rd., Liquor Lic. (717)...................................197
Creek alignment - Bee Branch Citizen Advisory Comm., Restoration Alignment Study. (8/18)259
Crescent Ridge Road, west of Cedar Cross Rd., rezoning for Zalaznik's. (3/17)....................... 84
Creslanes Bowling, 255 Main, Liquor Lic. (6/16)......................................................................;...179
Crestar Mortgage Corp.lSun Trust (VA vs Kent J. Blakeman & Housing Services Dept. (5/19)144
Crippes, Robert & Naoka, recommending for rezoning of 419 & 485 Grandview. (10/20) ....... 335
Criss, Mary, Claim; settlement; Claim; referred to Ins. (2/3)(2/17)(9/15)(10/6)......... 23,36,277,299
Crop Walk Day Proclamation. (9/15).............................................................................................. 277
Cuemaster Billiards, 900 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cig. Permit.; Liquor Lic. (2/17)(12115).. 39,410,411
Cue Master Billards, M. Rapp, 900 Central, Cigarette Per. (6/16) ...............................................178
Culbertson, Dorothy, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/4)(8/18)................... 236,251
Culver, Senator John C. Floodwall Recognition Plaque. (9/15)................................................. 282
Curb Ramp Installation Project, 2002 CDBG, final acceptance. (1211).......................................391
Custom Riders and Bicycle Club of Dubuque, Proclamation. (8/18)..........................................243
Cypress Street, plat of portion of Blocks 28 & 28 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn.;
vacationaportionofit. (4/21).........................................................................................110,115
Czeshinski, Sue, Director of Convention & Visitors Bureau, giving update; comments @
wayfinding signage. (1/20)(4/21)(8/4)............................................................................. 9,124,236
Czeshinski, Sue, of Chamber of Commerce, spoke to Council requesting funding. (2/26) ....... 48
Czeshinski. Sue, Convention & Visitors Bureau - Progress Report - Dbq Area Chamber of
Commerce. (11/17)...................................................................................................................... 382
MINUTES: (2/17)(4/7)(5/5)(6/2)(717)(8/18)(9/2)(10/6)(12/15) ...... 36,89,128,165,190,243.265,299,406
DAMA Corp., Rainbow Lounge, 36 W. 4"' St., Liquor Lic. (10/20) ............................................... 33.3
Danlin Court, final plat ofWynstone Subd. (11/17)............................................................... 383,384
Davey Robertson Public Bar, The Busted Lift, 180 Main St., 1 Day Liquor lic. for outside.;
Liquor Lic.; Lease agreement for public ROW for outdoor service; Liquor License Outdoor
Service; request for Irish Fest Liquor Lic. (2/17)(4/21)(6/2)(7/1)(10/6) ....... 39,110,171,189,322
David Court, final plat ofWynstone Subd. (11/17)................................................................ 383,384
David Drive, final plat of Wynstone Subd. (11/17)................................................................. 383,384
Davidson, Sarah, appreciation for maintaining Keyline Service on Saturdays; applicant for
Human Rights Comm.; appointed to Comm. (7/21)(1211)(12/15) ............................. 212,399,414
Davis Farm Addn, portion rezoning from R3 to C2 for John Kretz. (10/20) ...............................336
Davis, Lowell, 3138 Shiras, objecting to rezoning & development of 3251 Roosevelt. (5/5) ...136
Days Inn, Dubuque Lodging, Inc. 1111 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (3/3) .................................................. 72
Days Inn, S M International LLC, 1111 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (8/18) ............................................... 246
DB & T - New Market Tax Application for Heartland Community Development Inc. (9/26) .... 296
DB & T Bank rezoning at corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd.. (9/15) ................................. 288,289
DBQ Inc., Shot Tower Inn, 390 Locust St., Liquor Lie. (4/21)......................................................110
Dean, Ralph, Mayor, Sageville, opposition to their proposed annexations. (5/5) .....................130
December, 2003, Proofs of list of claims and revenues. (2/3) ......................................................23
DeChristafaro, David M., - Kennedy Mall, amending PUD for Best Buy Store. (5/19) ............... 154
DeChristofaro, David, of The Cafaro Co., rezoning of Kennedy Mall, 555 JFK Rd (10/20) ....... 338
Decking completed - Contract No, 1, Miss. River Discovery Center Wetland Pkg. II - Interior
Walkways Proj. (1211) ................................................................................................................390
Decorah St., east of Adair, vacate & saie to Douglas & Jean Kapp & Wm. & Carole Kubler. (1/6)6
Deed acceptance of property from Adams Co. (11/3)..................................................................355
Deed to .529 acres from Klauer Mfg. Co. in Port of Dubuque. (213) .............................................24
Deeds accepted from MisSissippiValley Truck Center & Wm. & Mary Miller & Miller Logging etc.
(1/6) "'.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".......................................................................2
Deeds to real estate in Old Mill Road area, flooded properties etc.; demolition of them.
Deer Management Program - Urban, continuation for 2003-2004 hunting season. (6/16) ......185
Defense fund, National League of Cities, contribution okayed. (2/3)........................................... 24
Delhi St., 1408, alley abutting, Finley Hospital requesting to purchase. (717) ...........................190
Delhi to Alta Vista - University Ave. Reconstruction Project. (10/6) ................................... 325,326
'Delinquent Garbage & Refuse collection sent to County Treasurer. (12/15)............................. 409
Delinquent Sewer Charges collection sent to County Treasurer. (12/15)...........................408,409
DeLire, Vance, Historic Pres. Comm. in support of creation of Midwest Architectural Salvage
Warehouse. (7/7).............................................................................................................:..........191
Delta Queen boat, disappointment that no one met them. (8/18) ............................................... 260
Demolish Second Store catwalk at 1598 Central Ave. (11/3) ...................................................... 355
Demolition & Site Clearance Project, Port of Dubuque. (7/21) ............................................ 218,219
Demolition & Site Clearance Project for Port of Dubuque, awarded to WC Stewart. (9/26)..... 296
Demolition District - Warehouse Neighborhood, discussion. (10/20)(11/3)....................... 342,364
Demolition District Review Process Revision, time change frame, Historic Preservation. (1/6).7
Demolition financial aid requested for old meatpacking company at 16"' & Sycamore, for
possible new Wal-Mart. (1/20)......................................................................................................18
Demolition of three houses on Old Mill Road (damage by flooding). (7/21)(9/15) ............. 212,295
Demolition Permit - Dubuque Hardwoods for metal buildings at 205 E. Sixth St.(417).............. 91
Demolition permit for 280 Locust - Martin Gas Station by Cooper Acquisitions. (5/5)............129
Demolition project for Adams Co., EDA Amendment #1 with Economic Development
Administration. (717) ..................................................................................................................195
Demolition request for warehouse at 380 E. 4th St. in Port of Dubuque. (213)............................24
Demolition request for 1112-1114 Central for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps Parking. (5/5).........139
Dempsey's / Molly's Pub & Grub, Deborah Clifford, 395 W. 9"', Cigarette Per.(6/16)................178
Denlinger, Eldon D., claim; referred to Ins. (3/3)............................................................................ 67
Denny's Lux Club, Beverly Larsen, 3050 Asbury, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/19)(7/21).150,218
Dental Health Screening & service to low-income elderly - Visiting Nurse Assn, Community
Partnership Grant. (6/16)...........................................................................................................178
Dental Health of Iowa citizens, recognition City's contribution. (7/21)......................................217
Dental Program, Home Based, Cp2 funds.(5/19)(6/16).........................................................162,178
Department of Natural Resources, agreement & covenant, easements granted at RipRow Valley
Trailhead. (6/16) ..........................................................................................................................182
Department of Natural Resources, Grant Application for Pyatigorsk Park. (7/21).................... 224
Departments of the City- budget changes forFY 04. (11/10)................................................... 366
Depot Restoration, Burlington Northern RR, accept improvement for Contracts 2,5. (3/3).67,68
Depot Restoration, Burlington Northern RR, accept improvements, Contract 7 & 8 - Finish
Carpentry and Roofing. (1 .0/6)........................................................................................... 302,303
Depot Resto~ation, Burlington Northern RR, accept Contract No. 14 - Plumbing. (11/3)........ 351
Depot Restoration, Burling1on N RR, acceptance for Contract 2 - Roof, Gutters & Downspouts,
completed by A & G Electric Co. (11/17)...................................................................................369
Dept. of Commerce, U.S. Economic Development Adm. $2,000,000 has been approved. (1/6) .3
. Des Mòines Reg'isfer áriicle, Republican Majority caution against receiving federal help for
state cuts to local government. (5/19)......................................................................................145
Design. - Tied TIer Design for second bridge near Julien Dubuque Bridge, U.S. 20 Bridge. (3/3)74
Design Agreement with IDOT for new US 20 Mississippi River Crossing Project. (717) ..........193
. Design Center,J"~., Julien Inn, 200 Main, Liquor Lic. (1211)....................................................... 394
Design Contract - U.S. 20 Intersection Improvements Project. (2/17).........................................37
Design contract -baseball stadium, no contract offered.(12/18) ............................................... 433
Design Parameters - Detention Basin - Carter Road, contract with Veenstra & Kimm
Consultants; approval of design parameters - Option 3. (5119)(717) .............................162,200
Design Review Guidelines - Historic Preservation, appreciation to Planning Ser. Mgr. L.
Carstens for final report & summary - by Nat'l Trust for Historic Preservation. (1120).........14
Designs,for Wayftnding Signage approved for various districts. (4121)(5/19)....................124,162
Detention Basin - Carter Road, contract with Veenstra & Kimm Consultants; approval of design
parameters - Option 3. (5/19)(717) ..................................................................................... 162,200
Detention Basin -Asbury Plaza, AttyW. Hellmer speaking for Riniker's about this. (717)......199
Detention Basin Construction Project, Carter Rd. (9/2)(10/6) ....................................... 270,320,321
Detention Basins, Carter Rd., W. Thirty Second Bond Sale to support Stormwater P~oj. (8/4)234
Determan, Thomas, of Dubuque Schools, students' work - Young Citizens' Forum. (5/19)....145
Development Agreement with CarteGraph Sys.lnc. Horizon Development Group (4/21) ...... 124
Development Agreement - Adams Co., purchase their Port of Dubuque property & relocate to
Dubuque Industrial Center West. (5/5)(5/19) ....................................................................133,158
Development Agreement - Heartland Financial USA, TlF funding. (5/5) ..................................134
Development Agreement - QuebecorWorld Dubuque, Inc. (5/5)(5/19) .......................132,157,158
Development Agreement - Second Amendment with Interstate Power & Light Co. - property in
Dubuque Industrial Center West. (6/2)....................................................................................166
Development Agreement for Eagle Valley Subd. - affordable single family housing. (12/1)...402
Developmen! Agreement Of Lots 7 & 8 Dubuque Industrial Center West 2"" Addn. to Vessel
Systems; Assignment of Development Agreement. (6/2)(9/26) .....................................170,297
Development Board, City of Sageville annexations, objections; denial. (7/21 )(8/18) ........ 215,244
Development Board, City, notice, hearing voluntary annexation of Callahan. (6/16)(717).178,191
Development Moratorium - SW Arterial Corridor. (4/21)......................................................121,122
Development proposal- Dubuque Star Brewery Building. (4/21)..............................................124
Development Services Fees - Planning Dept. - Schedule of Development Fees in Zoning
Ordinances, changed. (2127)(7/9) .."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 64,209
Development Services Fees increased. (7/9) ............................................................................... 209
Diamond Jo Lease Agreement with Peninsula Gaming Co. for south patio area. (4/21) .. 124,125
Diamond Jo Casino, Peninsula Gaming Co., 400 W. Third, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per.; Liquor
Lic. (4/21)(7/7)..............................................................................................................125,196,197
Dickinson, Rick, Executive Dir, of GDDC, giving report of activities; in favor of Royai Oaks
Condominium project at end of Rhomberg, former Tollbridge; spoke in favor of the rezoning
for Mr. Stewart at Old Highway Rd. and Seippel Rd.; verbal report on GDDC activities;
Board Members designated - Nicholson, Cline, Duggan, Van Milligen and Baum; verbal
opposition to Warehouse Demolition District. (1/6)(4/21)(6/16)(12/15) ........... 7,117,118,184,406
Didato, Steve, at Budget Cut Public Hearing, spoke against deletion of Saturday bus services.
(7/9) .............................................................................................................................................. 205
Diercks, Jody, spoke at budget cut public hearing. (7/9)............................................................204
Dirks, David, of City's financial advisory firm, City's improved financial rating. (9/15)............ 290
Disaster Mitigation Plan (Pre) with ECIA, Federal Grant application; appointments of City reps
Dan Nicholson and Ann Mièhalski; public hearing established etc. (1/6)(6/2)(12/15)....5,171,414
Discovery Center Wetlands-- Phase 'II (Mississippi.River), project started. (1/20) ................16,17
Discovery Center Wetlands, ,Site Package Interior Walkways Project, contracts. (2117)(3/5)43,76
Discovery Center Wetland Site Package II, Mississippi River, Interior Walkways Project,
acceptance. (11/3)...................................................................................................................... 352
Discovery Center Wetlandf'ackage II - Interior Walkways Project, acceptance of Contracts 1, 2,
and 3. (12/1)......................,.:.......................................................................................................390
Disposal of property - Woodlawn Park - Lot 10A & 11A, disposal of portion (Decorah St.) to
Douglas & Jean Kapp and Wm. & Carole Kubler. (1/6) .............................................................. 6
Disposal of property (from Klauer Mfg. Co.) to Dubuque Initiatives. (1/20)(213) ....................16,29
Disposal of Property from Klauer Mfg. Co. in Port of Dubuque to Dubuque Initiatives. (2/3)... 29
Disposal of City interest in Lot 1A and Lot 3A in Columbia Addn. - alley between Bryant and
Ramona from Mt. Loretta 148' south to Dubuque Community School Dis.; plat of Bryant
School Place. ..(3/3)(5/19).............................................................................................. 72,147,148
Disposal of property - Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn., intent to dispose of City
Interest in Lots N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V to Dubuque Initiatives. (4/21) ..........................116
Disposal of 8' Utility easement over balance of Lot 4 Plaza Court to City of Dubuque. (5/19)157
Disposal of City Interest in Lots 21A & 22A of Centre Grove to Edward J. Zalaznik Trust.
(5/19)(6/2) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".............151,170
Disposal of Lots 7 & 8 in Dbq Industrial Center West 2"" Addn. by sale to Vessel Systems, Inc.
(5/19)(6/2) .............................................................................................................................151,170
Disposal of easements on city-owned land at the Riprow Valley Trailhead. (6/2)(6/16)....168,182
Disposal, Lot 2, 319 Hams Adn, Rhomberg & Hawthorne, - Randall J. Klauer. (6/2)(6/16)167,181
Disposai of property- 2521 Stafford St. to Kristy Monahan-Smith. (7/21).........................222,223
Disposal of Lot 6A of Finley Home Add. - alley SW of W 5"' St. to The Finley Hospital. (8/18)247
Disposal of portion of South Way at AsburytoC. P. Pfohl. (9/15) .............................................283
Disposal of portion of South Way at Asbury Rd. to Clarence P. Pfohl. (10/6) .................... 318,319
- ~.- ..
Disposal of portion of John F. Kennedy Rd. Easement to Grand View United Methodist Church.
(10/6)(10/20)........................................................................................................................ 316,340
Disposal of property on Central Ave. between 13th & 14th St. by easement to Dubuque Bank &
Trust. (10/20) .............................................................................................................................. 339
Disposal of property to Riverside Baseball, Inc. - Port of Dbq Ice Harbor Urban Renewal
District. (11/3) ...................................................................................................................... 358,359
Disposal of portion of Sunset Park Subd. No.3 to Damian F. Arensdorf. (11/17)(1211).... 373,399
Disposal of portion of City Interest in Lot 15A in Hill St. Addn. & Lot 27 A in Coriell's Dbq. to
Mary Ransdell. (12115) .............................................................................................................412
Disposal of Lot 1A of Arbor Estates, JFK & W. 32"" to Steve & Judy Selchert. (12115)............413
District Plan, 2020, Dubuque Main St's Bob Felderman, thanking Council for support. (717) 191
District Plan, 2020, Dubuque Main St. submitted by Bob Felderman.(6/16)(7...........................184
DLEC - unpaid services claim by IIW. (1/6) ...................................................................................... 1
DM Sports Bar, Inc., Jumpers Sports Bar., 2600 Dodge, Cigarètte Per.; Liquor Lic. (11/17)... 371
DMASW, Dbq Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, FY 2004 Landfill fees & budget. (1/6).....4
DMATS Policy Board, appointment of Bill Baum in absence of City Manager or Council
Members. (5/19)....;..;.................................................................................................................149
DNR -Iowa - p'ayT - Pay As You Throw, grant proposal to them @ supplying consulting
, services. (1)20)..,....;.;.;................................................................................................................15
DNR..,:Carter Road Detention Basin Construction Project -letter asking for out of order
review of plans and specs. (9/2)............................................................................................. 270
Dódge.St., 4200, Wal-Mart Stores, Tax Appeal, stipulation ofsettlement. (1120)........................11
_"Dod!eSt.:- Hwy 20, Preconstruction Agree. with IDOT, five-lane widening project from NW
-' Arlèrialtó justWesfof"Old Highway Road. (1/20)....................................................................13
Dodge St., 3925, PUDAmendment, for T. Luksetich & S. Smith, construction of 44,287 sq
- building'-PUDAmendment. (2117)......................................................................................41,42
DodgeSt., 351, monitoring Well near former Amoco facility. (3/3) .............................................. 70
D'odg!>St.~Hwy 20, Building Permit Moratorium, extension of time. (4/7)...............................103
- Dodge St., 2900, rezoning for Theisen's Inc. (4/21)..............................................................119,120
Dodge St. - Hwy 20, IDOT; Interim Traffic Signal Improvements Project. (6/16)....................... 180
Dodge St. - Highway 20 Speed limits increase from 45 to 50 to conform to IDOT. (1211) .403,404
Dog Gone, Inc., Dog House, 1646 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (10/6)......................................................316
Dog House, Dog Gone, Inc., 1646 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (10/6)......................................................316
Dogs - Cats -Increase in license fees and penalties. (7/9)........................................................ 206
Dolan, Albert, 3209 Roosevelt, object to 3251 Roosevelt rezoning & development. (5/5) ......136
Dolan, John, 3058 Shiras, object to 3251 Roosevelt rezoning & development project. (5/5) ..136
Dolan, Nancy, 3209 Roosevelt, object to rezoning & development of 3251 Roosevelt Rd. (5/5)136
Dolphin, Gary, applicantfor Five Flags Civic Center Comm.; reappointed. (6/16)(717)180,198,199
Dolter, Mildred, Basket Expressions, 474 Bluff St., Wine License. (7/21) ................................. 218
Door Replacement (East) for Five Flags Theater, accept project. (3/17) ........................:............ 79
DOT, USA, notification that Mesaba Aviation - NW Airlink suspending service. (417).............. 95
DOT, Iowa, application for RISE Grant for Highway 32 - SW Arterial. (717)...............................199
DOT, Iowa, Pre-Design Agree. improvements to US 20 Mississippi River Crossing. (717) .....193
DOT, Iowa, Mississippi River Trail (MRT) Plan, review requested. (10/20)................................ 328
Dotson, Rev. Doctor James, Pastor of Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church, gave
Invocation; requesting rezoning of church N: Grandview for Hartig's, (2/17)(10/20) ..... 36,335
Dow, Wayne, Firefighter, letter re: proposed budget cuts. (7/9)................................................. 204
Downspouts for the Burlington N RR Depot, final by A & G Elec. (11/17).................................369
Downtown Comprehensive Plan, request by Bob Felderman to place as Top Priority. (10/6) 300
Downtown District - Design Logo for Wayfinding Signage. (4/21) .............................................124
Downtown Dubuque - Business Incubator in downtown Dubuque, cost sharing NICC for'
feasibility study. (4/21) ............................................................................................................124
Downtown Dubuque, Main Street Awards. (5/19) .................................................................163,164
Downtown Eagle Inc., Eagle Country Market, 1800 Elm, Cigarette Per.; Beer &Wine Per.
(10/6) ............................................................................................................................................316
Downtown Master Plan - public hearing set for adoption. (12/15) ............................................ 414
Downtown Master Plan Grant extended to 6/30/04 -IDED. (12/15)............................................ 408
Downtown Master Plan Implementation - Carryover Priority. (9/4) ...........................................276
Downtown Neighborhood Council request to install brick paver sidewalks in 1100 block and
1400 block pf Locust Street. (7/21)........................................................................................... 225
Downtown Neighborhood Council, Historic Pres. Comm. re: placing trash receptacles in
Jackson Park. (6/2)(7/21)....................................................................................................166,225
Downtown Neighborhood Council, installation of brick paver sidewalks on Locust SI. (7/21)225
Downtown Planning -IDED Grant Contract Extension. (11/17) """""""""""""""""""""""'" 369
Downtown Planning Committee, Dave Rusk, presentation of Downtown Master Plan. (5/5)..127
Downtown Rehab Loan for Cooper Building, Release of Escrow Agreement. (417)...................94
Downtown Rehab Loan, Dubuque Museum of Art, defer interest payments. (4/21).................124
Downtown Rehab Loan - Cooper Development, DB & T, Subord. Agree. (7/7)(7/21)......198,223
Downtown Rehab Loan - Gronen Properties, 6 buildings, both sides of Main St. between & 10th
& 11th Streets. (11/17) .......................................................,...............................................383,384
Downtown Transit Alternatives Analysis Study. (5/5) .................................................................140
Draft report for Phase 1\1 Architectural/Historic Survey. (5/19) ...................................................162
Dragon Boat Festival Days Proclamation. (9/2) ........................................................................... 265
Drainage Basin Master Plan seéondþhase, Bee Branch Alignment Study Request for
proposals. (3/17) ..........................................................................................................................87
Drainage - Asbury Plaza, response to inquiries; Werner Hellmer letter for Rinikers etc.; City
Mgr. response and AttyWerner Hellmer concerns !>!c., (6/2)(7/7)(9/2) ....................166,199,267
Drake, Flint, Attorney, objeéting to conditions of rezo'ning of Wayne Stewart property at corner
of Old Highway Road & Seippel Rd. (4/21) ..................:...........................................................118
Drake, Flint, Attorney, rep. estate of Edward J. Zalaznik, vacation of Railroad Street in Centre
Grove. (5/19)(6/2)..........................................................................................................150,169,170
Drew Cook & Sons Excavating, Inc. awarded contract for West Locust Manhole Reconstruction
Project.; claim of Steven Bruse referred to him. (6/16)(9/15)...........................................183,277
Drug & Violence Prevention Grant, Helping Services NE Iowa, IA Health Dept. (4/7)(10/20) 95,332
Drum & Bugle Corps Parking - request for demolition of 1112-1114 Central for parking. (5/5)139
Drum and Bugle Corps, Colts Community Center, 1101 Central, Liquor Lic. (9/2)................... 269
Dubuque American Legion Post #6, 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/16) ............................................179
Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Gardens request no parking S side of Arboretum Dr (4/21)108
Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation Grant Request to update technology in
Boardroom. (3/3) ............................................................................................................:............ 70
Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Loan Agreement. (717) ..................................................194
Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau - special meeting with
City Council - update of activities; quarterly report; wayfinding signage; quarterly report.
(1/20)(417)(4121)(8/4) .................................................................................................. 9,99,124,236
Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau report by Sue
Dubuque Area Industrial Development Corp., issuance of Tax Increment Revenue obligation.
Dubuque Area Labor Management Corp., request for funding at budget; letter reo FY 2004
Budget reductions.; Beer Permits for Town Clock Plaza. (2/26)(5/19)(7/21).............48,163,218
Dubuque Area Labor Management Council, Purchase of Services Agreement. (9/2) .............. 273
Dubuque Area Lifetime Center Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/21)....................................108
Dubuque Audubon Society, reo condo complex at 2800 Rhomberg, former Tollbridge. (2/3)...27
Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., rezoning of corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. (9/15) ................ 288
Dubuque Bank and Trust - Community Development Block Grant Economic Devel. Loan to
Heartland Financial USA Inc. - DB & T, for renovation of former Walsh Store Bldg., 13th &
Central; underground tunnel - walkway between main bank & former Walsh Store building;
Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Obligations - Heartland Financial; Subordination
Agreement reo Downtown Rehab Loan; Cooper Development Loan Subordination
Agreement; Tunnel Easement Agreement on Central Ave. ; disposal of easement on Central
to DB & T. (3/3)(4/21)(5/5)(5/19)(717)(7/21)(10/6)(10/20)..... 74,109,134,159,160,198,223,318,339
Dubuque bidding on holding annual Iowa League of Cities conference in 2007. (1/20)............ 21
Dubuque Boat Club - W. Pregler questioning eminent domain possibility in that area. (11/3)365
Dubuque Bowling Lanes; J. Ferring, 1029 If, Main St., Liquor Lic. (6/2)...................................167
Dubuque Community School District - Dispose of City interest in Lot 1A and Lot 3A in
Columbia Addn. - alley between Bryant and Ramona from Mt. Loretta 148' south to Dubuque
Community School Cis.; Plat of Bryant School Place. (3/3)(5/19) .................................. 72,147
Dubuque Community School District, accept corrected sanitary sewer easement. (1 0/6)......304
Dubuque Community School District, Joseph & Ruth Siegert, rezoning of property on Radford
- Rd. near Saratoga Roaèl.(11/17)..............................................................................................375
Dubuque County Board of Health Contract for Lead Paint Program - training grant. (417)....... 91
Dubuque County Board of Supervisors letter to City -Army Corps of Engrs. Study of Couler
'V;dll'yProject. (1211).................................................................................................................. 393
Dubuque County FaiiWeek ProclamåtiOn. (7/21) ........................................................................ 212
Dubuque County Historical Society transfer of liquor license from Ryan House to parking lot on
- E. Third St. for Taste of Dubuque event. (6/16) ......................................................................177
.Dubuque County Historical Society, Ryan House, 1375 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (12/15)...........411
Dubuque County Right toUfeotganization, rezoning of 1870 Asbury Rd. (11/17) .................. 379
Dubuque Discount Gas; Inc; 2175 Central, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (1/20)(7/7)..................15,196
Dubuque Discount Gas, 4110 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (2117)(6/16)........................39,178
Dubuque Girls' Independent League Ball Field Fencing Project acceptance. (1/6) ,.................... 2
DUbuque Girls' Independent League, invitation to Grand Opening. (5/5) .................................139
Dubuque Glass Co., contract for Iowa Street Ramp Skywalk Improvement Proj. (5/19)..........161
Dubuque Golf & Country Club fireworks request.;1800 Randall Place, Liquor Lic.
(417)(5/19)................................................................................................................................. 90,150
Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, 1855 Greyhound Park Dr., Liquor Lic.; Cig. Permit.
Dubuque Harbor, Block 21, Lots 20-30, acceptance of real estate from Klauer Mfg. Co.(1/20). 20
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn, plat of portion of Wall St., Washington St., Cypress St.
and alleys in Blocks 20 & 28; vacating property. (4121).............................................110,115,116
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn, plat of vacated portion of Wall St., Washington St.,
and alleys in Blocks 21 & 27; vacation of properties. (4/21)...........................................112,115
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn, vacating a portion of Fourth St Extension. (4/21) .113
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn., intent to dispose of City Interest in Lots N, 0, P, Q, R,
S, T, U, and V to Dubuque Initiatives. (4/21)(5/5)......................................................116,137,138
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn., plat of vacated portion of Fifth & Sixth Sts; vacating
portion of Fifth & Sixth Sts.. (4121)..........................................................................111,112,114
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn., plat of portion of Fourth Street Ext., Wall
St., Market St., Pine St., & Lot 2 of Lot 20 & alley, Blk 26; vacating portion. (4/21) ........112,114
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn., plat of vacated portion of Bell St & alley in Block 11,
vacating same portion. (4/21) ..............................................................................................111,113
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co., Addn, vacate portion Bell St. & alley in Block 11. (4/21).113
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co., plat of portion of Fourth St. Extension. (4/21) .................111
Dubuque Hardwoods. Miller Logging - Peavey Grain Redevelopment Project., environmental
notice and request for release of funds. (717)(8/21).........................................................193,262
Dubuque Hardwoods, demolition for metal buildings at 205 E. Sixth St.; Port of Dubuque
Building Demolition & Site Clearance Project etc. (417)(7/21)(8/21) ..........................91,218,262
Dubuque Industrial Center West 2"" Addn., Lots 7 & 8, to Vessel Systems, Inc. for expansion;
Tax Increment Revenue Bonds. (5/19)(6/2)(12/15) .................................................151,170,416
Dubuque Industrial Center West property to Adams Co.; Loan Agreement & issuance of G.O.
Loan Notes for Adams Co. expansion project. (5/19)(10/6) ..........................................158,317
Dubuque Industrial Center West, certificate of completion for Giese Mfg. Co. (9/15)..............280
Dubuque Industrial Center West, Develop. Agree. second amend. Interstate Power Co. (6/2)166
Dubuque Industrial Center West, North of, Callahan Construction Voluntary annexation
request. (7/21) .................................;.........................................;................................................218
Dubuque Industrial Center West, Loan Agreement forAdams Co. expansion. (10/20) ........... 340
Dubuque Industrial Center West, North of, and West of Seippel Rd., rezoning for Joel Callahan.
Dubuque Initiatives - Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co; Addn., intent to dispose of City Interest
in Lots N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V to Dubuque Initiatives. (4/21) ........................................116
Dubuque Initiatives - filing of Vision Iowa Application for baseball stadium. (11/3) ............... 363
Dubuque Initiatives - K. Krieg presentation in support of Minor League Baseball Team in Dbq.
(10/20) ....................................................................m.................................................................. 327
Dubuque Initiatives, Disposal of Klauer Property to them. (1120) ................................................16
Dubuque Inn Corp., 3434 Dodge, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (213)(6/16)............................... 27,178
Dubuque Jaycees - Heritage Trail Extension Grant Agreement, IDOT for extension of Trail from
Heron Pond Wetlands Trail to JayceásTrail. (5/19).,....;..;_....................................................148
Dubuque Jaycees - Peosta Channel Trail Project, final. (10/6).................................................. 302
Dubuque Jaycees, 1st & Main, and Town Clock Plaza, Beer Permit for Main St. Event; Beer
Permits for Special Event - Town Clock Plaza; request for fireworks display; Beer Permits-
Town Clock Plaza. (5/5)(717)(8/4)......................,..........;...........................................131,197,234
Dubuque Law Enforcement Center - unpaid services claim by IIW. (1/6).....................................1
Dubuque Lodging, Inc., Days Inn, 1111 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (3/3) ................................................. 72
Dubuque Logging Properties, Demolition & Site Clear Proj. award to W.C.Stewart. (9/26)..... 296
Dubuque Main Street Ltd., request for funding. (2/26) .................................................................. 46
Dubuque Main St. Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/21) ......................................................... 108
Dubuque Main St. submitting 2020 District Plan. (6/16)..............................................................184
Dubuque Main Street Ltd., Bob Felderman, thanking Council for 2020 District Plan. (717) .....191
Dubuque Main Street in support of election for baseball stadium. (11/3) ......................:.......... 362
Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency FY 2004 Landfill fees & budget. (1/6) ........... 4
Dubuque Mining Co., Apartments LTD, 555 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2117)(717)39,196
Dubuque Museum of Art, Loan agreement amendment reo defer interest payments; Uptown
Recreation Program - summer programs, grant agreement. (4/21)(5/19) ....................124,146
Dubuque Order of Moose #355, 1166 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/21)....................................................110
Dubuque Post Office Bldg. Social Security Administration office, Senator Grassley. (5/5) ....130
Dubuque Professional Firefighters, comments at public hearing - budget cuts; possible
elimination of three Firefighters. (7/9)..............................................................................205,210
Dubuque Racing Assn. Dbq Greyhound Park & Casino, Liquor Lic. (3/3)................................... 71
Dubuque Racing Assn. reappointment of DRA Board Members Buol, Markham, Duggan and
Van Milligen. (1211) ...................................................................................................................402
Dubuque Racing Assn. - FY 2004 CIP Schedule. {12/1).............................................................. 394
Dubuque Regional Airport's grant app to Small Community Air Service Development
Pilot Program. (7/21).................................................................................................................217
Dubuque Religious Center, 923 Main, Wine Permit. (116) ............................................................... 6
Dubuque Rescue Mission - Main Street Buildings' Litigation settlement agreement. (7/7)....193
Dubuque River Rides - Spirit of Dubuque, Lease Amendment with Walt Websters. (12115).. 430
Dubuque School District, 28E Indemnification Agreement with City for use of facilities. (2/3) 24
Dubuque Shot Tower, Grant application, Save America's Treasures Program. (3/3) ................ 70
Dubuque Sign and Landscaping & Recognition Wall, Port of Dubuque, design, etc. at Bell and
Third Street for sign & wall near floodwall near America's Trust River's Edge Plaza; contract
awarded to Conlon Construction. (4/21)(6/16).................................................................124,184
Dubuque Star Brewery - Development Agreement with Alexander Co. (4/21) .........................124
Dubuque Storage and Transfer, final plat of Liebe's Subd. No 3 - 3040 Elm St. (5/19) ...........147
Dubuque Yacht Basin, sublease of property to A Myatt, J. Myatt, and Joyce's Tugboat. (5/5)130
Dubuque, USS, invitation for CoUncil to take a cruise. (10/6)..................................................... 300
DubuqueFest, 250 W. 6th St., Beer Per. (417)................................................................................... 95
Duehr, Merle, Labor rep, spoke, budget cuts. (7/9) .....................................................................204
Duggan, Chuck, applicant for Park & Rec Advisory Comm.; reappointed; spoke at Council
meeting - budget cuts. (6/16)(717)(717) .......................................................................180,199,204
Duggan, Mayor Terrance, turning control of meeting to Mayor Pro-Tem.
(2120)(6/2) (8/4)(8/11)(10/6)(10/20)(11/10) .................................... 46,169,236,237,242,322,335,366
Duggall, rv'IityOrTerrancè, affirming membership on GDDC Board. (6/16).................................184
Duggan, l'IIayorTerrance, alternate rep. Long Range Planning Advisory Comm. (7/7)...........202
Duggan, Mayor Terry, letter" from County Supervisors reo Army Corps of Engrg. completing
study of Couler Valley Project by March 2004. (12/1) ............................................................. 393
Duggan, Mayor Terry, reappointed to Dubuque Racing Assn. Board. (12/1) ............................402
Dum¡;ster Fees increased, objection by Steve Cavanaugh. (7/9) ............................................... 204
Durley, Ben, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Board. (5/5)..................................................136
DuTrac Community Credit Union, Deed for ROW at South Way at Asbury Rd." (10/6) ............. 304
Dwelling License Fee, Rentat;fee increases. (7/21) .................................................................... 216
ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (5/19)(9/2)(10/6)(11/17)....144,265,299,368
ENTERPRISE ZONE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES (5/19).............................................144
(1/6)(1/20)(4/21)........................................................................................................................1, 10,107
Eagan, Rev. Andrew, Pastor, St. Thomas of Canterbury Anglican Ch., Invocation. (11/17) .... 368
Eagle Country Market, Downtown Eagle, Inc. 1800 Elm, Beer Per.; Liquor & Wine Permits.
(10/6) ............................................................................................................................................316
Eagle Food Center #018, 300 S. Locust, Cigarette Per.; refund. (7/7)(10/6)........................196,315
Eagle Food Center #130, 1800 Elm St., Cigarette Per.; refund. (7/7)(10/20)........................196,332
Eagle Food Center #320,2050 JFK, Cigarette Per. ; refund of Cigarette Lic.(717)(11/3)....196,356
Eagle Food Centers, Inc. - Elm St., Atty David Leifker communication. (10/6)......................... 299
Eagle Foods Bankruptcy Notice; amended notification - WARN Act - worker Adjustment &
Retraining Notification Act; Agenda in US Bankruptcy Ct.
(4/21 )(8/4)(1 0/6)(1 0/20)(1211 ).......................................................................... 109,231,300,328,389
Eagle Point - Ham's Addition, plat of survey of portion. (6/16)..................................................176
Eagle Point Bluff Condo Development, end of Rhomberg, request for public hearing by S. A
Sutton etc. (10/6)(11/3)(11/17) ............................................................................. 321,322,347.368
Eagle Point District, Wayfinding Sign age. (4/21) .........................................................................124
Eagle Point Water Plant, Chemical Compound Wall and Roof¡:¡eplacement. (9/15)(10/20)284,341
Eagle Point Water Plant ADA Renovation. (9/15)(10/20)................................................ 285,286,341
Eagle Valley Drive, final plat of Eagle ValleySubd. (8/18)........................................................... 257
Eagle Valley Subdivision Development Agreement with Fondell Excavating. (12/1) ............... 402
Eagle Valley Subd. Final Plat; pulled from Agenda; on Agenda. (8/4)(8/18)(9/15).......237,257,294
Eagle Valley Subdivision Final plat. (8/~ß)..................,...................,...................................... 257,258
Eagle Valley Subdivision final plat of Lots, 1-4, and Lots A-B of Block 5. (9/15) ....................... 294
Eagle Valley Subdivision off Roosevelt Rd., Fondell Excavating - item pulled from Agenda;
assistance approved etc. (7/21)(8/4).................................................................................224,237
Eagle Valley Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (8/4)(8/18) ............................ 235,256
Eagle Valley Subdivision Water Main and Service Line Extension Project. (11/17)(12/15)374,428
Eagle Villa, 2800 Rhomberg, former Tollbridge, rezoning request from Stott & Associates and
A,J. Spiegel. (2117)(4/21)(5/5)(5/8)......................................................................40,117,140,142
Eagle Window .and Door, Certificate of compliance with Job Attainment Goal. (9/15) ............279
Eagles Club #568, 1175 Century Dr., Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (3/3)(8/4) .......................... 71 ,233
Eagles nesting, consideration for former Tollbridge rezoning, 2800 Rhomberg. (4/21) ..........117
Easement - Utility, vacation request in Plaza CI. S. Schmitz & M. White. (3/17)(5/5)(5119)82,132,157
Easement for Alliant Energy to install underground electrical telecommunication lines on City-
owned property- between 16th St. & Kerper Ct - behind old Smithfield property. (4/21)..123
Easement for Tunnel - Dubuque Bank & Trust requesting that for under Central Ave. between
the Old Walsh Building and their main bank. (4/21)(10/6)(10/20)............................109,318,339
Easement - Rip Row Valley Trailhead. (6/2) """"""""",,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 168
Easement - John F. Kennedy Rd., Vacate portion Barton Randle Addn., Grand View Methodist
Church. (10/6)(10/20).......................................................................................................... 316,340
Easement acceptance of Sanitary Sewer - John F. Kennedy Rd. from Dbq Community School
System. (1 0/6) ........................................................................................................................... 304
Easement, Conservation, IA Natural Heritage Found¡¡tion, Rip Row Valley Restoration Pro.
(9/26) ...........................................................................................,..................................................297
Easements - Riprow Valley Trailhead. (6/16)...............................................................................182
East Central Intergovernmental Assn. Annual report. (1/6) ............................................................ 1
East Central Intergovernmental Assn. - Pre Disaster Mitigation Plan. (1/6) ................................. 5
East Central Intergovernmental Assn IA general fund, ECIA, STIR proposal impact. (3/17) .... 81
East Central Intergovernmental Assn. - Property purchase of 3 flood damaged structures on
Old Mill Road, demolition etc., Contract for Administrative Services. (3/17)(1/21)........82,212
East Central Intergovernmental Assn. - ECIA - Contract of Services for administrative services
for purchase of flooded Old Mill Rd. properties. (3/17) ........................................................... 82
East Dubuque Savings Bank, Site Plan SW corner of Cedar Cross Rd. & Starlite Dr. (7/21)...223
East Sixteenth St. from Central to alley added to year round alternate parking. (2/3) ............... 31
Easy Street LLC, 431 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (6/2)(717)166,167,196
ECIA - Contract of Services administrative, purchase flooded Old Mill Rd. properties. (3/17).82
ECIA - FY 2002 Annual Report. (1/6).................................................................................................1
ECIA - Iowa cities general fund, impact of STIR proposal. (3/17)................................................ 81
ECIA - Pre Disaster Mitigation Plan. (1/6) ....................................................................................... 5
ECIA - Property purchase of 3 flood damaged structures on Old Mill Road, demolition etc.,
Contract for Administrative Services. (3/17)(7/21) ............................................................ 82,212
Eck, Peter, Equity Builders, and Ed Tschiggfrie, Emerald Acres No.2, amend Zoning PUD - NW
Comer of Tanzanite Dr. (11/17)......................................................................................... 376,377
Econo Foods #471. 3355 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (3/3)(717)..................................71,196
Econofoods #471, Nash Finch Co. 3355JFK, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.(3/3)(717) ............... 71,196
Economic Development Admin. approval application of $2,000,000, Dept. of Commerce. (1/6).3
Economic Development Administration - contract amendment, Adams Co. relocation and
demolition project.(717)(12/15) ..........................................................................................195,429
Economic Development Awards, 2003,Honorable Mention award for City. (11/3)...................364
Economic Development Department,Council review of budget. (2124) ..................................... 47
Economic Development Director Bill Baum pro1<yfor DMATS Policy Board Meetings. (5/19) 149
Economic DeveLopment ,Grant - Adams Co. Expansion - G.O. Loan Notes; Agreement for ED
Grant etc. (10/6)(12/15).........;.....,.......".,...........................................................................317,429
Economic Developmentlnitiative Special Project Grant Application to HUD for cleanup
activities in Port of Dubuque. (6/16)........................................................................................177
Economic Development Loan to Heartland FInancial USA - DB & T, renovation of old Walsh
Store, 13"' & Central. (3/3) ............."...........................................................................................74
Economic Stimulus Package, U.S. Senate, statement by IA Governor Vilsack. (6/2)...............165
EDA - Economic Development Administration - approval of application of $2,000,000, by US
Dept. of Commerce. (1/6)..............................................................................................................3
EDA - Economic Developme'nt Loan to Heartland Financial USA - DB & T, renovation of old
Walsh Store,13"' & Central. (3/3)................................................................................................ 74
EDI - Economic Development Initiative Special Project Grant Application to HUD for cleanup
activities in Port of Dubuque. (6/16) ........................................................................................177
Edina StAt Glen Oak Street, stop signs for east bound and west bound traffic. (1211)'..........404
Education & Conference Center- Grand River Center- Bid Package #1 finalized. (717)192,1930
Ehlert, Mary, objecting to rezoning of 3280 Pennsylvania, Steve's Ace Hardware. (5/19) .......154
Ehlinger, Penny, appointed to Human Rights Comm. (1/6) ............................................................6
Eigenberger, Mary, Claim. (4/7) ....................................................................................................... 89
Elderly-low income, dental help, Cp2 grant. (5/19)(6/16)...................................................162,178
Election of Nov. 3 - City Council, Abstract of Votes submitted. (11/17)....................................370
Election requested for baseball stadium. (11/3) .......................................................................... 362
Electrical Examination, License and Registration Fees, set out by Ordinance. (8/4)........239,240
Electrical - First & Main St. Historical Lighting Project finalized. (11/3) ............................ 351,352
Electrical- Woodward Museum, 2002 Renovations Project, Contract No.6 finalized. (11/3).349
Electrical Fee Ordinances, new commercial and industrial building of the City. (7/21)...........223
Electrical telecommunication Iines,16th St. & Kerper Ct., easement for Alliant Energy. (4/21) 123
Electronic Investment Transactions - Designation of Fiscal Officers, to sign checks & drafts
and to execute electronic investment transactions. (11/3) .................................................. 353
Eleventh & Main Streets, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application - Gronen Properties.
(11/17)......................................................................................................................................... 382
Ellen's Floral Gallery - Lower Main St. Buildings Litigation settlement agreement. (717) .......193
Ellis, Amy, claim; Denial. (1 0/6) ..................................................................................................... 299
Elm at Seventeenth St., Agreement with Iowa Chicago & Eastern Railroad for 5 inch fiber optic
conduit and railroad switch for Flynn Ready Mix Concrete.(10/20)...................................... 332
Elm Street Eagle Food Center, communication by Atty David Leifker. (10/6) ........................... 299
Elmwood Green Subdivision, accepting improvements - Joe Graham. (213).............................23
Emberwood Drive in Dbq County - approvai of Pothoff Place No.2 in County. (3/17) .............. 87
Emerald Acres No.2 PUD - Equity Builders - Peter Eck & Ed Tschiggfrie, amend Zoning PUD-
NW corner of Tanzanite Dr. (11/17)................................................................................... 376,377
Emergencies - Disasters - Disaster Mitigation Plan (Pre) with ECIA, Federal Grant application;
appointments of City reps Dan Nicholson & Ann Michalski; public hearing established
etc. (1/6)(6/2)(12/15) ......."................................................................................................ 5,171,414
Emergency Access Road for Rockdale Road Development for Tschiggfrie -T -Corp
Development. (9/2) ...................................................................."..............................................273
Emergency Communications Center, departmental budget review by Council. (2/10) .............. 34
Emergency Management Agency, Federal, Congressman J. Nussle contact for assistance in
acquisition of col11mercial property damage in June 2002 flooding. (2/3).............................27
Emergency Management Division, report of acceptable, City's flood plan. (213) ....................... 24
Emergency Management Div., contract with ECIA for se",ices for purchase of flooded Old Mill
Rd. property. (3/17)......................................................................................................................82
Emergency Management Division, Iowa, acquisition & demolition of 11)59 QldMili Rd. (9/15)295
Emergency Management Office, Council departmental budget review. (2/10) ........................... 34
Emergency Medical- ambulance service, fees changed. (2/27)..................................................59
Emergency Medical Super. R Jones accept thank you check - paramedic services. (10/6).... 326
Employee Assistance Program, City Employees Counseling Help, Mercy Medical Ctr. (9/15) 277
Employees - Non Bargaining Unit Employees, Wage & compensation plan delayed, budget
amendment reduction. (6/23)(7/9).....................................................................................187,209
Employment Agreement for City Manager, Twelfth Amendment. (9/2) ...................................... 267
EMS - Emergency Medical Supervisor Ric Jones accepted thank you check for paramedic
services. (1 0/6) .......................................................................................................................... 326
Energy Bill limiting liability for manufacturers of MTBE - Letters to Legislators. (10/6) ......... 305
Engineering contract with Veenstra & Kimm for Heritage Trail Extension Project from 22"" St. to
Mines of Spain. (1/6) ...............................................................".................................................... 3
Engineering Dept., budget discussion - Council, esp. @ creation of Storm Water Utility. (2120)46
Engling, Lindsay, President of Valley View Neighborhood Assn., in favor of 605 W. Locust and
2085 Foye St. rezoning. (7/21)..................................................................................................219
Enterprise Funds, explanation @ them at FY 2004 Operating Budget Public Hearing. (11/10)366
Environment - IDOT - Notice reo Environment & Public Hearing - improvement of US from
Peosta to East of NW Arterial. (11/3) ....................................................................................... 348
Environmental Assessments & Consulting Services with Terracon under USEPA Brownfield
Assessments Demonstration Pilot grant program in Port of Dubuque. (1/6).......................... 4
Environmental Cleanup funds requested for cleanup of meat packing plant at 16th & Sycamore
for a new Wal-Mart. (1/20)...........................................................................................................18
Environmental notice & funds used re: Brewery Rehabilitation Project. (7/21)(9/2) .. 213,265,266
Environmental Notice etc. Funds released & environmental notice reo Dubuque Hardwoods -
Miller Logging - Peavey Grain Redevelopment Project. (717)...............................................193
Environmental Protection Agency application for Brownfield Cleanup Activities in the Port of
Dubuque; Iowa Brownfield Redevelopment Program Application. (7/21 )(10/6) .......... 216,304
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission applicant Wayne Klostermann; appointed.
(11/17)(12/1) ........................................................................................................................375,399
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission applicants Stephanie Beecher, Andrea
Bixler, Joseph D. Suarez; appointments of Beecher, Bixler and Suarez. (10/20)(11/3)335,361
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commissioner Wm. Niemann resigning and Mark
Henning not renewing his application. (11/3)......................................................................... 347
Enzler, Jerry, of Dubuque County Historical Society, update on Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Enzler, Jerry, request for Arts & Culture Task Force representative. (1/20)................................ 21
Enzler, Jerry, Ex. Dir. of Historical Society, clarifying project - Miss. River Discovery Ctr. &
bidding history. (3/5)................................................................................................................... 76
Enzler, Jerry, presenting Commemorative Print to Council, NaI'l Miss. River Museum &
Aquarium etc. (9/2)..............;.....................................................................................................265
EPA - Environmental Assessments & Consulting Services with Terracon under USEPA
Brownfield Assessments Demonstration Pilot grant program in Port of Dubuque. (1/6) """ 4
Equipment Operator II individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (10120)............................. 328
Equipment Operator I individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (12115)..............................406
Equity Builders, Peter Eck & Ed Tschiggfrie, Emerald Acres No.2, amend Zoning PUD - NW
Corner of Tanzanite Dr. (11/17) ......................................................................................... 376,377
Erickson, David, 385 E;13th. Lucky 13, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/7)(8/18)...................196,246
Erosion ControIPolicy'& Strategy, on Council Policy Agenda. (9/4) ......................................... 276
Erosion issue - Asbury Plaza area -Asbury Plaza Drainage issue, response of City Manager to
inquiries. (6/2)(7/71(9/2)....................,...........................................................................166,199,267
Ertl, Joe, objecting,toproposed utility franchise fee tax; City Manager letter to him.
Europa Haus,lnc; - Europa Haus & Bierstube, 1301 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (10/20)............... 333
Everist, Burton, applicant for TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm. (1/20) ...................................18
Excess Worker'.s Compensation Insurance Policy approval. (5/5) ............................................129
Excursion boats - Passenger boats, Pier Wall Signage & Refuse Collection policy. (9/15).... 295
Express Depot, Inc., Liquor Depot, 1620 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Wine Per. (1/20)......................15,16
Extension Grant Agreement - Heritage Trail, IDOT, from Heron Pond Wetlands Trail to Dubuque
Jaycees Trail. (5/19) ...............................................................................................................148
Extension of Franchise Agreement - Medicom - Cable TV. & Lease to McCIOWA loL.C.
Extension of time frame for Hillcrest Services to use portable classrooms. (3/17) ................... 85
Extension office, County, HUD, contract for homeownership counseling. (5/19) .........:..........145
Extension Services, ISU Uptown Recreation Prog., Agreements for FY 03 & FY 04. (5/19).....146
(1/6)(2/17)(2124)(3/3)(717)(8/18)(9/15)(10/6)(11/3)........................ 1,36,47,67,190,243,277,299,347
FAA Funds for 2 CIP Projects at Airport, reallocation of funds. (8/18) ...................................... 245
Facility usages - 28E Indemnification Agreement - City & School District. (213)....................... 24
Fair Market Value for U.S. 20 properties for ROW for traffic flow improvement project. (8/4).232
Fair Week Proclamation. (7/21)...................................................................................................... 212
Family Mart, Inc. 3201 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Permit; Wine Permit. (6/16)(9/2) ....... 178,269
Family Self-Sufficiency Program families, HUD, funding for counseling services for home
purchase; application to HUD to renew funding & contract with Ex!ension office.
Famolo of Iowa, Los Aztecas Mexican Rest., 2700 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (8/18)........................... 246
Fannie Stout House, denial of claim. (1/20)....................................................................................10
Farley, Iowa, REAP Funding for Heritage Trail"supportive letter by City Mgr.; letter in support
for IA Federal Recreational Trails Program. (8/18)(10/6) ................................................ 246,305
Farm Lease with Kenneth & Janet Bergfeld. (7/21)..................................................................... 217
Farner Bocken Co., claim; referral to Insurance. (11/17) ............................................................368
Fat Tuesdays, IBRICO Inc., 1121 University Ave., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (717)(9/15) .196,282
February 2003 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (6/16)................................;..................174
February 2003, Financial Reports. (3/17) ........................................................................................ 78
Federal appropriations, Request for, City of Dubuque Priorities etc. (1120) ............................... 21
Federal assistance to cities, press release of Se,nateDernocratic Leader. (51.19) ....................145
Federal assistance to States and Local governments, letter from Senator Tom Harkin. (8/18)245
Federal Emergency Management Agency-J. N~ssle requesting ad<'1 funding for damages of
2002 flooding. (2/3)(3/3) ......................................................................................................... 27,69
Federal Emergency Management Assn. Funding, acqu,ireproperty - June 2002 floOding;
acquisition & demolition of property on OldNliIJRoad. (116)(3/3)(3/11)(9/15)......... 5,69,87,295
Federal Environmental protection Agency State & ]"ribal.Grant Program, funding request for
expansion of 32"" St. Detention Basin. (4/7).....:...................................:................................... 95
Federal Financial Assistance, City's updated Priorities & Requests; thanking ßrassley.
3/17)(6/2) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""','....................................80,167
Federal funding - letter to State legislators. (6/2)........................................................................ 165
Federal grant to complete the Hazard Mitigation Planning Process. (1/6) .................................... 5
Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines, application for monies for Homeownership
Assistance funds. (3/17) ............................................................................................................. 81
Federal Home Loan Bank, Homeownership Assistance Funds, for Affordable Housing Program
Grant. (10/6) ............................................................................................................................... 314
Federal Legislative Issues, two amendments by City Mgr. (2117) ................................................ 39
Federal Recreational Trails Funds, grant agreement. (6/16)................................................182,183
Federal Recreational Trails Program, City in support of Farley's request for Heritage'Trail
funding. (1 0/6) ........................................................................................................................... 305
Federal Strategy - High Priority Action Item for Council. (9/4)...................................................276
Fee - Administrative Fee added - Police authorized Vehicle Impoundments, (10/20) ............. 342
Fee - Confined Space rescue service agreement. (9/2) .............................................................. 267
Fee - Connection, County Farm Interceptor Sewer Extension Project. (10/20) ........................ 334
Fee Renewal, Administrative Services, Alternative Service Concepts for City Worker's
compensation claims. (10/20)...................................................................................................329
Fees, Franchise fee for utilities, FY 2004.
(7/9)(7/21 )(7/28)(8/18)(9/15) ................................................. 209,224,225,227,228,244,292,293,294
Fees, Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees, County Farm drainage basin area. (8/18)251
Fees adopted for conversion of existing structures to condominiums. (8/4) """"""""""""'" 239
Fees changed - Planning Dept. - Schedule of Development Fees in Zoning Ordinances,
changed. (2/27)(7/9) .............................................................................................................64,209
Fees changed for Mechanical Examination, Registration and Certificate of competency fees.
(8/4) ............................................................................................................................................ 240
Fees changed for Plumbing Examination, License and Registration. (8/4) .............................. 240
Fees for Ambulance Services increased. (2127).............................................................................59
Fees for animal licenses - dogs and cats & penalties increased. (7/9).....................................206
Fees for Bicycles increased - Registration. (2127) ........................................................................ 58
Fees for Building Permits increased. (2127) ................................................................................... 59
Fees for Business Licenses - Annual Licenses to $75. (7/9) ..................................................... 209
Fees for collection & disposal of solid waste & recyclable materials increased. (7/9) ............ 205
Fees for Solid Waste Collection Carts. (2127)................................................................................. 60
Fees for Water and Fire Sprinkler Service increasing. (2127)(7/9) .................................. 63,207,208
Fees for Water Rates increased. (7/9)........................................................................................... 207
Fees increased for Rental Dwelling Licenses. (7/21) .................................................................. 216
Felderman, Bob, Pres of Dubuque Main St., requesting funding; Dubuque Main Street 2020
Plan; thanking Council for ,support of 2020 District Plan. (2126)(6/16)(717) ...............48,184,191
Felderman, Bob, requesting Downtown Comprehensive Plan be Top Priority. (10/6) ............. 300
Felderman, Bob,for-E.Waltz, change in-parking times 13th & Jackson St. (10/20)(12/15)327,408
FEMA Funding - to acquire property damaged with June 2002 flooding; Acquisition &
demolition of property on Old Mill Rd. (1/6)(3/3)(3/17)(9/15)............................... 5,69,81,87,295
Fencing Project - DGIL Ball Field, acceptance of project. (1/6) ..................................................... 2
Ferring, James, DlJbuq'ue Bowting Lanes, 1029 % Main St., Liquor Lic. (6/2)...........................167
Fiber Optic Connection-iJetween City Hall & Port of Dubuque Area, agreement with Canadian
National RR for installation. (213) ..............................................................................................25
Fiber Optic Connection Project, City Hall & ,Port of Dubuque; final. (3/17)(4/21)(10/20)83,123,331
Fiber Optic Conduit.instaJIA7"' & Elm Sts. Operations & Maintenance Kerper Ct. (10/20).....332
Fifth & Bell Streets,revise Crosswalk.(1/20)..................................................................................21
Fifth & Bell Streets, Construction Project, awarded to Tschiggfrie. (213)....................................31
Fifth & Sixth Streets in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn., vacation portion. (4/21) ...114
Fifth Street - Port of Dubuque Building Demolition & Clearance Sites. (7/21) .................. 218,219
Fifth Street - West, request to vacate alley for The Finley Hospital. (8/18)(9/2).......... 246,247,271
Fifth Street Construction Proj.. & Hotel- Conference Center Parking Lots, acceptance. (3/17)78
Final Plat of Cedar Crest Subd. requested by Buesing & Associates and Dan Conrad. (1/20) .19
Final plat of Harvest View Estates - Third Addition - Marty McNamer. (2/3) .............................. 30
Final plat of Lot1, Lot 2 & Lot 3 of Miller Place in Dubuque County. (7/21)...............................215
Final Plat of Eagle Valley Subd. - pulled from Agenda; on Agenda. (8/4)(8/18)(9/15) 237,257,294
Final Plat of Lots 1-4 of Miller Place - Larry & Kathy Miller.(9/15).............................................. 278
Final Plat of Westbrook Subdivision..removed from agenda. (9/15)...............................:..........291
Final Plat of Medical Associates Subdivision No.3. (10/20).......................................................329
Final Plat of Sullivan's 2"" Addition in the City. (10/20)............................................................... 329
Final Plat of Wynstone Subdivision, provides for construction of 3 new public streets & 65 lots
offJFK Rd. near Eisenhower School. (11/17).........................................................................383
Final Plat of Riverwalk 5th Addn. (12/1).................................................................................. 393,394
Finance summer interns positions consideration of elimination at budget reduction meeting.
(7/9) .............................................................................................................................................210
Finance Department Employees authorized to obtain bank account info etc. (11/3)...............354
Finance Report, Street, 2003, to IDOT. (9/15) ............................................................................... 281
Financial Records for various Months: November 2002. (1120)...................................................10
Financial Reports - CAFR - Parking Facilities also, FY 2002 CAFR etc. (1/6) .............................. 3
Financial Reports of various months:
January 2003; February; March; April; May; July; August; September; October; November,
2003. (2/17)(3/17)(4/21)(5/19)(6/16)(8/18)(9/15)(10/20)(11/17)(12115)
............................................................................................... 36,78,107,144,174,243,277,327,368,406
Finding of No Significant Impact & Release of Funds reo CDBG Programs. (4/7) ................. 91,92
Fines - Parking Violations, Ordinance changing. (2127) ..................................,....................... 64,65
Finish Carpentry, Contract 7, Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project. (10/6)303
Finley Hospital, John E. Knox, purchase alley at 1408 Delhi 51. (717)........................................190
Finley Hospital, request & approval vacated alley SW of West 5th St. (8/18)(9/2)....... 246,247,271
Finley's Addn. plat of Survey, 2380 University, requested by Dennis & Amy McCarthy. (1/20) . 11
Finn, John, The Busted Lift, Outdoor Service Agreement for use of public ROW; spoke in favor
of Firefighters; request for Irish Fest. (6/2)(10/6) ....................................................171,172,322
Fire Captain position certified individuals tested by Civil Service Comm. (7/21).....................215
Fire Chief-Assistant, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/21)............................... 215
Fire Chief and Police Chief referred problem of only 1 aCcess to T-Corp Development on
Rockdale Road. (9/2) .....................................................,...........................................................273
Fire damages at St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, communication of support. (8/18) 260
Fire Departmental budget reView; budget reductions opposed & considered; elimination of
positions considered. (2110)(6/2)(7/9) .......................................................,.......... 34,172,204,210
Fire Department - Firefighter's Assn. Tom Ready, in attendance at budget work session
meeting; concerns and objections @ Fire Dept. staffing reductions; possible elimination of
positions at special meeting; amendment approved with Dbq Professional Firefighters
Assn.. (6/2)(7/9)(7/28).....;.;................................................;.....,.,..;.,.;;.....;.....,....;.172;204,210,229
Fire Department - City Manager responding to citizen safety concerns. (717) .;....;.................. 202
Fire Department - Fee - Confined Space rescue service agreement. (9/2) ............................... 267
Fire Equipment Operator position certified individuals by CivH Service .Comm.(7/21) ........... 214
Fire Lieutenant position certified individuals tested by. CivilSer1liCeComm. (7/21) ...,..... 214,215
Fire Rescue - Proclamation for fire & police. (4/21) .......,...................,....;...;............................... 107
Fire Sprinkler Service Fees changed. (2/27)(7/9) .......;...;...;.................................................... 63,208
Firefighters reo budget cuts. (6/2)(6/16) ..........................................................................171,172,185
Firefighters, amendment to Collective Bargaining Agreement. (9/2) ......................................... 265
Fireworks request by Dubuque Golf & Country Club. (417)........................................................... 90
Fireworks request for 2004 for 7/3/04 by Jaycees & KDTH. (7/21)..............................................212
First & Main St. Historical Lighting Project finalization. (11/3) ................................................... 351
First & Second Street, property owners objections to Main St. closure, Irish Fest. (9/15) ..... 277
First Responders - Nat'l League of Cities requesting letter to Pres. Bush for funding. (1/6)..... 5
First Time Homebuyers, funds from there to Historic Pres. Rehab Program. (2/26) .................. 48
Fiscal Officers of the City authorized to do electronic transactions with Treasury Direct and
execute checks for City and transfer between bank accounts. (11/3) ......................:... 353,354
Fisch, David, 406 Almond, in support of rezoning of W. Locust and portion of Foye St. (7/21)220
Fischer Co. - Plastic Center, Inc. Agree reo design standards of Ice Harbor Urban Renewal
District. (6/2) ...............................................................................................................................166
Fischer Lanes, Plastic Center, Inc. 880 Locust, Liquor Lic. (6/16) ............................................. 179
Fitzgerald, Treasurer of Iowa vs Racing Assn. of Central Iowa, Opinion of Supreme Ct. (6/16)178
Five Flags Arena HVAC System, Shive Hattery Engineers for design. (4/21)..........................,.107
Five Flags Center staff thanked for public hearing setup work. (7/21)...................................... 225
Five Flags Center, City of Dubuque, 405 Main St., Liquor Lic. (7/21)......................................... 218
Five Flags Civic Center Commission applicants Gary Dolphin & Cynthia A. Fuller;
reappointments of Dolphin & Fuller. (6/16)(7/7) ......................................;........................ 180,198
. '-
Five Flags Civic Center, Contract with Thunderbirds - Dubuque Hockey. (10/6)..................... 305
Five Flags Evaluation - High Priority Action Item - Counsel. (9/4)............................................276
Five Flags Theater - Replace East Doors Project, Acceptance. (3/17) ........................................79
Five Flags Theater - Reroofing & Masonry Restoration Project, Acceptance. (3/17)............ 79,80
Five Point Mart, 405 Rhomberg, Cigarette Permit; Beer Per. (6/16)(9/15)...........................178,282
Five Year Capital Improvement Program Budget, as amended. (2127) ................................... 56,57
Five Year Street Construction Program FY 2004-2008 adopted. (2127)........................................57
Flag Project of Noon Optimists -Avenue of Flags Project & fundraiser. (1211).......................404
Flag, Dubuque, Deployed Soldiers' Picture showing military holding the City Flag. (9/2)....... 268
Flat Iron Park Renovation Project, acceptance. (717) ..................................................................191
Fleet Week, USS Dubuque inviting Council to cruise. (10/6) ..................................................... 300
Flex spending program of City- Total Administrative Services Corporation. (1/6).....................4
Flood damage properties - Old Mill Road - Contract for Administrative Services for Old Mill
Road Property Purchase Grant, acquisition 3 flood damaged properties & demolition.
(1/6)(3/3)(3/17)(9/15) ................................................................................................5,69,81,87,295
Flood Protection Project Continuing Eligibility Inspection acceptable. (213)..............................24
Flooding - Federal Emergency Management Agency - J. Nussle requesting add'i funding for
damages of 2002 flooding. ..(213)............................................................................................... 27
Flooding - Federal Emergency Management Assn. Funding - acquire property damaged with
June 2002 flooding. (1/6).............................................................................................................. 5
Floodwall- Senator John C. Culver, Recognition Plaque. (9/15)............................................... 282
Flora Park Rest R,,-om Construction Project. (8/18) .................................................................... 244
Flora Pool Painting Project; final. (10/6) ................................................................................ 300,301
""Flora Swimming Pool, Concession'Agl'eement-with Baseball Dreamers. (3/3) .......................... 69
Flynn Company, Inc., finalization'ofTanzanite Drive Paving Project. (11/3).............................352
Flynn Ready Mix - Iowa Chicago Central & Eastern Railroad for construction of Railroad Switch
& Rail Extension for the Flynn ,Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Railroad Spur.(10/20) .................. 332
Fonck, Carolyn, Channel Inn, 20'\.0 Y. Kerper, Liquor Lic. (10/20) .............................................. 333
Fonck, Kenneth, Worker's Comp Claim approved. (8/18) .......................................................... 246
Fondell Excavating, finalization of Flat Iron Park Renovation Project. (717) .............................191
Fondell Excavating - Eagle Valley Subd., withdrawn from Agenda. (7/21) ............................... 224
Fondell Excavating, awarded .contract for In-Line Skate Rink Project. (9/15) ........................... 290
Fondell Excavating, Inc.- Eagle Valley Subd. along Roosevelt Rd.; Agreement; awarded'
contract. (8/4)(1211)(12115) ..........................................................................................237,402,428
Fondell, Mark, developer for 3251 Roosevelt Road. (5/5) ........................................................... 136
Forest Grange Subd. #2, final plat for portion for Jim Gantz. (8/18) ................................... 243,244
Forester, Sr. Diane,lowa Heritage Foundation, ease. for Rip Row ValleyTrailhead.(6/16) .....182
Foster Grandparent Program - Project Concern, Purchase of Services Agree. (9/2) .............. 273
Foster, Jeff, of Foster Engineer, in favor of 5255 Pennsylvania Ave. rezoning. (12/15)...........415
Foster, Patricia, applicant for Human Rights Commission; appointed. (12/1)(12115) 3$9,414,415
Four Mounds Estate Historic District as a City landmark. (9/15)(11/17) ............................. 288,379
Four Mounds Foundation, Four Oaks Community Partnership Cp2 Grant Subcon. (12/15)...408
Four Mounds Foundation for Summer Day Camp Program, FY 2003 Agreement & FY 2004 Grant
Agreement. (5/19)....................................................................................................................,146
Four Mounds Foundation, letter of support for their fundraising. (11/3)................................... 355
Four Oaks Inc of Iowa, cp2 Funds. (5/19).....................................................................................162
Four Oaks Community Partnership Cp2 Grant Subcontract, Four Mounds Foundation.
(12115) ..........................................................................................................................................408
Four Oaks Housing Education & Rehabilitation Training (HEART) Program Community
Partnership Cp2 Grant. (12/15) ................................................................................................408
Four Seasons Buffet, 3305 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (5/19).................................................................150
Fourteenth & Thirteenth & Central Ave., Tunnel - Dubuque Bank & Trust requesting that for
under Central Ave. between the Old Walsh Building and their main bank.
Fourth & Iowa Streets and Port of Dubuque, Fiber Optic Connection. (3/17) ............................. 83
Fourth and Iowa Streets, plat of survey of Canfield Place No.2. (3/17).......................................80
Fourth St. in Port of Dubuque, Historic Preservation Comm., reo demolish metal warehouse.
Fourth St. Peninsula - Klauer property, Offer to buy & naming of W.J. Klauer Family Plaza.
Fourth Street Extension, Dubuque Harbor Co. Improvement Co. Addition, vacation of portion.
Foye Street, 2085 & 2085 %, rezoning of that and 605 W. Locust, to C2 for Spahn's - strip mall
potential. (7/21) ..........................................................................................................................219
Franchise Extension - Cable Teievision - Mediacom.
(3/3)(3/17)(6/2)(6/16)(12/1 )(12/15) ........................................................ 73,86,168,182.395,427,428
Franchise fee for utilities, FY 2004.
(7/9)(7/21 )(7/28)(8/18)(9/15)................................................. 209,224,225,227,228,244,292,293,294
Francois, Michael, claim; settlement. (8/4)(8/18)..................................................................231,243
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Eagles Club #568,1175 Century Dr. Li.quor Lic.; Cigarette Per.
(3/3)(8/4).................................................................................................................................. 71,233
Free garbage - refuse sticker for holidays. (12115) ..................................;.................................. 431
Freedom Ridge Estates, N side of Oakland Farms Road in County for John Perry-
preliminary plat approved. (10/20);.;.....................................,..........;........;.......................;...;...342-
Freedom Ridge Estates in County- off Oakland Farms Rd., final plat approval. (11/17) .......386
Freeze on hiring - City employees. (2/27)....................................................................................... 58
Frick, Jack, Dbq Arboretum & Botanical Gardens requesting No Parking on South Side of
Arboretum Dr. (4/21)..........................................................................;.....................................108
Friedenberger, Mark, claim; denial. (717)(7/21)..................,..................................................190,212
Friedman, Lois, Claim; forwarded to Ins. Co. (417) .......................;............................................... 89
Friends of "Continuum" Sculpture Committee, suggestions for placement of sculpture. (3/17)78
Fritsch, Douglas & Diane, 14238 Middle Road, letter @ annexation to Dubuque. (1211) ......... 401
Frommelt, Dave, for Kivlahan Farms, rezoning ofW. 32"" St. & JFK to C2. (8/18)( ..................253
Fry, Bob, objecting to stormwater utility. (1/6).................................................................................1
Fuerst, Candace, Claim. (7/21).......................................................................................................212
Fuerst, Elizabeth A, Claim. (9/2) ................................................................................................... 265
Fuhrman, Russell J., settlement of claim. (1/6)................................................................................1
Fuller, Cynthia A., applicant for Civic Center Commission; reappointed. (6/16)(7/7) ........180,198
Funding - Historic District Public Improvement Programs considered etc. (8/4) .................... 237
Funding available for Section 202 & 811 - Capital Advance Programs & inviting applièations.
(5/5) .............................................................................................................................................131
Funding options for 2 items on budget. (2127)............................................................................... 58
Funds requested to demolish former Dubuque Packing Co. & clean up area for new Wal-Mart at
Sixteenth & Sycamore St. (1120) ................................................................................................18
Funds released & environmental notice reo Dubuque Hardwoods - Miller Logging - Peavey
Grain Redevelopment Project. (7/7) ........................................................................................193
Funds released & environmental notice reo Brewery Rehabilitation Project. (7/21)(9/2)... 213,265
Funds reallocated for 2 CIP projects at Airport. (8/18) ................................................................ 245
FY 2002 Annual Report of East Center Intergovernmental Assn. (1/6) ..........................................1
FY 2003 Annual Action Plan Amendment No.3. - Program Year 2002. (1/20) ............................14
FY 2003 Annual Action Plan, Amendment 4. (5/19) .....................................................................145
FY 2003 Annual Action Plan, Amendment 5. (717) .......................................................................194
FY2003 Budget Amendment(s). (2/3) (4/21)(5/19)............................................................16,117,160
FY 2003 Budget Form Conversion. (213).................................................................................... 25,26
FY 2003 Quarterly report from Substance Abuse Services Center. (1120)...................................10
FY 2003 Street FInance Report to IDOT. (9/15).............................................................................281
FY 2004 Annual Action Plan - CDBG; Amendment No.1; Amendment No.2.
FY 2004 Asphalt Paving Project. (5/5)(6/2) ............................................................................135,171
FY 2004 Budget - Chamber of Commerce loan agreement. (717) ..............................................194
FY 2004 Budget Amendment modifications; proofs of publication & discussion and action for
budget reductions at special Council Meeting. (717)(7/9).......................................202,204-206
FY 2004 Budget amendment, Wage & Compensation for City Employees reinstated. (7/28).. 228
FY 2004 Budget reductions - impact, Community Development program. (6/16) ....................174
FY 2004 Budget reductions, firefighters' concerns etc.; amendment to Bargaining Agreement.
FY 2004 Budget; Amendment; review etc.
................................................................................... 21,34,50,145,186,190,204,236,271,345,366
FY 2004 CDBG Annual Action Plan & requesting al1ocation of $20,000 for Historic Pres.
Homeowner Grant Program. (2/27)............................................................................................ 57
FY 2004 Community Partnership Program- cp2. (5119) ............................................................ 161
FY 2004 Cuts in budget, special session of State Legislature, proposals. (5/19)..............145,163
FY 2004/2005 Certification OveralU3enefit, Community Develop Block Grant Funds. (4/7) ...... 93
FY 2005 Budget, special meeting r&: sources & uses of funding. (10/30).................................345
FY 2005 departmental budget presentations discussions set. (11/10)(11/17)(12115) 366,386,432
FY 2005 Policy GuideJines..(12/11'.................................................................................................. 404
FY2005 REAP Grant ApplicationforPyatigorsk Park - IA DNR. (7/21).....................................224
G.M.S. Inc. - George Stephenson, Bunker Hill Management Agreement. (2117) ........................ 37
G.O. Bond Sale for Stormwater Projects, $2,110,000. (8/4)(8/18)(10/6)(10/20) .....234,255,306,340
Gambling - Responsible Gaming Education Week Proclamation. (8/4).................................... 231
Gaming- Responsible Gaming Education Week, Proclamation. (8/4)........................................231
Gaming Tax, graduated, City Mgr. asking support of legislators. (1/20)(4/21)..................... 21,108
Gansemer, Gary, Hillcrest Family Services, zoning portable classroom time usage ex!. (3/17)85
Gantz, Jim, Forest Grange Subd. No.2, final plat. (8/18) ..................................................... 243,244
Garbage pickup change - to PAYT - Pay as You Throw -IA DNR grant proposal. (1/20).........15
Garage - Operation and Maintenance's Roof Repair Project, final. (7/21) ................................ 214
Garbage - Ordinance - solid waste collection carts available and fees. (2127) .................... 60,61
Garbage - Ordinance - Waste collection carts available & fees set. (2/27) ................................ 60
Garbage - Ordinance - solid & recyclables, fee increased. (2/27) .......................................... 61 ,61
Garbage - Trash receptacles in Jackson Park - Historic Pres. Comm. & Downtown
Neighborhood Council. ( 6/3) ................................................................................................... 166
Garbage collection & disposal of solid waste & recyclable materials, increase fee. (719)....... 205
Garbage & refuse collection for visiting passenger boats...Policy set out. (9/15) ...................295
Garbage & refuse collection, overdue accounts to CountyTreasurer. (12/15).........................409
Garbage stickers, one free, at holiday time. (12115) ....................................................................431
Garbett, Brent, Claim; referred to Selco. (9/2)(9/15).............................................................265,277
Garden Glen Drive, final plat of Harvest View Estates. (2/3)..........................................".............30
Gardener's Lane, Emberwood Dr. prel. plat Pothoff PI. No.2; plat approval. (3/17)(4/7)..... 87,90
Garfield, Alan, President, Temple Beth-EI, Gave Invocation. (9/15)............................................277
Garfield, Scott, requesting rezoning of 521 Garfield from R2A to OR. (11/17)(12/1)... 378,379,393
Gas Co. - Peoples Natural Gas, Utility Franchise Fee add~d. (7/28)(9/15)..................228,292,293
Gassman Quarry - final plat of property at corner of Old Massey.Rd. & Hwy 52. (3/17) ............ 80
Gassman, Brooke N., Claim; referred to Ins. (2/3)(2117).............................................,.............. 23,36
Gay Park, Jeff & Julie Chase requesting to purchase porti(ln.ofnea(b-yCityproperty. (11/3) 347
GDDC . Rick Dickinson, verbal report. (1/6)(6/16)....................................................................7,184
GDDC - Purchase of Services Agreement. (4/21) ........................................................................ 108
Geisler, Todd, reappointed to Mechanical Board. (4/21)............................................................117
General Fund Capital Loan Notes, Loan Agree. $15,000,000; abandon process.
(11/3)(11/17)(12/18)............................................................................................... 360,361,381,433
George W. Rogers Co. Shot Tower listed in National Register of Historic Places.(717)....191,192
Gerhard, Curtis, Knicker's Saloon, 2188 Central, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/16).................179
Gerlach, William, Claim; settlement. (1/20).....................................................................................10
GFOAawarded City a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for
Comprehensive Financial Reports for FY ending 6 30 02. (5/5)............................................130
Gibbs, James, applicant Historic Pres. Comm.- appointed.
(6/2)(6/16)(1 0/20)(11/3) ........................................................................................... 169,180,335,361
Gibson, Rev. Ken, of Wartburg Seminary, Gave Invocation. (116)...................................:..............1
Giese Manufacturing - Certificate of Completion in Dbq Industrial Center West. (9/15) ......... 280
Giese, Jim, Commercial Roofing, contract Library Roofing Pro.; final. (3/17)(10/20)..... 86,87,331
Giesen, Jim, 1600 Lori Ct., questioning property tax increase specifics. (7/9)......................... 205
Giesen, Judith Haley, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; reappointed. (12/1)(12/15).... 399,414
Gill Miller Golf Course Architects, for Bunker Hill Golf Course Renovation. (3/17)....................87
Gilloon, Attorney Art, reo penalty for Kwik Stop tobacco sales to underage youth. (5/5).........139
Ginter, Donna, West Dubuque Tap, 1701 Asbury, Liquor Lic. (3/17)............................................83
Girls Independent League Fencing Project - completion. (1/6) ..................................................... 2
Glen Oak St. and Edina St., stop signs for east bound and west bound traffic. (1211) ............ 404
Goal settin9 special session of City Council. (9/3) ......................................................................275
Goetz's, Jim Goetzinger, 2776 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (213)............................................................. 27
Goetzinger, Jim, Goetz's, 2776 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (213)............................................................27
Gold Metal Meat, Inc. (JMC), ARC Design Resources reo possible rezoning of old meat packing
plant at Sycamore & Sixteenth St. (1/20)..................................................................................18,
Golden Eagle Drive, final plat of Eagle Valley Subd. (8/18)(9/15) ........................................257,294
Goldsberry, Joe, LTJG of USS Dubuque, invite Council Members to take USS Dubuque cruise.
(1 0/6)...........................................................................................................................................300
Golf & Country Club request for fireworks; liquor lic. (417)(5/19).......................................... 90,150
Golf Cart Paths - Recreational Trails award, for 2003, Mississippi Riverwalk Phase II. (11/3) 364
Golf Course - Bunker Hill, Management Agreement G.M.S. Inc. - George Stephenson. (3/17)37
Golf Course Renovation Master Plan for Bunker Hill Golf Course. (3/17) ................................... 87
Gotto, John, & Teamsters vs City. (8/4) ........................................................................................ 231
Government Finance Officers Assn. GFOA, awarded City a Certificate of Achievement
Excellence in Financial Reporting, Compo Financial R<!ports for FY ending 63002. (5/5) 130
Government Performance & Results Act Annual Products Report for CLG. (1/6)........................ 1
Governor Tom Vllsack letter, 10wäValu<!s Fund legislation & tax & regulatory changes. (717)194
GPRA - Government Performance & Results Act Annual Products Report for CLG. (1/6) ......... 1
Grace St., 1730, rezoning request along with portion of N. Grandview for Grandview United
Methodist Church & Dick Hartig. (10/20).........................,...."................................................. 335
Grace, Dianne, Pastor, Immanuel Con.gregational United Church of Christ; Invocation. (6/16)174
Grafe Auction Co., retention of them reo Eagle Food Centers bankruptcy. (10/6) .................... 300
Graham, Joe, developer of Elmwood GreenSubd., acceptance of improvements. (213)...... 23,24
Grain R<!development Project -Dbq Hardwoods, Miller Logging, Peavey Grain Redevelopment
Project. (717) """"""""'.............................................................................................................193
Grand Harbor Resort & Waterpark Project; Certificate of Completion. (5/19)..........................148
Grand Harbor Resort & Water Park, Platinum Hospitality, 350 Bell, Liquor Lic. (1211) ............394
Grand Opening CommemorativePririt - Nat'l Miss. River Museum & Aquarium. (9/2)............265
Grand River Center ...plaza east & 'adjacent named W,J; Klauer Family Plaza. (1120)...............20
Grand River Center, Logo Design Services, McCullough Creative Group; approval.
Grand River Center - naming opportunities for different spaces etc.; temporary names for
meeting rooms be revisedt be-consistentwith industry standards. (6/2)(8/4) ............171,233
Grand River Center Bid Package #1 finished by Kraemer Bros. (717)........................................192
Grand River Co,nference Center, comment @ its magnificence. (7/21) ..................................... 225
Grand River Center Dedication Plaque. (9/15) ............................................................................. 282
Grand River Center Artwork, RFQ's; selection approval ofartwork. (9/15)(11/17) ..... 291 ,292,386
Grand River Center, Platinum Hospitality, 500 Bell St., Liquor Lic. (10/6).................................316
Grand River Excursion, Congressman J. Nussle in support. (3/3) .............................................. 68
Grand Tap, James Kohl, 802 Central, Liquor Lic. (10/6)..............................................................316
Grand VIew Ave. United Methodist Church, vacation of John F Kennedy Roadway Easement;
acceptance of public improvements in Barton Randle Addn. (10/6)(10/20)(1211).316,340,393
Grandview Ave. N., 296, rezoning request removed from Agenda. (2/3) ..................................... 32
, Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church, requesting rezoning of 419 & 485 N. Grandview for
Hartig Drug Store. (1 0/20) """"""...................................................................................... 335,336
Grandview Ave., S., 105, purchase part of alley abutting property, Michelle Kenline. (8/18)...244
Grant Agreement with Dbq Museum of Art. (5/19).......................................................................146
Grant - Lead Hazard Reduction application to HUD. (6/2)..........................................................166
Grant-IDED, Downtown Master Plan, extension til 6/30/04. (12/15).........................................408
Grant application - Shot Tower, Save America's Treasures. (3/3).......................................... 69,70
Grant application - EDI to HUD for cleanup in Port of Dubuque. (6/16) ....................................177
Grant application - RISE for Hwy 32 - SW Arterial from IA DOT. (7/7) ......................................199
Grant application for Brownfield Cleanup Grant US EPA, cleanup in Port of Dubuque. (7/21)216
Grant application of Scott Potter, Garfield Ave., for SRO Housing, to IDED. (12/1) ..........392,392
Grant Contract extension, IDED, Downtown Planning. (11/17) ..................................................369
Grant program - Tribal, application for extension of 32"" Street Detention Basin. (417) ........... 95
Grant Program - Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction. (11/3)............................................. 354,355
Grant proposal by IA DNR - Pay as You Throw, supplying consulting services. (1120) ............15
Grant request to update technology in Chamber of Commerce Board Room. (3/3).................. 70
Grant, Danita, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/4)(8/18) .............................. 236,251
Grant, Economic Development, Adams Co. expansion at Dbq Industrial Park West. (10/6)... 317
Grant, Federal Recreation Trail - Pyatigorsk Park. (10/6) ........................................................... 305
Grant, IA Dept. Health Drug & Violence Prevention, subcontract Agree. Helping Services of NE
Iowa. (1 0/20)............................................................................................................................... 332
Grant, State, CIP Project, Airport. structural assess Quonset & buildings state grant. (7/21) 217
Grape Harbor, Carroll's Wine Co.,123 Main, Liquor Lic.; Outdoor Ser.; Liquor Lic.
(7/1)(7/21)(10/20) ..........................................................................................................189,218,333
Grass & Weeds removal- Policy- New Ordinance. (7/7)........................................................... 200
Grass, Dave, Firefighter, objecting Information Services Dept.overtime deletion. (7/9)......... 204
Grassley, Senator Charles, status of Post Office building; responding to Dbq's inquiry, federal
funds; re Post Office building; thanking him for legislation to assist states; ":liter to Harkin
in support of Senator Grassley's legislation; letter thanking him for fighting for state's
financial assistance; letter to oppose efforts to pass damaging legislations as part of
appropriations bill; letter from him@ Internet Non Discrimination Act.
Graybill, Carey, Steelegray, Inc. rezoning 2915 John F. Kennedy Rd, AGto R1. (6/16).....180,181
Greater Dubuque Development Corp. - Rick Dickinson, verbal report. (1/6)(6/16) ............... 7,184
Greater Dubuque Development Corp.,Pùrchase of Services AgrØernent. (4/21) ...::....:....:......108
Greater Dubuque Development Corp. appointment of Council Me'mbers Nicholson & Cline and
Mayor Duggan and City Manager Van Milligen and Bill Baùrn.(6/16) .................................. 184
Greater Dubuque Development Corp. Rick Dickinson, oppose Warehouse Demolition Dis.
Green, Howard R., firm, Design Contract for U.S. 20 Intersection Improvements. (2117) .......... 37
Greyhound Bus Contract for Keyline Transit to sell tickets etc. (5/5)........................................130
Greyhound Corporate Office, claim of Gary Nauman referred to them. (10/6) .......................... 299
Greyhound Park and Casino, 1855 Greyhound Park, Cigarette Per. (717) .................................196
Gronen Adaptive Reuse, Historic Preservation Comm. low-income housing tax credits.(11/3)355
Gronen Properties, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application. Main and 11 th Street.(11/17)382
Gronen Properties, Downtown Rehab Loan, six buildings Main St. -10"' & 11th Sts. (11/17).. 383
Ground Round Rest., Jamis LLC, 50 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic.; refund Liquor Lic.(3/17)(6/2) ... 83,166
Grove Terrace, 1105, the Hancock House, Stipulation of Tax Settlement. (10/20) .......:.......... 328
Gudenkauf, Lloyd S., requesting release of bond for Patricia Ann Drive completion. (8/4) .... 231
Guidelines - Policy, FY 2005, for Budget. (1211) .......................................................................... 404
Guidelines for Landscaping, Port of Dubuque Parking Lot & Plant lists. (417)...........................91
Gùinn, Suzanne, resigned from Historic Pres. Comm - Jackson Park. (3/3) """"""""""""""" 70
Gutters & Downspouts, Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Proj, Contract 2, final. (11/17)370
Gutters - Burlington N RR Depot Restoration Project, final contract 2, A & G Elec. (11/17)...369
(1/6)(213)(6/16)(717)(7/21)(8/4)(10/6)(11/3)(11/17) ......................1,23,174,190,212,231,299,347,368
(417)(5/5)(7/21)(9/2)(10/6)(1 0/20)(11/3)(11/17)............................... 89,128,212,265,299,327,347,368
(3/17)(417)(4121)(6/2)(717)(8/4)(9/2)(9/15)(11/3)(12115) .....78,89,107,165,190,231,265,277,347,406
(2117)(417)(4/21)(10/6)(11/3)(1211)(12/15) ........,......................................36,89,107,299,347,389,406
(213)(2/17)(3/17)(4/21 )(6/2)(6/16)(7/21 )(9/2)(9/15)(1 0/20)(12/1 )(12115)
............................................................................. 23,36,78,107,165,174,212,265,277,327,389,406
Hallahan, Robert, Claim. (1211) .................~..................................................................................... 389
Halloween - Trick or Treat Night Proclamation. (9/15)................................................................ 277
Ham's Addition, disposal of portion of property at Rhomberg & Hawthorne to Randall Klauer;
plat approval of Eagle Point or Ham's Addlt.; disposaHothem. (6/2)(6/16).........167,176,181
Hammel,Karen, objecting to newWal-Mart at 16"' & Sycamore. (1120).......................................18
Hammerheads Bar & Billiards, 2095 Kerper, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/17)(8/4) ............ 39,233
Hancock Hquse, 1105 Grove Terrace, Tax appeal Stipulation of Settlement. (10/20) .............. 328
Handicapped parking in ramps (add'l) urged at Parking Div. búdget hearing. (2124) ................ 47
Hanson, Becky, claim; settlement. (5/19}(6/2)................;........,............................................144,165
Happy Joe's Ice Cream & Pizza, J &PO'Hara, Inc., 855 Century, Beer Per.(11/3).................... 356
Happy's Place, PMST Inc. 2323 Roekdale; 'liquor Lie. (9/1-5)...,.;.,.............................................. 282
Harbor, Ice, Pump Replacement Project.c{5/19) "..",................,.............,...............................148,149
Harbor, Ice, Pump Auxiliary Power Project, (10/20).......................,............................................. 334
Hardie, Stephen, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.; reappointed. (6/2)(6/16) ............169,180
Hardwoods, Dubuque, demolition permit - buildings at 205 E. 6th St. - Port of Dubuque. (417) 91
Hardwoods, Dubuque, Miller Logging, Peavey Grain Redevelopment Project, environmental
notice and release of funds etc. (7/7)(8/21).....................................................................193,262
Harkin, Senator Tom, City Mgr's letter requesting support of Grassley's legislation. (5/19)...145
Harkin, Senator Tom, letter re: federal assistance to States & Local governments. (8/18) ..... 245
Harkin, Senator Tom, letter to oppose legislations as part of appropriations bill. (11/17)..... 370
Harmon, Darren, Jeld-Wen, object to Warehouse Neighborhood Demolition District. (10/20)342
Harpy Eagle Court, final plat of portion of Eagle Valley Subd. (8/18)......................................... 257
Harris, David, Housing and Community Development Director, notification that Dave Althaus
not renewing Housing Code Appeals Bd membership. (417) .....................................~............ 90
Harris, Kenneth & Maurine, voluntary annexation request; rezoning of property at 13503 Seippel
Road concurrent with annexation. (10/6)(11/17) ...................................................... 315,377,378
Harris, Rev. Matthew, The Bridge Christian Church, Gave Invocation. (717).............................190
Hartig Drug Co. #8, Cigarette Per.; 1333 Delhi; Cigarette Per. (1/6)(6/16)...............................5,178
Hartig Drug Co. #4, 2225 Central, Beer Per.; Class "B" Wine; Class "E" Liquor.; Cig. Per.
(2117)(6116) ............................................................................................................................ 39,178
Hartig Drug #2,157 Locust, Cigarette Per. (6/16).........................................................................178
Hartig Drug #3, 2255 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per. (6/16).....................................................................178
Hartig, Bob, Oak Park Place, requesting to purchase 3 parcels of property in Medical
Associates. Green Belt; finai plat of Med. Asso. No.3; disposal of property to him.
Hartig, Charles, Youth in Government Student. (4/7) .................................................................... 89
Hartig, David, concern @ noise problems with outdoor musical events. (4/21).......................125
Hartig, Dick, objecting to new Wal-Mart at 16th & Sycamore Sts. (1120) ......................................18
Hartig, Dick, rezoning request former Grandview Methodist Church, 419 & 485 N. Grandview
for drug store etc. (10/20) .................................................................................................. 335,336
Harvest Development, 4100 Asbury Rd., rezoning for 180 unit senior assisted living housing
complex; temporary access from NW Arterial. (7/21 )(9/15) ............................................221,278
Harvest View Dr., assisted living project by M. McNamer, access NW Arterial. (9/15)10/6)278,325
Harvest View Estates Third Addition, final plat, for Marty McNamer. (2/3) .............................30,31
Harvest View Estates Fourth Addition, final plat. (11/17).....................................................384,385
Harvest View Park, designated & prohibition of alcohol. (417).....................................101,102,103
Hawthorne Street Peninsula Water Works Park, naming opportunities. (6/2) ..........................171
Hawthorne St. & Rhomberg, Ham's Addition, disposal of portion of property at Rhomberg &
Hawthorne to Randall Klauer; plat approval of Eagle Point or Ham's Addn.; disposal to
them. (6/2)(6/16)...........................................................................................................167,176,181
Hawthorne Street Peninsula ROW criteria - vending - transient merctiants.(7/21)(11117)224,386
Hawthorne Street, 1902, renovàtion of Chemical Compound Building at Eagle Point Water
Plant. (1 0/20) .............................................................................................................................. 341
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, FEMA Funding to acquire flooded property. (1/6).................. 5
Hazard Mitigation Planning Process - ECIA apply for Federal grant etc. (1/6) ...........................:.5
Hazard Mitigation grant contract - ECIACOritract for demolition of 3 flt;loded .proþerties on Old
Mill Rd. (7/21)..............................................................................................................................212
Hazard Reduction Program, Lead Based Paint., release of funds Notice.(11/3)....,...............'" 354
HDPIP - Historic District Public Improvement Program etc. (8/4)..............................................~37
HDPIP applications etc. - Historic District Public Improvement >rogt1!m:~pplicatipns.(8/4)..237
Health Care Committee Agreement, amendment to Joint Labor Management. (6/16) .............178
Health Center, Tri-State Community, letter of support for Federal Application. (2/3)................. 24
Health Center, Tri State Community, Cp2 funds. (5/19)...............................................................162
Health Center, Tri-State Community, city in support of application. (11/t7) ...."....................... 368
Health Choices, certain agents authorized to make bank withdrawals. (3/17) ........................... 81
Health Dept. - State, legislative action to transfer State Plumbing Code from State Health Dept.
to State Building Code Commissioner. (4/7) ............................................................................ 89
Health Dept. County, interagency Agreement lead paint program administration. (417)............ 91
Health Dept. -IÀ Department of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding. (6/16) ...176
Health Dept. IA Dept. of Public Health, Agreement with Visiting Nurse Assn. - VNA. (6/16)...177
Health Dept., City, Weed Control Policy & Procedures. (6/16)....................................................185
Health Dept., State & Territorial Dental Dir~tors have recognized Dubuque's contribution to
the dental public health of Iowa citizens. (7/21).....................................................................217
Health Plans -Individual & Aggregate Stop Loss Insurance Renewal for FY 04. (6/16)..........178
Health self-insured benefits, agents authorized to make bank withdrawals. (3/17)...................81
Health Services Dept., departmental budget, Council review. (2/5)............................................. 33
Health Services Dept. Weed Procedures. (717) ............................................................................200
Heartland Financial USA - CDBG Economic Devel. Loan. for renovation of former Walsh Store
at 13th & Central; request for underground tunnel on Central Ave; Issuance of Urban
Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Obligations & Development Agreement.
(3/3)(4/21)(5/5)(5/19) ......................................................................................... 74,109,134,159,160
Heartland Financial USA, Inc. - DB& T - Tax Increment Revenue Obligations and Development
Agreement. (5/19)......................................................................................................................159
Heartland Financial, New Market Tax Application. (9/26)............................................................ 296
Heartland Place - between 16th St. & Kerper Ct., Alliant Energy install underground electrical
telecommunication lines. (4/21)...............................................................................................123
Heating System etc. for Five Flags Arena, Shive Hattery Engineering to design. (4/21)..........107
Heckmann, James, request to rezone for 296 N. Grandview for law office. (1/20) ...............18,19
Hefel, Randy, prel. plat Ridgeway Park -17000 Block of John Deere Road. (11/17)...............386
Helbing, Kay, Principal of Audubon, presentation Audubon Appreciation Poster. (9/2) ........265
Hellmer, Werner, Attorney, water run off problem at Asbury Plaza Shopping mall; response of
City Mgr.; reo Asbury Plaza Detention Basin. (5/19)(6/2)(717)(9/2) ...................144,166,199,267
Helping Services of NE Iowa requesting funding; Purchase of Services Agree.
(2/26)(9/2) ................................................................................................................................. 48,273
Helping Services of NE Iowa application Drug & Violence Prevention Grant from State Health
Dept. (417).....................................................................................................................................95
Helping Services of NE Iowa Subcontract agreement for Police Officers - IA Dept. of Health
Drug & Violence Prevention Grant. (10/20)............................................................................. 332
Hendry, John, Adams Co., reo DevelopmentAgreementto buy their Port of Dubuque property
& relocate them to Dubuque Industrial CenterW..st. (5/1,9).........".......................................158
Henkels;Fran, request for Irish Fest with John Finn-The Busted Lift. (10/6).........................322
Henning, Marn, not renewing application for Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm. (11/3)347
Henricks, Susan; Library Director, - Board Mémber Kevin Lynch resigning. (6/2) ................... 166
Henry Stout House Apartments, Irrevocable Liçensé for steps on Iowa St. ROW. (1/20) .......... 14
Henry, Doug; Atty. School District, support rezoning Siegert property, Radford Road. (11/17)375
Heritage Foundation, IA Natural, Disposing 'easéments, Rip Row Valley Trailhead. (6/16)182,183
Heritage Streetcars, purchase two trolleys for service to Port of Dubuque & downtown. (9/2)272
Heritage Trail Extension Engineering COntract Arnendment with Veenstra & Kimm, from 22"" St.
to the Minès of Spain. - add connection,from ;JayceesTrailat'NE Corner, of Kerper Blvd. &
16"' St. across Peosta Channel to Heron Pond Wetlands. (1/6)..........,.................................. 3,4
Heritage Trail Extension Grant Agreement with ¡DOT - trail from Heron Pond Wetlands to
Dubuque Jaycees Trail. (5/19)(11/3)(1211).................................................................148,357,402
Heritage Trail - Rip Row Valley, two ea$ements granted. (6/16) ................................................ 182
Heritage Trail Riverfront System...grant application to IDNR for REAP Funds for Pyatigorsk
Park. (7/21).................................................................................................................................224
Heritage Trail Connection Project, support letter - Farley's app. funding.(8/18)(10/6) .....246,305
Heritage Trail Extension Project from Heron Wetlands to Dbq Jaycees Trail. (11/3) ............... 357
Heron Ponds Wetland Nature Trail in Miller-Riverview Park. - Heritage Trail Extension Contract
Amendment. (1/6).......................................................................................................................3,4
Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail to the Dubuque Jaycees Trail, Grant Agreement; initiation of
project. (5/19)(11/3)(12/1) ............................................................................................148,357.402
Herrig, John, Pres. of Landowner's Assn., objecting to Stormwater Utility fee. (2127) .............. 50
Hess, John, Chair of Historic Pres. Comm., input reo design of second U.S. 20 bridge. (3/3).. 74
HF 686 - TlF, thanking legislators for opposing. (5/5) ...............................................................129
HF 691, thanking legislators for opposition. (5/5)........................................................................129
HF 692 and HF 683, request Governor Veto - Federal Stimulus Package. (6/16) ..................... 175
High Performing award by HUD for Section 8 Management Assessment Program. (8/4)........ 232
High Priority Action Items set out by Council. (9/4)..................................................................... 276
Highway 20 Intersection Improvements, addendum to Preconstruction Agreement with lOOT -
five-lane widening project from NW Arterial to west of "Old Highway Road." (1/20) ...........13
Highway 20 - Old U~S. Highway 20, Water Main Project - Acceptance. (1/20)............................14
Highway 52 . Highway 61/151 & Highway 52, rezoning property South - Key Gate Center No.2
for Daniel J. Mueller. (2/17)(4/21) ................................................................................. 40,120,121
Highway 20 Building Permit Moratorium Extension. (417) ............................................,...... 103,104
Highway 20 - 2900 Dodge St., Theisens, rezoning from C3 to PUD with a PC. (4/21).......119,120
Highway 20 - Old, rezoning of property for Wayne Stewart. (4/21).....................................118,119
Highway 32 - Southwest Arterial, RISE Grant, IDOT for design & construction. (717) .............199
Highway 20 - Fair Market Value establishing for property at intersections.,. with traffic signal
interconnect project from Devon Drive westerly. (8/4) .......................................................... 233
Highway 20 Improvement Project - Property Acquisition etc., Major Project of Council. (9/4)276
Highway 20 (Old) Water Main Phase II Extension Project. (9/15) ...............................................278
Highway 20 Julien Dubuque Bridge, part of Management Agenda for Council. (9/4) .............. 276
Highway 20 Speed limits increase from 45 to 50 to conform to lOOT. (1211) ............................ 403
Highway 52 & Old Massey Road, final plat of Gassman Quarry. (3/17)........................................ 80
Highway 61/151 & Highway 52, rezoning property South - Key Gate Center No.2 for Daniel J.
Mueller & Apex Concrete. (4/21)(12115)................................................................ 40,120,121,415
Highway 61/151, NW Corner, Dbq County, rezoning request of Miller Place for Bill Miller
Logging. (7/21) .............................,................."........................................................"................215
Highway signs final design forWayfinding Sign Program. (5/19).............................................162
Hill St. Plaza, Inc., Oky Doky #8, 535 Hill St., Beer Permit. (2/3) ........................."........................ 27
Hill Street Plaza, Jim Miller, 535 Hill, Cigarette Per. (6/16) ..................................".......".............. 178
Hill Street Addition - plat of proposed vacated portion of public alley - W. 7"' ,St., Mary
Randsell. (12115)..............................................,....,.,.............................................,;......,.....411,412
Hillcrest Family Services ID Institutional District Amendment - extension of time frame for
portable classrooms etc. (3/17) ......................................................................;..................... 84,85
Hillcrest Family Services agreement for Murphy Park for Holiday Light display. (10/20) ........332
Hillcrest Rd. alley N & W of St. Celia vacated & disposed to Damian F. Aren$dorf. {11/17)...371
Hingtgen, Doris, applicant Housing Adv. Trust Fund Committee; reappointed. (9t2)(9/15);¡!71¡288
Hingtgen, Dwane, claim; referred to Clerk of Court, (8/4)(8/18)...........".............."....".."..,231,243
Hingtgen, Trevor, claim - suit filed by Coghlan, Kukankos Cook. (11117) ...".",'."..................... 368
Hiring Freeze recommendation by City Mgr. (2127)........................................................................58
Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn. - funding request for historic street lighting along
Loras Blvd. - denied. (7/21)(8/4).......................,................................................................. 225,237
Historic District Public Improvement Program, applications - HOPIP applications etc. (8/4).237
Historic Districts - Street Banners, Historic Pres. Comm. offering to serve as an advisory
design review body. (11/3) ....................................................................................................... 364
Historic Preservation - National Trust thanking Planning Services Mgr. Laura Carstens for final
report & project summary. (1120) ...........................................................................................,...14
Historic Preservation Comm. Shot Tower to National Register. (2/3)(7/7) .....................24,25,191
Historic Preservation Commission, letter of support for Dubuque to hot 2004 National Alliance
of Preservation Comm. (2/17) ......................................................................................,............44
Historic Preservation Comm. FY 2004 CDBG Annual Action Plan, allocation of $20,000 for
Homeowner Grant Program. (2127)............................................................................................ 57
Historic Preservation Commission resignation of Suzanne Guinn - Jackson Park rep. (3/3).. 70
Historic Preservation Comm. Design 2nd bridge nearJ. Dubuque Bridge, U.S. 20 Bridge. (3/3)74
Historic Preservation Commission applicant Mary Loney Bichell - Jackson Park; appointed.
(3/3)(3/17) ................................................................................................................................73,84
Historic Preservation Commission requesting denial of demolition request for Colt's parking lot
at 1112-1114 Central Ave. (5/5) .........................................................................................139,140
Historic Preservation Comm. Chris Schoepner resign, from Cathedral District. (5/19)...........149
Historic Preservation Commission applicants: Michael Coty, James Gibbs, Christine Olson;
appointments of Michael Coty and Christine Olson. (6/2)(6/16) ..................................169,180
Historic Preservation Comm. app. David C. Stuart; appointed. (6/16)(10/20)(11/3) ....180,335,361
Historic Preservation Comm.: Engineering Dept. costs - historic district entry street signs in
the public ROW. (7/21).............................................................................................................. 225
Historic Preservation Commission reo Langworthy Neighborhood planters, denied. (7/21)...225
Historic Preservation Comm. & Long Range - establish Four Mounds Estate Historic District as
a landmark. (9/15)(11/17) ............................................................................................ 288,379,380
Historic Preservation Commission membership increase. (9/15)..............................................291
Historic Preservation Comm. chair C. Wand, review demolition requests - establishment of
Warehouse Neighborhood Demolition District. (10120) ......................................................... 342
Historic Preservation Commission applicants James Gibbs, Matthew Lundh, Angella Marlatt,
David C. Stuart; appointments of Gibbs and Stuart. (10/20)(11/3).................................335,361
Historic Preservation Comm. - approval of demolition of catwalk at 1598 Central. (11/3)...... 355
Historic Preservation Comm. support housing tax credits, Gronen Adaptive Reuse. (11/3) .. 355
Historic Preservation Comm. - Cooper Development Co.'s app for tax rebates. (11/3) .......... 356
Historic Preservation Commission reo Chestnut Street Reconstruction. (11/3) ....................... 364
Historic Preservation Demolition District Review Process. (1/6) ................................................... 7
Historic Preservation Homeowner Grant Program, Chris Wand, in support. (2/27),............. 5Q,57
Historic Preservation Office, Iowa State, easements~RipRow Valley. (6/16) .........................183
Historic Preservation program accomplishments - 2002 CLG Annual Report. (1/6) ...................2
Historic Preservation Rehab Program, restore $1Q,OOQ to program. (2126)................................. 48
Historic Preservati()n Symposium, applicationforCLG Grant. (9/2) ......................................... 268
Historic Preservation Week Proclamation. (515) .:..:.....:..:.:,........................................................128
Historic Sites Preservation Grant - Shot Tower Rehab. (9/15)................................................... 279
Historic Survey-Phase V of Architectural.- Submission of an Application. (9/2) ..................267
Historic Tax Credits, Alexander's Co. app' Nan Register certificate. Star Brewery Co. (10/6)304
Historical Lighting Project at First & Main St.;finaidU/3):..cc.........;.cc....;..................................352
Historical Society, contracts awarded Miss. River.Discovery Center Wetland Site Pkg II. (3/5) 76
Historical Society - Dubuque County, transfer of liquor license from Ryan House to 350 E. third
for Taste of Dubuque. (6/16)........................;............................................................................177
Historical Society of Iowa ~ Ziepprecht Block bldg. & John Bell Block Building listed in Nat'l
Register of Historic Places. (1/20) .............................................................................................15
Historical Survey- Phase III Architectural, draft report. (5/19) ..................................................162
Historical Survey - Phase IV Architectural - CLG Grant Agreement; Jim Jacobsen of History
Pays! as consultant. (5/5)(6/16).........................:...............................................................129,176
History Pays! Jim Jacobsen, consultant Phase IV of architecturallhistorical survey. (6/16).. 176
HMS Preferred Health Choices, certain agents authorized to make bank withdrawals. (3/17).81
Hockey, Dubuque, Inc., - Thunderbirds, contract with Five Flags Civic Center. (10/6) ............ 305
Hodgden Street Steps at 715 & 787 W. Locust, vacate by D. Ludovissy & A Arzu. (10116)..... 300
Hodge, Steve, President of Dubuque School Dis., plat approval, Bryant School Place. (5/19)147
Hoerner, Janice E., claim vs M. Wagner & City of Dbq. (2/17) ...................................................... 36
Hoerner, Janice, claim; Referred to Ins. (1120)(2/3) ..................................................................10,23
Hoffman House/31 00 Club, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. Liquor Lic. (1/6)(6/16)(12/15).... 5,179,411
Hoffman, David, White House Tavern, 450 Locust, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (717)(12115)197,411
Hogan, Darlene, objecting to rezoning request at 3280 Pennsylvania Ave. (5119) ...................154
Holiday greetings from Sister City Pyatigorsk. (1/6)........................................................................ 5
Holiday Inn Dubuque Five Flags, Kinseth Hotel Corp., 450 Main, Liquor Lic. (12115) ..............411
Holiday light display by Hillcrest Family Services, agreement for Murphy Park usage. (10/20)332
Holidays -free garbage pickup sticker. (12/15)...........................................................................431
Holliday Drive, South of - QHQ Properties, W of NW Arterial, request for rezoning.
(5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(8/4)(9/2)(10/6) .......................................................153,169,174,236,237,273,322
Holy Family Catholic School System, met with Council etc. re: legislative issues. (11/12)..... 367
Holy Ghost Parish Credit Union, Claim; denial. (4/21)(5/5) ..................................................107,128
Hoiz, Jim, Chair of Housing Trust Fund, in favor of 3251 Roosevelt Road Housing development;
applicant for Housing Cot1lm.; reappointed. (5/5)(8/4)(8/18) ...................................136,236,251
Home Based Dental Program, Cp2 Program. (5/19) ....................................................................162
Home Loan Bank of Des Moines, application for Affordable Housing Program Funds. (3/17).81
HOME Partnership Program -IDED, completion of review. (3/3)(3/17) .................................. 70,81
HOME Program funds, IDED, application for SRO for Scott Potter on Garfield. (12/1)..... 392,393
Home Purchase - Homeownership Assistance Funds (PATH) application to Federal Home Loan
Bank for Affordable Housing Program Grant - Pathways Affordable to Homeownership
(PATH). (10/6)..................................................................................................................... 314, 315
Home Purchase education counseling - HUD Family Self-Sufficiency Program families.......... 27
Homebuyers, First Time, $5000 to Historic Pres. Rehab Program. (2/26)................,.,.,..,............48
Homeownership Assistance Funds application to assist families to purchase homes. (3/17).81
Homeownership Assistance Funds (PATH) app. Federal Home Loan Bank for Affordable
Housing Program Grant - Pathways Affordable to Homeownership (PATH). (10/6) ..........314
Homeownership counseling- HUD Family Self-Sufficiency Program. (5/19).......................,.....145
Homeownership Month Proclamation. (6/16).........,.....................................................................174
Honeysuckle Lane & W. 32"" St., zoning at intersection for Kivlahan Farms. (8118)................253
Hopkins, Joseph A., applicant for Human Rights Commission. (1/6)....................,....................... 6
Hoppman, Andrea, Youth in Government student. (417) ............................................................... 89
Horizon Development Corp. - Woodland Ridge Subdivision Acceptance. (1/6).....,...,.................2
Horizon Development Group, job creation goals, CarteGraph Development Agree. (4/21).....124
Horizontal Property Regimes - Condominiums, Fees for conversion of structure.sd8/4)......239
Horsfield Construction, awarded contract for University Ave. ReconstructionProj.(1 0/6).... 325
Hoskins, Mike & Jodi, Claim. (717)..............................................................................;.........;........190
Hospice Proclamation Tour de Dubuque Day - Custom Riders & Bicycle Club of Dbq. (8/18)243
Hospice Month Proclamation. (11/3).............................................................................................347
Hospital Week Proclamation. (5/5) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""128
Hotel & Conference Center Parking Lots & Fifth St. Construction .(3/17).............................. 78,79
House File 2 - Property TaxValuations, letter of Mgr requesting opposition. (2/3)...................24
House File 25, Property Tax Limitation, Mgr. Letter requesting opposition. (213) ...................... 24
House needing cleanup on O'Neill St. (7/7).................................................................................. 200
House of China Co. 170 JFK Road, Liquor Lic. (7/21) ................................................................. 218
Households displaced etc. - Policy - Acquisition - Relocatión Assistance Program for Bee
Branch Basin Stormwater Mitigation Activities. (717) ....................;.......................................199
Houselog, Rachel, claim. (10/6)..........................................................................................:..........299
Housing - Buildings converted to condominiums, fees, regulations. (8/4) ..............................239
Housing - Community Development Block Grant Agreement with HUD, $1,481,000. (7m195,196
Housing - HUD Section 8 Rental Assistance Programs, 2 certificates of achievement. (8/18) 245
Housing - Rental Dwelling License Fee increased. (7/21) .......................................................... 216
Housing - Single Rooms - rezoning of 521 Garfield for Scott Potter. (11/17) .......................... 378
Housing & CD Dept., purchase of Permits Plus Software System. (1120)....................................15
Housing & Community Development, special meeting of Board of Municipal Housing Agency,
and approving the FY 2004 Operating Budget; approval of Mainstream Program Voucher
Application for Section 8 Housing Assistance. (2/27)(6/16).............................................49,173
Housing Adv. Trust Fund Committee - Doris M. Hingtgen; reappointment (9/2)(9/15).... 271,288
Housing Agency, Municipal City Governing Board. special meeting approve FY 04 Operating
Budget; approve Mainstream Voucher App Sec 8 Housing Assist. (2127)(6/16) ............49,173
Housing and Community Develop, $20,000 Historic Preservation Homeowner Program. (2/27)50
Housing Assistance Program Contract, amended, IDED. (4/21) ................................................109
Housing Code Appeals Board applicant Ben Durley; appointed. (4/21)(5/5)......................117,136
Housing Code Appeals Board resignation of Dave Althaus. (417) ............................................... 90
Housing Commission applicant Gina Bell; appointment of Gina Bell. (7/21)(8/4) ............. 219,236
Housing Commission applicant Dorothy Schwendinger, osf; appointed. (11/17)(1211).... 375,399
Housing Commission applicant Joseph Suarez; appointed. (3/3)(3/17).................................73,84
Housing Commission member Tom Swift resigning. (417) ........................................................... 95
Housing Commission applicants John Plein, Dorothy Culbertson, Jim Holz and Danita Grant;
reappointments of Plein, Culbertson, Holz and Grant.(8/4)(8/18) .................................. 236,251
Housing Complex. M. McNamer, for 4100 Asbury Rd. (7/21)................................................... 221
Housing Development at 3251 Roosevelt Road, Fondell, rezoning. (5/5).................................. 136
Housing, Harvest Development, 4100 Asbury Rd., rezoning, senior assisted living housing
complex; temporary access NW Arterial. (7/21)(9/15)(10/6)(11/17)........... 221,278,325,384,385
Housing Month (Fair) Proclamation. (417).............................................................................;......... 89
Housing Program Funds, Affordable, assist families to purchase a home. (3/17) ..................... 81
Housing Program Funds, Homeownership Assistance'Funds (PATH).;pplication Federal Home
Loan Bank Affordable Housing Grant, Pathways Afford Homeownership. (10/6)......314,315
Housing Services Department & Kent J. Blakeman, sued byCrestar-Mortgagt>. (5/19)...........144
Housing Tax Credit Applii:ation Gronen Property development Main & West 11"' Sts.
Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee application IAFinânce Authority funds from local
Housing Trust Fund Program and project based Housing Program. (12/1) ........................403
Housing Trust Fund application, State to IA Finance Authority for $100,000 grant. (12/1)...... 392
Housing Trust Fund Ordinance Amendment reo use of funds'etc. (1211)...........................402,403
Housing Vouchers - application for Section 8, Mainstream;' (6/16) ......;.................................... 173
Housing, owner-occupied, proposed mixed-use subdivision - Callahan Constructi.on. (9/15)291
Housing, Section 8, "High Performing" housing authority by HUD. (8/4).................................. 232
Hover - vehicles, USA T9day article. (1/6)........................;............................................................... 8
Hub Site Lease cable franchise Agreement - MCClowa, LLC.
(3/3)(3/17)(6/2)(6/16)(1211)(12115) ................................................................ 73,86,168,182.395,396
HUD Family Self-Sufficiency Program families - home purchase education counseling. (213) 27
HUD CDBG allocation set out. (3/17)............................................................................................... 82
HUD funding for Section 202 & 811 Capital Advance Programs & inviting applicants. (5/5)...131
HUD funds Family Self-Sufficiency Program Coordinator homeownership counseling.(5/19)145
HUD Grant - Lead Hazard Reduction application to HUD. (6/2) .................................................166
HUD US Dept. of Housing & Urban Develop, EDI Grant app cleanup Port of Dubuque:(6/16) 177
HUD CDBG Agreement for year 7/1/03 and ending 7/30/04. (717) ...............................................195
HUD Dubuque Section 8 Management Program as a High Performing authority. (8/4) ........... 232
HUD Section 8 Rental Assistance Programs 2 certificates of achievement. (8/18) .................. 245
HUD CDBG Annual Action Plan, Amendment 1 to FY 2004 - Program Year 2003. (9/2)... 266,267
HUD Lead Based Paint Award, 2.4 mil. (9/26)...............................................................................296
HUD City's progress for Program Year 2002 successful. (11/3).................................................364
Human Development Policy Committee, Nat' League of Cities, Ann Michalski to serve. (2/17)44
Human Habitation - Structures converted to Condominiums - Fees for conversion etc. (8/4)239
Human Rights Commission Annual Report. (1211)...................................................................... 394
-- -
Human Rights Commission applicants: Cynthia Checotah, Penny Ehlinger, Joseph A.
Hopkins, Marty O'Shea, Charles f. Ryan, Vincent J. Vanden Heuvel, Kimberly Walsh. (1/6).6
Human Rights Commission applicants: Sarah Davidson, Patricia Foster, Judith Haley Giesen,
Evelyn E. Jackson, Robert Nesler, Marty O'Shea; reappointments: Judith Giesen, Evelyn
Jackson and appointment of Sarah Davidson and Patricia Foster. (1211)(12/15) 399,414,415
Human Rights Commission notification that Katherine Stevens will not reapply. (1/6) ..............3
Human Rights Commission resignation of Charles Ryan. (12115) .............................................406
Human Rights Departmental budget, council review. (215) .......................................................... 33
Human Rights Dept. budget - possibility of reinstating interns. (7/9) ....................................... 210
Humane Society, Dbq., reo Budget reduction letter etc (5/19)..................................................... 163
Humane Society, Purchase of Service Agreement. (7/21)........................................................... 214
Hungary - Council welcome Mr. Laszlo Szalkai of Vezprem, Hungary. (3/3) .............................. 67
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Proclamation. (11/17) ........................................ 368
Hunt, Karen, Youth in Government Student. (4/7)......................................................................... 89
Hunting Deer- Urban Deer Management Plan continuation. (6/16)...........................................185
Huntington, Ronald, Claim; settlement. (9/2) ................................................................................ 265
HV AC System for Five Flags Arena, Shive Hattery Engineering to design. (4/21) .................... 107
HVAC - amending Ordinances. (8/4) .....................................................................................239,240
HVAC, Contract No.4, Woodward Museum, 2002 Renovations Project, final. (11/3)............... 348
HVAC, Contract No.13, Railroad Depot Restoration Project, final. (11/3)..................................350
Hwy 61/151 S & Hwy 52, zoning, Key Gate Ctr No.2, PR to PI Apex plant.
(2/17)(4/21 )(12/15)...............................................................:..................................... 40,120,121,415
Hy-Vee Food Store #1, 3500 Dodge, Beer Per.; Wine Permit. (5/19)..................................149,150
Hy-Vee, Inc. Rubloff Develop Group, zoning Asbury Plaza 'store & car wash. (5/19) .............156
Hy-Vee Inc., 3500 Dodge St., Cigarette Per. (7/7) ........................................................................:196
Hy-Vee, Inc., 4800 Asbury Rd., Cigarette Per. (7/7) ...................,...................................~........;.....196
IA Dept. of Economic Development .IDED, Intercreditor Agreement with Cottingham and Butler
for Town Clock Building. (6/2) .........................................................................,.......................165
IA Dept. of Economic Development, review City's HOME Partnership program. (3/3)(3/17).70,81
IA DNR -Iowa DNR PAYT - Pay As You Throw - grant proposal, consulting services. (1/20)..15
IA DNR - Iowa DNR - NPDES Permit Application, submission of Phase Ii Municipal Separate
Storm Sewer System Application. (3/3)..................................................................................... 74
IA DNR RipRow Valley Easements. (6/2)...................................................................................... 168
IA DNR Grant application for REAP Funds for Pyatigorsk Park. (7/21)..................................... 224
IA DNR letter "Out of Order" review of the plans and specs for the project. (912) .................. 270
IBRICO Inc., Fat Tuesday, 1121 University, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/7)(9/15).............196,282
Ice Harbor Pump Auxiliary Power Project. (10/20)(12/1) """"""""""""""""""""""""""" 333,401
Ice Harbor Pump Replacement Project final. (5/19).....................................................................148
Ice Harbor Road, Five Ton Load Limit Signs Posted. (6/16) ....................................................... 185
Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District, property to Riverside Baseball. (11/3)(12/15) ............358,427
IDED IA Dept. of Economic Develop. CEBA Contract City & Cartegraph fulfilled. (2117) .......... 36
IDED - IA Dept. of Economic Development - review of City's HOME Partnership program
completed. (3/3)(3/17) .........................................~.................................................................70,81
IDED - City's local Housing Assistance Program Contract amended. (4/21) ............................109
IDED - CEBA applicati',-" for Barnstead International for e"pam;ion.(515)(6/16)..............140,175
IDED - CEBAApplication - Vessel Systems, Inc. (5/19)(7/21)......................................163,212,213
IDED, Intercreditor Agreement with Cottingham and Butler for Town Clock Building. (6/2)... 165
IDED - Iowa Brownfield Redevelopment Program Application - environmental remediation at
Port of Dubuque. (1 0/6)............................................................................................................. 304
IDED - CEBA application approved for Shephercl,nc;.~'UJtn............,.............................. 368,369
IDED'- GranlContract ,extension for Downtown PlannIríg.(11/17)............................................ 369
IDED - application for HOME Program funds for 12 room SRO Housing for Scott Potter on
Garfield Ave. (12/1).............................................................,................................................ 392,392
IDED-Iowa Downtown Master Plan grant extended to 6/30/04. (12115)...................................408
IDOT Agreement - Roadway Improvements for Mines of Spain. (1/6) ........................................... 3
IDOT. renew and extend corridor preservation along U.S. 20 from Peosta interchange to near
intersection with NW Arterial. (1/6)..............................................................................................5
IDOT - Widening project - five lane, U.S. 20, NW Arterial to west of Old Highway Road. (1120) 13
IDOT - public input meetings notification. (3/17) .....................................................................,.... 81
IDOT - referral of claim of Delmar Stevens. (5/19).......................................................................144
IDOT Statewide Transportation Enhancement Funds for Heritage Trail Extension from Heron
Pond Wetlands Nature Trail to the Dùbuque Jaycees Trail. (5/19) .......................................148
IDOT - referral of claim of Susan Breitbach. (6/16)......................................................................174
IDOT -transfer of certain primary roadways to local governments. (6/16)...............................175
IDOT - Extra Work Order, US Highway 20 Interim Traffic Signal Improvements Proj. - four inch
interduct -future fiber optics use. (6/16).........................................................................179,180
IDOT - Authorizing the Filing of an application for RISE Grant for construction of Iowa Highway
32 - SW Arterial. (717) ...............................................................................................................199
IDOT - Pre Design Agreement for US 20 improvements re: new US 20 Mississippi River
Crossing. (717)...........................................................................................................................193
IDOT, Street Finance Report 2003 submitted. (9/15) ................................................................... 281
IDOT . Iowa's Mississippi River Trail (MRT) Plan, IDOT requesting City review; approval of
comments to IDOT. (10/20)(11/17) .................................................................................... 328,371
mOT Policy Strategies, comments by City Manager. (8/18)........................................................245
IDOT - Notice reo Environment & Public Hearing - improvement of US from peosta to East of
NW Arterial. (11/3) ........,............................................................................................................ 348
IIW Engineers by Atty J. Clemens, claim for services at DLEC. (1/6) .............................................1
Imbus, Lisa, Claim; referred to Insurance. (7/21)(8/4) .........................................................212,231
Immigrant Rights Council, Dubuque Chapter members, introduced to Council. (9/15)...........277
Impoundments, Vehicle, Administrative Fee added, (10/20) ...................................................... 342
Incubator, Business, NICC request for feasibility study. (4/21)..................................................124
Indemnification Agreement, 28E with School District for use of each others facility. (2/3)....... 24
Industrial Park Development, part of Council Management Agenda. «/4) ................................ 276
Industrial Sewer Use Agreements with Rousselot - Sanofi Bio Industries, Swiss Valley
Farms and Inland Protein Corp. (8/18)..................................................................................... 245
Information Services Department, Council review of budget; objection to elimination of
overtime at budget reduction meeting. (2/10)(7/9) ............................................................ 34,204
Information Technology and Communications Steering Committee, National League of Cities
appointment of Dan Nicholson. (2/3).........................................................................................32
Inland Protein Corporation, Industrial Sewer Use Agreement. (8/18)........................................245
In-Line Skate Rink Concrete Project at Allison- Henderson Park. (8/18)(9/15) ..................248,290
Inspection - City's Local Flood Protection Project Continuing Eligibility. (2/3) """""""""""'" 24
Instant Replay, Pamela Arensdorf, 1602 Central Ave., Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/16)(12115)178,411
Insurance - Individual and Aggregate Stop Loss Insurance Renewal - Health Plans - Health
Choices. (6/16)............................................................................................................................178
Insurance - Worker's Compensation Excess, renewal rates by Safety National. (7/7).............191
Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees fOr county Farm Drainage basin area. (8/18)...251
Interceptor Sewer Extension Project - County Farm, Connection Fee. (10/20)(11/17)...... 334,380
Interceptor Sanitary Sewer for Southfork, Phase IV Connection Fees. (1211)...................396,397
Intercreditor Agreement for Cottingham and Butler -IDED for Town Clock Building. (6/2) ...165
Interduct, 4", installation for fiber optics, Hwy 20 Interim Traffic Signal Improvements. (6/16)180
Interior Walkways - Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetlands, Phase II. (1/20)..,.......,..16,17
International Economic Development Council, Partnership Council, Honorable Mention for
America's River Partnership. (11/3).........................................................................................364
International Guests from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary & Bulgaria welcomed. (3/3).................... 67
International Service - Iowa Resource - thanks for hospitality by Dubuque. (3/17) .................. 83
Internet Nondiscrimination Act, letters to Senators Grassley & Harkin; receipt of letter from
Grassley. (10/6)(12115) ....................................................................................................... 305,410
Intersection Improvement Project, US 20, Design contract with H. R. Green. (2117).................. 37
Intersection improvements for US 20, Fair Market Valley for ROW properties. (8/4) ........ 232,233
Interstate Power Rate Case conclusion. (5/19) ............................................................................ 148
Interstate Power co. - Alliant, utility franchise fee added. (7/28)(9/15)..............................227,292
Investment Oversight Advisory Commission applicants Paul Lassance and Hiram Melendez;
reappointed. (6/2)(6/16)......................................................................................................169,180
Investment Oversight Commission, 39th Quarterly Report; quarterly report.
(213)(4121)(5/5)(8/18)(11/3)..................................................................;............. 23,107,128,243,347
Investment Report - Quarterly. (1/20)(11/3).............................................................................15,355
Investment Transactions - City Employees authorized to sign checks and drafts at banks etc.
and to do electronic investment transactions. (11/3) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 353
lOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co. 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Cig. Per. (6/16)................................179
lOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co. 2335 University Ave., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(7/21)178,218
lOCO Speede Shoppe,lowa Oil Co., 3270 Dodge St., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(11/3) .....178,356
Iowa Dept. Economic Development Grant - Contract ext. Downtown Planning. (11/17)........ 369
Iowa 32 - Southwest Arterial Update, Congressman Nussle submitting $41 M request. (4/21)109
Iowa 32 - SW Arterial or IA 32- Southwest Arterial Corridor Building. Permit Moratorium
extension, IA 32; Moratorium for Subdivision Plats.(4I7)(4I21) .............................104,121,122
Iowa 32 - SW Arterial Southwest Arterial Update, Congressman Nussle submitting $41 M
request. (4/21)..........................................................................................................................109
Iowa 32 . SW Arterial - Southwest Arterial, Manager's letter to Army Corps of Engrs reo
timeframe. (5/5) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..................... 140
Iowa 32 - SW Arterial, RISE Grant to IDOT for construction. (717).............................................199
Iowa 32 - NW Arterial, Speed limit increase. (12115) ............................................................430,431
Iowa Brownfield Redevelopment Program App. Environment remediation at Port of Dubuque.
(10/6)........................................................................................................................................... 304
Iowa Chicago & Eastern Railroad Agreements - 5" fiber optic conduit and railroad switch for
Flynn Ready-Mix. (1 0/20) .......................................................................................................... 332
Iowa cities general fund, ECIA, impact of STIR proposal. (3/17) .................................................. 81
Iowa Department of Economic Development - CEBA Application - Vessel Systems, Inc.
(5/19)(7/21) ...................................................................................................................163,212,213
Iowa Dept of Economic Development, CEBA application for Shepherd, Inc. (11/17)........ 368,369
Iowa Department of Economic Development -Iowa Brownfield Redevelopment Program
Application - environmental remediation at Port of Dubuque. (10/6) .................................. 304
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development - IDED - Downtown Master Plan Grant extended to
6/30/04. (12115) .........................................................................................................................408
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development -IDED - application for HOME Program funds for 12
room SRO Housing for Scott Potter on Garfield Ave. (12/1) .......................................... 392,393
Iowa Dept. of Economic Development, CEBA app. Barnstead expansion. (5/5)(6/16) ...... 140,175
Iowa Dept. of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Fund,ingcontract, VNA (6/16) ...176,177
Iowa Dept. of Transportation, Agreement - Roadway Improvements for Mines of Spain. (1/6).. 3
Iowa Dept. of Transportation, IDOT. renew and ext"ndc!>rrid.or preservation along U.S. 20
from Peosta interchangeto near intersection with NWMeri.aJ. (1/6)(612) ....................... 5,165
Iowa Dept. of Transportation - public input meetings notification. (3/17) .................................. 81
Iowa Dept. of Transportation - Referral of claim of Delmar Stevens. (5/19) ............................. 144
Iowa Dept. of Transportation - IDOT - Extra Work Order, US Highway 20 Interim Traffic Signal
Improvements Proj. - four inch interduct - future fiber optics use. (6/16)...................179,180
Iowa Dept. of Transportation, IDOT, transfer certain roadways to local governments. (6/16) 175
Iowa Dept. of Transportation - IDOT - Notice reo Environment & Public Hearing - improvement
of US from Peosta to East of NW Arterial. (1113)...................................................,................ 348
Iowa Dept.. of Health Drug & Violence Prevention Grant for Police, Helping Services for NE
Iowa Subcontract. (417)(10/20) ............................................................................................ 95,332
Iowa DNR reo PAYT - Pay As You Throw - grant proposal for consulting services. (1/20)...,..15
Iowa DNR - NPDES Permit Application, submission of Phase Ii Municipal Separate Storm
Sewer System Application. (3/3) ............................................................................................... 74
Iowa Emergency Management Division - Property purchase of 3 flood damaged. structures on
Old Mill Road, demolition etc., Contract for Administrative Services. (3/17)(9/15) ........ 82,295
Iowa Emergency Management Division, Acquisition & Demolition of 1650 Old Mill Road and
other vacant properties on Old Mill Rd. (9/15)........................................................................295
Iowa Federal Recreational Trails Program, letter in support of Farleýs request for funding for
Heritage Trail connection. (10/6).............................................................................................. 305
Iowa Finance Authority for $100,000 State Housing Trust Fund Grant application. (12/1) ...... 392
Iowa Finance Authority, application, Ordinance authorizing Commission for direct use of
funds. (12/1)............................................................................................................................... 403
Iowa Heritage Foundation, easements reo Rip Row Valley Trailheads. (6/16)...........................182
Iowa League of Cities - City Manager on Legislative Policy Committee. (717) ..........................194
Iowa League of Cities advising that the initial meeting of University & College City Forum will
be held 10/16/03 at Grinnell College and Michalski appointed as City's representative.
(9/2) ............................................................................................................................................. 274
Iowa League of Cities- City Manager M. Van Milligen serve on League's Policy Committee.
(12/15)......................................................................................................................................... 410
Iowa League of Cities Conference, submit bid for 2007 & name Markham as a rep.; Dubuque
chosen for year 2007. (1/20)(3/3)........................................................................................... 21,67
Iowa League of Cities, letter from Ex. Dir. T. Bredeweg to GovernorVilsack. (5/19) ...............145
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation deed reo Rip Row Valley Easements. (6/2)(9/26) ..168,169,297
Iowa Oil Co., lOCO Speede Shoppe, 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Cigarette Per. (6/16) ...................... 179
Iowa Oil Co., lOCO Speede Shoppe, 2335 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(7/21).....178,218
Iowa Oil Co., lOCO Speede Shoppe, 3270 Dodge St., Cig, Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(11/3) .....178,356
Iowa Potato & Produce House, 2600 Dodge, Beèr Per.; Cigarette Per. (1/6)(6/16)................5,179
Iowa Ready Mixed Concrete Assn. - Mississippi Riverwalk Phase II Project - reception of
Recreational trails/Golf Cart Paths Category Award for 2003. (11/3) ................................... 364
Iowa Resource for International Service, thanks to Council & citizens for hospitality. (3/17).82
Iowa State Dept. of Public Health recognize Dubuque's contribution to dental health. (7/21) 217
Iowa State Extension Services for Uptown Recreation Program - various Agreements for
summer programs. (5/19) ......................................................................................................... 146
Iowa State Legislative Board - remote controlled locomotives - railroads. (11/3) .................. 348
Iowa State Legislature -letters reo various topics. (5/19)...........................................................145
Iowa Street Ramp Skywalk Improvement. (4/7)(5/19) .............................................................98,161
Iowa Street, ROW for steps for Henry Stout Place Apartments. (1/20) ........................................14
Iowa Values Fund, Manager's letter to legislators, support arts & culture.
Iowa Vision Fund, application, reo Minor Leaguè Baseball Team in Dbq. (10/20)...........,........;327
Iowa's Mississippi River Trail (MRT) Plan, IDOT rèquest City review; comments to IDOT.
(10/20)(11/17) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".................................... 32.8,371
Irish Fest - objections by Lower Main St. for street closures; background information given &
request for Fest. (9/15)(1 0/6) ............................................................................................. 277,322
Isenhart, Chuck, applicant for Community Development Comm.; requesting funding - for Dbq
Area Labor Management Corp.; reappointed to CD Commission. (2/17)(2126)(3/3)... 39,48,74
Isenhart, Rhodes (Bud), 8908 Quail Ridge Rd., spoke @ TIF created jobs; opposition of
purchase of Adams Co.; questioning TIF funding and requesting tally of jobs created.
(2117)(2/24)(5/19)(8/4) ............................................................................................... 36,47,158,240
Issues - Federal Legislative, amendments. (2/17)......................................................................... 39
ISU . Iowa State Extension Services for Uptown Recreation Program - various Agreements for
summer programs. (5/19) .........................................................................................................146
...................................................................................................................................... 212,243,327
J & E Excavating m claim of Chessica Sanchez referred to them. (6/16)..................................174
J & P O'Hara Inc., Happy Joe's Ice Cream & Pizza, 855 Century, Beer Permit. (11/3) ..............356
Jackson Park Dis. rep. Suzanne Guinn resignation from Historic Pres. Comm. (3/3) ............... 70
Jackson Park area ROW, trash - garbage receptacles requested, Historic Pres. Comm &
Downtown Neighborhood Council. (6/2).................................................................................166
Jackson Park Dis. Historic Preservation Comm., Mary Loney Bichell; appointed. (3/3)(3/17)73,84
Jackson Park Historic Dis. Downtown Neighborhood Council - denial of their request for funds
for trash receptacles, park benches, planters and street trees. (7/21 )................................. 225
Jackson Street, 13th St. area, want 2 hr parking E. Walz & B. Felderman. (10/20)(12/15)..327,408
Jackson, Evelyn E., applicant for Human Rights Comm.; reappointed. (12/1)(12115) .......399,414
Jacobs, Steve, Director of Project Concern, requesting funding for programs; letter @ City's
budget problems. (2126)(6/16) .............................................................................................48,178
Jacobsen, Jim of History Pays! - consultant to conduct Phase IV ofarchitectural/historic
survey. (6/16) ......................................................................................;......................................176
Jacobson's Inc Lease with city extended through 9/14/05. (5/19).;............................................145
Jaeger, Jim and Wendy, 2924 Shiras, object to development at 3251 Roosevelt Rd.(5/5)....... 136
Jamis LLC, Ground Round Restaurant, 50 JFK, Liquor Lic. (3/17) .............;................................ 83
January, 2003, Financial Reports. (2/17).........................................................................................36
January 2003, list of claims and summary of revenues. (3/17)............;........................................ 78
January 2003, printed Council Pr<!c:~edings approved. (5/19)~...................................................144
Jaycees - Peosta Channel, Trail Project, final. (10/6)..............................:............................ 301 ,302
Jaycees Trail, Heritage Trail Grant Extension Agreement - from Heron' Pond Wetlands to
Jaycees Trail, lOOT funds. (5/19)(11/3)(12/1) ..................................;.........................148,357,402
Jaycees" Dubuque, Town Clock Plaza, tents, Class "B" Beer Per.
(5/5)(717)(8/4)(8/18) ..............................................................;.,;;,;.;..,".;;.;.'.'............131,197,204,246
Jaycees, Dubuque, Town Clock Plaza, various tents, Beer Permits. (717) ................................197
Jaycees, Dubuque, Cable Car Square, Beer Permits. (9/15) ...................................,................... 282
Jefferson Street & Spruce Street, Stop Signs. (12/15) ................................................................431
Jeld-Wen, Darren Harmon, object - Warehouse Neighborhood Demolition District. (10/20)... 342
Jelinek, Gregory, Jr., claim; referred to Insurance. (11/17).........................................................368
Jim Giese Commercial Roofing, finalization of Library Roof Replacement Project. (10/20)....331
JMC Gold Metal Meat - ARC Design Resources, Inc., requesting rezoning at 16th & Sycamore -
old meat packing plat for a new Wal-Mart. (1/20)(2/17)....................................................... 18,39
JMS Investments, Clark, 700 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (9/2) ............................ 268,269
Job Attainment Goal - Certificate of Compliance, Eagle Window & Door. (9/15)..................... 279
Jobs and Growth Tax Act, Jim Nussle, state aid information etc. (6/16)...................................176
Jobs Created - Bud Isenhart requesting annual report; City Manager responding. (8/4) ....... 240
Jochum, Pam, State Representative, various bills reo telecommunications; Manager thanking
her for opposing HF 691. (2/17)(515)..................................................................................37,129
John Bell Block Building put on National Register of Historic Places. (1/20).............................15
John Deere Road in Dbq County, preliminary plat of Ridgeway Park. (11/17) ..........................386
John F. Kennedy and W. 32"" St., rezoning for Kivlahans. (8/18)..............................................253
John F. Kennedy Roadway Easement vacate, Grand View United Methodist Church. (10/6).. 316
Johnson, Ken, Straka John Architects, details reo proposed development of a Hartigs Drug
Store etc. at 419 & 481 N. Gral1dview - former Grandview Church. (10/20) ........................335
Johnson, Neal. US Army Corps of Engineers, Mgr's letter re: SW Arterial TImeframe. (5/5)...140
Joint Labor Management Health Care Committee Agreement, amendment. (6/16)..................178
Jones, Ric, EMS Supervisor, in receipt of $100 check and letter of appreciation from Pauline
Wegner for emergency services. (10/6)................................................................................... 326
Jorja's Restaurant & Lounge, Jorja Moore, 890 Iowa, Liquor Lic.(1211).................................... 394
Joyce's Tugboat, Arthur Myatt, Joyce Myatt, sublease, Dubuque Yacht Basin; Liquor Lic.
(5/5) ......................................................................................................................................130,132
Juergens, Attorney Steve, re: rezoning request for QHQ for property W of NW Arterial, and S of
Holliday Dr. (6/2)(1 0/6)........................................................................................................ 169,322
Julien Dubuque Bridge. U.S. 20 Bridge design, discussion and David Rusk gave a presentation
& requested design be identical to present bridge. (3/3) """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 74
Julien Dubuque Bridge, Council- Management Agenda item. (9/4).......................................... 276
Julien Inn, Design Center, Inc., 200 Main, Liquor Lic. (1211)....................................................... 394
July 2003 Financial Reports. (8/18) ............................................................................................... 243
July 2003, Proof of Claims and Revenues. (9/15)......................................................................... 277
July 2003 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (10/6) ........................................................... 299
Jumpers Sports Bar/Grill, 2600 Dodge, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (6/2)(6/16)(9/2) ....167,179,268
Jumpers Sports Bar, DM Sports Bar, Inc. 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (11/17)..... 371
Jumpers Sports Bar & Grill, Brandon Merrick, cigarette license refund. (12/15)...................... 410
June 2002 flood damaged property acquired by city with FEMA funding; Nussle trying to get
add'i funding assistance. (1/6)(2/3) ........................................................................................ 5,27
June 2003 proof of list of claims and revenues. (8/4).................................................................. 231
June 2003 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (8/18)..........................................................243
Jungbluth, John, 4911 Twilight, object, QHQ rezoning 5 Holliday Dr & W NW Arterial.
Jurisdiction of certain primary roadways transferred to local governments by IDOT. (6/16)..175
Jym's Bar, Jyme Lyons, 1700 Central, Liquor Lic. ; Cigarette Per. (6/16)(717)...................179,196
K & C Investments - Kevin Menning, rezoning of 44 Main St. from LI to C4. (7/21) ................. 220
Kalmes, Michael & Theresa, Breaktime Bar & Grill, 1097 Jackson St.; Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per.
(5/5)(5/19)(717).............................................................................................................132, 150,196
Kamp, Mary, Noonan's Tap, 1618 Central, Liquor Lic.(417)........................................................... 95
Kane St. parking restriction, objection by Mary Alice Walsh. (1120) ............................................10
Kane, Brian, Attorney, for Spahn's rezoning at 605 W. Locust and 2085 Foye St. (7/21)......... 219
Kane, Brian, Attorney for John Kretz & Perfection Oil, rezoning of 3136/3146 Central. (10/20)336
Kane, Nick, Youth in Government Student. (417) ........................................................................... 89
Kapp, Douglas & Jean, purchasing portion of Decorah St. east of Adair St. (1/6) ....................... 6
Katie Cove in Dbq. County, preliminary plat approval of Wertzberger Acres No.2. (3/17) ........ 87
K-Chap Foods, Inc., Oky Doky#14, 1050 University Ave., Beer Per. (717) .................................197
Kemp, Alan, Iowa League of Cities notification of City Forum, Michalski named as rep. (9/2)274
Kemp, Anthony & Wm. Barrick subordinate a mortgage interest in certain real estate. (9/15)284
Kenline, Michelle, 105 S. Grandview, Property purchase request her at 205 S. Grandview,
wanting portion of alley abutting her property. (8/18) .............................'.............................. 244
Kennedy Mall Ltd, zoning, amend PUD, add a larger detached sign.(5/19).......................154,155
Kennedy Mall- The Cafaro Co. rezoning etc. (10/20)..................................................................338
Kennedy Road, 11983, plat O'Mara Subd., for Roger Kurt & Joseph & Beverly O'Mara. (1/20).11
Kennedy Rd., closure Wacker to University of Dodge, requested by Radio Dubuque. (2/3) ..... 30
Kennedy Road, 2915, rezoning for Carey GraybilliSteelegray Inc. (6/16).;.,.,..................... 180,181
Kennedy Roadway Easement - Grand View Ave. United Methodist Church, vacate portion of
JFK Road. (10/6)(10/20)........................,.............................................................................316,340
Kennedy Road, 3350, & W. Thirty-Second, Steve & Judy Selchert reqUest to buy abutting
property; disposal to them. (11/3)(12f15) .................................................................. 347,412,413
Kennedy Road near Eisenhower School, final plat of Wynstone Sulod.for65 lots etc. (11/17)383
Kennedy, John F. - Kopps, Addition No.2, final plat approval for Lyle Kopp. (11/17),............369
Kerrigan, John E. of Loras College, letter@W. 16th Residential Pàrking Per. (12/15).............408
Keuter, Delbert C., claim; denial. (11/17)(12115)......................................;.;..........................368,406
Keuter, Kristina, Claim; settlement. (10/6)(10/20) ................................................................299,327
Keuter, Mike, claim. (1/6)....................................................................................................................1
Key Gate Center No.2, rezoning S of Hwy 61/151 & Hwy 52, D. J. Mueller. (2/17)(4121)40,120,121
Key West Drive & Rockdale Road Signage & Parking - stop signs etc; (10/20)............... 343,344
Keyline Bus service, petitions against cutting any services or fee increases; Sarah Davidson
objecting to change in service or rates. (7/9)(7/21)......................................................... 204,212
Keyline Bus Transit Dept. -sell tickets for Greyhound Bus Lines. (5/5)...................................130
Kincaid, Reverend Kristian, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Invocation. (7/21)(9/2) ...... 212,265
Kinseth Hotel Corp., Holiday Inn Dubuque Five Flags, 450 Main, Liquor Lic. (12/15) ..............411
Kivlahan Farms, LLC - rezoning from R3 to C2, property at W. 32"" St. & JFK Rd. (8/18)....... 253
Kivlahan, Sister Mary, of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Gave Invocation. (10/20) .................... 327
Klaas, Shane, in support of Grandview Methodist Church rezoning. (10/20) ................:.......... 335
Klauer Construction Co., finalization of Woodward Museum Restoration Project. (10/6)...... 302
Klauer Manufacturing Co., property from them, disposal to Dubuque Initiatives. (1120)...........16
Klauer Manufacturing Co., - Offer to Buy & Acceptance of property on Fourth St. Peninsula.
Klauer, Randall, Ham's Addition, disposal of property at Rhomberg & Hawthorne to him; plat
approval of Eagle Point or Ham's Addn.; disposal to them. (612)(6/16) ................167,176,181
Klauer, W. J., Family Plaza, name plaza directly adjacent & east of the Grand River Center.
(1/20)............................................................................................................................................. 20
Klavitter, Nelson, VP of DB & T, rezoning of corner of NW Arterial & Asbury for bank. (9/15) 288
Klavitter, Nelson, VP of Operations of Heartland Financial re: CDBG Loan for renovation of
Walsh Stores at 13"' & Central. (3/3}.......................................................................................... 74
Klein, Ambrose & LaVerne, in support of Grandview Methodist Church rezoning. (10/20).....335
Klinger, Mac, in favor of rezoning Grand View Church on Grandview Ave. (10/20) .................335
Klostermann, John, reporting inspection for Flood Protection acceptable. (213) ...................... 24
Klostermann, Wayne, applicant Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm.; appointed.
(11/17)(12/1) ........................................................................................................................ 375,399
Klostermann, Wayne, in favor of Stormwater Utility- but with sunset clause. (2/27)................50
Kluck Construction Co., awarded contract for Eagle Point Water Plant Chemical Compound
Building Project. (10/20) ...........................................................................................................341
K-Mart 4018,2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/16)............................................................................179
Knicker's Saloon, Curtis Gerhard, 2188 Central Ave., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (6/16) .........179
Kniest's Subd., rezoning of 468 Lincoln Ave. - Jay Winger. (12/1)............................................400
Knox, John E., The Finley Hospital, request to buy alley at 1408 Delhi St. (717).......................190
Koch, Kevin, objecting to condo proposal at 2800 Rhomberg. (5/5) ........................................ 140
Koch, Michael, Public Works Dir. traffic light updates NW Arterial & Asbury Plaza area. (6/2)169
Koch, Tom, Paul's Tavern, 176 Locust, Liquor Lic. (6116) ..........................................................179
Kohl, James, Grand Tap, 802 Central, Liquor Lic. (1016)............................................................. 316
Kohnen, Shawn, Claim; settlement. (10/6)....................,...............................................................299
Kopczyk, Alfred, 1320 Locust, request for rezoning. (1120)..........................................................19
Kopp, Lyle, final plat approval of Kopp's JFK Addn. No.2. (11/17) ...........................................369
Kopp's JFK Addn. No.2, final plat approval for Lyle Kopp. (11/17) ........................................... 369
Kost, Bob, clarification of Downtown Master Plan. (5/5)............................................................127
Kostas Inc., Charhouse Rest., 1575 JFK Rd., Liquor Lic. (5/5)...........;.......................................132
Kraemer Bros., final payment for Bid Pkg #1 Grand River Center, Education & Conference
Center. (717) ...........................................................................................,...................................192
Kress, Mary Ann, Alverno Apts. letter to Council - Wal-Mart. (11/17).........................................371
Kretz, John, in favor of Condominium project at 2800 Rhomberg. (4/21) .................................117
Kretz, John, Perfection Oil Co., rezoning of 3136/3146 Central Ave. (10/20)............................. 336
Krieg, Katie, Pres. of Dubuque Initiatives, request support for Minor League Baseball Team in
Dubuque.; press release distributed. (10/20)(11/3) ............................................;............ 327,365
Krier, Jennifer, claim; sent on to Insurance. (1/6)............................................................................1
Krueger, Carol, Claim; referred to Insurance. (213)........................................................................23
Kubler, William & Carole, purchasing portion of Decorah St. east of Adair St. (1/6)....................6
Kurt, Atty. Roger, for Joseph & Beverly O'Mara - final plat for 11983 Kennedy Rd. (1I20) ........ 11
Kwik Stop, penalty for underage sales of cigarettes, request of Atty A Gilloon. (417)(5/5) 99,139
Kwik Stop Food, Rainbo Oil Co., 1401 Central, Beer Per. ; Cigarette Per. (6/16)(717)........179,196
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil Co., 4039 Pennsylvania; Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (717)(1211).......196,394
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil Co., 1685 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per. (717) ...................................................196
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil Co., 2255 Kerper Blvd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (717)(9/2)........:...196,269
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil Co., 2297 University, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (7/7)(11/17)...........196,371
Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil Co., 2360 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (717)(9/2) ....................196,269
Kwik Trip Inc, Tobacco Outlet #504,806 Wacker, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (4/21)(6/16)...110,179
Kwik Trip, Inc. Tobacco Outlet Plus #564, 66 W. 32"" St., Cigarette Per. ; Refund.
(6/16)(10/20) ....................................................................................................:.....................179,332
- .
"" .
(2/17)(3/3)(6/16)(717)(12/15) ..................................,............................................ 36,67,174,190,406
MINUTES: (2/17)(10/6).........................................................................................................36,299
L & M Wharf Corp., Michael's Bar X, 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic. (12115)....................................411
Labor Management Health Care Committee Agreement, Joint, amendment. ( 6/16)................178
Laehn, Tim, from Allison, lA, program to welcome new residents. (10/20) ............................... 327
Landfill - Dbq Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, FY 2004 landfill fees & budget. (1/6) ..... 4
Landmark - City, Four Mounds Estate Historic Dis. (9/15)(11/17).......................................288,379
Landowners Assn. reo Stormwater Utility, objections. (2/27) ....................................................... 50
Landscape Guidelines, Parking Lot - Port of Dubuque. (417) ......................................................91
Landscaping etc. - Port of Dubuque Sign & Recognition Wall, Third & Bell Sts. and near
American Trust River's Edge Plaza. (4/21)(5/19)(6/16)......................................124,152,183,184
Lang, Christopher J., Claim; settlement. (5/5)..............................................................................128
Lange, Herb, opposed to condominium project at end of Rhomberg, Tollbridge area. (4/21) 117
Langworthy Neighborhood, funding for planters, denied. (7/21) ............................................... 225
Larsen, Beverly, Denny's Lux Club, 3050 Asbury, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/19)(7/21) 150,218
Lassance, Paul, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.; reappointed. (6/2)(6/16) ..... 169,180
Lattner, Cecilia, opposing Wal'Mart at 16"' & Sycamore. (1/20) ......................................,............ 18
Law Enforcement Agencies, Police Dept., Accregitation. (9/15) ................................................ 281
Lawsuit of Adams Co., dismissed. (11/17) ...:..:............................................................................ 368
LB Metcalf, Inc., Cedar Cross Amoco, 1200 Cedar Cross, Beer Per. (6/16)..;.:.....,.;;.................179
Lead Based Paint Award, HUD, Agreement. (9/26) ..................................................;................. 296
Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant Program, Notice for release offunds. (11/3) ....... 354
Lead Hazard Reduction Grant - HUD - Lead-Based Paint Hazard Prevention Program. (6/2) 166
Lead Hazard Reduction Grant, HUD - Lead Based Paint Hazard Prevention Program. (6/2) ..166
Lead Paint program training grant, County Board of Health Contract for Program. (417).......... 91
Lead Poisoning Funding, IA Dept. of Public Health Childhood, contract with VNA. (6/16)176,177
League Days, Rising Stars Independent, Proclamation. (6/2) ....................................................165
League of Cities, Iowa, T. Bredeweg, letter to Governor Vilsack. (5/19)...................................145
League of Cities, Iowa, City Manager on Legislative Policy Committee. (717) ..........................194
League of Cities, Iowa, City Mgr MVM on League's Policy Committee. (12115) ........................410
League of Cities, National, Defense Fund, letter, request for participation in NLC Legal Defense
Fund. (2/3)....................................................................................................................................24
League of Cities, National - Pat Cline as one of Iowa's reps on the Energy, Environment &
Natural Resources Policy Committee; John Markham as one of Iowa's reps on Finance,
Administration & Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR) Policy Committee. (2/3) .......:............ 32
League of Cities, National, Ann Michalski to serve as a rep to Human Development Policy
Committee. (2117)........................................................................................................................44
leaSe - Hub Site, Cable Franchise etc. (3/3)(3/17)(6/2)(6/16)(1211)(12115).. 73,86,168,182.395,396
Lease to Mediacom Cable for Network hub at 1585 W. Third. (3/17) ........................................... 86
Lease, Jacobson's Inc. -John O'Connor, extended thru 9/14/05. (5/19) ..................................145
Lease Agreement, City & John Finn for ROW for outdoor services at the Busted Lift. (6/2)...171
Lease amendment- Spirit of Dubuque - Dbq River Rides, Inc. Walt Webster. (12115) ...........430
Lease extension, Bergfeld Farm Lease approved with conditions. (7/21) ................................217
Lease, Farm, Extension, with Kenneth & Janet Bergfeld. (7/21) ................................................ 217
Lease of property in Port of Dubuque -Ice Harbor, proposal of.Riverside Baseball. (12/15).427
LeClere, Tom & Rebecca, their 1195 Thomas Place property. (2/17) ...........................................36
Lee, Marjorie, opposed to rezoning ofW. Locust and portions of Foye St. (7/21).............219,220
Lee's 76 West Locust Mart, Lee Potter Sr., 408 W. Locust, Beer Per.(2/17) ................................ 39
Legal Department departmental budget hearing with Council; retaining Education & Training
funds in amended budget. (215)(7/9)................................................................................... 33,210
Legion - American Post 6, 1306 Delhi, Liquor Lic. (6/16) ........................................................... 179
Legion-Aires Drum & Bugle Corp, Colts Community Center, 1101 Central, Liquor Lic. (9/2).. 269
Legislative communications - Governor reo Economic Stimulus Package; Iowa Value s Fund
and federal funding to states. (6/2)(6/16) .........................................................................165,175
Legislative Communications - State - reo budget cuts FY 2004 etc. (5/19) ..............................145
Legislative correspondence from J. Nussle reo Jobs & Growth Tax Act. (6/16) ......................176
Legislative Correspondence from Senator Tom Harkin. (8/18) .................................................. 245
Legislative correspondence reo Medicare Prescription Drug & Modernization Act. (9/15) ...... 282
Legislative correspondence to Grassley & Harkin to oppose appropriations bill and support to
extend moratorium to 2005. (11/17)......................................................................................... 370
Legislative correspondence from Grassley-Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act. (12115) ....410
Legislative issues, correspondence reo Plumbing Coe, gaming tax issue, Post Office Building,
Public Strategies Group Proposal. (4/7) ..............................................,........,;.......................... 89
Legislative issues - Sen. Grassley, federal funds availability. (4/21)(5/19) ........................108,144
Legislative issues, Approval of Dubuque's 2004. (11/3) ..........................,..................................364
Legislative issues, City Council, School Board & Holy Family Catholic Schools. (11/12) ....... 367
Legislative Issues, Federal, submission of amendments of various ones. (2/17)......................39
Legislative issues, Manager's letter about gaming tax lawsuit. (4/21) ................:.....................108
Legislators, letter to in support for a graduated gaming tax; letter reo TIF Funding; Senate File
129 - State's tax system commission etc. (1/20)(3/3)(5/5)...................................... 21,68,71,129
Legislators House File 2, Property Tax Valuations. (2/3) .....................,..,...,.....,.."..:................... 24
Legislators letter to Gene Manternach, oppose HF 2 - property tax valuationS. (213) .............. 24
Legislators letter to Pam Jochum & Mike Connolly, opposition to HSB 46 & SSB 1037 re:
telecommunications facilities. (2/17)..................:........:................:...................,........................ 37
Legisiators letter in support of raising Public Bidding Threshold. (3/17) .................................. 82
Legislators Letter of Governor Vilsack, Iowa Values Fund & tax & regulatory changes. (7/7)194
Legislators letter to Rep Steve Lukan, oppose HF 25 Property Tax Limitation;; reo Reinvention
Bill; letter from Gov. Vilsack - Reinventing Government Bill. (2/3)(5/5)(6/16).........24,129,174
Legislators Manager's letter reo Public Strategies Group. (5/5) ...............................................128
Legislators - Reinvention Bill vote. (5/5)................................................................................128,129
Legislators letters re: S. 150 Internet Nondiscrimination Act. (10/6) ........................................ 305
Leibold, Melvin, Claim; settlement. (5/5)(5/19) ...................................................................,..128,144
Leifker, David W., closing of Elm Street's Eagles' Store. (10/6) ................................................. 299
Leland Consulting Group, Ann Ricker, reo Downtown Master Plan presentation. (5/5) ........... 127
Letter to State Legislators for support for a graduated gaming tax; letter reo TIF Funding; re:
Senate File 129 - State's tax system commission. (1/20)(3/3)(5/5).....................21,68,71,129
Letter of appreciation, paramedic services & $100, Pauline Wegner of Van Dyne, WI. (10/6).326
Letter of appreciation from Nancy Ciapalo for Chestnut Street Reconstruction action. (10/20)328
Letter of appreciation from Mary Ann Kress for good work, esp. Wal-Mart issue. (11/17) ...... 371
Letter of Support for Cabela's Walleye Tournament in 2005. (11/17)........................................371
Letter of support Four Mounds Foundation to fundraise, preserve Four Mounds Est. (11/3) 355
Liberty Station LLC, Phillips /66 Arby's, 10 S. Main, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(9/15)179,282
Library 1980 Addition Roof Replacement Project; contract awarded to Jim Giese Roofing; final.
(213)(3/17)(1 0/20)....................................................................................................... 27,28,86,87,331
Library Budget, departmental review by Council. (2120) ...................................,........................... 46
Library Board of Trustees notification that Kevin Lynch is not reapplying. (6/2) ..................... 166
Library Board of Trustees applicants Alan Avery & Susan Lindsay; appointed. (6/2)(6/16)169,180
Library Board of Trustees requesting Council work session to discuss renovation. (11/3)... 363
License etc. for Taxicabs and Limousines and vehicles for hire. (7/9) ..................................... 208
License fees increased - Business, Annual License. (719).........................................................209
License fees increased for cats, dogs, and penalties. (7/9)........................................................206
License fees increased for Rental Dwellings. (7/21) ................................................................... 216
Liddle, Gregg, claim denial of claim. (6/16)(7/21).................................................................174,212
Liebe's Subdivision No.3, Dubuque Storage & Transfer - Minor final plat. (5/19)................... 147
Lien Oriental Am., Oriental Food & Gift Corp., 115 W. 11th, Beer Per. (5/5) ...............................131
Lieutenant- Police, names certified'by Civil Service Commission. (1/20)..................................11
Lieutenant, Fire, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/21).........................................214
Lifetime Center, Dubuque Area, Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/21)..................................108
Light Display, Holiday, in Murphy Park, contract with Hillcrest. (10/20) .................................... 332
Lighting Fixtures - Railroad Depot Restoration Project, final. (10/20) ..................................,... 330
-LIghting Project, Historical, First & Main St., final. (11/3) ....................................................351,352
Lights - Street, historic, ROW along Loras Blvd., denied. (7/21) .............................................. 225
Limousine - new Ordinance Vehicles for Hire, Taxicab, License, Fee etc. (7/9) ...................... 208
Lincoln Ave., 468, rezoning request of Jay Winter. (11/17)(1211) ..........................375,376,400,401
Lindsay, Susan, applicantfor Library Board of Trustees; appointed. (6/2)(6/16) ..............169,180
Link Acres -final plat- end of Wtldlife Ridge in Dbq. Gounty. (7/21).................................215;216
Liquor-alcohol prohibited in all City parks. (4/7).....,;..,...........................................:...101,102,103
Liquor Depot of Dubuque, Express Depot, 1620 JFK Rd., Wine Permit; refund.(1/20)(5/19)16,149
Liquor Lic. transfer - HistonëäJ Soc. Ryan House, E. Third St. Lot, Taste of Dbq. (6/16) ........177
Litigation - Main Street Buildings - Settlement agreement payment. (717) ....................::........193
Little Dublin's Irish Fest:...objections to closure of Lower Main Streets. (9/15)....................... 277
Little Maquoketa River, near Couler Valley, special study, Army Corps of Engrs. (4/21).:.......109
Loan - CEBA for the Shepherd Co. (8/18) ...:....................................................................:...;:......259
Loan - Community Development Block Grant Economic Devel. Loan to Heartland Financial USA
Inc. - DB & T, for renovation of former Walsh Store Bldg., 13th & Central. (3/3)..................74
Loan agreement (Down. Rehab) amend Dbq Museum of Art, defer interest payments. (4/21) 124
Loan agreement with Barnstead International. (6/16) .................................................................175
Loan Agreement between City & Chamber of Commerce. (717) ..........................................194,195
Loan Agreement CEBA-IDED - Vessel Systems. (7/21)............................................................ 212
Loan Agreement & Loan Notes, Economic Develop. Grant, Adams Co. (10/6)(10/20)317,340,341
Loan Agreement & Issuance of Capital Loan Notes - Baseball Stadium. (11/3)(11/17)..... 360,381
Loan Subordination Agree. Cooper Develop. D B & T - Downtown Rehab Loan. (717) .........198
Loan, Downtown Rehab, 6 buildings Main St.10"' & 11"', Gronen Properties. (11/17) ............383
Loans - Cottingham & Butler for rehab of 835 Main, Town Clock Building. (612) ....................165
Loans - Priorities & Request for Federal Financial Assistance. (3/17)...........................:............ 80
Local #94, UAW, 3450 Central, Beer Per. (1/6) ................................................................................. 5
Local governments to take over roadways from IDOT. (6/16) ....................................................175
Local Housing Assistance Program Contract amended, IDED. (4/21) .......................................109
Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Application and cash match. (8/18) ................................ 245
Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds public hearing set. (10/20)(11/3)...................333,362
Location of proposed baseball stadium, letters of objection etc. (11/17) ................................. 369
Lockwood, Mark, 2215 Samantha, object rezoning of QHQ properties. (6/2) ...........................169
Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood, remote controlled locomotives. (11/3) ..........................348
Locust St., 1320, rezoning for Alfred Kopczyk. (1/20) ...................................................................19
Locust St., 280, qemolition request, former Martin Gas Station by Cooper Acquisitions. (5/5)129
Locust - West, Manhole Reconstruction Project. (6/16).............................................................183
Locust - West, Storm Sewer Project, final. (717).......................................................................... 192
Locust St. - denial of installation of installation of brick pavers. (7/21) ................................... 225
Locust St., 605, and 2085, 2085 % Foye St., rezoning for Spahns. (7/21) .................................. 219
Locust St., West, 715 & 787, vacate Hodgden St. Steps by D. Ludovissy & A. Arzu. (10/6)....300
Logging, Miller, environmental notice & funds Dbq Hardwoods/ Peavey GrainEDI Proj. (717)193
Logging - Bill Miller- Miller Place final plat. (7/21).....................................................................215
Logging Properties, Port of Dubuque, Demolition & Site Clearance Project. (9/26) ................296
Logo Design Services for Grand River Center - McCullough Creative Group. (2/3) ................. 27
Logo Designs for Grand River Center. (4/21)...............................................................................124
Logo Designs for Wayfinding Signage Districts, approved etc. (4121) ......................................124
Lombard Street area, Washington School area, traffic situation, M. Brashaw. (10/6).............. 300
Long Range Planning Advisory Comm. review of Five Year CIP. (2/27)...................................... 56
Long Range Planning Advisory - U.S. 20 Bridge design, discussion and David Rusk gave a
presentation & requested design be identical to present bridge. (3/3)..................................74
Long Range Planning. Downtown Planning Comm. reo Downtown Master Plan. (5/5)..........127
Long Range Planning Advisory Commission applicants Rick Stein & Mary Lynn Neumeister;
reappointments of Stein and Neumeister. (6/16)(717) ....................................................180,199
Long Range Planning Advisory Comm. appointments of Buol & Duggan as alternate. (717).. 202
Loras Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil Co., 1450 Loras Blvd., Cigarette Per.(6I16) ..................179
Loras Blvd., historic street lighting, denied funding. (7/21) ....................................................... 225
Loras College, Aram,ark Education Services, 1450 Alta Vista, Liquor Lic. (4/7) .........................95
Loras College, nearby, Residential Parking Permit requested for W. 16th St. (11/3)................ 347
Los Aztecas Mexican Rest., Famolo of Iowa, 2700 Dodge, Liquor Lic. (8/18)...........................246
Loss, Gary, of Army Corps of Engineers, study Couler Valley reach of the Little Maquoketa
River in Dubuque County. (4/21).....................................................................................".......109
Lott, Michael & Allison, claim. (11/3)............................................................................................. 347
Lounge, The, 481 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1/20)...................................................................................16
Love, Phillip, The Lounge, 481 Locust, Liquor Lic. (1120).............................................................16
Low Income Housing tax credits for rehab of buildings for Gronen Adaptive Reuse. (1113).. 355
Low Income Subsidy criteria for Stormwater Utility. (717)..........................................................199
Lower Main Development, LLC, Memorandum of Understanding for acquisition & renovation of
the former Weber Paper Co. Building. (1/20)............................................................................21
Lower Main Street residents objecting to street closures for Irish Fest. (9/15) ........................ 277
Lower Moderate Income Area - Housing Applicant David Oliver; appointed. (7/21)(8/4).219,236
Lucky 13, David Erickson, 385 E. 13"' St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (717)(8/18).............. 196,246
Ludovissy, David A., & Alan Arzu, vacate Hodgden St. Steps by 715 & 787 W Locust. (10/6). 300
LuGrain, Lana, P.J.'s Tap, 500 Rhomberg Ave., Liquor Lic. (3/3)................................................. 71
Lukan, Representative Steve, letter requesting opposition to HF 25 - Property Tax Limitation;
re: Reinvention Bill. (213)(5/5).......................................................................................:......24,129
Luksetich, Tom & Steve Smith, PUD amendment for 3925 Dodge St. property. (2/17) .............. 41
Lundh, Martha, opposed to Condominiums at end of Rhomberg, Tollbridge area. (4/21).......117
Lundh, Matt, request for public hearing reo condominium development at end of Rhomberg;
applicant for Historic Preservation Comm. (10/6)(10/20)(11/3) ........................ 321,322,335,361
Lux Club, 3050 Asbury, Beverly Larsen, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/19)(7/21) ...............150,218
Lynch, Kevin, not reapplying for Library Board. (6/2)..................................................................166
Lyons, Jym's Bar, 1700 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (6/16)(7/7)...............................179,196
MECHANICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/3)(6/16)(717)(10/20)(1211)(12/15)
................................................................................................................... 67,174,190,327,389,406
(2127)(3/17)(6/16)................................................................................................................... 49,78,173
Mad Hatters, Inc. 1091 Main St., Liquor Lic. (7/21).......................................................................218
Madison Street Sanitary Sewer Project. (12/1)......................................................................397,398
Maiden, Cassie, Claim; referred to Ins. (9/2) ............................................................................... 265
Maiers, William J., Attorney for Sageville, reo Voluntary Annexation Requests. (5/5) ..............130
Main St., lower, Weber Paper Co. Building, Memorandum of Understanding with Lower Main
Development LLC. (1/20) ............................................................................................................ 21
Main Street Ltd, Dubuque, President Bob Felderman spoke requesting funding. (2126)........... 48
Main St., Dbq., Purchase of Service Agreement. (4/21)...............................................................108
Main St. Awards Banquet. (5/19) ............................................................................................163,164
Main St., 835, Town Cloc'k Building - Cottingham and Butler's, Intercreditor Agreement with
IDED. (6/2)..................................................................................................................................165
Main St. Ltd., Dubuque, 2020 District plan. (6/16).......................................................................184
Main St. and Ice Harbor Road, FIve Ton Load Limit Street Postings. (6/16) .............................185
Main Street Buildings Litigation, issue payment of settlements. (7/7) ......................................193
Main Street Caboose, Donald B. Meyer, refund of liquor Lic. (7/21) ..........................................217
Main St., 44, rezoning from LI to C4for Kevin Menning - K &C Investments. (7/21)...............220
Main Street closure Irish Fest, opposition by neighbors. (9/15).................................................277
Main St., 101-123, Subordination Agreement with Premier Bank. (9/15)(10/6)..................284,319
Main Street, First & Main, Historical Lighting Project completed., (11/3) ..................................; 351
Main Street and Third St. Cooper Wagon Works Building renovation etc. Property Tax Rebates
for Historic Properties. (11/3) (11/17) ....................................;......................................... 356,381
Main St. & Eleventh St., Affordable Housing Tax Credit App. Gronen Properties. (11117) ...... 382
Mainstream Program Voucher Application for Section 8 Housing. (6/16).................................173
Make a Wish Week Proclamation. (4/21).......................................................................................107
Make a Will Month Proclamation. (10/6) ....................................................................................... 299
Maloy, Sister Paula, SVM, Gave Invocation; applicant for Community Development Adv.
Commission; appointed. (4/21)(6/2)(6/16)..........................................................107,165,169,180
Mama Cassetti's Pasta, Rod Christ, refund of beer permit. (4/21) ............................................. 109
Management Agenda for 2003, Council establishing. (9/4) ........................................................276
Management Agreement - Bunker Hill with George Stephenson - G.M.S. (2117) ...................... 37
Manager, City, Michael Van Milligen, Council Meeting to evaluate performance. (8/19).......... 261
Manager, City, Employment Agreement Amendment. (9/2) ........................................................267
Mandarin Garden Buffet, Inc. 55 JF Kennedy Rd., Liquor Lic. (11/17) ....................................... 371
Manders, Vincent, 569 W. Locust in favor of 605 W. Locust rezoning. (7/21) ...............:........... 220
Mandolin Inn, The, Amy Boynton, Wine Permit. (912) ................................................................. 269
Mangeno, Angela, Angie's Bar, 1401 Elm, Liquor Lic. (9/15)......................................................282
Manhole Replacement Project - West Locust Street.(5/19)(6/16) ................................152,153,183
Manna Java - Café, 269 Main, Liquor Lic. (10/6).......................................................................... 316
Manson Road Bridge Reconstruction Project, finalized. (11/3).................................................. 351
Manternach, State Rep. Gene, oppose HF 2 - property tax valuations; City Mgr letter reo HF 691
- ReiilVention Bill. (213)(5/5) ................................................................................................24,129
March 2003, Financial Reports. (4/21)...........................................................................................107
March 2003 Proofs of claims and revenues.(5/5).........................................................................128
March 2003 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (6/16)........................................................174
Marco's Italian American Food, 2022 Central, Liquor Lic. (4/7)....................................................95
Marcotte, Mary, claim; denial. (7/21)(8/4) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 212,231
Marine Security Measures by Coast Guard, Info. (2/17) ................................................................ 37
Mario's Italian Restaurant, T & M Inc., 1298 Main, Liquor Lic. (1211) ........................................ 394
Mark.., LLC & Vessels Systems, Inc., Assignment of Development Agreement. (9/26) ........... 297
Market Street, plat of proposed vacated streets in Block 26, Dbq Harbor Improvement Co.
Addn.; vacation of this. (4/21) ...........................................................................................112,114
Marketing - Loan for start up efforts by Convention & Visitors Bureau - Chamber of Commerce
for the America's River Projects. (717) ....................................................................................195
Markets Tax Credit Program, application, Heartland Community Development. (9/26) ........... 296
Markey, Jeff, Hy-Vee, amend Asbury Plaza PUD, convenience store & car wash. (5/19).. 156,157
Markham, Council Member John, reappointed to 1 year term on Airport Comm. (1120)............21
Markham, Council Member John, representation for the 2007 Iowa League of Cities conference.
Markham, John, serve as one of Iowa's reps on Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental
Relations (FAIR) Policy Committee of National League of Cities. (2/3)................................. 32
Markham, Council Member John - requesting Council get detail of property tax support etc.
that each City department gets. (11/10) .................................................................................. 366
Markham, Council Member John, reappointed to the Dubuque Racing Assn. Board ~ DRA.
Markham, Ellen, Director of Right to Life, rezoning request for 1870 Asbury. (11/17) .............379
Marlatt, Angella, applicant Historic Preservation Comm.; withdrew application.
Maro, Jerry, objecting to Stormwater Utility fee; objecting to length of time for the University
Avenue Reconstruction. (2/27)(9/15) .................................................................................. 50,289
Marshall Islands resident Stanley Sampson introduced to Council. (9/15)............................... 277
Martens, Paula, claim; settlement. (9/15)(10/6) ....................................................................277,299
Martin Addition - plat of Survey, ZAC, five lots to parcel for Wm. Burger. (2/17)...................... 38
Martin Gas station, 280 Locust, demolition request by Scott Neuwoehner - Bricktown, Cooper
Acquisitions. (5/5) ...................................................................................................................;.129
Martin Luther King celebrations well attended. (1/10)..........................................;;.......................21
Martin Luther King Days of Celebration Proclamation. (1/6) .......................................................... 1
Mason Cate Estates, voluntary application of Wayne Stewart for property SW of Old Highway
Road and Seippel. (5/5).............................................................................................................137
Masonry & Reroofing of Five Flags Theater, Acceptance. (3/17) ................................................. 79
Masonry Tu¡:kpointing, Woodward Museum Project, final. (11/3).............................................. 348
Massey Road (Old) & Highway 52 S, final plat of Gassman Quarry. (3/17) .................................. 80
Massey Road (Olde), final plat of Ricann Farms Inc. No.4. (12115) ...........................................407
Master Plan for Bunker Hill Golf Course, hire Gil Miller Architects. (3/17)..................................87
Master Plan for downtown, special Council meeting for presentation & discussion; set Public
hearing for adoption. (5/5)(12/15) .....................................................................................127,414
Mathew, Ben, Chaplain, Emmaus Bible College, Gave Invocation. (417).....................................89
Matthew John Drive, final plat of Harvest View Estates Third Addn.; temporary access off NW
Arterial for assisted living housing project. (2/3)(9/15) .................................................... 30,278
Matthew John Drive, north of , rezoning of 4100 Asbury for Harvest Development, McNamer,
senior living complex. (7/21)....................................................................................................221
Matthew John Drive, final plat of Harvest View Estates Fourth Addn.(11/17)........................... 385
Mauss, John, 1515 Auburn, comments about budget reduction. (7/9)......................................205
May 2003 financial reports. (6/16)..................................................................................................174
May 2003 proof of claims and revenues submitted. (717)............................................................190
May 2003 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (8/4) ............................................................. 231
Mayor & Council appointments to various Boards & Commissions - stay the same. (1/6)......... 8
Mayor Pro-Tem Buol took meeting. (2/20) ...................................................................................... 46
Mayor Pro-Tem Cline sworn in. (5/5).............................................................................................128
Mayor Pro-Tem Cline took over all or portion of Council Meeting in the absence of Mayor
Duggan. (6/2)(8/4)(8/11 )(1 0/6)(1 0/20)(11/1 0) ................................. 169,236,237,242,322,335,366
Mayors, U.S. Conference reo MTBE liability issue. (10/6) ............................................................ 305
MCCIOWA loloC., hub site lease - extension of Cable Television Franchise.
(3/3)(6/2)(6/16)(1211)(12115) ...................................................................... 73,168,182,395,427,428
Meatpacking Plant, former Dubuque Packing Co. Sixteenth & Sycamore Streets, request by
Wal-Mart for rezoning. (1/6)(1/20)(2117).............................................................................4,18,40
Mechanic position individuals certified by Civil Service Commission. (4121)........................109
Mechanical Code Board applicants Todd Geisler & Harlan J. Willenborg; reappointed.
Mechanical Examination, Registration and Certificate of Competency Fees. (8/4) ........... 239,240
Mediacom TV Cable Rate Increase effective 2/1/03. (1/6)................................................................ 8
Mediacom - TV Cable Franchise Extension.
(3/3)(3/17)(6/2)(6/16)(12/1)(12115) ........................................................ 73,86,168,181,182,395,427
Mediacom 2002 Annual Report submitted. (5/19)..;..;..................................................................146
Mediation requested for neighbors living at the NW Arterial and E of Samantha Dr. and QHQ;
Agreement reached with neighbors & owner. (9/2)(10/6)...............................................273,322
Medical - Ambulance Fee Service Fees changed. (2/27) .............................................................. 59
Medical Associates Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed for Lot 11 of Subd. #2. (9/15) .................281
Medical Associates Green Belt, request to purchase 3 parcels by Bob Hartig, Oak Park Place.
Medical Associates Subd. No.3 at end of Aggie Street, Final Plat, for Bob Hartig.(1 0/20)..... 328
Medical Health Account at American Trust, authorizing agents to make withdrawals for health
benefits etc. (3/17)..........................;............................................................................................81
Medicare Prescription Drug & Modernization, letters to legislators of support. (9/15)............ 282
Meehan, Patrick & Susan, object to QHQ zoning W NW arterial, S Holliday Dr. (6/2)(6/16)169,174 .
Meeting Room Names at Grand River Center; revised etc. Grand River Center- naming
opportunities for different spaces etc.; temporary names for meeting rooms be revised to be
consistent with industry standards. (6/2)(8/4) .................................................................171,233
Melendez, Hiram, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm. - appointed. (6/2)(6/16) ....169,180
Melendez, Hiram, DDRC Mediator for QHQ rezoning request S of Holliday Dr. (10/6).............. 322
Melssen, Joseph, Claim; settlement. (213)(3/3) ......................................................................... 23,67
Melssen, Joe, against proposed anti-ware resolution. (3/3}......................................................... 75
Membership of Community Development Advisory Commission changed. (5/19) ...........162,163
Membership of Historic Preservation Commission increased. (9/15)........................................291
Memorandum of Understanding with Dubuque County Extension District, provide còunseling
services. for home purchase education to HUD Family Self-Sufficiency Programs. (2/3) .... 27
Memorandum of Understanding with Lower Main Development, LLC - acquisition & renovation
of former Weber Paper Co. Building on lower Main St. (1/20) ................................................21
Menard's Store development, re: 3925 Dodge PUD Amendment for Smith & Luksetich. (2117)41
Menning, Kevin, K & C Investments, rezoning request for 44 Main St. (7/21)........................... 220
Mental Health Month Proclamation. (5/5)......................................................................................128
Mercy Housing MIdwest, Mary Schoen-Clark, support housing project Roosevelt Rd. (5/5) ..136
Mercy Medical Center, contract for City Employee Assistance Program Services. (9/15) ....... 277
Merrick, Brandon, refund of Cigarette License for Jumpers Sports Bar.(12115) ...................... 410
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Greetings from Pyatigorsk, Sister City. (1/6) ...................... 5
Mesaba Aviation Inc. Northwest, Notice of Termination of Service with Dubuque. (3/3)(417)69,95
Mess, James, Claim; settlement. (1 0/6~(1 0/20) ..................................................................... 299,327
Metal Buildings demolition at 205 E 6t St., Port of Dubuque, Dbq Hardwoods. (4/7)............... 91
Metcalf, L.B., Cedar Cross Amoco, 1200 Cedar Cross, Beer Per. (6/16)....................................179
Metz, Mary, claim; referred to insurance. (12115) ........................................................................ 406
Meyer, Donald B., Main St. Caboose, Inc., refund of liquor lic. (7/21)........................................ 217
Meyers, Carol, A & B Tap, 2600 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (4/21)(5/5)(6/16) 110,131,178
Meyers, Dan, project update for Transit Alternatives Analysis study - transit services between
Port of Dubuque and downtown Dubuque. (8/11)..................................................................242
Michael's Bar X, L & M Wharf Corp. 2616 Windsor, Liquor Lic. (12115)..................................... 411
Michalski, Ann, Council Member, comments @ good trip to Washington DC.; appointed as
representative to Iowa League of Cities representative at Forum. (2/17)(9/2)................44,274
Middle Road, Seippel Road, Asbury Road, annexation of nearly 700 acres. (8/18) ........... 248,249
Middle Road, Seippel Road, 703 acres, voluntary annex, letter from Douglas Fritsch. (12/1).401
Midway Hotel/Hoffman House Rest., WCB Hotel, Cigarette Per. (6/16)....................,..........178,179
Midway Hotels - acquisition of property owned by WCB Hotels - Farm Market Valley for ROW
for U.S. 20 traffic flow improvement project. (8/4) ................................................................. 232
Midwest Architectural Salvage Warehouse, Vance DeLire, in support of creation. (717)........,191
Military - Deployed Soldiers, Nicholson gave picture of them holding Dubuque flag. (9/2)...268
Military - Service Member Support Agenda Resolution. (4/7) ...................................................... 99
Military Road (Old), plat of Wertzberger Acres No.2. (4/7) ........................................................... 90
Miller Logging, Inc., claim. (5/19) ..................................................................................................144
Miller Logging, Peavey Grant, Dbq Hardwoods, Environ. Notice & Funds Rei. (717)(8/21)193,262
Miller Logging, Minor Final Plat at NW Corner of Hwy 61/151 in Dubuque County by Bill & Mary
Miller. (7/21)..............................................................................................................................,215
Miller Place, final plat, Lots 1.-4 - Larry & Kathy Miller. .(9/15).............................................. 27S,279
Miller, Bob & Gassman, Mildred & Robert, reo plat of Gassman Quarry at corner of Old Massey
Rd. and Hwy 52 S. (3/17)..........................................................................................................,.. 80
Miller, Charles L. claim; referred to Ins. (9/15)(10/6)............................................................. 277,299
Miller, Frank, as Bee Branch Citizens Adv. Comm. Member, letter to Camp, Dresser & McKee re:
stormwater problems here. (12/1 )............................................................................................389
Miller, GiI, Architects, hired for Bunker Hill Master Plan Renovation study. (3/17) """""""""" 87
Miller, Jim, Hill Street Plaza, 535 Hill St., Cigarette Per.(6/16) ....................................................178
Miller, John, request to waive sewer & water connection fees for his housing development at
Peru Rd. & Roosevelt Rd. (12/15) ............................................................................................ 430
Miller, Wm. A & Mary L., and also Miller Logging, deeds to City of their property. (1/6) ......... 2,3
Miller, William, claim, referred to Insurance. (5/19) .....................................................................144
Mills, Darryl, of Iowa Heritage Foundation, for Rip Row Valley Trailhead Easements. (6/16)..182
Mines of Spain, IDOT Agreement - Roadway, IDOT, roadway to Rip Row Valley. (1/6) ............... 3
Mines of Spain Heritage Trail Ext. Proj. amend engineering contract Veenstra & Kimm. (1/6) 3,4
Mines of Spain - Heritage Trail Extension from 22"" St. to Mines of Spain. (1/6) ......................... 4
Mining Co., Dbq., Apartments Ltd., 555 JFK Road, Liquor Lic. (2/17)..........................................39
Minor League Baseball Team in Dubuque, support & referendum requested. (10/20) ,...........327
Mississippi Mud Bistro, Mary Loney Bichell, 373 Bluff, Liquor Lic. (1211) ................................ 394
Mississippi on the River, Access & Indemnity Agree. photo shoot at Shot Tower. (7/21)....... 217
Mississippi River Crossing Project, IDOT - Pre-Design Agreement. (717) ................................193
Mississippi River Discover Center Wetlands Phase II Proj. Interior Walkways Proj. (1/20)..16,17
Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland - Site Package Interior Walkways Project;
awarding contracts for some projects; finalization of projects. (2117)(3/5)(12/1)..... 43,76,390
Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site Package II - Interior Walkways Project,
finalization of Contract 4. (11/3)........................................................................................ 352,353
Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site Pkg II - Interior Walkways Project, Contract
No.1 - Wood Piers & Decking, completion. (1211) ................................................................ 390
Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site Pkg II -Interior Walkways Project, Contract
No.2 - Wood Framing & Railings, completion. (12/1).......................................................... 391
Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site Pkg II -Interior Walkways Project, Contract
No.3 Plumbing, completed. (1211)...........................................................................................391
Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium Grand Opening Commemorative Print give to Council.
Mississippi River National Education and Conference Center - Grand River Center, acceptance
of Bid Package #1. (717)............................................................................................................192
Mississippi River Trail (MRT) Plan, IDOT requesting City review; approval of comments to IDOT.
(10/20)(11/17) ...................................................................................................................... 328,371
Mississippi River's Edge Plaza & Alternate I Project, final. (10/6).............................................. 315
Mississippi Riverwalk, added to Code for Parks, prohibition of alcohol/liquor. (417) 101,102,103
Mississippi Riverwalk, passenger boats garbage & refuse policy set out. (9/15) ....................295
Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Inc., deeds from property in Dubuque County to City. (1/6) 2,3
Mitigation Plan - Pre-Disaster, with ECIA, grant application to complete process. (1/6) ............ 5
Mitigation Planning Committee, Pre-Disaster, city rep appointments. (6/2).............................. 171
Mitigation Plan, Pre-Disaster, set Public Hearing etc. (12115) ....................................................414
Moeller, Marie, of Bierstube, Ltd., refund of Beer & Liquor Lic. (1/20).........................................15
Molly's Pub.. Dempseys, D. Clifford, 395 W. 9th, Cigarette Per. (6/16).......................................178
Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (2/17)(6/16) .................. 39,178
Molo Oil Co., Puff n Snuff, 2013 Central, Cigarette Per.(6/16).....................................................179
Molo Oil Co., Puff n Snuff, 1101 Rhomberg, Cigarette Per.; Be!!.. .Per. (6/16)(9/15)............179,282
Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 1875 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(11/3).................178,356
Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 9"' & Central, Cigarette Per.; Bèer Permit. (6/16)(12115)..........178,410
Monahan-Smith, Kristy, property at 2521 Stafford sold to her. (3/5)(717)(7/21) ..... 76,197,198,222
Monitoring Well Installation .. RMT, Inc., near former Amoco facility at 351 Dodg~ St. (3/3) .... 70
Montcrest Street, 750, Bill & Patty McGuire purchase portion of abutting property. (7/7).......190
Moore Heights Sanitary Sewer CIP project, that funding to Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation
and Extension. (10/6)................................................................................................................301
Moore, Jorja, Jorja's Restaurant & Lounge, 890 Iowa, Liquor Lic. (1211)..................................394
Moose, Dubuque Order of, #355, 1166 Main, Liquor Lic. (4/21)..................................................110
Moracco, The, 1413 Rockdale, Liquor Lic. (12115).......................................................................411
Moratorium - Senators Carper & Alexander for its extension.(11/17) ....................................... 370
Moratorium for Permits established for Bee Branch Creek area. (12115) .................................. 430
Moratorium of Building Permits IA 32 - Southwest Arterial Corridor, extension for 12 months'
Moratorium of Subdivision Plats in IA 32.. SW Arterial Corridor. (417)(4121)........ 104,121,122
Moratorium of Building Permits, Hwy 20 - Dodge St., Extension thru May 2004. (417).... 103, 104
Morrison, Patricia, claim for personal injury; referred to Insurance. (1/20)(213) ....................10,23
Morse Electric Inc., final of Contract No. 15B .. RR Depot Restoration Project. (10/20) .........330
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Claim/suit. (6/2) ............................................. 165
Mortgage Interest in Real Estate - Cooper Development Loan Subordination Agreement with
Dubuque Bank & Trust. (717)(7/21) ...................................................................................198,223
Mortgage subordination for 101-123 Main St. property. (9/15) ...................................................284
Mortgage, real estate, release for Christine E. Lehnen. (12/15)..................................................410
Motorcyclists Tour De Dubuque Day Proclamation - Custom Riders & Bicycle Club. (8/18).. 243
Moxon, Pastor Ron, Lighthouse Baptist Church, Gave Invocation.(5/5)..............................c....128
Mt. Loretta Ave. 148 feet south - plat of proposed vacated alley between Bryant & Ramona.
(3/3)(3/17)(5119).............................................................................."""""""""""""""'" 71,85,147
MTBE - Methyl Tertiary butyl ether, liability issue, US Conf. of Mayors. (10/6).........................305
Mueller, Dan, rezoning of Key Gate Center No 2. property S of Hwy 61/151 and Hwy 52.
(2/17)(4/21 ...)(12/15)............................................................................................... 40,120,121,415
Mueller, Thomas, Claim; settlement. (417)(5/5).......................................................................89,128
MUL, Inc., A & B Tap, Liquor Lic.; refund of Liquor Lic. (1/6)(7/7).......................................... 5,196
Mulgrew Oil Co., 16th St. AutolTruck Plaza, 1215 E. 16th St., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.
Mulgrew Oil Co., 3330 Asbury Rd., Asbury Amoco Foodshop, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.
Mulgrew Oil Co., Loras Amoco Foodshop, 1450 Loras, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.
(6/16)(7/21) ..........................................................................................................................179,218
Murph's South End Tap, Pam Murphy, 55 Locust St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/7)............197
Murphy Park usage by Hillcrest for Holiday Lighting Display. (10/20) ....................................... 332
Murphy Park, Irish Fest designation. (10/6).................................................................................. 322
Murphy, Pam, Murph's South End Tap, 55 Locust St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/7)...........197
Murphy, Pat, Congressman, City Mgr.letter reo Reinvention Bill & other issues. (5/5).....128,129
Murray, Attorney Thad, for neighbors reo rezoning of property SE of Hwy 61/151 & Hwy 52 from
C3 to MHI. (12/15)......................................................................................................................415
Museum of Art loan agreement defer interest payments on Downtown Rehab Loan. (4/21) ..124
Museum of Art Uptown Recreation Program, summer art programs. (5/19).............................146
Museum Restoration Project - Woodward, finalization of projects. (10/6)(11/3) ........302,348,349
Music N More Promotions, Town Clock Plaza, Beer Permit. (4/21)............................................110
Music, NE Iowa School, Uptown Recreation Program Agreement for FY 2004.(5/19)..............146
Myatt, Joyce, Joyce's Tugboat, 1630 E. 16th St., Liquor Lic. (5/5) ..............................................132
Myatt. Arthur A., Joyce C. - Dubuque Yacht Basin Lease - sublease. (5/5) .............................130
McCann Service, Inc., McCann's lOCO, 690 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.
(4121)(717).............................................................................................................................110, 197
McCann, Steven R., City Development Board, - our voluntary annexation request will be heard
by them on 7/03. (6/16)..............................................................................................................175
McCann, Steve, City Deveiopment Board, reo Sageville annexation application requests.
(7/21) ............................................................................................................................................ 215
McCarthy, Dennis & Amy, final plat of 2389 University- portion of Finley's Addn.(1/20)..........11
McClowa, LLC - Mediacom, extension of cable franchise agreement.
(3/3)(3/17)(6/2)(6/16)(1211)(12115)............................................................... 73,86,168,182.395,396
McCullough Creative Group, Logo design for Grand River Center. (213) .................................... 27
McDermott Excavating, Bonson Road Watermain contract. (5/5) ..............................................138
McDermott, Larry, comments @ proposed Wal-Mart at 16th & Sycamore. (1120)........................18
McFadden, Walt, opposition to rezoning of 5255 Pennsylvania Ave. (12/15)............................415
McLaughlin, Dan, re: rezoning of 2800 Rhomberg, Eagle Villa, former Tollbridge Inn. (5/8)...142
McNally, Valerie, settlement of claim. (9/15)................................................................................. 277
McNamara, Tim, Wilmac Property Co., zoning - residential as a conditional use in HJ.(9/18). 253
McNamer, Marty, final plat for Harvest View Estates. (213) ...................................................... 30,31
McNamer, Marty, Harvest Development, rezoning of4100 Asbury Rd. for 180 unit senior
assisted living housing complex; requesting temporary access for NW Arterial for this
development. (7/21)(9/15)(10/6)(11/17) ...............................................................221,278,325,385
N. Grandview, 296, request for rezoning, possible Heckmann Law Office etc. (1/20)(213)18,19,32
N. Grandview, 419 & 485,1755 Bennett St., 1730 Grace St., zoning change request Grand View
United Methodist Church & Dick Hartig. (10/20)..................................................................... 335
Name change of plaza near Grand River Center to W.J. Klauer Family Plaza. (1/20) ................. 20
Naming meeting rooms Grand River Center, revise consistent with industry standards. (8/4)233
Naming opportunities for Grand River Center, Shot Tower Visitor Center & Hawthorne Street
Peninsula Water Works Park. (6/2) .......................................................................................... 171
Naming Plaque - Grand River Center Dedication, approval of wording. (9/15) ........................ 282
Naming Plaque - Senator John C. Culver Floodwall Recognition - near ffoodwall on River's
Edge Plaza. (9/15).......................................................................................................""""""'" 282
Nash Finch Co., Econo Foods #471, 3355 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (3/3)(717) ..... 71,196
National Alliance of Preservation Commission, 2004, letter of Historic Pres. Comm., City to
submit a letter of support. (2/17) ............................................................................................... 44
National League of Cities, letter to President Bush @ funding for police, fire, etc. (1/6)............. 5
National League of Cities Legal Defense Fund, contribution. (2/3) """""""""""""""""""""'" 24
National League of Cities: Pat Cline as one of Iowa's reps on the Energy, Environment &
Natural Resources Policy Committee; John Markham as one of Iowa's reps on Finance,
Administration & Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR) Policy Committee. (2/3) .................... 32
National League of Cities, - Iowa League letter appointing Ann Michalski to Human
Development Policy Committee. (2117) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 44
National League of Cities, voting delegate Nicholson named. (9/2) ................................... 273,274
National Railroad, Canadian, Installation of 4" conduit underneath RR tracks at Fourth & White
Sts - fiber optic connection between City Hall & Port of Dubuque. (2/3) ..............................25
National Register certification, federal & state historic tax credits, rehab Star Brewery. (10/6)304
National Register for Historic Places, Zlepprecht Block Building & John Bell Block Building,
13th & Central etc. (1120) ............................................................................................................. 15
National Trust for Historic Preservation thanking lo Carstens, Planning Mgr., for final report &
project summary. (1/20) ............................................................................""""""""""""""""" 14
Natural Gas - Peoples, utility franchise fee added. (7/28) .................,........................................228
Natural Heritage Foundation, easements for Rlprow Valley Trailhead Project. (6/2) ...............168
Nauman, Gary, Claim; Referred to Greyhound Corporate Office. (7/21)(10/6).................... 212,299
Navy - USS Dubuque, invitation for Council Members to cruise during Fleet Week. (10/6)..... 300
Neighborhood Council- Downtown, trash receptacles in Jackson Park ROW. (6/2)..............166
Nemmers, Julian G., Cedar Ridge Farm Partnership, acceptance of #4 Subdivision, Lots 1-7
with improvements.(8/18)(9/15).........................................................................................244,281
Nesler, Robert, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (12/1)(12/15)....................................... 399,414
Network - City Fiber Optic and Port of Dubuque Connection Project, final. (10/20) ................ 331
Neumeister, Dr. Mary Lynn, applicant - Long Range Planning Adv. Comm.; reappointed.
(6/16)(717) ............................................................................................................................180,199
New Markets Tax Credit Application for Heartland Community Development, Inc. (9/26)....... 296
Nicholson, Council Member, reappointed to Information Technology Committee of Nat'l League
of Cities; appointed to NLC 2003 Information & Technology Steering Committee;
reappointed to GDDC Corp.; named Voting Delegate to National League of Cities.
(1/20)(2/3)(6/16)(9/2) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""" 21,32,184,274
Niemann, William, resigning from Environmental Stewardship Adv. Commission. (11/3) ...... 347
Nightengale Lane, property S, rezoning, Pat Kennedy's portion of Cedar Ridge Acres. (2/17).40
NLC 2003 Information Technology and Communications Steering Committee - Nat'l League of
Cities, appointment of Dan Nicholson. (213) ............................................................................. 32
No Parking on Kane St., comments by Mary Alice Walsh. (1/20) .................................................10
. ,-,....
No Parking Area - Thirtieth Street on North Side of Thirtieth St. from Central Ave. to a point 334
feet east of Jackson St. (8/18).................................................................................................. 259
Non Bargaining Unit Employees, Wage & compensation plan delayed, budget amendment
reduction. (6/23)(7/9).........................................................................................................187,209
Noon Optimists Avenue of Flag Project and fundraiser.(12/1) ................................................... 404
North End Association, in favor of Storm Water Utility Fee if sunset clause included. (2/27)... 50
North Grandview, 296, request for rezoning for Heckmann Law Office etc. (1/20)(213) ...18,19,32
North Westbrook Drive, final plat of Westbrook Subd. (10/6) ..................................................... 324
Northeast Iowa Community College - Business Incubator in downtown Dubuque, cost sharing
of NICC for a feasibility study. (4/21) ......................................................................................124
Northeast Iowa School of Music for Uptown Recreation Programs - FY 2004 Agree. (5/19) ..146
Northeast Iowa Subcontract Agreement - Police participation in IA Dept. of Health, Drug &
Violence Prevention Grant. (10/20) .......................................................................................... 332
Northend Neighborhood Assoc., 2400 Jackson, Beer Per. (7/7) ................................................197
Northwest Airlines, rumor they are leaving Dubuque Airport; Termination Notice. (2/3)(3/3)... 32
Notice of Environmental Hearing Assessment - IDOT - Notice re: Environment & Public Hearing
- improvement of US from Peosta to East of NW Arterial. (11/3) ......................................... 348
Notice of Termination - Mesaba Aviation, Inc. - NW Airlines, with City of Dubuque. (3/3) ....... 69
November 2002 claims and revenues proof. (1120) .......................................................................10
November 2002, Printed Council proceedings approved. (1120)..................................................10
November 3,2003 Abstract of Votes - Election. (11/17) ............................................................. 370
November 2003 Proofs of publication of Council Minutes. (12115)............................................406
NPDES Permit Application -IA DNR Phase II Municipal Storm Sewer System app. (3/3)......... 74
NPDES compliance activities - G.O. Bond Sale to support Stormwater Projects - Carter &
Thirty Second St. Detention Basin etc. (814)...........................................................................234
Nursing Home Week Proclamation. (5/5)......................................................................................128
Nussle, Congressman Jim, re: June 2002 funding & trying to obtain add' funding assistance to
purchase flood damaged properties; in support of Grand River Excursion; letter from MVM -
Tax Increment Financing; purchase flood damage property; funding - SW Arterial project
submitted; requesting support of Senator Grassley's legislation.
(2/3)(3/3)(4121)............................................................................................................. 27,68,69,109
NW Arterial-IDOT extend U.S. 20 corridor preservation. (1/6)(6/2) ....................................... 5,165
NW Arterial- property west, and South of Holliday Dr., rezoning request by QHQ.
(5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(10/6) ...........................................................................................153,169,174,322
NW Arterial Water Main Extension Project - acceptance. (9/15) ......................................... 277,278
NW Arterial, Access for M. McNamer - Harvest Devel. Group for construction of assisting living
project. (9/15)(1 0/6) ............................................................................................................ 278,325
NW Arterial & Asbury Rd., zoning for new DB & T bank. (9/15)..................................................288
NW Arterial-Iowa 32 - speed limit increase. (12115)...........................................................430,431
NW Northwest Airlines - rumor they are pulling out of Dubuque Airport; Notice of Tèrmination.
(2/3)(3/3) ..................................................................................................................................32,69
Nye, Marvin, of Peosta, IA introduced himself to Council and informed them of his new
Ambulance Transfer service. (8/4)........................................................................................... 241
O'Brien, Attorney James - Tim, took meeting for Corp. Counsel Lindahl. (11/3) ..................... 347
O'Brien, Shane, personal injury claim settlement. (7/21) ............................................................ 217
O'Hara, J & P, Happy Joe's Ice Cream & Pizza, 855 Century, Beer Permit. (11/3).....................356
O'Kelly's, Carlos, Miller Riverview Park, Liquor Lic. 5 day event. (8/18).................................... 246
O'Kelly's, Carlos, 1355 Associates Dr., Liquor Lic. (10/20) ......................................................... 333
O'Mara Second Subd. Plat of Lot 1 & 2 -11983 Kennedy Rd. for Roger Kurt & Joseph & Beverly
O'Mara. (1/20) .........................................................................................................................11,12
O'Neill SI. resident Donna Schmidt objecting to condition of neighbor's home. (7/7) ............ 200
O'Shea, Marty, applicant, Human Rights Comm. (1/6)(12/1)(12/15)..................................6,399,414
Oak Park Place of Dubuque, LLC, to purchase Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Medical Associates Subd.
(8/4)(10/20)(11/3)................................................................................................... 231,333,361,362
Oakland Farms Road, North side, preliminary plat of Freedom Ridge Estates; final plat.
(10/20)(11/17) ......................................................................................................................342,386
Oakland, Jerry E. of St. Luke's United Methodist Church, reo stormwater utility fee. (1/6)..........1
Oakland, Rev. Jerry E., of St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Gave Invocation. (3/3) """""" 67
Oakland, Jerry, 1722 Church, in support of anti-war resolution. (3/3) ......................................... 75
Occupancy Permits Issuance Zoning Text amendment - Site Plan Review installation &
completion of site plan requirements prior to issuance of occupancy permits. (8/18) ...... 254
October, 2002, proof of claims and revenues. (1/6).........................................................................1
October 6th proceedings, proof of publication. (11/3) ................................................................. 347
October 2003 Financial Reports submitted. (11/17) ....................................................................368
October, 2003, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (12/1)...................................................389
October 2003 Revenues and Claims Summary Proof. (12115).................................................... 406
Officers, Designation of Fiscal, City electronic investment banking transactions. (11/3)353,354
Oky Doky#21, TFM Co. 2010 Kerper, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (1/20)(6/16).........................15,179
Oky Doky #8, Hill St. Plaza, 535 Hill St., Beer Per. (213) ................................................................. 27
Oky boky # 2, 51 W. 32"" St., TFM Co., Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.; Wine Per.
Oky Doky #1, 250 W. 1st St., TFM Co., Beer Per. ; Wine Per. ; Cigarette Per.
(5/5)(6/16) .....................................................................................................................131,132,179
Oky Doky#6, TFM Co., 1250 Iowa St., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(8/18)......................179,246
Oky Doky#14, K-Chap Foods, Inc., 1050 University Ave., Beer Per. (717) .................................197
Oky Doky#14, Kristina Chapman, 1050 University, Cigarette Per. (717)....................................197
Old Highway Road, 8000, rezoning of property for Wayne Stewart; annexation.(4/21 )(5/5)118,137
Old Highway Road & Seippel Road, zoning of SW corner - Tri-State Development. (12115)...416
Old Main District - Historic Preservation Comm. vacancy. (3/3).................................................. 73
Old Massey Road corner & Hwy 52 final plat of Gassman Quarry. (3/17) .................................... 80
Old Mill Road Properties purchase Grant - Administrative Services Grant to buy 3 properties,
demolition etc.; ECIA contract for demolition etc. (3/17)(7/21)(9/15).....................82,212,295
Old Mill Road Property Purchase by FEMA, proceed with closing. (3/17) ................................... 87
Old U.S. Highway 20 Water Main Extension Project Acceptance. (1/20) .....................................14
Old US Highway 20 Water Main Extension Project Acceptance, Phase II, final. (9/15) ............ 278
Olde Massey Road, 7326, nearby, final plat of Ricann Farms Inc. No.4. (12115) ......................407
Oliver, David, applicant for Community Development Comm.; appointed. (7/21)(8/4) .... 219,236
Olson, Christine, applicant for Historic Preservation Comm.; appointed; comments @
Warehouse Demolition Districts. (6/2)(6/16)(11/3)....................................................169,180,364
Olson, Christine, in support of Four Mounds Landmark designation. (11/17).......................... 379
Olympics (Special) Iowa Dubuque Winter Games Time Proclamation. (1/6).................................1
One Flight Up, Nadine Bergin, 44 Main St., Cigarette Per.; Liquor Lic. (7/21)(9/15)...........218,282
On-Site Sewage Treatment - septic systems etc., new Sanitary Sewer Connection Ordinance
Revision and Policy. (9/2) .................................................................................................. 272,273
Ooh La La, Creative Touch Gallery, 3460 Hillcrest Rd., Wine Per. (717).....................................197
Operating Budget for Assisted Housing Programs of Housing & Community Development
Department. (2127).......................................................................................................................49
Operating Engineers, Int'I Union, amendment to Collective Bargaining Agree. (8/18) ............ 245
Operation: New View appointments of Council, same as last year. (1/6).....................................8
Operations and Maintenance Dept. - Pay As You Throw - PAYT -IA DNR grant from IA DNR to
supply consulting services to Iowa Communities reo PAYT. (1/20)........................................15
Operations & Maintenance Dept., council review of budget. (2120) ............................................. 46
Operations and Maintenance Center Roof Repair Project, final. (7/21) ..................................... 214
Operation: New View, purchase of services agreement. (9/2).................................................... 273
Optima Bus Corporation Agreement to purchase 2 trolleys for shuttle between downtown &
Port of Dubuque. (9/2)........................................................................................"""""""""""""'"
Optimists, Noon, Flag Project - Avenue of Flags. (1211)............................................................404
Oriental Food & Gift Corp., Lien Oriental Am. Food, 115 W. 11thSt., Beer Per. (5/5)................131
Orwoll, Greg, Dir. of Colts Drum & Bugle Corps, demolition of building at 1112.1114 Central for
their parking. (5/5).....................................................................................................................139
OSHA re: Confined Space Standard, on-site or off-site rescue service. (912)........................... 267
Osterhaus, Robert, letter to him @ HF 691 - Reinvention Bill. (515) .........................................129
Oswald, Jan, reo Continuum Sculpture, discussion for placement. (3117) .................................. 78
Ott, Lyle and Patricia, claim; denial. (8/4)(8/18)....................................................................231,243
Otting, Father Paul, Pastor of Holy Ghost, Gave Invocation. (3/17) ............................................. 78
Outdoor Café - Restaurant - Sidewalk Café Ordinance. (717)....................................................200
1-03 Amend Section 11-4 (b) City Code - Review Process Historic Preservation Commission -
Demolition Districts. (1/6)............................................................................................................. 7
2-03 Amend Appendix A - Zoning reclassifying 1320 Locust, C4 OC Office. (1/20).................. 19
3-03 Amend City Code Section 32-285(b) Alternate Side Street Parking by Establishing Parking
Restrictions for Section of Sixteenth Street. (213)............................................................... 31,32
4-03 Amend Appendix A - Zoning property S of Nightengale Lane, R-1 C Single Family
Residential Dis., Connect., to R-1 Single Family Residential Dis. P. Kennedy's. (2/17) ..40,41
5-03 Amend Appendix A - Zoning Ord. reclassifying 1205 Cleveland Ave. R2 to C1, Doug &
Marie Colin. (2/17) ....................................................................................................................... 41
6-03 Amend Appendix A - Zoning Ord. - amendment of Ord. 67-02 which adopted Regulations -
the PUD Planned Unit Development with a PC Planned Commercial Designation - 3925
Dodge St. - T. Luksetich & S. Smith. (2/17).......................................................................... 41,42
7 -03 Amend Code Ch. 44 new Division V, Stormwater Management Utility District, and Policy
Regarding Expenditure of Ulility Revenues et al. (2127) .................................................... 50-56
8-03 Amend Code, Repealing & enacting new Section 9-31 providing increase in "Registration
Fees" - Bicycles. (2127) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""....................... 58
9-03 Amend Code, replace Table 108.2 in Section 11-2 with new Table 108.2 to Section 11-2
Providing Issuance of Permits & Collection of Fees. (2/27).................................................... 59
10-03 Amend Code Sections 44-83 (a)(2) and 44-83 (a)(3)g. Establishing Basi.c Sewer Rates -
Residential and Commercial Users. (2/27)................................................................................60
11-03 Amend Code Section 40-39 Para. (d) Solid Waste Collection Carts to be Available -City Yard
Waste Customers & Fee & Increasing Annual Permit Fee $20.00 to $25.00. (2/27) ............. 60
12-03 Amend Code Section 40-37 Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) Establishing Charges - Collection &
Disposal of Solid Waste & Recyclable Materials Increasing Base Fee from $7.20 per dwelling
unit per month to $7.49; & amend Section 40-37 Paragraph (d) Providing - Solid Waste Carts to
be available to all refuse collection customers. (2/27) .......................................................61,62
13-03 Amend the City Code Section 44-201 (a), Fixing Water Rates - Residential, Commercial,
Industrial, and all other uses. (2/27) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 63
14-03 Amend the City Code Section 44-202 Fire Sprinkler Service. (2/27) .................................. 63
15-03 Amend Section 32-279 City Code - Parking Violations - Fines. (2127)......................... 64,65
16-03 Vacating Alley Between Bryant and Ramona, Mt. Loretta Avenue 148 South. (3/3)........ 72
17-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassifying North Side of Crescent Ridge, AG to CS and
Wholesale District, with conditions. (3/17) ............................................................................... 84
18-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning repealing Section 2(D)(2) in lieu thereof pertaining to time limit-
use of Portable classrooms at Hillcrest Family Services. (3/17).............................................85
19-03 Extending the Term of Existing Cable Franchise Agreement & HUB Site Lease of McClowa,
LLC to June 30, 2003. (3/17) ....................................................................................................... 86
20-03 Amend City Code Chapter 34 Parks & Recreation: Sec. 34-52(a) Intoxicating Beverage",
Prohibiting Consumption or use of Alcoholic Liquors or Wine in Parks by Excepting Therefrom
Events at Alliant Energy Amphitheater; by Amend Sec. 34-52(d) Prohibiting the consumption or
.use of Beerin Parks by changing Sunnyslopes Park to Teddy Bear Park and by adding thereto
Rile Park, Harvest View Park, Ice Harbor Park, The American Trust River's Edge Plaza, and the
Mississippi Riverwalk; by amending Sec. 34-74(h) Establishing Park House by changing
Sunnyslopes Park to Teddy Bear Park and by adding thereto Riley Park, Harvest View Park, Ice
Harbor Park, The American Trust River's Edge Plaza; and the Mississippi Riverwalk; by
amending Sec. 34-74(h) Establishing Park Hours by changing Sunnyslopes Park to Teddy Bear
Park and adding thereto Riley Park, Harvest View Park, and Ice Harbor Park, by adding a new
Sec. 34-74(k) providing Parks that are open twenty-fours per day and including the American
Trust River's Edge Plaza, Alliant Energy Amphitheater; and the Mississippi Riverwalk; by
~-., .
amending Sect. 34-119 Changing Municipal Swimming Pool to Nicholas J. Sutton Swimming
Pool; by amending Sec. 34-127 changing Sunnyslopes Park to Teddy Bear Park; by adding a
New Sec. 34-133 designating Riley Park; by adding a new Sec. 34-34-134 designating Harvest
View Park; by adding a New Sec. 34-135 designating the American Trust River's Plaza; by
adding a new Sec. 34-136 designating the Mississippi Riverwalk; by adding a new Sec. 34-137
designating Alliant Energy Amphitheater; by adding a new Sec. 34-138 designating Ice Harbor
Park; and by adding a new Sec. 34-139 designating Welu Park. (417) ...................101,102,103
21-03 Amend Ch. 11 (Buildings & Building Regulations) Of City Code Section 11-58.1 - A twelve
month moratorium on the issuance of permitS - work in U.S. Highway 20 Corridor.(417).. 104
22-03 Amend Ch. 11 - Buildings & Building Regulations of City Code Section 11-58.3 Establishing
a Moratorium issuance of Permits /Work -IA 32- Southwest Arterial Corlidorbyextending such
moratorium - twelve months. (4/7).................................................................................... 104,105
23-03 Repealing Ordinance No. 10-03 Amend City Code, Sections 44-83 (a)(2) and 44-83(a)(3)g.
Establishing Basic Sèwer Rates - Residential and Commercial Uses. (417)........................105
24-03 Vacate a portion of Bell St & Alley Block 11, Dubuque Harbor Improve. Addn. (4/21)..113
25-03 Vacate a portion of Fourth St Extension, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Addn. (4/21)2124
26-03 Vacate a Portion of Fifth & Sixth Streets in Dubuque Harbor Improve. Co. Addn. (4/21)114
27-03 Vacate a portion of Fourth St. Extension, Wall St., Market Street, Pine Street, and Lot 2 of Lot
20 and Alley in Block 26 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company Addn. (4/21)............114
28-03 Vacate a portion of Wall Street, Washington Street, and alleys in Blocks 21 & 27 in Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Co. Addition. (4/21) ...............................................................................115
29-03 Vacate a portion of Wall Street, Washington Street, Cypress St., and alleys in Blocks 20 & 28
in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn.(4/21).........................................................115,116
30-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassifying property located at 8000 Old Highway Road from
R1 Single Family Residential District to R2Two Family Residential District and CS Commercial
Service and Wholesale District. (4121) ....................................................................................118
31-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassifying property 8000 Old Highway Road from
R-1 Single Family Residential District to R-2 Two Family Residential District and CS Commercial
Service and Wholesale Dis. (4121)....................................................................................118,119
32-03 Amend Appendix A of the City Code by reclassifying property located SE of HWY 61/151 and
Hwy 52 Intersection from PUD with a PR to C3 - Key Gate Center. (4/21)...........................121
33-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning Section 4-4-2 re: Site Plans, & 6-1-5.5 regarding rezonings, to
extend a moratorium, site plan etc re: Iowa 32/ Southwest Arterial Corridor. (4121).........121
34-03 Amend Chapter 42 (Subd Regulations) of the City Code by amend Section 42-16, to establish
a Moratorium - Subdivision plats in the Iowa 32/ Southwest Arterial Corridor. (4121) ......122
35-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying property 2900 Dodge St.: C3 General
Commercial District to PUD PC Planned Commercial District & Adopting a Conceptual
Development Plan. (4/21)...................................................................................................119,120
36-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning Ord. by 3251 Roosevelt Rd. from R1 to R2 & R3. (5/5) 136,137
37-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property at 2800 Rhombetg from CR
Commercial Recreation District to PUDwith aPRPlanned Residential District designation and
adopting a Conceptual Development Plan with conditions. (5/8)..................................142,143
38-03 Vacating Railroad Street in Center Grove. (5/19)...............................................................150
39-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying 3280 Pennsylvania Ave.: R1 to C2. (5/19)154
40-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by an Amendment of Kennedy Mall PUD with a PC Designation
and adopting an Amended Conceptual Development Plan. (5/19)........................154,155,156
41-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying NW corner Asbury Road & NW Arterial- PUD
District -Asbury Plaza & an amended List of permitted uses. (5/19)............................156,157
42-03 Amend City Code, Ch. 15, Community Development Section 15-46 reo Membership of the
Community Development Advisory Comm. (5/19) .................................................................162
43-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning, reclassifying West of 2915 Kennedy Rd, AG to R1. (6/16) 181
44-03 Extend Term of Existing Cable Franchise Agreement and Hub Site Lease of McClowa, LLCto
December 3.1,2003. (6/16) ........................................................................................................182
45-03 Amend Ch. 32, Motor Vehicles & Traffic, City Code Enacting a new Section 32-163.1
Prohibiting Motor Trucks Registered - a Gross Weight Limit Exceeding Ten Thousand (10,000)
Pounds from Traveling on Designated Streets. (6/16)...........................................................185
46-03 Amend Ch. 42 Vegetation - City Code repealing Section 45-52 Notice to Property Owner to
Remove; amend Sec. 45-53 Compliance with Removal Notice Required; amend Section 45-54
Collection of Cost of Removal by City; & by Repealing Section 45-55 Failure to comply with
Weed Removal Notice after Service of Second Notice. (717) ................................................ 200
47-03 Amend Ch. 42 Streets, Sidewalks etc. adding new Division 6 Sidewalk Cafes. (7/7)200-202
48-03 Amend City Code Section 40-37 Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) Establishing Charges - the
Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Increasing the Base Fee from
$7.49 per dwelling unit per month to $7.60. (7/9) ............................................................ 205,206
49-03 Amend City Code Section 7-33(a) Dogs License Fee by increasing Annual License Fee from
Eight Dollars ($8.00) to Ten Dollars ($10.00) - dogs that are neutered & Eighteen ($18) to
Twenty-Five ($25.00) dollars - Dogs that are Not Neutered; Section 7-34 Dogs- Expiration;
Renewal; Delinquent Fee by Increasing the Delinquent fee from a $5 penalty to Ten Dollars
($10.00) and the same for cats. (7/9) ............................................................................... 206,207
50-03 Amend City Code Section 44-201(a) , Fixing Water Rates - Residential, Commercial,
Industrial, and all other Uses. (7/9).......................................................................................... 207
51-03 Amend City Code Section 44-202 Fire Sprinkler Service. (7/9).........................................208
52-03 Amend City Code Ch. 46, Vehicles - Hire and Public Transportation, Section 46-35 Fees; and
Section 46-43 Issuance of License; Duration; Annual Fee. (7/9) .......................................... 208
53-03 Amend City Code Section 29-22 (b) Business Requiring Annual Licenses. (7/9)...........209
54-04 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassifying 605 W. Locust & 2085, 2085 Y, Foye St.: R-2A
Alternat~ Two-Family Residential District & C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District to C"2
Neighborhood Shopping Center District. (7/21).....................................................................220
55-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning Ordinance City Code by reclassifying 44 Main St from LI to C4.-
Kevin Menning & K & C Investments. (7/21)....................................................................220,221
56-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassifying North of Matthew John Drive from R1 & R3
Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential District to PUD Planned Unit Development District to
PUD with a PR and adopting a Conceptual Development Plan with conditions - Marty McNamer
- & Professional Realty Development Corp. (7/21)......................................................... 221,222
57 -03 Providing that City Code be amended by revising the Electrical Permit Fee Schedule - New
Cómmercial and Industrial Buildings - the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (7/21) ................... 223,224
58-03 Establish Franchise Fee, Two Percent (2 %) Gross Revenue Interstate Power Company, its
successors, from the Sale of Electricity within the City. (7/28) .......................................,.... 227
59-03 Establishing Franchise Fee of Two Percent (2%) Gross Revenue of Peoples Natural Gas
Company, its successors and assigns, from Sale of Natural Gas or Mixed Gas. (7128) .... 228
60-03 Amend City Code Ch. 42 Streets, Sidewalks, and other public Places, Division 6 Sidewalk
Cafes add New Section 41-179 Sidewalk Café Defined; Amend Section 41-180 Authorizing
Sidewalk Cafes - Only Restaurants or Businesses where more than fifty percent (50%) of the
business is the Sale or Dispensing of Food or Retail Items. (8/4).................................237,238
61-03 Amend City Code Ch. 11 Buildings & Building Regulations by Adopting New Article V
Condominium Conversions - an Existing Structure Shall not be converted to a horizontal
property regime unless Converted Structure meets building code requirements etc.(8/4)238
62-03 Amend City Code Section 18-2, Article 83-7, Table 13-B Electrical Examination, License and
Registration Fees. (8/4)................;............................................................................................239
63-03 Amend City Code Section 24-2 Article 308, Table 3-B Mechanical Examination, Registration
and Certificate of Competency Fees. (8/4).............................................................................. 240
64-03 Amend City Code Section 24-2, Article 308, Table 3-B Mechanical Examination, Registration
and Certificate of Competency Fees. (8/4).............................................................................. 240
65-03 Vacating the Alley Southwest of West 5"' Street - - The Finley Hospital. (8/18) .........:... 247
66-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying along Seippel Rd from Dubuque County R2
Single Family Residential District to City of Dubuque R2 Two Family Residential and CS
Commercial Service and Wholesale District, concurrent with annexation. (8/18) .............. 242
67-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying property at Intersection W. 32"" St. &
Honeysuckle Lane from R3 to C2. (8/18).................................................................................253
68-03 Amend Section 3-4.2(D) of City Code to add Residential Use as Conditional Use in HI Heavy
Industrial Zoning Districts. (8/18) ..................................................................................... 253,254
69-03 Amend Appending A-Zoning of City Code Section 4-4.2(B) Application & Scope of Site Plan
Review and Approval by Adding a New Paragraph Re: Installation and Completion of Site Plan
Requirements Prior to Issuance of Occupancy Permits. (8/18) ............................................ 254
70-03 Amend Section 32-262(D) City Code - Parking delete Portions of Thirtieth Street. (8/18)259
71-03 Amend City Code Ch. 44 Section 44-55 Abandonment of Private On-Site Sewage Treatment
and Disposal System Upon Availability of Public Sewer. (912) ...................................... 272,273
72-03 Vacating a Portion of South Way at Asbury Road - Clarence B. Pfohl. (9/15) ......... 283,284
73-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property SW Corner of NW Arterial
and Asbury Road from PC to C3. (9/15) ........................................................................... 288,289
74-03 Amend City Code Ch. 25 Historic Preservation Section 25-3 Historic Preservation
Commission Established; Membership; Term of Office; Vacancies in Office. (9/15).......291
75-03 Amend Ord. No. 58-03 Establish Franchise Fee of two Percent (2%) of Gross Revenue of
Interstate Power Co., its successors (Alliant) & assigns, from Sale of Electricity. (9/15)..292
76-03 Amend Ord. No. 59-03 Establish a Franchise Fee of Two Percent (2%) of Gross Revenue of
Peoples Natural Gas Co., from Distribution & Sale of Natural Gas Or Mixed Gas. (9/15)292,293
77-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning reclassifying property S of Holliday Dr. west of NW Arterial from
AG to C2 & C3. (10/6) .........................................................................................................322-324
78-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying property located at 3136/3146 Central Ave. R3
to C2-John Kretz, Perfection Oil Co. (10/20)........................................................................336
79-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning of City reclassifying located along West Side of Seippel Rd.
Dubuque County R2 Single Family Residential District to City of Dubuque CS and Wholesale
District & LI Light Industrial District, concurrent with Annexation - Callahan. (10/20)...... 337
80-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning of City Code, property at 555 John F. Kennedy Road and adopt
a new Conceptual Develop Plan & Ord. - Kennedy Mall PUD change. (10/20) ...................... 338
81-03 Amend City Code Section 32-432 Unauthorized Removal of Vehicle by adding the
Requirement of Administrative Fee before Impounded Vehicle can be removed from a Facility
where it is being held. (10/20) .................................................................................................. 342
82-03 Ordinance Amend Section 32-262(d) of City Code, Prohibiting Parking on Streets' or Portions
Thereof add a portion of Rockdale Road and Key West Drive. (10/20) ................................ 343
83-03 Amend City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof providing - the
addition of Stop Signs on Key West Drive & Rockdale Road. (10/20)...........................343,344
84-03 Vacate part of Existing Alley in Block 1 of Sunset Park Subd. No.3 - . disposal to Damian
Arensdorf. (11/17)......................................................................................................................372
85-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying west of Radford Road & South of Saratoga Rd.
from AG to R1. (11/17) .............................................................................................................. 375
86-03 Amend AppendixAZoning by providing -the amendment ofOrd. Nos. 10-99 and 96-02 which
adopted regulations - Emerald Acres No.2 PUD, a PR and approve amended Ordinance - the
Emerald Acres No.2 PUD. (11/17) .................................................................................... 376,377
87-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying 13503 Seippel Road from Dubuque County R2
to City LI, concurrent with annexation. (11/17).......................................................................378
88-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying 521 Garfield Ave. from R2A (11/17) ......... 378
89-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying property at 1870 Asbury Road from C1 to C2-
Right to Life Building. (11/17) .................................................................................................. 379
90-03 Amend Chapter 25 - Historic Preservation Ord. by amend Section 25-6 Identification and
Designation of Landmark Sites & Historic Districts to include Four Mounds Estate Historic
District as a City Landmark. (11/17).................................................................................. 379,380
91-03 Establishing Schedule of Sewer Connection Fees for Property to the County Farm Sanitary
Interceptor Sewer. (11/17) ..................................................................................,..................... 380
92-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning of City Code by reclassifying 468 Lincoln, R2A to CS &
Wholesale Dis., with conditions. (1211)............................................................................400,401
93-03 Amend City Code Ch. 26 Housing Regulations, Article III Housing Trust Fund by adopting a
new Section 26-37 Granting Authority to Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee to make
Application to Iowa Finance Authority - Funds from Local Housing Trust Fund Program and the
Project-Based Housing Program and to direct how such funds shall be used. (1211).......403
94-03 Amend City Code by revising Subsection (c ) of Section 32-231, establishment of Speed
Limits on Dodge St. - U.S. Hwy 20. (1211)........................................................................403,404
95-03 Amend City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 the Addition of Stop Signs
on Edina St. at Glen Oak St. (1211) ..........................................................................................404
96-03 Vacate a portion of a Public Alley North of West 7th St. (12/15) .......................................412
97-03 Vacate a portion ofW. 32"" St. at John F. Kennedy Rd. - Steve & Judy Selchert.(12/15)413
98-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property at 5255 Pennsylvania Ave. C2
to Cs with conditions - requested by Jim Runde, (12/15)......................................................415
99-03 Amend Appendix A Zoning by reclassifying SW corner of Seippel Rd & Old Highway Rd from
R2 to CS &Wholesale etc. (12115) ...........................................................................................416
100-03 Extend Term of Existing Cable Franchise Agree. & Hub Site Lease of McCIOWA LLC to
June 30, 2004. (12/15) ........................................................................................................ 427,428
101-03 Amend City Code by revising Subsection (c) of Section 32-231 the establishment of Speed
Limits on the NW Arterial (Iowa 32). (12/15) ........................................................................... 431
102-03 Amend City Code by modifying subsection (b) of Section 32-214 providing -the addition of
Stop Signs on Jefferson 51. at Spruce Street. (12/15) ...........................................................431
(2/3)(2/17)(3/17)(717)(9/15)(1 0/6)(11/17)(12115)............................... 23,36,78, 190,277,299,368,406
PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/3)(10/6) ....................................................... 67,299
P.J.'s Tap, Lana LuGrain, 500 Rhomberg Ave., Liquor Lic. (3/3).................................................. 71
P.S. I Love You, 730 Main, Wine Per. (11/17)................................................................................ 371
Pacholke, Rev. David, of The Finley Hospital, gave Invocation. (1211)...................................... 389
Padget, Eric of URS Corp., Transit Alternatives Analysis study project update for transit service
between the Port of Dubuque and downtown Dubuque. (8/11)............................................242
Paint Award Agreement, HUD, Lead Based Paint. (9/26) .................................................... 296,297
Painting of Flora Pool Project, finalization. (10/6) ................................................................300,301
Palmer, Brenda, letter@ condo development at Eagle Point Bluff - 2800 Rhomberg. (11/17)368
Paramedic Services, appreciation letter, $100 check, Pauline Wegner of Van Dyne, WI. (10/6)326
Park & Recreation Adv. Comm., applicant Chuck Duggan; reappointed. (6/16)(7/7).........180,199
Park benches, planters and street trees in Jackson Park - denial of funding. (7/21) .............. 225
Park Division, departmental budget hearing, enough Park Rangers. (2124)(7/9).......... 47,205,210
Park Division, objection to cutting Park Ranger position. (7/9) ......................................... 205,210
Parking Division, departmental budget hearing, query@ enough handicapped parking. (2124)47
Parking Facilities Financial Statements - CAFR Report. (116)..............................;......................... 3
Parking for buses, temporary remote - Bell St. Extension - Peavey grain storage area. (8/18)245
Parking Lot Landscape Guidelines - Port of Dubuque. (417) ....................................................... 91
Parking Lot Renovation and Resurfacing Project for Port of Dubuque. (9/2)(10/6)...........269,321
Parking Lots Hotel & Conference Center & Fifth St Construction Project, final. (3/17) ............. 78
Parking meter change requested for 13th & Jackson Street area. (10/20)(12115}............... 327,408
Parking Meter Checker position with City, certifying individuals by Civil Service Comm. (3/17)82
Parking Permit district request for Rosemont St. from Pennsylvania Ave. to Creston. (1211) 394
Parking Permit district for@. W. 16"' St. between Cornell & 6atherine Sts. - Loras College
Area; letter from J. Kerrigan of Loras in agreement. (11/3)(12/15) ..............................347,408
Parking policy for buses, also loading & unloading, at Port of Dubuque. (12115)....................431
Parking Prohibited on Thirty St. from Central Ave. to a point east of Jackson St. (8/18) ........ 259
Parking prohibited at Key West Drive, Maquoketa Dr. - S city limits & stop signs. (10120) ...343
Parking prohibited on a portion of Rockdale Road and Key West Drive. (10/20) ..................... 343
Parking TIcket Software, EDC-AiMS Corp. contract parking enforcement software pkg. (417).93
Parking alternate side, along 16th - Sixteenth St. (2/3).................................................................. 31
Parking violations - fines increased. (2127) ...................................................................................64
Parks set out in code, addition of new ones, prohibition of alcohol in parks. (417)...101,102,103
Paro Food Mart, Sahanjanad Enterprises, Inc. 3200 Central Ave.; Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Cig.
Permit. (4/21)(6/16)....................................................................................................109,110,179
Parsley, Thomas W., for Radio Dubuque, Inc., reo street closure of Kennedy Rd. (21~ ....... 29,30
Partnership Category, 2003 International Economic Development, Honorable Mention. (11/3)364
Partnership Program, City's HOME, IDED notice of completion of first phase. (3/3) ................. 70
Passenger Boats visiting Mississippi Riverwalk, policy of hauling away their refuse. (9/15) . 295
Patching Project - University Avenue Reconstruction Project. (9/15)....................................... 289
PATH - Pathways Affordable to Homeownership - Homeownership Assistance Funds,
application to Federal Home Loan Bank. (10/6) .............................................................. 314,315
Patricia Ann Drive, Lloyd S. Gudenkauf, release bond - completion Patricia Ann Drive. (8/4) 231
Paul's Tavern, Tom Koch, 176 Locust, Liquor Lic. (6/16) ...........................................................179
Paulsen Electric Co., awarded contract for Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site
Package Interior Walkways Project.(2117)............................................................................43,44
Pavers, brick, sidewalks, in ROW on upper Locust St., denial of funding. (7/21 )..................... 225
Pay As You Throw - PAYT -IA DNR grant from IA DNR to supply consulting services to Iowa
Communities reo PAYT. (1/20)....................................................................................................15
Peace Officers Week Proclamation. (5/5) .....................................................................................128
Peavey Grain Redevelopment Project - Dbq Hardwoods/Miller Logging etc. notice of
environmental intent & release offunds. (717)(8/21).......................................................193,262
Peavey grain storage area - Bell St. Extension- temporary bus remote parking. (8/18) .......... 245
Pebble Creek Drive, final plat of portion of Westbrook Subd. (10/6) .........................................324
Pedrelli, Nino, of Professional Realty & Development Corp., acceptance of rezoning conditions
of Harvest Development, 4100 Asbury. (7/21).................................................................. 221,222
Penalties - tobacco, for underage cigarette sales of permit holders. (3/17)(4/7)(5/5)... 81,99,139
Penalty for not licensing dogs and cats, raised to $10.00. (7/9).......................................... 206,207
Peninsula Gaming Co., Diamond Jo Casino, 400 W. Third St. Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per.; Liquor
Lic. (4/21)(7/7)............................................................................................................125,196,197
Pennsylvania Avenue, 3280, rezoning at request of Judy & Steve Selchert. (5/19)..................154
Pennsylvania Avenue, 5255, rezoning request from C2 to CS - Jim Runde. (12/15)................415
Peoples Natural Gas, Utility Franchise Fee of 2% added. (7/28)(9/15) ......................... 228,292,293
Peosta Channel - Jaycees Trail Project, final. (10/6)............................................................ 301,302
Peosta interchange easterly US 20 corridor NW Arterial intersection - IDOT re: corridor
preservation. (1/6)(6/2).................................................................."""""""""""""""""""'" 5,165
Pepper Sprout, Inc., 378 Main St., Liquor Lic. (12/1) ................................................................... 394
Perfection Oil, John Kretz, rezoning of 3136-3146 Central. (10/20)............................................ 336
Permit Issuance Fees - Building - increased. (2/27) ..................................................................... 59
Permits Plus Software System purchased for Housing & Community Develop. Dept. (1120)...15
Perry, John & TIna, Freedom Ridge Estates preliminary plat approval. (10/20)........................342
Perry, John, completion of 2000 Sidewalk Installation Program. (12/1) .................................... 392
Peru Rd development of John Miller, 920 Roosevelt, reo waive utility connection fees. (12/15)430
Petersen, Bernice L., Claim. (8/18)................................................................................................243
Petition for vacating of portionofW. 32"" St. at JF Kennedy Rd. (12/15)..................................412
Petitions about Keyline Bus Service changes and fare increases. (7/9) .................................. 204
Petroleum cleanup in Port of Dubuque area, EPA Contract Cieanup Grant., (7/21)................216
Petsche, Angela J., 2301 Prince St., objecting to cutting Firefighter positions. (7/9) .............. 204
Pfab, Bill & Tammy, 235 N. Grandview, objecting to rezoning of 296 N. Grandview. (1120).......19
Pfohl, Donald and Clarence, request to buy property adjacent to 3501 Asbury Rd. - South Way
at Asbury Rd. (5/19)(9/15)(10/6)...........................................................................144,282,283,318
Phase III Architectural/Historic Survey, draft report. (5/19) ........................................................162
Phase IV Consultant Selection for Historical/Architectural Survey, Jim Jacobson of History
Pays! as consultant. (6/16) .......................................................................................................176
Phase IV Connection Fees for Southfork Sanitary Interceptor Sewer. (1211)..................... 396,397
Philanthropy Day Proclamation. (11/3).............................................................................:............347
Phillips 66 Arbys, Liberty Station, LLC, 10 S Main, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/16)(9/15).179,282
Photo shoot Shot Tower, Mississippi on the River, Access & Indemnity Agreement. (7/21).. 217
Physical Plant & Equipment Levy, PPEL TIF Revenue Certification, to County Auditor. (4/21)109
Pickel, Roger & Ann, requesting purchase of property in Clark's Subd. (11/17) ......................368
Picture of deployed soldiers holding Dubuque flag. (9/2)........................................................... 268
Pier Wall Signage & Refuse Collection from Visiting Boats policy. (9/15) ................................295
Pilot grant program Port of Dubuque, EPA Brownfield Consultant Contract - Terracon. (1/6)...4
Pilot Program, Dbq Airport's grant app - Small Community Air Service Devel. Develop. (7/21)217
Pine Street, plat vacated portion, Dbq Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21)...................112,114
Pizza Hut, Prospect Pizza Ltd., 2075 JFK Road, Beer Per.(6/2)..................................................167
. ,
Plan review fees increased - Building Services. (2127)................................................................. 59
Planner position, add'l, requesting funding. (2/20)(2127) .................................................... 46,50,58
Planner, Associate, request for additional employee; requested by Dave Rusk, Ron Smith, Mike
Ruden and Chris Wand. (2120)(2127)................................................................................ 46,50,58
Planning - funding requested for Associate Planner. (2120)(2127).....................................46,50,58
Planning Services Manager Laura Carstens thanked for report & summary, City's Preservation
Services Fund grant. (1/20) ........................................................................................................14
Planning Services Dept., departmental review of budget by Council. (2120) ..............................46
Planning Dept. Schedule of Development Fees in Zoning Ordinances, changed.(2/27)(7/9)64,209
Plant lists - Port of Dubuque. (417) .................................................................................................91
Planters, park benches, street trees in Jackson Park - denial of funding. (7/21) .................... 225
Plaque - Grand River Center Dedication, approval of wording. (9/15) ...................................... 282
Plaque - Senator John C. Culver Floodwall Recognition. (9/15)................................................282
Plastic Center, Inc. Agreement, settlement for lawsuit - design standards in Ice Harbor Urban
Renewal District. (6/2)...............................................................................................................166
Plastic Center, Inc. Fischer Lanes, 880 Locust, Liquor Lic. (6/16) ............................................. 179
Plat of Subdivision of Lot 1 & 2 of O'Mara Second Subd. -11983 Kennedy Rd. at request of Atty
Roger Kurt & Joseph & Beverly O'Mara. (1/20) .................................................................; 11,12
Plat of survey portion of Finley's Addn. 2380 University Ave. Dennis & Amy McCarthy. (1120) 11
Plat, final, of Cedar Crest Subd. for Buesing & Associates & Dan Conrad. (1120).................19,20
Plat of Harvest View Estates Third Addition, final plat. (213) ........................................................ 30
Plat of survey of Lots 1 & 2 of Winner Place. (2117)....................................................................... 38
Plat of survey of Martin Addition to allow for subdivision of an existing parcel of land into 5
lots as requested by William Burger. (2117)..............................................................................38
Plat of proposed vacated alley, Bryant & Ramona, Mt. Loretta Ave. 148 Feet South. (3/3).......71
Plat, final, of property at corner of Old Massey Rd. & Hwy 52 - Gassman Quarry. (3/17).........80
Plat of survey of Lot 1 & 20f Canfield Place No. 2- SW Corner of Fourth & Iowa. (3/17)...........80
Plat approval, Pothoff Place No.2, N of Gardener's Lane - Emberwood Dr. (3/17) .................. 87
Plat approval ofWertzberger Acres No.2, off Old Military Rd. (3/17)(417).............................. 87,90
Plat, final, of Arbor Glen Apartments First Addn. (417)...........................................................99,100
Plat approval Emberwood Estates in Dubuque County, IA, near Gardener's Lane. (417) .......... 90
Plat, final, Wagner Subdivision, 2711 Brunskill Rd. (4/21)..........................................................107
Plat of vacated portion of Fourth Street Ext, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21)111
Plat of vacated portion of Fourth Street Ext., Wall Street, Market Street, Pine Street & Lot 2 of
Lot 20 & Alley in Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21).......................112
Plat of vacated portion Bell St & alley, Block 11, Dubuque Harbor Improve. Co. Addn. (4/21)111
Plat of vacated portion Fifth & Sixth Streets, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21)111
Plat of vacated portion of Wall Street, Washington Street, & alleys in Blocks 21 & 27, Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21).....................................................................................112
Plat, final of Riverwalk 4"' Addn. (5/19).............................................................................:....146,147
Plat, minor final, of Liebe's Subdivision No.3.. Dubuque Storage & Transfer. (5119)............147
Plat of Bryant School PI., portion of Columbia Addition, Dubuque Community School. (5/19)147
Plat approval of proposed vacated Railroad Street in Centre Grove - Zalaznik. (5/19) ...........150
Plat, final, Stone Quarry Subd. Schneider Land Surveying / River City Stone Co. (6/16).........175
Plat of Survey, Ham's Addition - comer of Rhomberg & Hawthorne. (6/16).............................176
Plat, Preliminary, Wynstone Subdivision; final plat - Wynstone. (6/16)(11/17)...................176,383
Plat, final, of Lot 1, Lot 2 & Lot 3 of Miller Place in Dubuque - Miller Logging, Hwy 61/151 in
Dubuque County. (7/21)............................................................................................................215
Plat, final, Link Acres end of Wildlife Ridge in County for David & Judith Link. (7/21)....215,216
Plat approval of proposed vacated Alleys SW of W. Fifth St. - The Finley Hospital. (8/18) ..... 247
Plat, final of Eagle Valley Subdivision along Eagle Valley Subd. - along Roosevelt Rd. (8/18)257
Plat, final, of Forest Grange Subd. #2 - Jim Gantz. (8/18) .......................................................... 243
Plat, final, of Lots 1-4 inclusive, of Miller Place. (9/15).........................................................278,279
Plat, final, Mr. Callahan, Westbrook Sub., pulled from Agenda. (9/15) ...................................... 291
Plat approval & disposal of portion of South Way at Asbury Rd., C. Pfohl. (9/15)(10/6).283,318
Plat, final of portion of Westbrook Subdivision. (10/6) ........................................................ 324,325
Plat of Survey, Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Whites Place for City of Dbq. (10/20)........................................ 328
Plat, final, of Medical Associates Subd. No.3 - end of Aggie St., for Bob Hartig. (10/20) 328,329
Plat, finai of Sullivan's 2"" Addition. (10/20) ................................................................................. 329
Plat, preliminary, Freedom Ridge Estates N of Oak Farms Rd. for John Perry. (10/20) ........... 342
Plat, final, of Kopp's JF Kennedy Addition No.2. (11/17) ........................................................... 369
Plat, final, Wynstone Subd. - near Eisenhower School. (11/17)................................................. 383
Plat of Harvest View Estate Fourth Addition. (11/17) ...........................................................384,385
Plat, preliminary, Ridgeway Park in 17000 Block of John Deere Rd. (11/17)............................. 386
Plat, final, Riverwalk 5th Addn.(12/1).....................................................................................393,394
Plat, final, Lots 1-6 Quality Place in 2700 block of Shiras Ave. (12115)......................................407
Plat approval of vacated portion Alley, Coriell's Dubuque, Mary Ransdell, Hill Street. (12/15)411
Plat approval, vacated portion West 32 - John F. Kennedy, Steve/Judy Selchert. (12/15) 412,413
Plat, final, Ricann Farms Inc. No.4. (12115)..................................................................................407
Platinum Hospitality Certificate of Completion of Grand Harbor Resort & Water Park. (5/19)148
Platinum Hospitality, Grand River Center, Liquor Lic. (10/6)...................................................... 316
Platinum Hospitality, Grand HatbOr Resort & Water Park, 350 Bell, Liquor Lic. (12/1) ............ 394
Plats approved of various streets in the Port of Dubuque - Fourth St. Extension - Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21)..............................................................................111,112
Plats, Subdivision, establish a moratorium in Iowa 32/ Southwest Arterial Corridor. (4121)..122
Player's Sports Bar, 1902 Central, Liquor Lic. (8/4)..............................................:......................234
Plaza 20 Amoco, A & T LLC; 2600 Dodge, Beer Per. ; Cigarette Per. (417)(6/16) .................. 95,179
Plaza Court Subd., S. Schmitz & W. White requesting vacation of utility easement. (3/17)...... 82
Plaza Court, vacate & dispose of utility easement for S. Schmitz & M. White. (5/5).................132
Plaza, Mississippi Rivers Edge, Usage Policy. (417) .................................................................... 100
Plaza, Miss. River's Edge & Alternate Components Proj. final Renaissance Construct.(10/6)315
Plein, John J., as Section 8 Housing rep., is a member of the Board of Municipal Housing
Agency; applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (2127)(6/16)(8/4)(8/18)...49,173,236,251
Plein, John, 667 W. Locust objecting to zoning change at W. Locust for strip mall.(7/21)...... 220
Plumbing & Sprinkler, Contract No.5, Woodward Museum, 2002 Renovations Project. (11/3)349
Plumbing C.ode State, from State Health Dept. to State Building Code Commissioner. (417) ... 89
Plumbing Contract final Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project. (11/3)350,351
Plumbing, Contract 3, Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site Package II - Interior
Walkways, final acceptance. ..(1211)........................................................................................ 391
Plumbing license fees amended etc. (8/4)............................................................................. 239,240
Plumbing, Ord., Sec. 37-2, Table 20-B Plumbing Exam, License & Registration Fees. (8/4)...240
Plumley, Steven, claim; settlement. (417)..........................................................................""""""" 89
PMST, Happy's Place, 2323 Rockdale, Liquor Lic. (9/15) ............................................................ 282
Point Restaurant, Inc., 2370 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic. (11/17) ....................................................... 371
Police Chief- Assistant, names certified by Civil Service Comm. (1/20)...............................10,11
Police Captain, names certified by Civil Service Comm. (1/20) .................................................... 11
Police Lieutenant, names certified by Civil Service Com. (1120) ..................................................11
Police - Tara Winger wanting to address Council. (213) ............................................................... 29
Police Department, Council departmental budget review; review at budget amendment time.
(2110)(7/9) .................................................................................................,.....................34,205,210
- "
Police - Proclamation for Fire Rescue. (4/21)..............................................................................107
Police Officers - Peace Officers Week Proclamation.(5/5) ......................................................... 128
Police - School Resource Officers, SRO, in schools.(6/2)(11/3) .........................................,165,348
Police Towing Contract - vehicles, renewal; discussion of award & rejection of bids etc.
(8/4)(9/2)(11/17) ..................................................................................................... 231,232,274,382
Police - Block Grant Application - Local Law Enforcement Block Grant App. (8/18) .............. 245
Police Chief - access problem for T -Corp - Tschiggfrie, Road Development. (9/2) ................273
Police Department Accreditation. (9/15).......................................................................................281
Police 2003 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds public hearing set.(1 0/20)(11/3) 333,362
Police Officers, subcontract agreement with Helping Services of NE Iowa for them to
participate in Drug & Violence Prevention Grant. (10/20) ....................................................... 332
Policy & Procedures for Weed Control, Health Dept. (6/16)(717) ................................................185
Policy - Acquisition - Relocation Assistance Program for Bee Branch Basin Stormwater
Mitigation Activities - households displaced etc. (717) ......................................................... 199
Policy - Sanitary Sewer Connection Ordinance and Revision. (9/2).......................................... 272
Policy Agenda for 2003-2005, Council Meetings to discuss goals and issues. (9/3)(9/4) . 275,276
Policy Board Meetings, DMATS, Bill Baum as Proxy. (5/19) .......................................................149
Policy for bus loading, unloading and parking policy in Port of Dubuque. (12115) ..................431
Poiicy for Excess Worker's Compensation Insurance. (5/5).......................................................129
Policy for usage of River's Edge Plaza etc. (417) .........................................................................100
Policy Guidelines, FY 2005, approved. (1211)...............................................................................404
Policy Strategies -IDOT, proposed comments. (8/18)................................................................245
. Pool Painting Project, Flora, finalization of project. (10/6) ......................................................... 300
Poppy Days proclamation. (5/19)...................................................................................................144
Port of Dubuque EPA Brownfield Pilot Program Consultant Contract, Terracon. (1/6) ............... 4
Port of Dubuque property disposal to Dubuque Initiatives. (1/20) ...............................................16
, Port of Dubuque, Klauer Mfg. Co. property, acceptance of deed. (213) ....................................... 24
Port of Dubuque Area - Fiber Optic Connection between City Hall and there. (213) .................. 25
Port of Dubuque and Fourth & Iowa Streets, Fiber Optic Connection. (3/17)(4/21).............83,123
Port of Dubuque Parking Lot Landscape guidelines and Recommended Plant Lists. (417)..... 91
Port of Dubuque vacate streets & alleys North & West of Bell Street and the Brewery to the
Railroad ROW. (4/21)...................................................................................................110,111,112
Port of Dubuque District, Wayfinding Signage design selected. (4/21).....................................124
Port of Dubuque Sign and Landscaping and Recognition Wall, parking lot green space at Third
& Bell St. and floodwall outside of American Trust River's Edge Plaza. (4/21)...................124
Port of Dubuque Tour for Cedar Rapids officials, thank you. (5/5) ............................................131
Port of Dubuque Vacating of streets and alleys & disposing of same - various Lots N, O,P, Q, R,
S, T, U, and V of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (5/5)..........................................137
Port of Dubuque property purchase of Adams Co. and relocation to Dubuque Industrial Center
West. (5/19) ................................................................................................................................158
Port of Dubuque Recognition Wall project. (5/19) .......................................................................152
Port of Dubuque cleanup - EDI Grant Application to HUD. (6116)..............................................177
Port of Dubuque Landscaping & Recognition Wall contract to Portzen Construction. (6/16).183
Port of Dubuque - formal application for Brownfield Cleanup Grant with US EPA for cleanup
activities. (7/21) ......................................................................................................................... 216
Port of Dubuque and Hawthorne Street Peninsula - Vendor Appiication process; Vendor
Locations approved. (7/21)(11/17) .................................................................................... 224,386
Port of Dubuque Building Demolition & Site Clearance Proj. (7/21)(8/18)(9/26).218,219,257,296
Port of Dubuque - project update for Transit services to downtown Dubuque. (8/11 )............ 242
Port of Dubuque request for clear signage by Michalski. (8/18) ................................................ 260
Port of Dubuque Street Improvements approval. (8/18).............................................................. 260
Port of Dubuque Building Demolition Project - and release of funds for former Dubuque
Hardwoods/ Miller Logging/ Peavey Grain EDI Project. (8/21) ............................................. 262
Port of Dubuque Parking Lot Renovation and Resurfacing Project. (9/2)(10/6) ................269,321
Port of Dubuque Utility Extension - Phase III Project. (10/6)......................................................301
Port of Dubuque, Iowa Brownfield Redevelopment Program Application to IDED -
environmental remediation in Port of Dubuque. (10/6).......................................................... 304
Port of Dubuque Ice Harbor Urban Renewal Dis. - Disposition of Reai Property to Riverside
Baseball. (11/3)(12115) ....................................................................................................... 358,427
Port of Dubuque property, Baseball Stadium proposal; Lease info. (11/3)(12/15)......359,426,427
Port of Dubuque, America's River Project, named America's Crown Community. (11/17)...... 382
Port of Dubuque - placement of Winger Construction, request to rezone 468 Lincoln. (1211)400
Port of Dubuque Bus Loading/Unloading & Parking Policy. (12/15).........................................431
Portzen Construction, acceptance of Chavenelle Drive Extension Proj. (1120) .......................... 13
Portzen Construction"" Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site Pkg Interior Walkways
Project- Plumbing; final. (2/17)(11/3) ...........................................................................43,44,349
Portzen Construction awarded contract for Locust Street Connector Reconstruction; final
acceptance. (5/5)(12/1).......................................................................................................139,389
Portzen Construction - Port of Dubuque Landscaping Project. (6/16) ...................................... 183
Portzen Construction. Port of Dubuque Parking Lot Renovation & Resurfacing Pro. (10/6) 321
Portzen Construction - Ice Harbor Pump Auxiliary Power Project. (12/1) ................................ 401
Portzen, Mike, Chair of Stormwater Utility Citizens Advisory Committee, final report; in favor of
the Stormwater Utility fee. (1/20)(2127) ................................................................................. 20,50
Post Office Building, status, Mgr's letter to Senator Grassley. (4/7)...............,...........................89
Potato (Iowa) & Produce House, 2600 Dodge St. (1/6) .................................................................... 5
Pothoff Place No.2, N of Gardener's Lane - Emberwood Dr., plat approval. (3/17)................... 87
Pothoff; Frank; want 22' road rather than 26' width, plat approval Pothoff Place No.2. (3/17).87
Potter, Lee, Sr., Lee's 76 West Locust Mart, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.
Potter, Scott, 521 Garfield, rezoning property for single room occupancy Housing; application
to IDED for HOME program funds. (11/17)(12/1 )...................................................... 378,392,393,
Power & Light, Interstate, Second Amendment to Development Agreement. (6/2) """"""""" 166
PPEL Revenue Requirements, TIF Revenue Certification submitted to Dubuque County Auditor
Denise Dolan. (4/21) .................................................................................................................. 109
Pre-Design Agreement, City & IDO for U.S. 20 Mississippi River Crossing. (717).....................193
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan with ECIA - apply for grant; appointments of city representatives;
updated plan public hearing. (1/6)(6/2)(12/15) ...........;................................................. 5,171,414
Pregler, Walter, Chair of CD Commission, that Budget stay as presented; presentation of
Audubon School Appreciation Poster. (2126).............................................................................4
Pregler, Walt, 2966 Shiras, objecting to development of 3251 Roosevelt. (5/5)........................136
Pregler, Walt, 2966 Shiras, questioning Boat Club area business etc. (11/3) ........................... 365
Premier Bank, Subordination Agreement for property at 101-123 Main St. (9/15)(10/6)....284,319
Prescription Drug & Modernization Act, Medicare, Legislative Correspondence. (91/5) ......... 282
Preservation Commission, 2004 National Alliance, letter for City to host 2004 National Alliance
of Preservation Commission. (2/17) .......................................................................................... 44
Preservation Services Fund Grant, National Trust for Historic Preservation, final report &
appreciation for Planning Services Mgr. (1/20) ........................................................................14
Presidential Caucuses precipitate change of Council Meeting starting time. (11/3)................ 365
Printed Council Proceedings for. November, 2002; December 2002; for January 2003; for
February & March 03; April 03; May 03; June 03; July 03; August 03; September 03; October
03. (1/20)(213)(5/19)(6/16)(7/7)(8/4)(8/18)(10/6)(10/20)(11/3)(1211)
........................................................................................10,23,144, 174,190,231,243,299,327,347,389
Priorities & Issues - City, - Federal appropriations - Washington DC. (1/20)............................. 21
Priorities and Request for Federal Financial Assistance, updated list. (3/17) ............................ 80
Priority Action Items - High, discussion by Council. (9/4).......................................................... 276
Private On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal System abandonment policy - upon
availability of Public Sewer. (9/2).............................................................................................272
Proceedings - Printed Council Proceedings for: November, 2002; December 2002; for January
2003; for February & March 03; April 03; May 03; June 03; July 03; August 03; September 03.
(1/20)(2/3)(5/19)(6/16)(717)(8/4)(8/18)(10/6)(10/20)(11/3). 10,23,144,174,190,231,243,299,327,347
Progressive Concrete Systems LLC, claim. (4/21)......................................................................107
Project Concern, letter @ Dubuque's serious budget problems. (6/16) .................................... 178
Project Concern, Foster Grandparent, Purchase of Services funding. (9/2) ............................. 273
Project Concern, Purchase of Services Agreement. (4/21).........................................................108
Project Concern, Steve Jacobs, requesting funding. (2126) """""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 48
Proofs of list of Claims and Revenues Proof of Publications for various months:
Proofs of publication of Council Minutes - Proceedings.
(1/6)(1/20)(2/3)(2117)(3/3)(3/17)(417)(4/21 )(5/5)(5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(7/7)(7/21 )(8/4)(8/18)(9/15)(1 0/6)
, ................1,10,23,36,67,78,89,107,128, 144, 165,174,190,212,231,243,277,299,327,347,368,389,406
Proofs of publication of Notice of Public Hearing reo Budget Amendment for FY 04. (7/9)..... 204
Property acquisition, purchase, funding, flood damaged property of June 2002. (2/3)(3/3).27,69
Property annexation request by Kenneth & Maurine Harris. (10/6)............................................3,15
Property disposal of Port of Dubuque property to Dubuque Initiatives. (2/3) ............................ 29
Property disposal of corner of Rhomberg Ave & Hawthorne St. to Randall Klauer. (6/2)........167
Property disposal, Lot 6A of Finley Home Addn., alley SW West 5th St., Finley Hospital. (8/18)247
Property disposal request of portion of City street- alley near 2117 St. Celia St. (10/6).........300
Property from Klauer Mfg. Co. to Dubuque Initiatives. (1/20).......................................................16
Property from DuTrac Credit Union for ROW at South Way at Asbury Rd. (10/6) ..................... 304
Property purchase, 2521 Stafford St. by Housing & Comm. Devel.; sale of property to Kristy
Monahan-Smith. (3/5)(717)(7/21)............................................................................. 76,77,197,222
Property purchase of 3 flood damaged structures on Old Mill Road, demolition etc., Contract
for Administrative Services. (3/17) ............................................................................................ 82
Property purchase for ROW U.S. 20 traffic flow improvement Project, with WCB, with CNL
Funding 2000-A. (8/4)................................................................................................................232
Property purchase from Medical Associates - Lot 11 Medical Assoc. Subd. No.2. (91'15)...... 281
Property purchase of 1911 Windsor Ave. (10/20)..................................................................342,343
Property purchase Acceptance of Deed from Adams Co. (11/3) ................................................ 355
Property purchase request of Donald & Clarence Pfohl for nearby property to 3501 Asbury.
(5/19)(10/6) ...................................................................................................................144,318,319
Property purchase request of Bill & Patty McGuire near 750 Montcrest St. (717) .....................190
Property purchase request from Michelle Kenline, 205 S. Grandview, wanting portion of alley
abutting her property. (8/18)..................................................................................................... 244
Property purchase request of Bob Hartig, Oak Park PI., for 3 parcels in Medical Associates
Green Belt. (8/4) (10/20)(11/3).............................................................................. 231,333,361,362
Property purchase requested by Jeff Chase for property near Gay Park. (11/3)...................,....347
Property purchase requested by Steve & Judy Selchert .. Steve's Ace Hardware, property
abutting 3350 John F. Kennedy Rd. (11/3) .............................................................................. 347
Property purchase alley N of Hillcrest & W of St. Celia St., Damian F. Arensdorf. (11/17) 371,372
Property Purchase request of Roger Pickel - portion of Clark's Subd. No.2. (11/17) ............. 368
Property purchase requested by Roger Pickel for portion of Clark's Subd. No.2. (11/17)...... 368
Property tax Valuations - House File 2, opposition. (213) ............................................................. 24
Property usage, 28E Indemnification Agreement, City & School usage other's facilities. (213) 24
Prospect Pizza Ltd., Pizza Hut, 2075 JFK Road, Beer Per. (6/2).................................................167
Protection Measures - Bluff Land. (3/17) .......................................................................................87
Public Bidding Threshold,.letter of support to area legislators. (3/17)........................................ 82
Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, claims referred to them.
(1/6)(2/3)(2/17)(3/3)(4/7)(4/21 )(5/5)(5/19)(6/16)(8/4)(9/2)(9/15)(1 0/6)(1 0/20)(11/17)(12/15)
....................................................... 1,23,36,67,89,107,128,144,174,231 ,265,277 ,299,327,368,406
Public Health - State, City's contributions to dental public health of Iowa citizens. (7/21)..... 217
Public Health Week Proclamation. (417)..........................................................................................89
Public Strategies Group proposal, Manager's letter opposing. (417)(5/5) ............................ 89,128
Public Works - Engineering, objecting to increase in dumpster fees by S. Cavanaugh. (7/9) 204
Public Works - Engineering, Engineering Assistant II position frozen. (7/9) ........................... 210
Puff n Snuff, Molo Oil Co. 1101 Rhomberg Ave., Cigarette Per. ; Beer Per.(6/16)(9/15) ....179,282
Puff N Snuff, Molo Oil Co. 2013 Central, Cigarette Per. (6/16) .................................................... 179
Pump Auxiliary power Project-Ice Harbor. (10/20)(12/1) ............................................ 333,334,401
Pump. Replacement Project, Ice Harbor, final. (5/19)...................................................................148
Purchase of H"mes, application, assist families to purchase a home. (10/6) ..........................314
Purchase of Service funding Agreements. (4/21) ..................................................................107,108
Purchase of Service Agreement with Humane'Society. (7/21) ...................................................214
Purchase of Trolley Replicas, 2, American Heritage Streetcars, for shuttle between Port of
Dub¡,¡que,and downtown. (9/2)..................................................................................................272
Pusateri's, 2400 Central, Liquor Lic. (2/3)...................................................................................... 27
Putchio, Danielle, 2220 Samantha, QHQ rezoning W of NW Arterial & S of Holliday Dr. (6/2).169
Pyatigorsk - Sister City.. sending holiday greetings. (1/6) ......................................................".... 5
Pyatigorsk Park, Grant application to IA DNR for REAP funds; Federal Recreational Trails
Grant application to IDOT. (7/21)(10/6)..................................................................;.......... 224,305
QHQ Properties - Dr. Quagliano, rezoning of properties South of Holliday Dr., west of the NW
Arterial. (5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(8/4)(10/6) ............................153,154,169,174,177,178,236,237,322-324
Quagliano, Dr., QHQ, rezoning of properties South of Holliday Dr., west of the NW Arterial.
(5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(8/4)(10/6)............................................153,154,169,174,177, 178,236,237,322-324
Quality Place - Final plat, 2700 block of Shiras Ave. (12115)......................................................407
Quebecor World Dubuque, Inc. Development Agreement - Tax Increment Financing - TIF.
(5/5)(5/19) ........................................................................................................................132,157,158
Quonset and shop building - Capital Improvement Program Project - Airport. structural
assessment for Quonset & shop building. - state grant. (7/21) ...........................................217
Racing Assn. of Central Iowa, Supreme Court opinion. (6/16) .................................................. 178
Rader, Dale, reo budget cuts in Fire Dept. (7/9)............................................................................204
Radford Road, rezoning of property from AG to R1 - for Joseph Siegert & Dbq Community
School District. (11/17....................................................................................""""""""""""'" 375
Radio Dubuque, Inc., closure of Kennedy Rd from Wacker to University & Dodge. (213)..... 29,30
Rafters, Inc. 2728 Asbury Rd., Liquor Lic. (3/3)..............................................................................71
Railroad - Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers re: remote controlled locomotives. (11/3) 348
Railroad Depot Restoration - Burlington Northern Railroad, accepting improvement for
Contracts 2,5; acceptance for Contract 7 and Contract 8. (3/3)(10/6)................. 67,68,302,303
Railroad Depot Restoration Project, acceptance. (11/3) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 350
Railroad Depot Restoration Project, final for Contract No. 14. (11/3) """""""""""""""""""" 351
Railroad Depot Restoration, Contract No. 15B Lighting Fixtures final, by Morse Elec. (10/20)330
Railroad Depot Restoration, final, Contract 2 - Roofs, Gutters & Downspouts. (11/17).......... 369
Railroad Spur -Iowa Central & Eastern Railroad for construction of Railroad Switch & Rail
Extension forthe Flynn Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Railroad Spur.(10/20) .............................332
Railroad St. - Centre Grove, vacation - Zalaznik estate. & plat approval; vacating petition etc.
(5/19)(6/2) ..................................................................................................................... 150,151,169
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop Food, 1401 Central, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per. (6/16)(717).........179,196
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 1685 JFK Road, Cigarette Per. (7/7) ................................................196
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2255 Kerper, Cigarette Per. ; Beer Per. (717)(9/2) ....................196,269
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2297 University Ave., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (717)(11/17) ...196,371
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2320 Hwy 61, Cigarette Per. (717).....................................................196
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2360 Central, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (7/7)(9/2) ....................196,269
Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (717)(1211) ........196,394
Rainbow Lounge, DAMA Corp., 36 W. 4th St., Liquor Lic. (10/20) ............................................... 333
Ramirez, Pablo, Police Officer, spoke to Council reo Immigrants in Dbq. (9/15).......................277
Ramona St. & Bryant, betWeen, plat of proposed Vacated Alley. (3/3)(3/17) .......................... 71,85
Ramps, Parking, need for more handicapp~d parking in departmental budget review. (2124).47
Rangers, Park, assurance of sufficient number. (2/24) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 47
Ransdell, Mary, Claim; Settlement Agreement. (2/3)(12/1).....................................................23,394
Ransdell, Mary, plat approval & vacating of portion of alley n ofW. 7th St for her. (12115)411,412
Rants, Christopher, Speaker of the House, gaming tax issue. (4/7) """""""""""""""""""""" 89
Rate Case -Interstate Power, conclusion. (5/19) ........................................................................148
Rates for Garbage - Refuse Collection etc. changed. (2/27) ................................................... 61,62
Rates for Water Usage changed. (2127)(7/9) ............................................................................ 63,207
Raven Oaks - Arbor Glen Apartments, First Addn, plat. (417) .............................................. 99,100
Raysan Corp., Bridge Restaurant, 31 Locust St., Liquor Lic. (11/3)...........................................356
Ready, Tom, Firefighter's Assn., Budget meeting; object Fire Dept. cuts. (6/2)(7/9).172,204,205
Real Estate in Dubuque County, accepted from Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Inc. & Wm. &
Mary Miller & Miller Logging, etc. (1/6)..................................................................................... 2,3
REAP - Resources Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Program. FY 2005 REAP grant
application - Pyatigorsk Park. (7/21).......................................................................................224
REAP. Funding for the City of Farley - City Manager's letter supportive for Heritage Trail
Connection project. (8/18)......................................"................................................................246
Recognition Wall, Port of Dubuque, Project. (5/19) ..................................................................... 152
Re!:reation Division, departmental budget review by Council. (2/24) .......................................... 47
Recreational Trails Program, Iowa Federal, support of Farley's request for funding for Heritage
Trail Connection Project. (10/6) ............................................................................................... 305
Recreational Trails/Golf Cart Paths Category Award for 2003 - Mississippi Riverwalk Phase II
Project. (11/3) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""............................................ 364
~._- ~",.
Recyclables - Waste -solid & recyclables, fee increased. (2127)(7/9) ............................. 61,62,205
Red Ribbon Week Proclamation. (10/20) ...................................................................................... 327
Referendum - Abstract of votes for the 11/3/03 Council Election. (11/17)................................ 370
Referendum ballot requested for Minor League Baseball Team support in Dbq.
(10/20)(11/3)(11/17)(1211) ..................................................................................... 327,362,369,389
Refund of liquor license for Marie Moeller, Bierstube, Ltd. (1120)................................................15
Refund of Beer & Liquor Lic. of MVL -A & B Tavern. (717) ........................................................196
Refund of Liquor Depot Liquor License; refund of Cig. Per - Liquor Depot. (417) ..................... 95
Refuse - garbage - PAYT (Pay as you Throw) Grant Proposal-IA DNR. (1/20) ........................15
Refuse - garbage, Ordinance establishing charges for collection and disposal. (2/27)........... 61
Refuse - garbage, Ord. solid waste collection carts and increase of annual permit fee. (2127)60
Refuse - garbage collection from visiting passenger boats, policy set out. (9/15)..................295
Refuse- garbage bag stickers, one free, at holiday time. (12115)..............................................431
Refuse - garbage collection, delinquent accounts, to County Treasurer. (12115)................... 409
Refuse Subsidies of Utility Billing, used for Subsidy for Stormwater Utility. (7/7) ...................199
Rehab Loan - Cooper Development -Subordination Agreement with DB & T. (7/21).............223
Rehab Loan, Release Escrow Agree. Downtown Rehab Loan, Cooper Bldg, 299 Main. (4/7)94,95
-' Rehab Program, Historic Preservation, possible restoration of monies. (2126) ......................... 48
Reilly, Tom, reo Rotary Club - Community Gateway Signage Program request. (417)..............105
Reimer, Jill, Dubuque Girls Independent League, invitation for Grand Opening. (5/5)............139
Reinventing Government Bill, letter from GovernorVilsack. (6/16) ...........................................174
Reinvention BiII,City Manager letter to Legislators, support of 2 amendments. (5/5).............129
Reinvention Bill of State, rejection, appreciation to Legislators. (5/5) ......................................128
Release of Escrow Agree. Downtown Rehab Loan for Cooper Building, 299 Main. (417) ..... 94,95
Release of Funds former Dubuque Hardwoods / Miller Logging / Peavey Grain EDI
Redevelopment Project. (717)...................................................................................................193
Release of Real.Estate Mortgage for Christine E. Lehnen. (12115) ............................................410
Religious Center (Dbq), Wine Lic. (1/6).............................................................................................6
Relocation, Acquisition, Assist Prog. Bee Branch Basin Stormwater Mitigation. (717) ...........199
Relocation of Adams Co., EDA, extension of start date etc. (717) ..............................................195
Renaissance Construction, finished River's Edge Plaza & Alternate Components. (10/6)..... 315
Renovation study & master plan for Bunker Hill Golf Course. (3/17)........................................... 87
Renovation and Resurfacing Project for Port of Dubuque Parking Lot. (9/2) ........................... 269
Rental Dwelling License fee increase. (7/21) ...............................................................................216
Rental license fees increases, opposition. (7/9) .......................................................................... 204
Repairworker 1- Water Meter, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm. (11/3)........... 355,356
Report - Convention & Visitors Quarterly. (8/4)...........................................................................236
Report- Dbq Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau. (11/17)................. 382
Report - Government Performance & Results Act Annual Products Report & GPRA baseline
questionnaire form. (1/6) .............................................................................................................. 2
Report - Mediacom, Cable TV, Annual report. (5/19) ..................................................................146
Report- Quarterly Investment. (1/20)(213)(4/21)(5/5)(8/18)...........................15,23,107,128,243,245
Report- Tax Incremental Financing Annual. (1211) ....................................................................404
Report by Rick Dickinson of GDDC - Greater Dubuque Development Corp. (1/6) ....................... 7
Request for Proposals - RFP's - Design Services for Baseball Stadium. (11/17) ....................386
Requests for Federal Appropriations, City priorities & issues. (1/20) ......................................... 21
Rescue Mission, Dubuque, Main Street Buildings Litigation settlement agreement. (717)......193
Rescue, Fee for confined Space rescue service, agreement. (9/2) ............................................ 267
Residential Parking Permit District for Rosemont from Pennsylvania to Creston. (1211)........ 394
Residential Parking Permit District forW. 16"' St. near Loras College. (11/3)(12115).......347,408
Residential Usage, Zoning, conditional use in HI Heavy Industrial Zoning Districts. (8/18)....253
Residents of the City- New, Tim Laehn started program in Allison, IA. (10/20) ......................327
Resolution requested by Fabian Yaklin re: Anti-War; Valerie Woerdehoff comments.
Resources Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Program. FY 2005 REAP grant application -
Pyatigorsk Park. (7/21)..............................................................................................................224
Responsible Gaming Education Week Proclamation. (8/4) ........................................................ 231
Rest Room Construction Project, Flora Park. (8/18) ...................................................................244
Restaurant - Sidewalk Cafes, new Ordinance. (717)......................................................200,201,202
Retired Senior Volunteer Program, funding requested; budget reduction letter.
(2/26)(5/19) .............................................................................................................................. 48,163
Retired Senior Volunteer Program, purchase of services agreement. (9/2)..............................273
Revenue Reductions - State, City, impact etc.(5/19)...................................................................163
Revenues - Proofs, Claims and Revenues Proof of Publications for: November, 2002; for
December 02; January 2003; For February; for March 03; April 03; May 03; June 03; July 03;
August 03; September 03; October 03.
...................................................................................... 10,23,78,89,128,165,190,231,299,368,406
Review process of Historic Preservation Commission for Demolition districts, changed. (1/6) 7
RFP's - Design Services for Baseball Stadium. (11/17).............................................................. 386
Rhomberg Ave & Hawthorne St., sale of city property to Randall J. Klauer, new Point Drive-In.
(6/2)(6/16) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""......167,181
Rhomberg Ave., 2800, former Tollbridge, Condominium complex, Audubon Society comments;
proposal by A J. Spiegel; .cliscussion -- rezoning; opposition and request for public hearing.
(2/3)(2117)(4/21)(5/5)(5/8)(1 0/6).................................................................. 27,40,117,140,142,322
Rhomberg, 2800, County Conse.rvation Society comments @ proposed Eagle Point Condo
project. (417)................................................................................................................................. 90
Ricann Farms, Inc., No.4, final plat - next. to 7326 OIde Massey Road in the County. (12/15) 407
Ricker, Anne, Leland Consulting Group, downtown development. (5/5)...................................127
Ridgeway Park, 17000 block of John Deere Rd. in Dbq County - R. Hefel, preliminary plat.
Right to Life Office,1870 Asbury, rezoning requested. (11/17)..................................................379
Riley Park, inclusion in City Code, prohibition of alcohol etc. (4/7) ........................................... 101
Riniker, Joseph and Judy, reo Asbury Plaza Detention Basin problems. (7/7)..........................199
Rip Row Valley at Mines of Spain, IDOT Agreement for roadway. (1/6) ......................................... 3
Rip Row Valley Ball Field Development Project, new final estimate etc. (3/3) ........................... 68
Rip Row Valley, Utilities Extension Project, new final estimate. (3/3)..................................... 68,69
Rip Row Valley Trailhead Easements - portion of Rock Cut Subd. (6/2)(6/16) .................. 168,182
Rip Row Valley Conservation Easement, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation. (9/26)................ 297
RISE Grant for Highway 32 - SW Arterial, application to IDOT. (717)........................................199
Rising Starts Independent League Days - Baseball Proclamation. (6/2) ..................................165
River City Paving awarded contract for 2003 Asphalt Paving Project.; claim of Mike Sand
referred to them. (6/2)(10/20).............................................................................................171,327
River City Stone Co. & Schneider Land Surveying, Stone Quarry Subd. final plat. (6/16) ....... 175
River Crossing, Mississippi River, IDOT Pre-Design Agreement for improvements etc. (7/7) 193
River Valley Initiative - Council Management Agenda Item. (9/4) .............................................. 276
River's Edge Plaza, named to American Trust River's Edge Plaza. (1/6) ......................................1
River's Edge Plaza Usage Policies. (4/7) ............................................................................. 100,101
River's Edge Plaza, floodwall, plaque, Senator John C. Culver Floodwall Recognition Plaque.
River's Edge Plaza (Miss. River) & Alternate Components Project, final. (10/6)....................... 315
Riverfest Special Event, 7"' and Main St., Beer Per. (8/18)..........................................................246
Riverfront & Commercial St. - Shot Tower, National Register of Historic Places. (213) ....... 24,25
Riverfront development Projects, Council Top Priority Item. (9/4).............................................276
Riverfront development, compliments of this by people on Barge Tour. (8/18) ....................... 260
Riverfront Properties - Bluff Land Overlay District. (2117)............................................................44
Riverside Baseball- Vision Iowa Application authorized for baseball stadium etc. (11/3)..... 363
Riverside Baseball LLC - conditional disposal of property in Ice Harbor to them etc.
(11/3)(12115) ................................................................................................................. 358,359,427
Riverwalk 4th Addn - Final Plat, East 5th & Bell Street. (5/19) .....................................................146
Riverwalk 5th Addn, final Plat, Bell St. (12/1) ................................................................................ 393
Riverwalk, Amphitheater and River's Edge Plaza Usage Policies. (417) ............................. 100,101
Rix, Jim, Ex. Dir. The Platinum Group, meeting with Convention & Visitors Bureau. (1120) ...... 9
RKM LLC, Ron's Discount Smokes etc. 1701 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.
RMT, Inc., install monitoring wells near former Amoco site at 351 Dodge. (3/3)........................70
Road access to develop 93 acres on Rockdale Rd for Tschiggfrie. (8/18)(912)..................257,273
Roadway to Rip Row Valley at Mines of Spain, -IDOT Agreements. (1/6) """""""""""""""""'" 3
Roadway width amended to 22' - Pothoff Place No.2. (3/17) ...................................................... 87
Roadways transferred to local jurisdictions, notification by IDOT. (6/16) ................................. 175
Robert's River Rides - Dbq River Rides, Inc. Lease Amendment - Spirit of Dubuque. (12115)430
Robertson, Davey, B.usted Lift, 180 Main St., Liquor Lic.; Outdoor service added; Beer Permit
for 5 days -Irish Fest. (2/17)(4121)(7/1)(10/6).................................................... 39,110,189,322
Rock Cut Subdivision, Easement disposed of for Riprow Valley. (6/2).....................................168
Rockdale Road - develop 93 acres - Ed Tschiggfrie, now only one access. (8/18)(9/2) ..257,273
Rockdale Road & Key West Drive, stop signs etc. and prohibition of parking etc. (10/20)343,344
Rogers, George W. Co. Shot Tower, Historic Pres., nOmination for National Register of Historic
Places; Iistecl.(2/3)(3/3)(717).................................................................................24,25,70,71,191
Rokusek, Mark, claim, referred to Insurance. (417) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 89
Ron's Discount Smokes & Beverage Ctr., RKM LLC, 1701 JFK Rd., Cigarette Per.; Beer Per.
(6/16)(9/15) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",""""""""'"....................179,282
Roof Repair Project final, Operations and Maintenance Dept. (7/21).........................................214
Roof Replacement & Chemical Compound Wall at Eagle Point Water Plant. (9/15)(10/20)284,341
Roof Replacement Project for Carnegie Stout Public Library; finalization. (213)(10/20) ..... 27,331
Roof, Gutters & Downspouts, final, Woodward Museum, 2002 Renovations Project. (11/17) 370
Roof, Gutters, Downspou1s, - Contract completed by A & G Electric for Burlington Northern RR
Depot Project. (11/17) ...............................................................................................................369
Roofing and Masonry for Five Flags Theater, Acceptance. (3/17).......................................... 79, 80
Roofing, Contract No.8, for Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project. (10/6) 303
Roofs - Railroad Depot Restoration, final Contract 2 - Roofs, Gutters & Downspouts. (11/17)369
Roosevelt Rd. & Peru Road, request to waive utility connection fees by John Miller. (12115) 430
Roosevelt Rd., off, Eagle Valley Subdivision, Fondell Excavating, item pulled from Agenda;
approval of assistance to Fondell to facilitate development; final plat pulled from Agenda
tho; final plat of Eagle Valley Subd. (7/21)(8/4)(8/18) ...............................................224,237,257
Roosevelt Road, 3251, rezoning for development Fondell Excavating; objections etc. (5/5)..136
Rosemont St., from Pennsylvania to Creston, residential parking permit request. (12/1).......394
Rotary Club - Community Gateway Signage Program request. (417) ........................................105
Roth, Dan, 1954 Ellis, in favor of 605 W. Locust rezoning. (7/21)............................................... 220
Roush, Ben, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.; reappointed. (6/2)(6/16)...................169,180
Rousselot - Sanofi Bio Industrials - Approval of Sewer Use Agreements. (8/18) ...................245
ROW - Tanzanite Drive, annexation request. (1/6)(213) .............................................................. 6,29
Roy, Randy, Police, in support of utility franchise fee. (7/28) ..................................................... 227
Royal Oaks Development - AJ. Spiegel, condo development at 2800 Rhomberg, former
Tollbridge Restaurant; discussion - rezoning. (213)(2/17)(4/21)(5/5)(518) ..... 27,40,117,140,142
RSVP Program, funding requested; budget reduction letter. (2/26)(5/19) ........................... 48,163
RSVP Program, purchase of services agreement. (9/2) .............................................................. 273
Rubloff Development Group -AttyWerner Hellmer, reo water retention basin. (5/19).............144
Rubloff Development Group & HyVee, Inc., amend PUD at Asbury Plaza to include convenience
store and carwash etc. (5/19)............................................................................................156,157
Runde, Jim, in support of 5255 Pennsylvania Ave. rezoning. (12115)........................................415
Runyan, David, of Heiping Services of NE Iowa - funding requested. (2/26).............................. 48
Ruppel, Phillip A, comments @ Wal-Mart at Sycamore & Sixteenth St. (1/20)...........................18
Rusk, David, Chair of Long Range Planning, request for identical Design for second bridge
near Julien Dubuque Bridge, U.S. 20 Bridge. (3/3)...................................................................74
Rusk, David, Chair of Long Range Planning, support'add'i Planner position. ((2/20) (2/27) 46,50
Rusk, David, presentation of downtown development. (5/5) ......................................................127
Ryan House, transfer of Dbq County Historical Society to parking lot at 350 E. Third St. for
Taste of Dubuque. (6/16) ..........................................................................................................177
Ryan House, Dubuque County Historical Society, 1375 Locust, Liquor Lic. (12/15) ................411
Ryan, Charles F., appointed to Human Rights Comm.; resigned Human Rights.(1/6)(12/15)6,406
Ryder, Karen, claim, referred to Insurance. (1/6) .............................................................................1
1-03 Accept Improvement in Woodland Ridge Subdivision. (1/6)................................................ 2
2-03 Accept Improvement DGIL Ballfield Fencing Project. (1/6) .................................................. 2
3-03 Final Estimate for DGIL Ball Field Fencing Project. (1/6)...................................................... 2
4-03 Accept Deed to Real Estate in County, Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Inc. (1/6)............3
5-03 Accept Deed to Real Estate in County, Mississippi Valley truck Center, Inc., Bill Miller
Logging, lnc. & William a. Miller & Mary L Miller. (1/6) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3
6-03 Approving Amendment Engineering Contract- Heritage Trail Ext. Project. (1/6) ...............4
7-03 Authorizing Contract - Services for Environmental Assessments & Consulting Services
for USEPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Proj., Port of Dubuque. (1/6).......4
8-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Hartig Drug #8. (1/6)............................................................ 5
9-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (1/6) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 5
10-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (1/6).......................................................................................... 5
11-03 Disposing of Interest in Lot 10A & Lot 11A of Woodlawn Park. (1/6) .................................. 6
12-03 Approve plat of Survey of Lot1 of 1 of 224 & Lot 2 of 1 of 224, Finley's Add. (7/20).........11
13-03 Approve Plat of Subdivision, Lot 1 & Lot 2 of O'Mara Second Subd., in County.(7/20) ...12
14-03 Adopt Final Assessment Schedule for 2002 Sidewalk Assessment Project, annual
installments & when payable & certify and publish notice. (1120)..........................................12
15-03 Accept Improvement - Chavenelle Dr. Extension Project. (1/20).......................................13
16-03 Final Estimate - Chavenelle Dr. Extension Project. (1/20)..................................................13
17-03 Approving an Addendum to Pre-Construction Agreement between City & Iowa Dept. of
Transportation for Improvements to U.S. 20. (1120).................................................................13
18-03 Accepting Improvement - Old U.S. High. 20 Water Main Extension Improve. Proj. (1/20)14
19-03 Final Estimate - Old U.S. High 20 Water Main Ext. Improve. Proj. (1/20) ..........................14
20-03 Approve Amendment 3 FY 2003 (Prog. Yr 2002) Annual Action Plan CDBG Funds. (1/20)15
21-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (1120) ........................................................................................... 15
22-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (1120)........................................................................;............16
23'03 Of Intent to Dispose of Property by Deed to Dubuque Initiatives. (1/20) """"""""""""" 16
24-03 Preliminary Approval Plans & Specs Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site
Package Interior Walkways Proj. (Contract 1 - Wood Piers & Decking, Contract 2 - Wood
Framing & Railings, Contract 3 - Plumbing, Contract 4 - Electrical. (1/20) ..........................16
25-03 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland -
Site Package Interior Walkways Project. (1/20)........................................................................17
26-03 Ordering Bids - Mississippi River Discover Center Wetland Site Pkg. Interior Walkways
Project (Contract 1 - Wood Piers & Decking, Contract 2 - Wood Framing & Railings,
Contract 3 - Plumbing, Contract 4 - Electrical). (1120)............................................................17
27-03 Set a Public Hearing - Program Year 2003 (FY 2004) CDBG Annual Plan. (1/20).............17
28-03 Approve Final Plat, Lots 1-33, inclusive, Cedar Crest Subd., Dbq County, IA. (1/20)..19,20
29-03 Approve Offer to Buy & Accept. Property Purchase, County from Klauer Mfg. Co. (1/20)20
30-03 Approve a Memorandum of Understanding - Lower Main Development LLC. (1/20) ...... 21
31-03 Accept improvements - Eimwood Green Subd. (2/3) .............................................:............ 23
32-03 Accept Deed to Real Estate (.529acres) from Klauer Mfg. Co.- in Port of Dubuque. (213)24
33-03 Approving Agreement File No. P-8474 with Canadian National Railroad - installation of 4"
PVC Fiber Optic Conduit. (213) ................................................................................................... 25
34-03 Amendment of Current City Budget - FY 03. (2/3)............................................................... 26
35-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (213) .............................................................................................27
36-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (2/3) ........................................................................................ 27
37-03 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. - Replacement of 1980 Addition Roof. (2/3) ......28
38-03 Fix Date of Hearing - Plans & Specs - Replacement of Library 1980 Addition Roof. (213)28
39-03 Ordering bids for Replacement of Library 1980 Addition Roof. (213).................................28
40-03 Approve Disposition of Real Property by Deed to Dubuque Initiatives. (213)...............,.. 239
41-03 Annex Certain Territory to City- three acres along Tanzanite Dr. (22/3) ..........................29
42-03 Resolution Approving Final Plat of Harvest View Estates Third Addn - for Marty McNamer
~ Harvest Development Group. (2/3) ......................................................................................... 30
43-03 Awarding contract for Bell Street Construction Project. (213) ............................................ 31
44-03 Set Date of Public Hearing on FY 2004 Budget for City. (2/10)..........................................34
45-03 Set Date of Public Hearing on Five Year Capital Improvement Prog. (2/10) ....................34
46-03 Authorize Transfer of Excess Special Assess. Funds to Street Construction Fund. 2/17)37
47 -03 Approve Residential Property Tax Exemption Applications for property owners in Urban
Revitalization Areas & transmittal to City Tax Assessor. (2/17) .......................................37,38
48-03 Approve Plat of Survey of Martin Addn in County. (2/17) ................................................. 38
49-03 Approve Plat of Survey of Lots 1 & 2 of Winner Place. (2117).......................................38,39
50-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (2/17) ................................................................."........................ 39
51-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (2/17) ......................."............................................................. 39
52-03 Adopt Plans & Specifications for Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland - Site
Package Interior Walkways Project (Contract 1 - Wood Piers and Decking, Contract 2-
Wood Framing and Railings, Contract 3- Plumbing, Contract 4 - Electrical). (2117) ............ 43
53-03 Award Certain Contracts Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland - Site Package II
Interior Walkways Project & Rejecting Remaining Bid Proposals. (2/17) .............................. 43
54-03 Order bids for Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland - Site Package II Interior
Walkways Project & Rejecting RemainiFlg Construction Contract Bid Proposals. (2/17) ....44
55-03 Approve Fiscal Year 2004 Operating Budget for Assisted Housing Programs of Housing
& Community Development Department. (2/27) .....................,.,............................................... 49
56-03 Adopt of Five Year Capital Improvement Program, as amend.ed. (2127)............................56
56-03 Adopt of Five Year Capital Improvement Program as amended. (2127)........................ 56,57
57-03 Adopt Program Year 2003 (Fiscal Year 2004) Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Annual Plan as amended. (2/27) .................................................................................. 57
58-03 Adopt Five Year Street Construction Program for Fiscal Years 2004-2008. (2/27) ........... 57
59-03 Adopting Annual Budget, as amended, for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2004. (2/27) ..... 58
60-03 Adjusting Fees for Ambulance Service. (2127).....................................................................59
61-03 Rescind Res. No.1 05-97 Establish of Development Services Fees Schedule, adopt new
Schedule of Development Services Fees & Subdivision Regulations (Chapter 42). (2/27).. 64
62-03 Accept Improvement Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project. (3/3) .... 67
63-03 Final Estimate Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project. (3/3) ................ 68
64-03 Rescind Res. No. 526-02 Set Final Est. Rip Row Valley Ball Field Develop. Proj. (3/5).... 68
65-03 Final Estimate for Rip Row Valley Ball Field Development Project. (3/3) .......................... 68
66-04 Rescinding Res. No. 522-02 Set Final Est. Rip Row Valley Utilities Ext. Project. (3/3)..... 69
67-03 Final Estimate for Rip Row Valley Utilities Extension Project. (3/3) .................................. 69
68-03 Adopting Supplement No. 57 to City Code of Ordinances. (3/3) ...........................,........... 69
69-03 Authorizing Submittal of a Grant Application for Dubuque Shot Tower. (3/3)................. 70
70-03 Authorizing License Agreement between City of Dubuque & RMT, Inc. to instali
Monitoring Wells on Public ROW at former Amoco Site, 351 Dodge. (3/3)............................ 70
71-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (3/3) ............................................................................................. 71
72-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (3/3)........................................................................................ 71
73-03 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Alley, Bryant and Ramona from Mt. Loretta
Avenue 148 Feet South. (3/3) ..................................................................................................... 71
74-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 1A & Lot 3A in Columbia Addition in City of
Dubuque, IA. (3/3)...................................................................................................................72,73
75-03 Of City's Intent to Grant a Short-Term Extension of an Existing Cable Services Franchise
and an Existing HUB Site Lease to MCCIOWA L.L.C. (3/3) ..................................................." 73
76-03 Authorize Commitment Letter & Execution of CDBG Loan ($500,000) to Heartland
Financial USA, Inc. (3/3) ............................................................................................................. 74
77-03 Award Contracts Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland - Site Package II, Interior
Walkways Project - No.1 (Wood Piers & Decking, including Alternate Component) and No.2
(Wood Framing & Railing). ..(3/5)............................................................................................... 76
78,03 Approving Acquisition of Real Estate at 2521 Stafford St. (3/5)......................................... 76
78A-03 Accept Improve. Hotel/Conference Center Parking Lots & Fifth Street Proj. (3/17)..... 78
79-03 Final Estimate for Hotel/ Conference Center Parking Lots & Fifth Street Proj. (3/17) 78,79
80-03 Accepting Improvement Five Flags Theater- Replace East Doors Project. (3/17) ......... 79
81-03 Final Estimate Five Flags Theater - Replace East Doors Project. (3/17).......................... 79
82-03 Accept Improve. Five Flags Theater Reroofing & Masonry Restoration Proj. (3/17) ....... 79
83-03 Final Estimate for Five Flags Theater Reroofing & Masonry Restoration Project. (3/17) 79
84-03 Approve Plat of Survey Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Canfield Place No.2. (3/17)............................. 80
85-03 Approve Final Plat Lot 1 SE %, NE % & Lot 2 of NE '/., SE '/. Section 7, T88 R3E. (3/17)80
86-03 Authorize Certain Designated Agents of City of Dubuque Limited Authorization to
Execute WIthdrawals on behalf of City of Dubuque. (3/17) ..................................................... 81
87-03 Authorize Sponsorship of Application to Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for
Affordable Housing Program Funds. (3/17) .............................................................................. 81
88-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (3/17)...................................................................................... 82
89-03 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs for Fiber Optic Connection Project between City
Network & Port of Dubuque. (3/17)............................................................................................ 83
90'03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Fiber Optic Connection Project, City Network &
Port of Dubuque. (3/17)............................................................................................................... 83
91-03 Ordering bids Fiber Optic Connection Proj. City Network & Port of Dubuque. (3/17).....83
92-03 Disposing of Interest in Lot 1A & Lot 3A in Columbia Add. in City of Dubuque. (3/17) ... 85
93-03 Adopt Plans & Specs - replacement of 1980 Carnegie Stout Library Addn. (3/17)........... 86
94-03 Award contract for roof replacement 1980 addition to Carnegie Stout Public Library to
Jim Giese Roofing. (3/17) ........................................................................................................... 87
95-03 Approving Final Plat, Lot A & Lots 1-12 Wertzberger Acres No.2, Dbq County, IA (417)90
96-03 Approve Final Plat of Emberwood Estates in Dubuque County, IA. (417).....................90,91
97-03 Approve An Addendum to Pre-Construction Agree between City of Dubuque and Iowa
Department of Transportation for Fiber Optics Conduit Improvements to US 20. (417) ....... 91
98-03 Authorize Publication of Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on
Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Certain Community
Development Block Grant Projects for FY 2004 (Prog. Year 2003). (4/7) .......................... 91 ,92
99-03 Amend Consolidated Plan 2001-2006 to Extend the Overall Benefit for Aggregate Use of
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for FY 2004 & FY 2005 Annual Plans
(Program Years 2003 and 2004). (417) ....................................................................................... 93
100-03 Accept contract for Parking Division Parking Enforcement Software Project. (417)..... 93
101-03 Accept Deed to Property in City W. L. Laufenberg Sr. Trust (Old Mill Rd property). (417)94
102-03 Accept Deed to Property in City, Michael & Barbara McDermott (Old Mill Rd). (417)...... 94
103-03 Accept Deed to Property in City, Robert and Valora TImmons (Old Mill Rd.). (417) ........94
104-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (417) ...........................................................................................95
105-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (417)................................................................................. 95,96
106-03 Intent to Dispose of City Interest: portion of Lot 1 Heartland Place & Lot 1-2-1 Byrnes
Subd. issuance easements Alliant Energy (Interstate Power & Light Co.) (417) ...................96
107-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Locust St. Connector Reconstruction Proj. (4/7) ...... 96
108-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Locust St. Connector Reconstruct. Proj. (417).97
109-03 Order bids - Locust St Connector Reconstruction Proj. (417) ..........................,...............97
110-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. - Bonson Road Watermain Extension Proj. (417).......97
111-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Bonson Road Watermain Extension Proj. (4/7)97
112-03 Order bids for Bonson Road Watermain Ext. Proj. (4/7) ................................................... 98
113-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. -Iowa Street Ramp Skywalk Improvement Pro. (4/7) 98
114-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Iowa St. Ramp Skywalk Improve. Proj. (4/7)98
115-03 Ordering bids for Iowa St. Ramp Skywalk Improve. Project. (417) .............................. 98,99
116-03 Approving Final Plat of Arbor Glen Apartments First Addn. in Dubuque. (417) .............. 99
117-03 To Support Iowans Called to Duty by Passing Service Member Support Agenda. (417) 99
118-03 Approving Final Plat of Wagner Subd. in City - Brunskill Rd. (4/21) ............................ 107
119-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (4/21)................................................................................109
120-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (4/21) .......................................................................................109
121-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (4/21)..................................................................................110
122-03 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Wall St., Washington St., Cypress St.,
and alleys in Blocks 20 & 28, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21) ..................110
123-03 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Fourth Street Extension, Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Company Addn. (4/21).......................................................................................111
124-03 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Bell Street and Alley in Block 11, Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21).....................................................................................111
125-03 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Fifth & Sixth Streets, Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Company Addn. (4/21).......................................................................................111
126-03 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Fourth St. Ext., Wall St., Market St., Pine
St., & Lot 2 of Lot 20 & Alley in Block 26, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Addn. (4/21)112
127-03 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Wall St., Washington St., & Alleys in
Blocks 21 & 27, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company Addn. (4/21) ..............................112
128-03 Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lots N, 0, P, Q, R, S., T, U, and V of Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Co. Add. in City to Dubuque Initiatives. (4/21) ................................................ 116
129-03 Direct City Clerk to publish proposed Amendment to FY 2003 Budget & Date of Public
Hearing. (4/21) ...........................................................................................................................117
130-03 Dispose of interest, portion Lot 1 Heartland PI. & Lot 1-2-1 Byrnes Subd., Dubuque, Iowa
by issuance of Easements to Alliant Energy (Interstate Power & Light Co.) (4/21) ............123
131-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. Fiber Optic Connect. Proj. City Network & Port of Dubuque.
(4/21) ............................................................................................................................................123
132-03 Award Contract Fiber Optic Connection Proj. City Network & Port of Dubuque. (4/21)123
133-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (4/21)..................................................................................125
134-03 Approve Certified Local Government (CLG) Grant Agreement to conduct Architectural/
Historical Survey. (5/5).............................................................................................................129
135-03 Granting Authorization to Dubuque Yacht Basin to sublease Property leased from City
of Dubuque to Arthur A. Myatt, Joyce C. Myatt, & Joyce's Tugboat, Inc. (5/5) ....................130
136-03 Accepting Sanitary Sewer Lift Station in Arbor Estates. (5/5) .......................................131
137-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (5/5)..................................................................................131
138-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (5/5) ..............................................................................:..........131
139-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (5/5)....................................................................................131
140-03 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest and vacate Utility Easement Over Balance of Lot 4 of
Plaza Court in Dubuque. (5/5) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 132
141-03 Fix Date - City Council Meeting on proposed issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment
Revenue Obligations & Development Agreement- Quebecor World Dubuque. (5/5)......... 132
142-03 Fix Date - City Council Meeting. Development Agreement, Adams Co. (5/5)..............133
143-03 Fix Date - City Council Meeting, issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue
Obligations & First Amend. to Develop. Agreement with Dubuque Area Industrial
Development Corp., and providing for publication of notice thereof. (5/5) ........................134
144-03 Fix Date - City Council Meeting - issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue
Obligations & Execution of Develop. Agreement, Heartland Financial USA Inc. (5/5) ......134
145-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & specs. for 2003 (FY 2004) Asphalt Paving Project. (5/5).....135
146-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Spec for 2003 Asphalt Paving Project - FY 2004. (5/5)135
147-03 Order bids for 2003 (FY 2004) Asphalt Paving Project. (5/5) ......................................... 135
148-03 Approve application, Voluntary Annexation of Territory - Wayne Stewart, property SW of
Old Highway Road & Seippel Rd. (5/5)....................................................................................137
149-03 Dispose of City Interest in Lots N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V, Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Co. Addn in City. (5/5)........................................................................................137
150-03 Adopt Plans & Specs Bonson Road Watermain Extension Proj. (5/5) ..........................138
151-03 Award contract for Bonson Road Watermain Ext. Project to McDermott Exc. (5/5) ...138
152-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. Locust Street Connector Reconstruction Proj. (5/5) ................. 139
153-03 Award contract Locust Street Connector Reconstruction Prject. (5/5) .........................139
154-03 Authorizing the filing of a Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA)
Application on behalf of Barnstead International. (5/5).........................................................140
155-03 Approve Amendment 4 to FY 2003 (Program Year 2002) Annual Action Plan for
Community Development Block Grant Funds. (5/19).............................................................145
156-03 Approve Final Plat of Riverwalk 4th Addn. in the City. (5/19)..........................................146
157-03 Approve Final Plat of Liebe's Subd. No.3 in Dbq - Dubuque Storage & Transfer. - Pat
Tobin, 3040 Elm St. (5/19).........................................................................................................147
158-03 Approve plat of Bryant School Place in City. (5/19)......................................................... 147
159-03 Authorize Grant Agreement for IDOT Statewide Transportation Enhancement Funds for
Heritage Trail Ext. Heron PondWetIands Nature Trail to Dubuque Jaycees Trail. (5/19)..148
160-03 Accept improvement Ice Harbor Pump Replacement Project. (5/19).............................148
161-03 Final Estimate Operations & Maintenance Dep. Ice Harbor Pump Replace. Proj. (5/19)149
162-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (5/19) .............................................................;.........................149
163-03 Issuance of Liquor licenses. (5/19) ........................................................................... 149,150
164-03 Approve Plat Vacated Railroad St., Centre Grove, Edward J. Zalaznik Estate. (5/19)..150
.165-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lots 21A and 22A of Centre Grove in City - Estate
of E. J. Zalaznik to his Trust. (5/19) .........................................................................................151
166-03 Intent to Dispose of Lots 7 & 8 in Dubuque Industrial Center West 2"" Addition by Sale to
Vessel Systems, Inc. (5/19) ......................................................................................................151
167-03 Prel. approval of Plans & specs. Port of Dubuque Recognition Wall. (5/19).................152
168-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & specs. Port of Dubuque Sign, Landscaping &
Recognition Wall Pro. (5/19).....................................................................................................152
169-03 Order bids - Port of Dubuque Sign, Landscaping, & Recognition Wall Project. (5/19) 152
170-03 Prel. approval Plans & specs. W. Locust St. Manhole Reconstruction FY 2003.(5/19) 153
171-03 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for W. Locust Street Manhole Reconstruction
Project - FY 2003. (5/19)...........................................................................................................153
172-03 Ordering bids for W Locust St Manhole Reconstruction Project FY 03. (5/19).:..........153
173-03 Dispose of interest & vacate 8' Utility Easement, Lot 4 of Plaza Ct in City. (5/19)........157
174-03 Authorize Execution of Develop. Agree. with Quebecor World Dubuque, Inc. (5/19) .158
175-03 Authorize Execution of Development Agree. with Adams Company. (5/19) ................158
176-03 Authorize Execution of First Amendment to Development Agreement with Dubuque Area
Industrial Development Corp. (5/19)........................................................................................189
177-03 Authorize execution of a Development Agree. Heartland Financial USA, Inc. (5/19) ...159
178-03 Amend the Current Budget for the FY ending June 30, 2003. (5/19)..............................160
179-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Iowa Street Ramp Skywalk Improvement Proj. (5/19)..........161
180-03 Award contract for Iowa Street Ramp Skywalk Improvement Pro. (5/19)......................161
181-03 Authorize Award of Community Partnership Program (cp2) Funds - FY 2004. (5/19)..161
182-03 Authorize Filing of CEBA Application on Behalf of Vessel Systems, Inc. (5/19) ..........163
183-03 Approve Intercreditor Agreement with Iowa Department of Economic Development for
Cottingham and Butler property. (6/2).............................................................................. 165,166
184-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (6/2).................................................................................. 166
185-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (6/2) ..................................................................................166,167
186-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (6/2)....................................................................................167
187 -03 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot 2 of 319 of Ham's Addn., Dubuque IA . (6/2) .... 167
188-03 Of Intent to Grant a Short-Term Extension of an Existing Cable Services Franchise and
an Existing Hub Site Lease to MCClowa LLC. (6/2) ...............................................................168
189-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest, Lot 1 of 1 of Government Lot #1, Lot 1, Rock Cut
Subdivision,; and Lot A of Government Lot #1, all .in section 6, T88, R3E, in City of Dubuque,
Iowa for Easements for Riprow Valley Trailhead Project. (6/2)............................................. 168
190-03 Dispose of City Interest in Lots 21A & 22A of Centre Grove in Dubuque. (6/2) ............170
191-03 Approve a Develop. Agreement, Sale & Private Development of Lots 7 &8 Dubuque
Industrial Center West 2"" Addn. in Dubuque to Vessel Systems, Inc. (6/2) ............... 170,171
192-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. for 2003 Asphalt Paving Project -FY 2004. (6/2).......................171
193-03 Award contract for 2003 ACC Paving Project to River City Paving, Division of Mathy
Construction of Kieler, WI. (6/2)............................................................................................... 171
194-03 Approve Application - Section 8 Mainstream Program Housing Vouchers. (6/16)......173
195-03 Authorize Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement
for Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) with Barnstead International. (6/16)..........................175
196-03 Approve Final Plat of Stone Quarry Subdivision in the County. (6/16) ................. 175,176
197-03 Approve Contract. Phase IV Nat'l Register Nomination & Amendment Project. (6/16) 176
198-03 Approve Plat of Survey of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of 319 Ham's Addn. (6/16)...........................176
199-03 Authorize the City Manager to sign a Contract with Iowa Department of Public Health
and Agreement with Dubuque Visiting Nurse Assn. (6/16) ................................................... 177
200-03 Authorizing Filing of application to Department of Housing & Urban Develop. (6/16). 177
201-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (6/16)....................................................................... ..178,179
202-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (6/16) .......,.............,....,............................................................179
203-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (6/16)..................................................................................169
204-03 Dispose of City Interest in Lot 2 of 319 of Ham's Addn., Dubuque, IA. (6/16)...............181
205-03 Dispose of City Interest in Certain Rights for Lot 1 of 1 of Government Lot #1, Lot 1,
Rock Cut Subdivision; & Lot A of Government Lot #1, in Section 6, T88, R3E. (6/16).182,183
206-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. for West Locust Manhole Reconstruction Project. (6/16) ......... 183
207-03 Award contract for West Lost Street Manhole Replacement Project. (6/16).................183
208-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Port of Dubuque Sign & Landscaping Project. (6/16).........184
209-03 Award contract for Port of Dubuque Sign, Landscaping & Recognition Wall Project to
Conlon Construction. (6/16) .....................................................................................................184
210-03 Approve 2020 District Plan of Dubuque Main Street, Ltd. (6/16) .................................... 184
211-03 Direct City Clerk publish Amendment FY 2004 Budget & Public Hearing Date. {6/16).186
212-03 Delay Implementation of Res. No. 92-01 Wage Plan & Compensation for Non-Bargaining
Unit Employees for FY 2004 until July 10, 2003. (6/23) .......................................................... 187
213-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (7/1)....................................................................................189
214-03 Adopt Supplement No. 58 to City Code of Ordinances. (7/7)...................................190,191
215-03 Accept Improvement for Flat Iron Park Renovation Project. (7/7) .................................191
216-03 Final Estimate for Flat Iron Park Renovation Project. (717).............................................191
217-03 Accept Improve. West Locust Storm Sewer Addition Project. (7/7) ..............................192
218-03 Final Estimate for West Locust Storm Sewer Addition Project. (717) ..............,............192
219-03 Accept Improve. Mississippi River National Education & Conference Center Project-
Package #1. (7/7) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"192
-~,~ ,"'Wm'~Å“" , .
220-03 Final Estimate Mississippi River National Education & Conference Center project-
Package #1 - Kraemer Bros. completion. (7/7) .......................................................................192
221-03 Approve Pre-Design Agreement, City of Dbq & IDOT - New US 20 Mississippi River
Crossing Project. (7/7)..............................................................................................................193
222-03 Authorize Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on
Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Former Dubuque
Hardwoods / Miller Logging / Peavey Grain ED! Project. (7/7)..............................................193
223-03 Approve Amendment 5 to FY 2003 (Program Year 2002) Annual Action Plan for
Community Development Block Grant Funds.(717)................................................................194
224-03 Approve a Loan Agreement, City & Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce for Loan
Funds, Start-Up Marketing Effort by Convention & Visitors Bureau for America's River
Projects. (717) ............................................................................................................................195
225-03 Authorize Execution Project Amend. No.1 contract Economic Develop. Adm. (717) ..195
226-03 Authorize Execution of Community Development Block Grant Agreement with US
Department of Housing and Urban Development. (717)..................................................195,196
227-03 Issuance of 33 Renewal Cigarette Permits. (717)......................................................196,197
228-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (717) .........................................................................................197
229-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (717)....................................................................................197
230-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City-Owned Property - Lot 2 of Lot 1 & E Y, of Lot 4 of Lot 2 both
in Geiger's Subd. in the City- known also as 2521 Stafford St. (717) ...........................197,198
231-03 Declare Intent of Dubuque to subordinate a Mortgage Interest in Real Estate. (7f7).198
232.03 Authorize Filing of an Application to IDOT. (717) .............................................................199
233-03 Rescind Res. No.1 05-97 Establish Schedule of Development Service Fees & Adopt in
Lieu thereof a: New Schedule of Development Services Fees.(7/9) ..................................... 209
234-03 Rescind Res. No. 92-01 reo Wage Plan & Compensation Package for Non-Bargaining
Unit Employees for Fisc;al Year 2004. (7/9) ............................................................................ 209
235-03 Amending Current Budget for FY ending June 30, 2004. (7/9).......................................210
236-03 Authorize Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement
for $125,000) - Vessel Systems, Inc. (7/21) ...................................................................... 212,213
237-03 Authorize Publication of a Finding of No Significant Impact on Environment and Notice
of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Brewery Rehab Project. (7/21) ......................21333
238-03 Accept Improve. Operations & Maintenance's Garage Roof Repair Project. (7/21) .....214
239-03 FInal Estimate for Operations & Maintenance Ctr's Garage Roof Repair Proj. (7/21).. 214
240-03 Approve FInal Plat of Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Miller place in Dubuque County.(7/21)215
241-03 Approve the Final Plat of Link Acres in Dubuque County, Iowa. (7/21).........................216
242-03 Approve Increase in Rental Dwelling License Fee. (7/21).............................................. 216
243-03 Authorize Filing of Formal Application for $200,000 Brownfield Cleanup Grant with US
Environmental Protection Agency - Cleanup Activities in the Port of Dubuque. (7/21)...... 216
244-03 Approve Farm Lease - Kenneth G. & Janet M. Bergfeld. (7/21) ...................................... 217
245-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (7/21).........................................................................217,218
246.03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (7/21) .......................................................................................218
247-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (7/21)..................................................................................218
248-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & specs. for Port of Dubuque Logging Properties- Building
Demolition & Site Clearance Project. (7/21)............................................................................218
249-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Port of Dubuque Logging Properties- Building
Demolition & Site Clearance Project. (7/21)............................................................................219
250-03 Order bids - Port of Dubuque Logging Properties - Building Demolition and Site
Clearance Project. (7/21) ..........................................................................................................219
251-03 Dispose of City property, Lot 2 of 1 of the E Y, of Lot 4 of Lot 2 both in Geiger's Subd. in
the City, County of Dubuque, known as 2521 Stafford St. (7/21)......................................... 222
252-03 Authorize Subordination Agreement in regard to a Mortgage Interest in City Lot 73
(Except the Southerly 3 inches thereof) in City of Dubuque, IA. (7/21) ............................... 223
253-03 Authorize a Grant Application to IA DNR - REAP Funds for Pyatigorsk Park. (7/21)....224
254-03 Rescind Res. No. 212-03 & Res. No. 234-03 - Wage Plan and Compensation Package for
Non-Bargaining Unit Employees for FY 2004 and reinstating Wage Plan and Compensation
Package for FY 2004. ...(7/28)................................................................................................... 228
255-03 Establish Fair Market Value for Acquisition of Property owned by Center Grove
Methodist Episcopal Cemetery Assn. (8/4)............................................................................. 232
256-03 Establish Fair Market Value for Property - WCB Hotels, Inc. (8/4) .......................... 232,233
257-03 Establish Fair Market Value for Property CNL Funding 2000-A., LP. in Dubuque. (8/4)233
258-03 Issuance of 1 renewal of Cigarette Permit. (8/4) .............................................................. 233
259-03 Issuance of 1 new Cigarette Permit. (8/4)......................................................................... 233
260-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (8/4) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 233,234
261-03 Issuance of BeerlLiquor Licenses. (8/4)...........................................................................234
262-03 Fix Date for Meeting on proposition of issuance of not to exceed $2,110,000 General
Obligation Bonds (For an Essential Corporate Purpose of Dubuque, Iowa, and Providing for
publication of Notice thereof. (8/4) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 234
263-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Eagle,Valley Subd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project. (8/4)235
264-03 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. Eagle Valley Subd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj. (8/4)235
265-03 Order bids for Eagie Valley Subd. Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. (8/4)..................235
266-03 Direct City Clerk to publish proposed Amendment FY 2004 Budget & Date of Public
Hearing. (8/4) ."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 236
267-03 Adopt Fees for Conversion of Existing Structures Used for Human Habitation to
Horizontal Property Regimes - Condominiums. (8/4)............................................................ 239
268-03 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1-3, inclusive of Forest Grange Subdivision, No.2. in
Dubuque County. (8/18)......................................................................................................243,244
269-03 Accept Improvement Flora Park Rest Ro.om Construct. Proj. (8/18) .............................244
270-03 Final Estimate Flora Park Restroom Construction Proj. (8/18) ...................................... 244
271-03 Approve Agreement: City & Amalgamated Transit Union, Local #329 & Authorizing the
Mayor to Sign Agreement. (8/18) """"................................................................................,.... 245
272-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Shannon's Bar. (8/18) ................................................... 246
273-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (8/18) ....................................................................................... 246
274-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (8/18) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 246
275-03 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Alley SW of West Fifth St., Finley Hospital. (8/18) 247
276-03 Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot 6A of Finley Home Addn. in City. (8/18) ......... 247,248
277-03 Prelim. Approval of Plans & Specs. -In-Line Skate Rink Concrete Project. (8/18).......248
278-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs -In-Line Skate Rink Concrete Proj. (8/18)........248
279-03 Order bids for In-Line Skate Rink Concrete Project. (8/18).............................................248
280-03 Approve Annexation Agreement for Annexation of Territory and Setting a Public Hearing
on Annexation of Such Territory. (8/18) .......................................................................:... 248,249
281-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. - University Avenue Reconstruction Project -Delhi to
Alta Vista & University Avenue Patching Proj. (8/18).............................................................249
282-03 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. University Ave. Reconstruct. Proj. (8/18) ...... 249,250
283-03 Resolution of Necessity University Ave. Reconstruction Proj. (8/18) ........................... 250
284-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity - University Avenue Reconstruction. (8/18)250
285-03 Approving Pre. Schedule of Assessments - University Avenue Reconstruction. (8/18)251
286-03 Order bids for University Avenue Reconstruction Project. (8/18) .................................. 251
287-03 Approve Application, Voluntary Annexation of Territory Owned by Callahan
Construction, Inc. (8/18) .................................................................................:......................... 252
--r"- .
288-03 Institute Proceedings To Take Additional Action for Issuance of Not to Exceed
$2,110,000 G.O. Bonds - for support of Stormwater Projects. (8/18)................................... 255
289-03 Direct Advertisement for Sale of $2,110,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2003. (8/18) ...... 255,256
290-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Eagle Valley Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj. (8/18) .. 256
291-03 Award contract for Eagle Valley Subd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project to Fondell
Excavating of Dubuque. (8/18) .......................................................................................... 256,257
292-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. Port of Dubuque Logging Properties - Building Demolition & Site
Clearance Proj. (8/18)................................................................................................................257
293-03 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1-2, inclusive, of Block 1, Lots 1-27, inclusive of Block 2, Lots
1-13, inclusive of Block 3, Lots 1-13, inclusive, of biock 4, Lots 1-21 inclusive, of Block 6,
Lots 1-10, inclusive, of Block 7 and Lots A-I, inclusive, of Eagle Valley Subd. (8/18) .257-259
294-03 Authorize Filing of a Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) Application -
Shepherd, Inc. (8/18)..........................................................................................................259,260
295-03 Authorize publication of Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the
Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Former Dubuque
Hardwoods / Miller Logging / Peavey Grain EDI Proj. (8/21) ................................................. 262
296-03 Authorize Publication of Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on
Environment & Notice of Intent to Release of Funds - Brewery Rehab Proj. (9/2).......265,266
297-03 Approve Amendment 1 to the FY 2004 (Program Year 2003) Annual Action Plan for
Community Development Block Grant Funds. (9/2)........................................................266,267
298-03 Establish Annual Fee for Confined Space Rescue Services. (9/2)................................. 267
299-03 Authorize Submission' of AppUcation for Certified Local Government (CLG) Program
Funding to conduct Phase V of Architectural Historic Survey. (9/2)....................................267
300-03 Authorize Submission of Application for Certified Local Government Grant - Historic
Preservation Symposium. (9/2)................................................................................................268
301-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Clark. (912) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 268
302-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Jumpers Sports Bar/Grill, 2600 Dodge. (9/2).............. 268
303-03 Issuan'ée of Beer Permits. (9/2) ......................................................................................... 269
304-03 Issuance of Wine & Liquor Licenses. (9/2)....................................................................... 269
305-03 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. Port of Dubuque Parking Lot Renovation etc. (9/2)..... 269
306-03 Fix Date of Hearing Plans & Specs. Port of Dubuque Parking Lot Renovation and
Resurfacing Project. (9/2).........................................................................................................269
307-03 Ordering bids - Port of Dubuque Parking Lot Renovation & Resurfacing Project. (9/2)270
308-03 Prel. Approval Plans & Specs. - Carter Road Detention Basin Construction Proj. (9/2)270
309-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs for Carter Road Detention Basin Proj.(9/2) ...... 270
310-03 Order bids for Carter Road Detention Basin Project. (9/2) ...................................... 270,271
311-03 Dispose of City Interest in Lot 6A of Finley Home Addition - alley SW of West Fifth St. to
The Finley Hospital. (9/2) .......................................................................................................... 271
312-03 Amend Budget for Year ending 2004. (9/2) ...................................................................... 272
313-03 Accept Improvement - NW Arterial Water Main Extension Improvement Proj. (9/15) ..278
314-03 Final Estimate - Northwest Arterial Water Main Extension Improve. Project. (9/15).... 278
315-03 Accept Improvement for Old U.S. 20 Highway 20 Water Main Phase II Extension
Improvement Project. (9/15) ..................................................................................................... 278
316-03 Final Estimate for Old U.S. Highway 20 Water Main Phase II Extension Improve.
Package. (9/15) ..........................................................................................................................278
317-03 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1-4, Inclusive, of Miller Place, in Dubuque. (9/15) .............. 279
318-03 Authorize Application to Historic Sites Preservation Grant Prog - Shot Tower
319-03 Certify Eagle Window & Door, Inc. Compliance - Public Infrastructure Assistance
Program Loan Agreement - Eagle Window & Door, & City. (9/15) ................................ 278,279
320-03 Authorize Submission of Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report
(CAPER) for the Period Commencing July 1, 2002 and concluding June 30, 2003. (9/15).280
321-03 Accept Improvements in Cedar Ridge Farm Place No.4 - Julian Nemmers. (9/15) ..... 281
322-03 Approve the City of Dubuque FY 2003 Street Finance Report. (9/15) ............................281
323-03 Accept Property Lot 11 of Medical Associates Subd. No.2 in Dubuque. (9/15) ...........281
324-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (9/15) ..........................,............................................................ 282
325-03 Issuance of Liquor & Wine Licenses. (9/15).....................................................................282
326-03 Approve Plat of a Proposed Portion of South Way at Asbury Road. (9/15)................... 283
327-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 1A of Part of South Way in Block 10 in
Westchester Subd. in City of Dubuque. (9/15)................................................................. 283,284
328-03 Declare Intent of The City to Subordinate a Mortgage Interest, 101-123 Main St. (9/15)284
329-03 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Chemical Compound Building at Eagle Point
Water Plant at 1902 Hawthorne St. (9/15)................................................................................ 284
330-03 Fix Date for Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Chemical Compound Building, Eagle Point
Water Plant. (9/15) ."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 285
331-03 Order bids for Chemical Compound Building at Eagle Point Water Plant, 1902
Hawthorne. (9/15) ...................................................................................................................... 285
332-03 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs. for renovation of Eagle Point Water Plant, 1902
Hawthorne St. (9/15) ""'.....................................................................................................,...... 285
333-03 Fix Date for Hearing, Plans & specs.- Renovation, Eagle pt. Water Plant. (9/15) .285,286
334-03 Order bids for renovation of Eagle Point Water Plant at 1902 Hawthorne St. (9/15).... 286
335-03 Prel. approval Plans & Specs. Chestnut St (Highland - Cox). Reconstruct. Proj. (9/15)286
336-03 Fix Hearing Date, Plans & Specs. Chestnut St. (Highland - Cox) Reconstruct. Proj.
(9/15) ............................................................................................................................................ 286
337-03 Res. of Necessity Chestnut Street (Highland to Cox) Reconstruction Project. (9/15)..287
338-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity, GhestnutStreetReconstruction Proj. (9/15)287
339-03 Approve Pre!. Schedule of Asses$ments,Chestnut St Recons.truction pro. (9/15)287,288
340-03 Order bids for Chestnut St. Reconstruction Project. (9/15)............................................ 288
341-03 Adopt Plans & Specs for University Ave Reconstruction Pro. (9/15)............................. 289
342-03 With Respect to adoption of Res of Necessity, University Ave. Reconstruction Proj.
Delhi to Alta Vista & University Ave. Patching Proj. Alta Vista to Spruce Street. (9/15) "'" 289
343-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. for In-Line Skate Rink Concrete Slab Project. (9/15) ................. 290
344-03 Award Contract for In-Line Skate Park Concrete Slab Project. (9/15) ........................... 290
345-03 Direct Sale of $2,110,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2003 - for Stormwater Proj. (9/15) ........290
346-03 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1-4, inclusive, & lots A-B, Blk 5 Eagle Valley Subd. (9/15).294
347-03 Award Contract Port of Dubuque Logging Properties - Building Demolition & Site
Clearance Project to W C Stewart Construction Co. (9/26) ................................................... 296
348-03 Support Application for New Markets Tax Credit Program - Heartland Community
Development. (9/26) .................................................................................................................. 296
349-03 Accept Improvement for Flora Pool Painting Project. (10/6) ................................... 300,301
350-03 Final Estimate - Flora Pool Painting Project. (10/6) ......................................................... 301
351-03 Accept Improvement, Port of Dubuque Utility Relocation & Ext. Proj. (10/6)................301
352-03 Final Estimate Port of Dbq Utility Relocation & Ext. Proj. (10/6) .................................... 301
353-03 Accept. Improvement, Dbq Jaycees - Peosta Channel Trail Project (10/6). ......... 301,302
354-03 Final Est. Dbq Jaycees - Peosta Channel Trail Project. (10/6) ....................................... 302
355-04 Accept Improve. - Woodward Museum - 2000 Renovations Proj, Contract 3. (10/6)...302
356-04 Final Est. - Woodward Museum 2000 Renovations Proj. Contract 3 - Carpentry. (10/6)302
357-03 Accept Improve. Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, Contract No.7
- Finish Carpentry. (10/6) ..............................................."........................................................ 303
""'n - ----..---
- ~'nn .~ n-_-
-- .mn-
358-03 Final Estimate Burlington Northern RR Depot Restoration Proj. Contract 7 - Finish
Carpentry. (1 0/6) ........................................................................................................................ 303
359-03 Accept Improve. Burlington Northern RR Depot Restoration Cont., 8 Roofing. (10/6) 303
360-03 Final Estimate for Burlington N RR Depot Restoration Project - Contract No.8 -
Roofing. (1 0/6) ........................................................................,.................................................. 303
361-03 Accept Sanitary Sewer Ease., Part Lot 2-3-1 of Helen E & Mary H Stewart Subd. (10/6)304
362-03 Accept property on South Way from DuTrac Community Credit Union, ROW. (10/6).304
363-03 Endorse Submission of Iowa Brownfield Redevelopment Program Application to Iowa
Department of Economic Development for Environmental Remediation Activities in Port of
Dubuque. (10/6) .........................................................................................................................304
364-03 Authorize Grant App., IDOT Fed. Recreational Trails Funds, Pyatigorsk Park. (10/6).. 305
365-03 Appoint Wells Fargo Bank Iowa, Nat'l Assn. of Des Moines, IA to serve as Paying Agent,
Bond registrar, & Transfer Agent, approving Paying Agent & Bond Registrar & Transfer
Agent Agreement & Authorizing the Agreement. (10/6) .................................................... 306
366-03 Authorize & Provide issuance of $2,110,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2003 and levying a tax
to pay said bonds. (10/6) ...................................................................................................306-314
367-03 Authorize Sponsorship of Application to Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for
Affordable Housing Program Funds. (10/6) ............................................."............................. 315
368-03 Accept Improvement for Mississippi Riverwalk Phase I - River's Edge Plaza & Alternate
Component. (10/6).,..........,........................................................................................................ 315
369-03 Final Est. Mississippi Riverwalk Ph I River's Edge Plaza & Alt Component. (10/6) ... 315
370-03 Issuance of Cigarette Per. (10/6) "..............................................................................315,316
371-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (10/6) ....................................................................................... 316
372-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (10/6)..................................................................................316
373-03 Intent to dispose of & Vacate a Portion John F. Kennedy Road & Utility Easement over
Lot 1.& Lot 2 Bartøn Randle Addn. to Grand View Ave. United Methodist Church .(10/6).316
374-03 Fix Date for meeting on Authorization of Loan Agreement & Issuance of Not to Exceed
4500,000 G.&. Capital Loan Notes of Dubuque, IA & providing for publication. (10/6)317,318
375-03 Intent to Dispose of a Portion of City's Interest under Central Avenue - 13th and 14th
Streets. (10/6) ............................................................................................................................318
376-03 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 1A of Part of South Way in Block 10 in Westchester
Subd. in the City to Clarence Pfohl. (10/6) .............................................................................. 319
377-03 Authorizing a Subordination Agree. reo Mortgage Interest in City Lot 80 and South 1
and 5/12 Feet of Lot 79 in Dubuque, Iowa. (10/6) .................................................................. 319
378-03 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Chestnut St (Highland to Cox) Reconstruct Proj.(10/6) 320
379-03 With Respect to Adoption of Res. of Necessity Chestnut Street (Highland to Cox)
Reconstruction Project. (1 0/6) ................................................................................................. 320
380-03 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Carter Road Detention Basin Project. (10/6) ................... 320
381-03 Awarding Contract for Carter Road Detention Basin Project. (10/6) ............................. 321
382-03 Adopt Plans & specs. - Port of Dbq Parking Lot Renovation & Resurfacing Proj.(10/6)321
383-03 Awarding contract Port of Dubuque Parking Lot Renovation & Resurfacing Projectto
Portzen Con. (1 0/6).................................................................................................................... 321
384-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (10/6) ....................................................................................... 322
385-03 Approve Final Plat of Lots 1 thru 48, inclusive of Block 1, Lots 1 thru 1 0, in~lusive of
Block 3 & Lots A, B, C, D, E, F, G. H, I, J, and K of Westbrook Subd. (10/6)........................324
386-03 Awarding Contract for University Avenue Reconstruction Project to Horsfield
Construction. (1 0/6) ...........................................................................................................325;326
387-03 Approving Plat of Survey Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Whites Place No.2. (10/20)..........................328
388-03 Approving Final Plat of Medical Associates Subdivision No.3 in the City. (10/20).....329
389-03 Approving Final Plat of Sullivan's 2"" Addition in City of Dubuque. (10/20) ................. 329
390-03 Accepting Improvement for Railroad Depot Restoration Project - Lighting Fixtures as
completed by Morse Electric. (10/20) ...................................................................................... 330
391-03 Final Estimate for Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, Contract No.
15B - Lighting fi.xtures. (1 0/20) ................................................................................................330
392-03 Accept Improvement, White Street Reconstruction Project, 21 ,t to 32"" Street.(10/20)330
393-03 Final Estimate for White Street Reconstruction Project, 21" to 32"" St. (10/20).......... 330
394-03 Accept Improve. for Fiber Optic Connection Project, City Network & Port of Dubuque.
(1 0/20).........................................................................................................................................331
395-03 Final Estimate for Fiber Optic Connection Project. (10/20) ........................................... 331
396-03 Accept Improve for Library Roof replacement - 1980 addition. (10/20) ........................ 331
397-03 Final Estimate, Roof replacement -1980 addition to Carnegie Stout Library. (10/20)... 331
398-03 Approve Agree. with Iowa Central & Eastern Railroad for Installation of a Five Inch Fiber
Optic Conduit at 17'h & Elm Street. (10/20) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", 332
399-03 Approve Agreement with Iowa Central & Eastern Railroad for construction of a RR
Switch & Rail Extension for Flynn Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Railroad spur. (10/20) ...........332
400-03 Issuance of Beer & Liquor Licenses. (10/20) ....;.............................................................. 333
401-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Medical Associates
Subdivision No.3 in City. (1 0/20)............................................................................................. 333
402-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs Ice Harbor Pump Auxiliary Power Project. (10/20) ... 334
403-03 Fixing Date of-Hearing on Plans & Specs for inspection of .Ice Harbor Pump Auxiliary
Power Project. (10/20)...............................................................................;...............................334
404-03 Ordering bids for the Ice Harbor Pump Auxiliary Power Project. (10/20) ...................... 334
405-03 Providing for Notice of Date, Time & Place of a Public Hearing on Ordinance Establishing a
Connection Fee for County Farm Sanitary Interceptor Sewer. (10/20).................................334
406-03 Dispose of Interest in Real Property by Easement to Dubuque Bank & Trust. (10/20) 339
407-03 Disposing of Interest & Vacate a Portion ofJ F. Kennedy Roadway & Utility Easement over
Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Barton Randle Addn. to Grand View Methodist Church. (10/20) ............... 340
408-03 Instituting Proceedings to take add'i action for Authorization of Loan Agreement &
Issuance of Not to Exceed $500,000 G.O. Capital Loan Notes. (10/20) ................................ 340
409-03 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Eagle Point Water Plant Chemical Compound & Roof Addition
Project. (10/20) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""................................ 341
410-03 Award Contract - Eagle Point Water Plan Chemical Compound Building Proj. (101120)341
411.03 Rescinding Resolution No. 333-03 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for
Renovation of Eagle Point Water Plant at 1902 Hawthorne Street, Dubuque, IA to American
Disability Act Standards. (1 0/20)....................................................................................... 341,342
412-03 Approving Acquisition of Real Estate Located at 1911 Windsor Ave. (10/20) .............. 343
413-03 Accepting Improvement - Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Project, Contract No.1
- Masonry Tuckpointing. (11/3)................................................................................................ 348
414-03 Final Estimate - Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Project, Contract 1 - Masonry
Tuckpointing. (11/3) ..........................................................................................................~...... 348
415-03 Accept Improve. Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Proj Cont. 4 HVAC. (11/3)... 348
416-03 Final Estimate - Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Project, Contract No.4 HVAC.
417-03 Accept Improve. - Woodward Museum 2002 Renovations Project Contract No.5,
Plumbing & Sprinkler. (1113) .................................................................................................... 349
418-03 Final Estimate - Woodward Museum2002 Renovations Project, Contract 5 Plumbing &
Sprinkler. (11/3) ..................:...................................................................................................... 349
419-03 Accepting Improvement for Woodward Museum - 2002 Renovations Prject, Contract No.
6 - Electrical. (11/3)...........................................................................:....................................... 349
420-03 Final Estimate for Woodward Museum - 2002 Renovations Project, Contract No.6,
EIec1rical. (11/3).........................................................................................................................350
421-03 Accepting Improvement - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project
Contract No. 13 - HVAC. (11/3) ................................................................................................ 350
422-03 Final Estimate - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, Contract No.
13, HVAC. (11/3)......................................................................................................................... 350
423-03 Accepting Improvement - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project-
Contract No. 14, Plumbing. (11/3)............................................................................................350
424-03 Final Estimate - Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project, Contract No.
14 Plumbing. (11/3) ................;.................................................................................................. 351
425-03 Accepting Improvement - Manson Road Bridge Reconstruction Project. (11/3) .......... 351
426-03 Final Estimate - Manson Road Bridge Reconstruction Proj. (11/3)................................351
427-03 Accepting Improvement - First & Main Street Historical Lighting Project. (11/3) ......... 352
428-03 Final Estimate - First & Main SI. Historical Lighting Project. (11/3)............................... 352
429-03 Accepting Improvement - Tanzanite Drive Paving Project. (11/3).................................. 352
430-03 Final Estimate - Tanzanite Drive Paving Project. (11/3) .................................................. 352
431-03 Accepting. Improvement - Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site Package 11-
Interior Walkways Project, Contract 4 Elec!ricai. (11/3) ........................................................ 353
432-03 Final Estimat" - Mississippi River Discovery Center Wetland Site Package II - Interior
Walkways ProjectCo!,!tract No.4 Electrical. (11/3)................................................................ 353
433-03 Authorizing Certain Designated Fiscal Officers of the City to Execute Electronic
Investment Transactions with Treasu.ry.Dir"J't on behalf of the City. (11/3)........................ 353
434-03 Authorizing Certain Designated Fiscal Officers of the City to Execute Checks on Behalf
of the City. (11/3) ....................."................................................................................................353
435-03 Authorizing Certain City of Dubuque Finance Department Employees to obtain Bank
Account Information and make Transfers between City of Dubuque Bank Accounts within a
Banking Instit\ltiQ!l. (11/3)............,...,...........,..,.........................................................................354
436-03 Authorizing Pu,b.lication of a Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Lead-
Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant Program. (11/3) .......................................................... 354
437-03 Accepting Deed to Certain Real Estate in Dubuque County from Adams Co. (1113).... 355
438-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (11/3) ....................................................................................... 356
439-03 Issuance of Ll.q\lor Licenses. (11/3)..................................................................................356
440-03 Fixing Date for Public Hearing on Issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue
Obligations & Property Tax Rebate Agreement with Cooper Development Co. (11/3) 356,357
441-03 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Heritage Trail Extension Project from Heron
Pond Wetlands to Dubuque Jaycees Trail. (11/3) ..................................................................357
442-03 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Heritage trail Extension Project from
Heron Pond Wetlands to D\lbuque Jaycees Trail. (11/3)................................................357,358
443-03 Ordering bids for Heritage Trail Extension Proj. (11/3) ...................................................358
444-03 (1) Approving Minimum Req\lirements etc. for Disposition of property In Ice Harbor
Urban Renewai District (2) Determining that Lease Submitted by Riverside Baseball LLC
satisfies the Offering requirements with respect to real property & improvements and
declaring intent of City Council to approve Lease with Riverside Baseball LLC in event that
no competing proposals are submitted; & (3) soliciting competing proposals. (11/3)358-360
445-03 Fixing Dates for Meetings on Authorization of a Loan Agreement and Issuance of Not to
Exceed $15,000,000 G.O. Fund Capital Loan Notes of the City of Dubuque and Providing for
Publication and notice thereof. (11/3) .............................................................................. 360,361
446-03 Dispose of City Interest in Lots 1, 2 & 3 Medical Associates Subd. No.3 in City. (11/3)362
447-03 Calling for a Special City Election on Proposition of Establishing a Capital
Improvements Reserve Fund & Levying an Ann\lal Tax for Such Fund. (11/3)...................362
448-03 Authorizing Filing of Vision Iowa Application & Committing Local Match. (11/3)........363
449-03 Awarding Contract for the Chestnut Street (Highland to Cox) Reconstruction Project.
(11/3)........................................................................................................................................... 364
450-03 Approving the Final Plat of Kopp's JFK Addition No.2 in the City. (11/17) .................. 369
451-03 Accepting Improvement for the Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project,
Contract No. 15A- Electrical. (11/17)...................................................................................... 369
452-03 Final Estimate for the Burlington Northern Railroad Depot Restoration Project-
Contract No. 15A- Electrical. (11/17).....................................................................................369
453-03 Accepting Improvement for the Woodward Museum - 2002 Renovations Project -
Contract #2. (11/17)...................................................................................................................370
454-03 Final Estimate for the Woodward Museum - 2002 Renovations Project, Contract No.2
Roof, Gutters & Downspouts. (11/17)...................................................................................... 370
455-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to DM Sports Bar, Inc.- Jumpers Sports Bar, 2600 Dodge.
(11/17)..........................................,.............................................................................................. 371
456-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (11/17) ..................................................................................... 371
457-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (11/17) ................................................................................ 371
458-03 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Part of the Existing Alley in Block 1 of Sunset Park
, Subdivision No.3 in the City. (11/17) ..........................".......................................................... 372
459-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 1A of Block 1 in Sunset Park Subdivision No 3
in the City. (11/17) .....................................................................................................................373
460-03 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specifications for the Seippel Road Water Main
Extension Project. (11/17) ........................................................................................................ 373
461-03 Fix Date of Hearing on Plans & Specifications- Seippel Road Water Main Ext. (11/17)373
462-03 Ordering bids for the Seippel Road Water Main Extension Project. (11/17) ................374
463-03 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the ~agle Valley Subdivision Water Main &
Service Line Extension Proj. (11/17) ...................::..................................................................374
464-03 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Eagle Valley Subdivision Water Main &
Service Line Extension Project. (11/17) .................................................:.......:........................ 374
465-03 Ordering bids for the Eagle Valley Subdivisi9~ Water Main and Service Line Extension
Project. (11/17) .........................................................................,................................................ 375
466-03 Approving an Application for Property Tax Rebates for the Renovation of Certain
Historic Structures and Approving a Tax Rebate Agreement with Cooper Development Co.
467-03 Support for Development of Affordable Housing on Main & West 11th Streets. (11/17)382
468-03 Of Local Contributing Effort for Redevelopment of Affordable Housing on Main and
West 11th Streets. ..(11/17)................................................................................................. 382,383
469-03 Approving Final Plat of Lots 1 thru 65, inclusive and Lots A thru 5, inclusive, of
Wynstone in the City. ...(11/17)................................................................................................. 383
470-03 Approving Final Plat of Harvest View Estates Fourth Addn. (11/17) ...................... 385,386
471-03 Approving Final Plat of Freedom Ridge Estates in Dubuque County. (11/17) .............386
472-03 Accepting Improve. Locust Street Connector Project. (1211) ......................................... 389
473-03 Final Est. Locust Street Connector Proj. (1211) ........................................................ 389,390
474-03 Accepting Improve. for Miss. River Discovery Center Wetland Site Pkg II-Interior
Walkways Project - Contract No.1 - Wood Piers & Decking. (1211)....................................390
475-03 Final Estimate for Discovery Ctr. Contract 1 - Wood Piers & Decking. (12/1) .............. 390
476-93 Accepting Improv. for Miss. River Discovery Ctr Wetland Site Pkg II-Interior Walkways
Project- Contract 2 Wood Framing & Railings. (12/1)............................................................ 390
477-03 Final Est. for Miss. River Discovery Ctr Contract 2 Wood Framing & Railings. (12/1) . 391
478-03 Accept. Improvement for Miss. River Discovery Ctr. Wetland Site Pkg II - Interior
Walkways Project - Contract 3 Plumbing. (12/1) ................................................................... 391
479-03 Final Estimate - Miss. River Discovery Ctr. Contract 3 Plumbing. (12/1).......................391
480-03 Accept. Improvement for 2002 CDBG Curb Ramp Installation Project #1. (1211) .. 391,392
481-03 Final Estimate for 2002 CDBG Curb Ramp Installation Proj. #1. (1211) """""""""""'" 392
482-03 Accepting Improve. for 2000 Sidewalk Installation Project. (12/1)................................. 392
483-03 Final Estimate for 2000 Sidewalk Installation Pro. (1211)................................................392
484-03 Supporting an Application from Scott Potter to the Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. for
Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program Funds. (1211) ............................................ 393
485-03 Accepting Improvements in Barton Randle Addn. - Grand View Ave United Methodist
Church. (1211) ............................................................................................................................ 393
486-03 Approving .Final Plat of Riverwalk 5"' Addn. in the City. (1211) ..............;.......;......... 393,394
487-03 Issuance of Beer Permits. (1211) ....................................................................................... 394
488-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (12/1) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 394
489-03 Of City's Intent to Grant a Short-Term Extension of Existing Cable Services Franchise &
an Existing Hub Site Lease to MCClowa LLC. (1211) ............................................................. 395
490-03 Fixing Date for Meeting on Proposition of Issuance of Not to Exceed $140,000 Urban
Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of Dubuque, Iowa and providing for publication of
notice thereof. (12/1)..........................................................................................................395,396
491-04 Providing for Notice of Date, Time andPJace of Public Hearing on Ordinance
Establishing a Connection Fee for SouthforkSanitary Interceptor Sewer Phase IV. (12/1)396
492-03 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (12/1) 397
493-03 Setting a Date for a P"blIc,Hearing .on Intent to Commence a Public Improvement
Project to extend Sanitary Sewer on Madison St. (12/1) 'n"",,"""""""""""""""""""""'" 397
493A-O3 Fixing Date otHearing on Res. of NeceJ;sityfor Madison St.Sanitary Sewer Ext.
Project. (12/1) .............;.....,....................,....,.......................................................................397,398
494-03 Of NecessityfQr MadisonSt, sanit"rySewer Extension Proj. (12/1) ............................. 398
495-03 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resoluti¡m o.fNecessity for Madison St Sanitary Sewer Ext.
Project.(1211) """"""""""""""'.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""......................... 398
496-03 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for Madison St. Sanitary Sewer
Extension Project. (1211) ................................................................................................... 398,399
497-03 Ordering bids for Madison St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project. (1211) ............................... 399
498-03 Dispose of Interest in Lot 1A of Block 1 in Sunset Park Subdivision No.3. (12/1) 399,400
499-03 Adopt Plans & Specs. for Ice Harbor Pump Auxiliary Power Project. (12/1).................401
500-03 Award contract Ice Harbor Pump Aux. Power Project Portzen Construct. (1211).. 401,402
,501-03 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Heritage Trail Ext. Proj. from Heron Pond Wetlands to
Dubuque Jaycees Trail. (1211).................................................................................................. 402
502-03 Awarding Contract for Heritage Trail Ext. Project from Heron Pond Wetlands to Dbq.
Jaycees Trail to Tschiggfrie. (1211).......................................................................................... 402
503-03 Approving Final Plat of Lots 1 thru 6 Quality Place No.3 in City. (12/15)..................... 407
504-03 Approving Final Plat of Ricann Farms, Inc. No.4 in Dubuque County, IA (12115) 407,408
505-03 Authorizing Four Oaks Inc. to Subcontract with Four Mounds Foundation for Housing
Education and Rehabilitation Program (Heart) Community Partnership Program (cp2) Grant.
506-03 Authorizing Collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts in accordance with Section 44-83
and 44-86 of the City Code. (12/15)................................................................................... 408,409
507-03 Authorizing the City to Collect Delinquent Garbage and Refuse Collection Accounts in
Accordance with Section 40-37 and 40-38 (d) of City Code. (12/15).....................................409
508-03 Adopting Supplement No. 59 to the City Code. (12115)...................................................410
509-03 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Cue Masters. (12/15)...................................................... 410
510-03 Issuance of Beer Permits to Big 10 Mart. (12/15).............................................................410
511-03 Issuance of Liquor Licenses. (12/15)................................................................................ 411
512-03 Approve Plat. proposed vacated portion, public alley in Coriell's Dubuque. (12115)...411
513-03 Approve Plat, Proposed Vacated portion of Public Alley in Hill Street Addn. (12/15)..411
514-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 15A in Hill Street Addition & Lot 27 A in
Coriell's Dubuque. (12/15)...............................:........................................................................412
515-03 Approving Plat of proposed vacated portion of West 32"" St. at John F. Kennedy Rd.
516-03 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot1A of Arbor Estates. (12/15).................413.414
517-03 Establish a Public Hearing to Solicit Written and Oral Comments on City's Proposed
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. (12/15).......................................................................................414
518-03 Instituting Proceedings to Take Add'i Action for Issuance of Not to Exceed $140,000
Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds. (12/15) ................................................416,417
519-03 Authorizing & Providing for issuance of $140,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment
Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2003, of City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Providing for Securing
of Such Bonds for Purpose of Carrying out an Urban Renewal Project in Dubuque
designated as Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Development District. (12/15)...417-426
520-03 Determining that Proposal of Riverside Baseball LLC to Lease Property in Ice Harbor
Urban Renewal District in Port of Dubuque is in Compliance with City's Offering for
disposition of property. (12115).........................................................................................426,427
521-03 Accept Proposal Riverside Baseball LLC, Lease of Property in Ice Harbor Urban
Renewal District in Port of Dubuque in the City & approve Le.ase Agreement with Riverside
Baseball, LLC for Lease of Property.(12/15).............,n,..........................................................427
522-03 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Eagle Valley Subd. Water Main Est. Project. (12/15) n.... 428
523-03 Awarding Contract To Fondell Excavating, Inc. of Dul:¡uque,IAfor cons,tructiqn of
@1009feet of 8" ductile Iron Water Main and 71 Service Laterals with Accessories in Eagle
Valley Subdivision. (12/15) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",...............",............. 428
524-03 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the installation of@1400' of 16": ductile iron Water Main
along Seippel Road. (12115) .....................................................................................................429
525-03 Awarding Contract to W.C. Stewart Construction Inc. of Dubuque, IA for construction of
@ 1400 of 16" Ductile Iron Water Main with Accessories Along Seippel Road Starting at
Bridge North of Chavenelle Road continuing to North 1400'. (12115) ..................................429
526-03 Approving an Agreement with the Adåms Co. to provide Economic Development Grant
to Adams Co. - Development Agreement with City. (12/15) ..................................................429
527-03 Approving Amended & Restated FY 2004 (Prog Year 2003) Annual Plan - Amend. 2 for
CDBG Funds. (12/15) ................................................................................................................ 430
(1/20)(2/5)(211 0)(2/20)(2/24)(2126)(2/27)(3/5)(5/8)(6/16)(6/23)(7/28)(8/11 )(8/19)(8/21)
(9/3)(9/4)(10/30) (11/10)(11/12)(/12118)
..........................9,33,34,46,47,48,49,76,142, 173, 187,227,242,261,262,275,276,345,366,367,433
S M International, Days Inn, 1111 Dodge St., Liquor Lic. (8/18)..................................................246
S. 150 Internet Nondiscrimination Act, letters to legislators. (10/6)........................................... 305
S. Grandview, 145. M. Kathryne Bauerly, requesting to purchase alley abutting. (7/7)...........190
Saele, Arvid, in favor of rezoning of Grandview Church. (10/20) ............................................... 335
Safety Issues of citizens, Manager's letter.(7I7) .......................................................................... 202
Safety National for Worker's Compensation Excess Insurance, renewal rates approved. (717)191
Sageville Annexations; denial notice - City Development Bd. (5/5)(7/21)(8/18) ...129,130,215,244
Sahajanand Enterprises, Inc., Paro Food Mart, 3200 Central Ave., Cigarette Per.; Beer Permit;
Cigarette Per. (4/21)(6/16)...........................................................................................109,110,179
Saint Celia Street, 2117, request of Damian Arensdorfto purchase abutting property. (10/6) 300
Salaries non-Bargaining City Employees, delaying raises; Resolution approving raises.
Sale of $2,110,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2003, Stormwater Projects. (9/15) """""""""""""""" 290
Sale of building: 25/27 West 15th St., plat-of survey- Winner PI., Del & Sharon Winner. (2117)38
Sale of property, corner Rhomberg& Hawthorne St. to Randall Klauer. (6/2)(6/16)..........167,181
Sale of G.O. Bonds for Stormwater Projects. (10/6) .................................................................... 306
Sale of Port of Dubuque property (Klauer Mfg. Co. )to Dubuque Initiatives. (1/20) ................... 16
Sale of property - Medical Associates Subdivision - Oak Park Place. (10/20) ......................... 333
Sale of property - Stafford Sf., 2521, for Housing; to Kristy Monahan-Smith.
(3/5)(717)(7/21)........................................................................................................... 76,197,222,223
Sampson, Stanley, frol1l Marshall Islands, introduced to Council. (9/15).................................. 277
Sanchez, Chessica, Claim; referred to J & EExcavating. (6/16) ................................................174
Sand, Michael, Claim; referred to River City Pavin. (10/20).........................................................327
Sanders, Raymond, Sugar Ray's Barbecue, 951 Main St., Liquor Lic. (9/15) """""""""""""" 282
Sandstrom, Steward, Chamber of Commerce President, update of Convention & Visitors
Bureau; spoke re: Stormwater Utility. (1/20)(2/27) ................................................................ 9,50
Sanitary Sewer Service Charge, FY 04, Ordinance establishing basic sewer rates. (4/7) ......105
Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees, County Farm, removed from Agenda; establishing.
(8/18)(11/17)................................................................................................................... 251,380,381
Sanitary Sewer Connection Ordinance Revision & Policy, option to exempt a property.(9/2) 272
Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees for Phase IV Southfork. (1211) ............................................... 396
Sanitary Sewer Easement acceptance J. F. Kennedy Rd. Dubuque Comm. School Dis. (10/6)304
Sanitary Sewer Extension Project - Eagle Valley Subdivision. (8/4)(8/18) .................. 235,256,257
Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, County Farm. (10/20).......................................................... 334
Sanitary Sewer Lift Station accepted - Arbor Estates, Kivlahan Farms. (5/5) .......................... 130
Sanitary Sewer, Madison Street, Project.(1211)..................................................................... 397,398
Sanofi Bio Industries - Rousselot, Sewer Use Agreement. (8/18) ............................................. 245
Sapphire Circle & Tanzanite Drive, Equity, Builders and Peter Eck, NW Corner, amend PUD for
development of 40 housing units for Equity Builders etc. (11/17)........................................376
Saratoga Rd. - nearby property on Radford Road, rezoning for Joseph & Ruth Siegert and Dbq.
Community School District. (11/17)........................................................................................375
Save America's Treasures Grant Application - Shot Tower. (3/3) .......................................... 69,70
Saving Seniors Money - Project Concern, Cp2 funds.(5/19) ...................................................... 162
Scenic Valley Agency on Aging, Devices - Elderly, Cp2 Community Partnership Prog.(5/19) 162
Schadl, Don, of Dubuqueland Tour & Shuttle Services, objected to trolley purchase for shuttle
between Port of Dubuque & downtown. (9/2).............................,........................................... 272
Schedule of Assessments for 2002 Sidewalk Project. (1120)...................................................12,13
Schedule, CIP, Dubuque Racing Assn. for FY 2004. (12/1)......................................................... 394
Schmerbach, Randy, claim; settlement. (5/5)(6/2) ................................................................128,165
Schmidt, Donna, 352 O'Neill St., objecting to neighbor's house condition - weeds etc. (7/7) 200
Schmitt, Bob, 3138 Hillcrest, comments@ using uncommitted funds in budget. (7/9)...........205
Schmitz, Lynn, Claim. (3/17) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 78
Schmitz, Steve, & M. White, vacate & dispose ease. Plaza Ct. Sub. (3/17)(5/5)(5/19)...82,132,157
Schneider Land Surveying - River City Stone Co., Stone Quarry Subd. final plat. (6/16)........175
Schoen-Clark, Mary, Region Pres. Mercy Housing Midwest, for Roosevelt Road project. (5/5)136
Schoepner, Chris, resign from Historic Preservation Comm. (5/19).........................................149
Schooi Board Members and Council etc. met with Legislators. (11/12).................................... 367
School District, 28E Indemnification Agreement with City for use of facilities. (2/3) .................24
School District, Dubuque Community, Vacation of alley between Bryant & Ramona. (3/3)....... 71
School District, Dubuque Community, final plat of Bryant School Place. (5/19) ......................147
School District, Dubuque Community, student results of Young Citizens' Forum. (5/19).......145
School District, corrected sanitary sewer easement on John F. Kennedy Rd. (10/6) .............. 304
School District, Dbq, Joseph & Ruth Siegert, zoning Radford Rd. by Saratoga Rd. (11/17)....375
School Resource Officer Agreement (SRO), Agreement with Police &'School District. (11/3)348
School Resource Officers, Police, in City Schools. (6/2)(11/3).............;.....................,.......165,348
Schreiber, John, Claim; denial. (3/3)(3/17).........................,...................................................... 67,78
Schrup, Charles J. III, for American Trust Bank, appreciation for naming River's Edge Plaza to
American Trust River's Edge Plaza. (1/6)......................................;..............................;..............1
Schwartz, Ethel, Airport Inn, 574 E.16th St., Liquor Lic. (717)......,..............................................197
Schwendinger, Dorothy, OSF, applicant for Housing Comm.; appointed. (11/17)(1211)...375,399
Schwendinger, Julie, object rezoning of N. GrandviewUnited MethodistChurch.(10/20) ..." 335
Sculpture - Continuum, suggestions on new placement. (3/17)..,.,.;.;..;.....,...,.............,..............78
Seasonal employees clarification. (11/10) ...........................;...;"..""..;...'.,.,.........;......;................. 366
Second Street Connector closed for Irish Fest, opposition by neighbors. (9/15)..................... 277
Section 8 Mainstream Program Housing Vouchers application,(6/16)......................................173
Section 8 Management Assessment Program - SEMAP -Dubuque designated as "High
Performing" housing authority by HUD. (8/4) ......................................................................... 232
Section 8 Program Recognition - Housing Services Department Rental Assistance Program,
awarded 2 certificates of achievement. (8/18)........................................................................245
Security Measures, Coast Guard Marine, comments @ key areas of projects etc. (2/17)..........37
Sedgwick, Steve, with CDM, Stormwater Utility Consultant, discussion. (2/20) ......................... 46
SEH, Inc. - Bob Kost, downtown planning presentation. (5/5)...................................................127
Seippel Road, & Old Highway Rd., SW, annexation, Wayne Stewart. (4/7)(4/21)(5/5)... 96,118,137
Seippel Road, North of Dbq Industrial Center West, annexation request by Callahan
Construction.(7/21 )(8/18) ...................................................................................................218,251
Seippel Road, Middle Road, Asbury Rd., annexation of nearly 700 acres. (8/18)(1211).....249,401
Seippel Road, zoning 40 acres & annexation, Callahan Construction. (8/18)(10/20)251,336,337
Seippel Road, zoning of property Dbq County R2 to City R2 & CS Commercial Service. (8/18)252
Seippel Road, final plat of Westbrook Subdivision. (10/6).......................................................... 324
Seippel Road Water Main Extension Project. (11/17)(12115).................................. 373,374,428,429
Seippel Road, rezoning request, letter to County Supervisors, @ conditions. (6/2) ................ 166
Seippel Road, 13503, rezoning request County R2 to City LI with annexation - request of
Kenneth & Maurine Harris. (11/17).................................................................................... 377,378
Seippel Road, SW Corner & Old Highway Rd. rezoning Tri-State Develop. R2 to CS. (12/15).416
Selchert, Steve & Judy, Steve's Ace Hardware, rezoning 3280 Pennsylvania Ave. (5/19) ......154
Selchert, Steve & Judy, Steve's Ace Hardware, purchase property by 3350 JF Kennedy Rd.;
vacation of it & public hearing & disposal to them. (11/3)(12115)......................... 347,412,413
Selco, Inc., claim of Mark Friedenberger referred to them. (7/21) .............................................. 212
Senate File 129, City Manager's letter to recommend changes to State's Tax system. (3/3) ....71
Senator Grassley, letter of thanks for legislation to assist states. (5/19)..................................144
Senator Grassley & Senator Harkin, letters submitted @ concerns with S 150 The Internet
Nondiscrimination Act. (1 0/6) .................................................................................................. 305
Senior Assisted Living Housing Complex, 4100 Asbury Rd., Harvest Development - Marty
McNamer etc.; final plat approval. (7/21)(9/15)(10/6)(11/17) ...................... 221,222,278,325,385
September 2003, financial reports. (10/20) ...................................................................................327
September 2003 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (11/3)................................................ 347
Septic System - private on-site sewage treatment plant. - Sanitary Sewer Connection
Ordinance Revision & Policy. (912) .......................................................................................... 272
Service Inventory -listed as Top Priority Item by Council. «/4)................................................. 276
Service Line Extension Project, Eagle Valley Subdivision Water Main. (11/17)........................ 374
Service Member Support Agenda, Resolution in support. (417) ................................................... 99
Service Pins, Years of, budget reduction. (7/9)............................................................................209
Settlement Agreement, Mary Ransdell, vacated part alley N of West 7th St. (12/1)(12115).394,411
Settlement of Personal Injury claim of Shane O'Brien. (7/21)..................................................... 217
Settlement Stipulation of tax assessment appeal- Wal-Mart, 4200 Dodge. (1/20).....................11
Seventeenth & Elm Street, Agree. Iowa Chicago & Eastern RR, fiber optic conduit. (10/20) 332
Seventh, West, Street, vacate and dispose of nearby alley- Mary Ransdell. (12115)..............411
Sewage treatment, on-site private, new Sanitary Sewer Connection Ord. Policy. (9/2) ........... 272
Sewer charges, collection for delinquent,ones, to County Treasurer. (12/15) .......................... 408
Sewer Connection Fees, County Farm, removed from Agenda; establishing.
Sewer Rates for residential and commercial users, fees changed. (2127) .................................. 60
Sewer Service Charge, FY 04, Ordinance establishing basic sewer rates. (4/7) ...................... 105
Sewer Use Agreement, Industrial, with Rousselot ~ Sanofi Bio Industries; Swiss Valley Farms
and Inland Protein Corp. (8/18) ................................................................................................ 245
Sewer, Sanitary, Connection Ordinances revised. (9/2).............................................................. 272
Sexual Assault Awareness Month-Proclamation. (4/21) ........,....................................................107
Shannon's Bar & Grill, 521 E. 22"", Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (8/4)(8/18) .......................... 234,246
Shaw, David, applicant for Community Development Adv. Comm.; appointed. (6/16).............180
Sheldon, Jennifer, claim; referred to County Clerk of Court. (515) (5/19)...................................128
Shepherd Company, CEBA Application with State. (8/18) ......................................................... 259
Shot Tower - State Historic Society of Iowa for Grant for Rehabilitation. (9/15) ...................... 279
Shot Tower Inn, DBQ Inc. 390 Locust, Liquor Lic. (4/21) ............................................................ 110
Shot Tower Visitor Center, naming opportunities. (6/2)..............................................................171
Shot Tower, Access & Indemnity Agreement - Mississippi on the River, photo shoot.'(7121) 217
Shot Tower, George W. Rogers Co., nomination to National Register; Grant Application;
accepted for nomination to NaI'l Register of Historical Places. (2/3)(3/3)(717) 24,70,71,72,191
Shuttle services for Port of Dbq & downtown, purchase Streetcars. (9/2)................................ 272
Sid's Beverage, 2727 Dodge, Liquor Lic.; Beer Per.; Wine Per. (6/16)(8/18) .....................179,246,
Sidewalk Assessment Project, 2000, final acceptance. (1211).................................................... 382
Sidewalk Assessment Project, 2002, Final. (1/20) ....................................................................12,13
Sidewalk Café Ordinance criteria; Ordinance. (717)(8/4) ........................................200-202,237,238
Sidewalk ROW on Iowa St. for Henry Stout House Apts. for set of steps. (1/20)........................14
Sidewalk, Bell Street, change to design - color pattern & crosswalk at Fifth & Bell Sts. (1/20)21
Sidewalks - brick pavers, in ROW on Locust Street, funding denied. (7/21)............................ 225
Sidewalks in Washington Park, postpone & use funds to update Zoning Ord. (2/27) ............... 58
Siefker, Florence J., claim; referred to Ins. (2/17) ......................................................................... 36
Siegert, Joseph & Ruth, Dubuque Community School District, rezoning of property on Radford
Rd near Saratoga from AG to R1. (11/17)................................................................................375
Sign - Port of Dubuque at Third & Bell Streets, and Landscaping & Recognition wall.
Signage - Key West Drive from Maquoketa Drive to Southerly City limits and existing stop
signs be added to city Code. (10/20) ....................................................................................... 343
Sign age - Port of Dubuque Street Improvements; Pier Wall etc. (8/18)(9/15).................... 260,295
Signage, Wayfinding, design alternatives approved. (4/21)........................................................124
Signs - Street, Historic ones in public ROW, denied. (7/21).......................................................225
Signs - Wayfinding, design alternatives approved; final designs submitted. (4/21)................124
Sigwarth, Vern, in favor of rezoning of Grandview Church. (10/20)........................................... 335
Silver Dollar Cantina - Main Street Buildings litigation settlement. (7/7)..................................193
Single Room Occupancy facility, Garfield Ave., Scott Potter, HOME Program Funds. (12/1).. 392
Sisler, Eileen, 265 Cross, communication @ budget reductions. (7121)......,............................ 212
Site Clearance Project - Building Demolition - Port of Dubuque area. (7/21)(8/18)... 218,219,257
Site Package Interior Walkways Project - Mississippi River Discovery Center. (2/17) .............. 43
Site Plan Review for East Dubuque Savings Bank at Cedar Cross Rd. & Starlite Dr. (7/21)....223
Site Plan Review & Application, text amendment requiring installation and. completion of site
plan prior to issuance of occupancy permits. (8/18) ............................................................. 254
Sixteenth & Sycamore Streets, old meat packing plant, Wal-Mart (~quest rezoning.
(1/6)(1/20)(2/17) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"....................................... 4,18,40
Sixteenth Street, East, portions, added to year round alternate parking. (2/~) ........................... 31
Sixteenth SI. AutolTruck Plaza, Mulgrew Oil Co., 1215 E.16th, Beer Per.; Cigarette Per.
(417)(6/16) .............................................................................""""""""."',';""""""""""",""'" 95,178
Sixteenth Street & Kerper Court, lot between, behind Smithfield. property) Easement for AIIi,mt
Energy. (417)(4/21) ................................................................................................................96,123
Sixteenth St., West, request Residential Parking Permit District (near Loras College). (1113) 347
Sixth Street, plat approved of proposed vacated portion of Fifth Sixth - Dbq Harbor
Improvement Co.; vacating portion. (4/21) ......................................................................111,114
Skate Rink project, In-Line. (8/18)(9/15)................................................................................ 248,290
Skyline Construction ofZwingle, lA, final of 2002 Sidewalk Assessment Proj. (1/20)..........12,13
Skywalk Improvement Project, Iowa Street Ramp. (4/7)(5/19) ............................................... 98,161
Small Community Air Service Development Pilot Program, Grant Application to Small
Community Air Service Development Pilot Program. (7/21)..................................................217
Smith - Kristy Monahan, property at 2521 Stafford sold to her. (3/5)(7/7)(7/21) ...........76,197,222
Smith, Donna, County Supervisors, study along Couler Valley - Little Maquoketa River in
Dubuque County. (4/21)............................................................................................................109
Smith, Ron, of Zoning Advisory Comm. requesting Planner position. (2/27) ............................. 50
Smith, Steve, rezoning of 3925 Dodge PUD Amendment. (2117) .................................................. 41
Smithfield Foods, old Dbq Packing Co., request byWalmart for Rezoning. (1/6)(1/20)..........4,18
Smithfield property, behind - Sixteenth Street & Kerper Court, lot between, Easement for
Alliant Energy. (4/7)(4/21) .................................................................................................... 96,123
Social Security Administration Office; office retention in Post Office Bldg., Senator Grassley
comments. (5/5).........................................................................................................................130
Social Security Coverage for Part-Time Elected Officials - information from IPERS. (4/7).....105
Sodarock Properties, LLC vs Board of Review & City; Stipulation of Settlement for 1607
Wingate Dr. (10/6)......................................................................................................................299
Software - contract for Parking Ticket Software with EDC-AIMS. (417).......................................93
Software System - Purchase of Permits Plus for Housing & Comm. Development Dept. (1/20)15
Sola, Marcia, introduced Immigrants Rights Network members - Dbq Chapter. (9/15)........... 277
Solberg, Rev. David of Wart burg Seminary, Gave Invocation. (11/3).........................................347
Soldiers, Deployed, picture of them holding a Dubuque flag. (9/2) ........................................... 268
Solid Waste & Recyclable materials, increase in fees. (2/27(7/9)).................................... 61,62,205
Solid Waste collection carts, Ordinances providing and establishing fees etc. (2/27) ......... 60,61
South End District design logo approved for Wayfinding signage. (4/21) ................................124
South End Tap, Murph's, Pam Murphy, 55 Locust, Cigarette Per. (717).....................................197
South Way at Asbury Road, vacating petition, Clarence P. Pfohl. (9/15)(10/6) ........... 282,283,318
South Way at Asbury Road, warranty deed from DuTrac Comm. Credit Union. (10/6)............. 304
South Westbrook Drive, final plat of Westbrook Subd. (10/6) .................................................... 324
Southfork- Phase N Connection Fees for Sanitary Sewer Interceptor. (1211)....................... 396
Southwest Arterial or IA 32 Corridor Building Permit Moratorium extension, IA 32; Moratorium
on Subdivision Plats. (4/7)(4/21)...............................................................................104,121,122
Southwest Arterial Update, Congressman Nussle submitting $41 M request. (4/21)...............109
Southwest Arterial, application to IDOT for RISE Grant for construction. (717)........................199
Southwest Arterial, Manager's letter to Army Corps of Engrs reo timeframe, (5/5) ..................140
Southwest Arterial, top priority item for Council. (9/4).................._............................................ 276
Spahn, Jennifer, requesting rezoning of 605 W. Locust & 2085, FoyeSt. (7/21) ...............219,220
Speaker of the House Christopher Rants, Manager's letter re: gaming tax issue. (417) .;......,... 89
Special Assessment Funds, Excess, transfer to Street Construction Fund. (2/17)....................37
Special Olympics Iowa Dubuque Winter Games f'roclamation. (1/6)"_....,..................................... 1
Speed Limits increased on Highway 20 from 45 to 50 to conform to IDOT. (12/1) ............. 403,40
Speed Limits,'NW Arterial, IA 32, increased. (12/1.5) ..;........................................................430,431
Speede Shoppe, Iowa, Iowa Oil Co., 3270 Dodge St., Cigarette Per. (6/16)..............................178
Speede Shopp...lowa, Iowa Oil Co. 2334 University, Cigarette Per. (6/16) ...............................178
Spensley, Scott, claim; denial. ...(11/17)(12/1);,....;;.:........~.;.............;................................... 368,389
Spiegel, AJ. rezoning of 2800 Rhomberg -former Tollbridge for condominiums.
(2/17)(4/21 )(5/5)(5/8) .................................,.....;.0........................:............. 40,117,118,140,142,143'
Spiegelhalter, Melvin, The Clubhouse, 2364 Washington, Liquor Lic. (213) ................................ 27
Spirit of Dubuque - Dubuque River Rides, Inc., Amendment to Lease Agreement to allow for a
restaurant, bar & gift shop for new barge in Ice Harbor. (12115) .......................................... 430
Sprengelmeyer, Laurel, request public hearing condo development end of Rhomberg. (11/3)347
Sprinkler- Fire, Service Rates changed byOrd. (2/27)(7/9) ..................................................63,208
Sprinkler & Plumbing Project, Contract No.5, Woodward Museum, final accept. (11/3).........349
Spruce St. & Jefferson St., Stop Signs. (12/15)............................................................................431
SRO - School Resource Officers, Police, in City Schools. (6/2) ................................................ 165
St. Celia St., 2117, request of Damian Arensdorfto purchase abutting property. (10/6) ......... 300
St. Celia St., west of, Alley vacate & disposal - portion of alley N of Hillcrest & W of St. Celia to
Damian F. Arensdorf, alley in Block 1 of Sunset Park Subd. No.3. '
(10/6)(11/17)(12/1 )........................................................................................... 300,371,372,399,400
St. George, Victor, Rev., of St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation. (8/4)................... 231
St. Joseph's Church arson fire, communication showing support. (8/18)................................260
St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Jerry Oakland, concerns @ stormwater utility. (1/6).........1
St. Mark Community Center-Apples for Students Months proclamation. (6/16) ....................174
St. Mark Community Center's Appreciation Day to the Community, Proclamation.(6/16) .......174
St. Stephen's Food Bank Purchase of Services Agreement. (4/21) ...........................................108
Stadium, Baseball, Architect selected for project. (12118).......................................................... 433
Stadium, Baseball, citizens urging "No" vote.(11/17) ................................................................. 369
Stadium, Baseball, Referendum, John Barbee letter. (1211) ....................................................... 389
Stadium, Baseball, Request for Proposals for Design Services. (11/17)...................................386
Stadium, Baseball, Special Election called for. (11/3) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 362
Staff at Five Flags commended for good work on public hearing meeting. (7/21)................... 225
Staff support (enough) for all projects, questioned by Council at Budget meeting. (11/10) ... 366
Stafford SI., 2521, purchase property by Housing; sale to Kristy Monahan-Smith.
(3/5)(7/7)..............................................................................................""""""""""""""""'" 76,197
Star Brewery Co. rehabilitation, Application for Historic Tax Credits by Alexander Co. (10/6)304
Star Brewery Lease - on Management Agenda for Council. (9/4).............................................. 276
Starlite Dr. and Cedar Cross Rd., Site Plan Review for East Dubuque Savings Bank. (7/21).. 223
State Dept. of Public Health, recognize City's contribution to dental health. (7/21).................217
State Grant - Capital Improvement Program Project - Airport. structural assessment for
Quonset & shop building. - state grant. (7/21).......................................................................217
State Grants, part of Council Management Agenda. (9/4)........................................................... 276
State Historical Preservation Office, easement with IA Natural Heritage Foundation, easements
for Rip Row Valley.(6/2)(6/16)..............................................................................168,169,182,183
State Historical Society of Iowa advising Ziepprecht Block Building & John ,Bell Block Building
-listed in NaI'l Register of Historic Places. (1/20)...................................................................15
State Historical Society of Iowa, George W. Rogers Co. listed in National Register. (717) .191
State Housing Trust Fund Application approval IA Finance Authority, $100,000 Grant. (12/1)392
State Legislator, Letters from City of Dubuque on various issues. (6/2)...................................165
State Legislators & Governor Vilsack re: Iowa Values Fund, Senate Economic Stimulus
Package & federal funding. (6/2)(717)(8/18)......................,........................................165,194,245
State Representatives - letter from City Mgr. opposing voluntary annexation legislation.
State Revenue reductions impact on FY 2004 Budget. (5/19) ....................................................163
Steelegray Inc., Carey Graybill, rezoning of property at 2915 John F. Kennedy Rd.(6/.16)180,181
Steffen, Catherine, claim; settlement of claim. (213) .....................................n............................... 2
Steffen, Charles, Tony's Place, 1701 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2117)(717)........... 39,197
Stein, Rick, applicant for Long Range Planning Com.; reappointed. ( 6/16)(7/7)......;.;......180,199
Stellar Eagle Drive, final plat of Eagle Valley Subd. (8/18)..........................................................257
Stephenson, George, G.M.S. Inc., Bunker Hill Golf Course Agree. (2/17) ...................................37
Steps on Iowa St. sidewalk, license for Stout House (Henry) Apartments. (1120) ......................14
Steve, Marie, questioning towing contract let by the Police Dept. (8/4)(9/2)(11/17) ... 232,274,382
Steve's Ace Hardware, Selchert, Steve & Judy, rezoning for 3280 Pennsylvania Ave. (5/19)..154
Steve's Ace Hardware, Selchert, Steve & Judy, Steve's Ace Hardware, requesting purchase
property near 3350 JF Kennedy Rd. (11/3).............................................................................. 347
Stevens, Catherine V., not reapplying for Human Rights Commission. (1/6)............................... 3
Stevens, Delmar M., Claim; referred to IDOT. (5/5)(5/19).....................................................128,144
Stewart Construction, acceptance of White St. Reconstruction Project. (10/20) .....................330
Stewart Construction, final acceptance of Port of Dbq Utility Relocation & Ext. Projeèt. (10/6)301
Stewart Construction, W.C., awarded contract for Chestnut Street (Highland to Cox)
reconstruction. (11/3)................................................................................................................ 364
Stewart Construction, W.C., for Seippel Road Water Main Extension. (12/15) ..................428,429
Stewart, Helen E. & Mary H., Subdivision, sanitary sewer easement John F. Kennedy Road
acceptance from Dbq Comm. School Dis. (10/6) ...................................................................304
Stewart, Roger, legislator, Manager's letter@ Reinvention Bill. (5/5) .......................................128
Stewart, W.C., awarded contract for the Port of Dubuque Logging Properties - Building
Demolition & Site Clearance Project. (9/26)............................................................................296
Stewart, Wayne, Stewart Construction, annex property S of Old Highway Road & West of
Seippel Rd. (4/7)(4/21)(5/5) .........................................................................................96,118,137
Sticker for garbage - refuse, one free for the Xmas Holidays. (12115) ...............................431,432
Stillings, Doug, Pres. of Downtown Neighborhood Council - reo Historic District Improvement
Program funding. (8/4).............................................................................................................. 237
Stimulus Package, Federal, City Manager Letter to Governor. (6/16) ...................................... 175
Stipulation of Settlement of tax assessment appeal- Walmart, 4200 Dodge. (1/20) .................11
STIR Proposal impact on general fund of Iowa Cities. (3/17) ....................................................... 81
Stone Quarry Subdivision, final plat - requested by Schneider Land Surveying / River City
Stone Co. (6/16).........................................................................................................................175
Stonewall/ Bricktown / Blackwater Grill, 299 Main, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (5/19)(717)150,197
Stop Loss Insurance Renewal, Individual & Aggregate - Health Plans. (6/16) ......................... 178
Stop Signs - Key West Drive from Maquoketa Drive to southerly City limits. (10/20)..............343
Stop Signs installed on Edina St. at Glen Oak St. (1211).............................................................404
Stop Signs on Jefferson & Spruce St. (12115)..............................................................................431
Stop Signs on Key West Drive & Rockdale Road. (10/20) ....................................................343,344
Storage and Transfer, Dubuque, Patrick Tobin, Minor Final Plat Liebe's Subd. 3. (5/19).......147
Storm Sewer Project, West Locust, final. (717).............................................................................192
Storm Sewer system, NPDES Phase II application to IA DNR. (3/3)............................................. 74
Stormwater - Bee Branch Alignment Study,Request for Proposals for Drainage Basin Master
Plan; Acquisition- Relocation Assistance Program due to stormwater mitigation activities.
(3/17)(5/19)(717)..............................................,.,..,.......................................................... 87,162,199
Stormwater article from CDF be copied, request by Connors. (1/6) ............................................. 8
Stormwater Detention Basin Property acquisition.... Carter Rd & 32"" St., listed as Management
Agenda for City Council; Project started etc. (9/4)(1 0/6) ............................................... 276,320
Stormwater management alternatives, informatioll on Conservation Design Forum - CDF, reo
costs etc. (1/20) ...........................................................................................................................14
Stormwater projects - issuance of G.O. Bond Sales, $2,110,000.
(8/4)(8/18)(9/15)(1 0/6) """""""""""""""""'.""""""""""""""""""" 234,255,256,290,306,307-314
Stormwater projects, listed as top priority item by Council. (9/4) ..............................................276
Stormwater runoff problem - Atty Werner Helmer questioning whether Rubloff Development-
Asbury Plaza is in compliance. (5/19)(717)......................................................................144,199
Stormwater utility, concerns by Rev. Kenneth Bickel, Bob Fry, Jerry Oakland. (1/6) ................... 1
Stormwater utility - request to contact St.Ambrose where company has worked. (1/6) ............ 8
Stormwater Utility Citizens Advisory Committee submitting final report. (1/20)(2/27) ....".... 20,50
Stormwater Utility- discussion with consultants and Citizens Adv. Comm., etc. (2120)...........46
Stormwater Utility discussion with Engineering department budget. (2127)...............................50
Stormwater Utility, established by Ordinance. (2127) ............................................................... 50-56
Stormwater Utility Implementation, update; low-income subsidy. (717)(717)......................196,299
Stott & Associates & AJ. Spiegel, rezoning of 2800 Rhomberg, former Tollbridge, for
condominium complex. (213)(2117)(4/21)(5/5)(5/8) ......................................... 27,40,117,140,142
Stout House (Henry) Apartments - License for sets on Iowa St. sidewalk. (1120)......................14
Street Banners in Historic Districts, Historic Pres. Comm. request they be allowed to serve as
an advisory design review body to the Council. (11/3).......................................................... 364
Street closure request by Radio Dubuque for Kennedy Rd. (213)............................................ 29,30
Street closure request for Volunteer Rd. and Hamilton, Kilgore & E. Roosevelt Ex!. by Jaycees,
KDTH etc. for fireworks on 7/3/04. (7/21) ................................................................................ 212
Street Construction Fund, transfer of excess special assessment funds. (2/17).......................37
Street Construction Plan - Five Year, adopted. (2/27) ..................................................................57
Street FInance Report, 2003, to IDOT. (9/15) ................................................................................ 281
Street Improvements, Port of Dubuque. (8/18)............................................................................. 260
Street. Lighting - Historical, in Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn., funding denied. (7/21).. 225
Street projects, listed as Top Priority Action Item by Council. (9/4) ..........................................274
Street Signs - Street, Historic ones in public ROW, denied. (7/21) ............................................ 225
Street Trees reo Jackson Park Historic District - funding denied. (7/21)................................... 225
Streetcars purchased for Port of Dubuque & Downtown shuttle service. (9/2) ........................ 272
Streff, Chad, Whiskey River, 1064 University Ave., Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (417)(6/16) .. 95,179
Streinz, Jeff, Dubuque Discount Gas, 2175 Central, Cigarette Per. (7/7)...................................196
Structure purchase, for property damaged in June 2002 flood, FEMA funding. (3/3) ................ 69
Stuart, Dave, 1470 Locust, spoke reo Stormwater Utility & other City needs; in support of
Stormwater Utility. (2/20)(2/27)..............................................................................................46,50
Stuart, David, applicant for Historic Preservation Comm.; appointed to Historic Preservation
Comm. (6/16)(10/20)(11/3)..........................................................................................180,335,361
Student apartments at University of Dubuque, conceptual plan change. (9/15).......................279
Study of Couler Valley Project - Rock Island Army Corps of Engrs., Dubuque County Bd of
Supervisors letter to City. (12/1) .............................................................................................. 393
Suarez, Joseph, applicant for Housing Comm.; appointed; applicant for Environmental
Stewardship Comm.; appointed to Environmental Stewardship Comm.
(3/3)(3/17)(10/20)(11/3) .................................................................,........................... 73,84,335,361
Subcontract - Helping Services for NE Iowa for Police Officers for Drug & Violence Grant.
(10/20)......................................................................................................................................... 332
Subcontract, Four Oaks Community Partnership (cp2) Grant - for Four Mounds. (12/15)......408
Subordination Agreement - Premier Bank for 101-123 Main. (9/15)(10/6) ...................284,319,320
Subordination Agree" Cooper Develop. Downtown Rehab Loan, Dbq Bank & Trust. (7/21)...223
Subrogation claim of Shane O'Brien, settlement. (7/21).............................................................217
Subsidy for Low Income for Stormwater Utility. (717).................................................................199
Substance Abuse Services Center Report. (1/20)(5/5)(11/3)........................................... 10,128,347
Substance Abuse Services Director D. Thomas requesting funding. (2126) ............................... 48
Substance Abuse Services Center, concerns@ Purchase of Services Agreement.(5/19)......163
Substance Abuse Services Center, Purchase of Services Agreement. (9/2) ............................ 273
Sugar Ray's Barbecue, Raymond Sanders, 951 Main St., Liquor Lic. (9/15) """....................." 282
Sullivan, James - final plat of Sullivan's Second Addn. (10/20)................................................. 329
Sullivan, R.J. (Dick), resignation from Community Development Advisory Comm. (1120)......... 10
Sullivan's Second Addition, final plat for James Sullivan. (10/20)............................................. 329
Sumbal Corp., refund of Beer Permit. (717) ..................................................................................196
Summer Art Programs, Dubuque Museum of Art, grant agreement. (5/19)...............................146
SumlT)er Day Camp Programs with Four Mounds, FY 2003 & FY 2004 Agreements. (5/19).....146
Sun's Corp., Yen Ching Rest., 926 Main St., Liquor Lic. (11/3)................................................... 356
Sunnyslopes Park being changed to Teddy Bear Park, prohibit liquor. (4/7) ........................... 101
Sunset Park Subdivision, plat proposed vacated alley Block 1, Subd. No.3 N Hillcrest Rd & W
of St. Celia St.; Vacating; Disposal to Damian F. Arensdorf. (11/17)(12/1) ..... 372,373,399,400
Supervisors, Dubuque County, potential probiem at Jorja's Restaurant. (417) ........................ 90
Supervisors, Dubuque County, Letter re: Rock Island Corps of Engrs. Study of Couler Valley
Project. (1211) ............................................................................................................................ 393
Supervisors, Dubuque County, rezoning of Seippel Rd. - conditions. (6/2).............................166
Supplement No. 57 to Code of Ordinances; Supplement No. 58 to Code; No. 59 to Code.
(3/3)(7/7)(12/15).............................................................................................................. 69,190,410
Supreme Court of the United States reo Fitzgerald - Treas. vs Iowa Racing Assn. of CentrallA et
al. (6/16)......................................................................................................................................178
Survey - CLG Phase V, Architectural Historical. (9/2).......................................................... 267,268
Sutton Swimming Pool Concession Agreement with Baseball Dreamers. (3/3)......................... 69
Sutton, S.A., oppose rezoning for condos, 2800 Rhomberg, former Tollbridge. (5/8)(10/6)142,321
SW Arterial or IA 32- Southwest Arterial Corridor Building Permit Moratorium extension, IA 32;
Moratorium for Subdivision Plats.(417)(4121)...........................................................104,121,122
SW Arterial Southwest Arterial Update, Congressman Nussle - $41 M request. (4/21) ...........109
SW Arterial - Southwest Arterial, Manager's letter, Army Corps of Engrs reo timeframe. (5/5) 140
SW Arterial, Southwest Arterial, application to IDOT for RISE Grant for construction. (717) ..199
SW Arterial - Southwest Arterial, top priority item for Council. (9/4) ......................................... 276
Swift, Connie, Claim, referred to Insurance. (417) .......................................................................... 89
Swift, Tom, resignation from Housing Comm. (417) ...................................................................... 95
Swimming Pool Concession Agreement - Baseball Dreamers, Flora & Sutton Pools. (3/3)......69
Swiss Valley Farms, Industrial Sewer Use Agreement. (8/18) .................................................... 245
Sycamore & Sixteenth Sts., old meat packing plant, request by Wal-Mart for rezoning.
Symposium - CLG Historic Preservation, Grant. (9/2) ................................................................ 268
TRANSIT TRUSTEE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/6)(1/20)(417)(12115)................1,10,89,406
T & K Roofing & Sheet Metal Company, final of 2002 Renovations Project of Woodward
Museum. (11/17) ........................................................................................................................ 370
T & M Inc., Mario's Italian Restaurant, 1298 Main, Liquor Lic. (1211) """""""""""""""""""'" 394
Table Mound Trailer Court residents objecting to rezoning for Apex Concrete Plant at Hwy
61/151 & 52 S. (12/15)................................................................................................................415
Takes, Craig J., Claim; settlement. (4/7) ......................................................................................... 89
Tallent, John, of Convention & Visitors Bureau, update report. (1120) """"""""""""""""""""" 9
Tanzanite Dr., NW Corner, Emerald Acres No.2 PUD Equity Builders - Peter Eck, E. Tschiggfrie,
amend Zoning PUD - NW corner of Tanzanite Dr, for 40 new housing units. (11/17)37.6,377
Tanzanite Drive Paving Project completion. (11/3)......................................................................352
Tanzanite Drive ROW - annexation request etc. (1/6)(21/3)......................................................6,29
Taste of Dubuque event, transfer of liquor license of Dbq County Historical Soc. (6/16) .......177
Tax - graduated gaming, letter to legislators. (1/20)(4/21)..................................................... 21,108
Tax Appeal of Wal-Mart, 4800 Dodge, Stipulation of Settlement. (1120) ...................................... 11
Tax Appeal Stipulation of Settlement for 1105 Grove Terrace - Hancock House. (10/20) ....... 328
Tax Assessment appeal, 1607 Wingate, Sodarock Properties, Settlement Stipulation. (10/6) 299
Tax Credit Program, New Markets, Heartland Community Development, DB & T. (9/26)......... 296
Tax Credits, federal and state historic for Star Brewery Co. (10/6) ............................................ 304
Tax Exemption applications - Urban Revitalization, approval of Calendar Year 2003, and
transmittal to Tax Assessor. (2/17)............................................................................................ 37
Tax Increment Financing - Development Agreement - Heartland Financial USA Inc. (5/5) .... 134
Tax Increment Financing - TIF - Development Agreement - Dubuque Area Industrial
Development Corp. (5/5)....................................................................................................,133,134
Tax Increment Financing, TIF, QuebecorWorld Dubuque Inc Develop. Agree.
(5/5)(5/19) ......................................................................................................................132,157,158
Tax Increment Revenue Bonds to support Vessel Systems. (12/1 )(12115) """"""""" 395,416-426
Tax Increment Revenue Obligations reo Dubuque Area Industrial Development Corp, (5/5) .134
Tax Incremental Financing Annual Report. (1211) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 404
Tax Incremental Financing Districts, annual accounting requested by Bud Isenhart; letter from
Mgr. to Legislators. (2/17)(2/24)(3/3)................................................................................ 36,47,68
Tax Incremental Financing, letters to legislators. (5/5)...............................................................129
Tax levied to pay G.O. Bonds for Stormwater Project. (10/6) ..................................................... 306
Tax Rate - Council Action item. (9/4)............................................................................................ 276
Tax Rebates for Historic Properties - Cooper Development Co. (11/3).............................. 356,357
Tax System - Senate File 129, City Mgr. 's letter to area legislators in support of a commission
to review State's tax system. (3/3)............................................................................................. 71
Taxicab and limousine, license fee increased. (7/9).................................................................... 208
Taylor Construction Inc., finalization of Manson Road Bridge Reconstruction Project.(11/3) 351
Taylor, Ray, objecting to stormwater utility fee. (2127) .................................................................. 50
Taylor, Ray, objecting to more traffic signals on NW Arterial. (12/15) ....................................... 432
T-Corp - Ed Tschiggfrie reo development of 93 acres on Radford Rd. (8/18) ............................ 257
Teamsters Local Union No. 421, claim or suit against City. (3/17)...............................................78
Technology update in Chamber of Commerce Board Room, grant request. (3/3)......................7.0
Teddy Bear Park name change was Sunnyslopes Park, in Code, prohibit liquor. (417)101,102,103
Teig, Reverend DeWayne, from Wartburg Theological Seminary, Gave Invocation. (12/15)... 406
Telecommunication ulilities - letters to state legislators requesting opposition. (2/17) ........... 37
Telecommunication lines - Easement for Alliant Energy to install underground electrical
telecommunication lines on city-owned property - between 16th St. & Kerper Ct. (4/21) ..123
Telecommunications Strategy - High Priority Item for Council. (9/4) ........................................ 276
Ten Pin Tap, Dolores Weber, 601 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (1/6)(717)............... 5,197
Terracon - EPA Brownfield Pilot Program Consultant Contract Approval- Port of Dubuque
area. (1/6) .......................................................................................................................................4
Text amendment - Zoning - Site Plan Review & application & approval - installation &
completion of site plan requirements prior to issuance of occupancy permits. (8/18) ...... 254
TFM Co., Oky Doky #21,2010 Kerper, Beer Per. (1120)..................................................................15
TFM Co., Oky Doky #1,250 W. 1", Beer Per.; Wine Lic. (5/5)...............................................131.132
TFM Co., Oky Doky #2,51 W. 32"" St., Beer Per. (5/5) .................................................................131
TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, 1256 Iowa,; Cigarette Per.; Beer Per. (6/16) (8/18) """"""""""'" 179,246
Theater, Five Flags, Replace East Doors Project. (3/17) ............................................................... 79
Theisen, Jim and/or Leo, rezoning of 2900 Dodge, from CD to PUD with a PC. (4121)......119,120
Third - West Third St., 1585, lease to Mediacom Cable for Network hub. (3/17)......................... 86
Third & Bell Streets, Port of Dubuque Sign. (4/21) ......................................................................124
Third & Main Streets - Cooper Wagon Works Building renovation etc. Property Tax Rebates for
Historic Properties. (11/3) (11/17) .................................................................................... 356,381
Thirteenth & Fourteenth & Central, Tunnel - Dubuque Bank & Trust request for under Central
Ave. between the Old Walsh Building & their main bank. (4/21)(10/6)(10/20)........109,318,339
Thirtieth Street from N side of Thirtieth St. from Central Ave. to a point 334 of Jackson St., No
Parking area. .(8/18).................................................................................................................. 250
Thirty One Hundred Ciub, Hoffman House, WCB Hotel, 3100 Dodge, Liquor License. (1/6) ....... 5
Thirty-Second St. & JFK Road, rezoning requested by Kivlahans. (8/18)..................................253
Thirty-Second St. Detention Basin- Federal Environ. Protection Agency State & Tribal Grant
Program. (417).".........................................................................................................,................. 95
Thirty-Second St. Detention Basin Property Acquisition, Major Project for Council. (9/4) .....276
Thirty-Second St. Detention Basin, issuance of $2,110,000 G.O. Bonds. (8/18) ....................... 255
Thirty-Second St. Detention Basin, Sale of G.O.Bonds for Stormwater Projects. (8/4) ..........234
Thirty-Second Street Detention Basin, Bee Branch Basin, Acquisition - Relocation Assistance
Program etc. (717).................................,....................................................................................199
Thomas Place, 1195, property concerns by Tom & Rebecca LeClere. (2/17).............................36
Thomas, Diane, of Substance Abuse Services Center, requesting funding. (2/26) .................... 48
Thornton, Dr. Dan, Interim Pastor of Third Presbyterian Church, Gave Invocation. (10/6)......299
Thunderbirds' Contract rental agreement Five Flags Civic Center Dbq Hockey, Inc. (10/6).... 305
Ticket - Parking, Software, EDC-AIMS Corp. (4/7).........................................................................93
Tied TIer Design for second bridge near Julien Dubuque Bridge, U.S. 20 Bridge. (3/3) ....,....... 74
TIeger,Terry, Chief, Army Emergency Mgmt System; local Flood Inspection report. (213) ....... 24
TlF - Development Agreement - Dubuque Area Industrial Development Corp. (5/5) .......133,134
TIF - Quebecor World Dubuque Inc Development Agreement. (5/5) .........................................132
TIF - Tax Increment Financing - Development Agree. - Heartland Financial USA Inc. (5/5) ... 134
TIF - Tax Incremental Financing, letters to legislators. (5/5) .....................................................129
TIF - Tax Increment Financing, Cooper Development Co. (11/3)...............................................356
TIF Annual Report. (12/1) ............................................................................................................... 404
TlF Districts, annual accounting requested by Bud Isenhart., (2117)(2124) ............................ 36,47
TIF Funding... accounting requested by Bud Isenhart; letter from Mgr. to Legislators; Bud
Isenhart questioning & requesting tally of jobs created. (2117)(2124)(3/3)(8/4)....36,47,68,240
Tigges, Jennifer, applicant for TV Cable Community Teleprogramming Commision;
reappointed. (8/4) ............................................................................................................... 236,251
TImeframe reo SW Arterial construction, UR Army Corps of Engineers info. (5/5) ...................140
Timmons, Robert & Valora, deed to their property - Old Mill Road flooded. (417)...................... 94
Tobacco Outlet #504, Kwik Trip, Inc., 806 Wacker Dr., Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (4/21)(6/16) ...110,179
Tobacco Outlet #564, Kwik Trip, Inc. 66 W. 32"" St., Cigarette Per. (6/16).................................179
Tobacco Outlet Plus, 66 W. 32"", refund of cigarette Per. (10/20) """""""""""""""""""""'", 332
Tobacco Penalties, hearing set for underage tobacco sales. (3/17)(4/7)(5/5) ................. 81,99,139
Tobacco World -Iowa Potatoe & Produce House, 2600 Dodge, Cigarette Per. (6/16).............179
Tobin, Patrick, Dubuque Storage and Transfer, minor final plat of Liebe's Subd. No.3. (5/19)147
Tollbridge Restaurant, 2800 Rhomberg, DNR & Audubon Society, objecting to proposed
condominiums there; A.J. Spiegel proposal for condos; discussion of rezoning - Royal
Oaks Development - condo complex etc.. (2/3)(2/17)(4/21)(5/5)(5/8) .......... 27,40,117,140,142
Tony's Place, C. Steffen, 1701 Central, Liquor Lic.; Cigarette Per. (2/17}(7/1) ....................39,197
Tool Library, Washington Neighborhood, Purchase of Services. (4/21)....................................108
Toreros, 4031 Pennsylvania, Liquor Lic. (6/16)............................................................................179
Total Administrative Services Corporation Agreement, Flex spending, City employees. (1/6)...4
Tott's Tap, 3457 Jackson, Liquor Lic. (5/5) ..........................................................................;.......132
Tour de Dubuque Day Proclamation - Custom Riders & Bicycle Club of Dubuque. (8/18).... 243
Towing contract for vehicles, Police Department; rejection of all bids; approved with Wenzel
etc. (8/4)(9/2)(11/17).....................................................................................................231,274,382
Towing of vehicles - Administrative FeE! added - Police authorized Vehicle Impoundments,
(10/20)......................................................................................................................................... 342
Towing policy - Tri-State Towing & Recovery. (2/17)....................................................................36
Town Clock Building -Cottingham and Butler's, Intercreditor Agreement with IDED. (6/2)...165
Town Clock Inn, 799 Town Clock, Liquor Lic. (1120) .....................................................................16
Traffic changes.. speed limits on NW Arterial-IA Hwy 32. (12/15) ..........................................431
Traffic flow improvement project U.S. 20, Fair Market Value of ROW properties. (8/4) .... 232,233
Traffic Signal Improvements, IDOT change order for U.S. 20. (6/16) ..............................;..........180
Traffic signals on NW Arterial, Ray Taylor objecting to more. (12115) ....................................... 432
Trail - Heritage, Extension to Mines of Spain .. adding connection from Kerper & 16th across
Peosta Channel to Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail. (1/6) """""""""""""""""""""""""" 3
Trailhead - Riprow Valley, Easements on city-owned land. (6/2}(6/16) """"""""""""""', 168,182
Trails Edge Drive, final plat of portion of Westbrook Subdivision. (10/6) ..........:........,.............324
Transient Merchants - Vendors in Port of Dubuque & Hawthorne St. Peninsula, Vendor
Application Process. (7121) ......................................................................................................224
Transit - Keyline, Dubuque Greyhound Bus Contract to sell tickets etc. (5/5) ......................... 130
Transit Alternative Analysis Purpose & Needs Statement. (5/5) .........................................140,141
Transit Alternatives Analysis Study, transit service between Port of Dubuque and downtown
area. (8/11)..................................................................... ............................................................242
Transit Board of Trustees, applicant Harry J. Bemis; reappointed. (7/21)(8/4).................. 219,236
Transit Division, review of budget, & request bus service to new Mall off Asbury. (2/24)........47
Transit Trustee Board, budget reduction communication. (717) ................................................196
Transit Union - Collective Bargaining Agreement. (8/18) ........................................................... 244
Trash receptacles in the public row of Jackson Park .. Historic Pres. Comm. & Downtown
Neighborhood Council; denial of request. (6/3}(7/21)....................................................166,225
Trausch, Richard, objecting to proposed Wal-Mart at 16th & Sycamore. (1120) .......................... 18
Treasury Direct - City Employees authorized to sign checks and drafts at banks etc. and to do
electronic investment transactions. (11/3) ............................................................................. 353
Trees - offer to leave them. Chestnut St. Reconstruction Project if waiver signed. (11/3).... 364
Tribal Grant program, application for extension of 32"" Street Detention Basin. (4/7) .............. 95
Trick or Treat Night Proclamation. (9/15)..................................................................................... 277
Tricon Construction awarded contract for the Wood Framing & Railings - Miss. River Discovery
Center; final acceptance of project. (3/5)(12/1) .................................................................76,390
-.., ..,,--""
.. .
Tri-State Community Health Center - support letter to Bureau of Primary Health Care.
Tri-State Community Health Center, Cp2 grant request.(5/19) ...................................................162
Tri-State Community Health Center, letter of City support for establishment. (213) ................... 24
Tri-State Development - rezoning of SW cprner of Seippel Rd. & Old Highway Road. (12/15)416
Tri-State Golf Center, 1095 Cedar Cross, Liquor Lic. (8/18)........................................................246
Tri-State Towing & Recovery re: city's towing policy. (2117) ........................................................ 36
Trolleys considered, Transit Alternatives, Port of Dubuque to downtown; trolley purchased.
(8/11 )(9/2) ............................................................................................................................ 242,272
Truck Driver individuals certified by Civil Service Commission. (12115)...................................407
Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract for Bell & Fifth St Construction Project. (213).........31
Tschiggfrie Excavating completion of Peosta ChanneUJaycee Trail Project. (10/6) ......... 301,302
Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Carter Road Detention Basin. (10/6).......... 320,321
Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Heritage Trail Extension Project from Heron Pond
Wetlands to Dubuque Jaycees Trail. (12110) .......................................................................... 402
Tschiggfrie. Ed, T -Corp - Ed Tschiggfrie re: development of 93 acres on Radford Rd. (8/18) 257
Tugboat - Joyce's, Joyce C. Myatt, 1630 E. 16th St., Liquor Lic. (5/5)........................................132
Tully, Thomas A., Pres. of Library Bd of Trustees, requesting worksession - Library renovation
project. (11/3)...................................................................................................................... 363,364
Tunnel- Dubuque Bank & Trust requesting that for under Central Ave. between the Old Walsh
Building and their main bank. (4/21)(10/6)(10/20).....................................................109,318,339
TV Cable Community Teleprogramming Comm. applicant Burton Everist; appointed.
TV Cable Community Teleprogramming Comm. applicant JenniferTigges; reappointed.
(8/4)(8/18) ............................................................................................................................236,251
TV Cable Rate Increase effective 2/1/03 - Mediacom. (1/6) ............................................................. 8
TV Cable Television - Mediacom Franchise Extension.
(3/3)(3/17)(6/2)(6/16)(12/1) ..........................................................,..;.................... 73,86,168,182.395
Twenty-Second St. to Mines of Spain. - Heritage Trail Extension. (1/6)........................................ 3
Two One One - 21 1 Month Proclamation.(10/20)...................................................................... 327
U.S. 20 corridor preservation from Peosta E to intersection with NW Arterial. (1/6)(6/2) .... 5,165
U.S. 20 Highway Intersection improvements - addendum to Preconstruction Agreement with
IDOT - five lane widening from NW Arterial to just west of Old Highway Rd. (1120) ............13
U.S. 20 Intersection Improvements Contract Design U.S. 20 Improvements, project agreement
with Howard R. Green. (2/17) ................................................................................................... 37
U.S. 20 Bridge design, discussion; David Rusk presentation & requested design be identicai to
present bridge. (3/3).................................................................................................................... 74
U.S. 20 -IDOT - Notice of Environmental Assessment Availability & Public Hearing. (11/3).348
U.S. 20 Mississippi River Crossing Project, IDOT, Pre-Design Agreement. (717) .....................193
U.S. 20 Properties Fair Market Value, ROW needed traffic flow improvement project. (8/4)... 232
U.S. 20 Speed Limit change on Dodge St. from 50 to 55, align with IDOT. (1211)..............403,404
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reo timeframe for SW Arterial. (5/5)............................................140
U.S. Conference of Mayors letter reo MTBE liability issue. (10/6)...............................................305
U.S. Dept. of Commerce EDA - City's application approved for 2,000,000. (1/6).......................... 3
U.S. Dept. of HUD - CDBG Program, provide home purchase education etc. (2/3).................... 27
U.S. Dept. of HUD - City's Program Year 2002 was successful. (11/3)..................................... 364
U.S. EPA Brownfield Assessments Demonstration Pilot grant program Port of Dubuque. (1/6) 4
UAW - Local #94, 3450 Central, Beer Permit. (1/6) .......................................................................... 5
Ulfers, Sister Rosalyn, PBVM, Chaplain of Mercy, Gave Invocation.(8/18) """""""""""""""" 243
Ulstad, Steve, plans for Port of Dubuque Sign & Landscaping & Recognition Wall. (4/21).....124
Underage tobacco - cigarette sales, hearing set for business licensees. (3/17) ...................... 81
United Auto Workers - Local #94, 3450 Central, Beer Per. (1/6) """""""""""""""""""""""""" 5
United Way Services, Claim; Claim settlement. (6/2)(8/4) ...................................................165;231
United Way Campaign TIme Proclamation. (8/4)...........................::.............................................231
University Ave., 2389, final plat of portion of Finley's Addn. (1/20).............................................11
University Ave. Reconstruction and Patching Project. (8/18)(9/15)(10/6)249,250,251,289,325,326
University of Dubuque, claim for property damage; referred to Ins. (9/15) ....................... 277,278
University of Dubuque, change conceptual plan for S Campus - Student Apartments. (9/15)279
Uptown Recreation Program, ISU Extension Services, summer programs for FY 2004.(5/19)146
Uptown Recreation Program, NE Iowa School of Music, FY 2004. (5/19)..................................146
Urbain, AI, of Project Concem, City's budget problems letter. (6/16) ........................................ 178
Urban Deer Management Plan - hunting, continuation of program. (6/16) ............................... 185
Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Obligations & First Amend, Dubuque Area Industrial
Development Corp. (5/5)...........................................................................................................134
Urban Revitalization - Tax Exemption Applications approval & to City Tax Assessor. (2/17) .. 37
Urell, Jim, applicant for Zoning Board of Adjustment; appointed. (3/3)(3/17).............;......... 73,82
US 20 IDOT Interim Traffic Signal Improvements. (6/16)......................................................179,180
USA Today article on vehicles that "hover." (1/6) ........................................................................... 8
USS Dubuque, invitation for Council Members to cruise during Fleet Week. (10/6) ................ 300
Utilities Extension Project, Rip Row Valley, final. (3/3) ............................................................ 68,69
Utility District - Stormwater Management. (2/27)......................................................................50,51
Utility Easement vacation - Plaza Ct. (5/5)(5/19)...................................................................132,157
Utility - Stormwater, Implementation, update; Low Income Subsidy. (7/7)........................196,199
Utility Fee increase - Water Rates for all users, raised. (7/9) ...................................................... 207
Utility Franchise Fee, Council consensus to enact.
(7/9)(7/21 )(7/28)(8/18)(9/15).................................................. 209,224,225,227,228,244,292,293,294
Utility Franchise Fee, MVM Letter to Joe Ertl. (8/18)....................................................................244
Utility Extension, Port of Dubuque, Phase III Project. (10/6)....................................................... 301
Utility tax discussion.(2/27).............................................................................................................. 58
Vacate portion of JF Kennedy Roadway for Grand View Ave. United Methodist Church.
(10/6)(1 0/20) ........................................................................................"""""""""""""""" 316,340
Vacate & dispose part alley N Hillcrest & W St. Celia Damian F. Arensdorf. (11/17) 371,372,373
Vacated alley between Bryant and Ramona St. from Mt. Loretta Ave. 148 Feet South, disposal to
Dubuque Community School District. (3/3)(3/17)...................................................... 71,72,85,86
Vacated alley SW of West 5th St. to The Finley Hospital. (8/18)(9/2)....................................247,271
Vacated portion of alley N ofW.7"' St. - Settlement Agreement- Mary Ransdell. (12115) 411,412
Vacating petition - Port ofW. 32"" St. at John F. Kennedy Rd. - Selchert's. (12/15) ............... 412
Vacation & sale of portion of Decorah St. (east of Adair) to Douglas & Jean Kapp & Wm. &
Carole Kubler. (1/6) ....................................................................................................................... 6
Vacation of portion of South Way at Asbury Road for C. P. Pfohl. (9/15)(10/6)...........283,318,319
Vacation of Railroad Street in Centre Grove, disposal to Zalaznik. (5/19)(6/2) ....150,151,169,170
Vacation of streets & alleys in Port of Dubuque NW of Bell St. & Brewery to RR ROW; plats
approved etc. (4/21)(5/5)........................................................................110,111,112,113,137,138
Vacation of utility easement on Lot 4 in Plaza Ct. Subd., request by S. Schmitz and M. White;
disposal to them. (3/17)(5/5)(5/19) """""'""'m""""""""""""""..m"""""""""""",, 82,132,157
Valley Brook Drive, final plat of Harvest View Estates Fourth Addn. (11/17) ............................ 385
Valley View Neighborhood Assn., for rezoning of 605 W. Locust & 2085 Foye SI. (7/21) ........ 219
Van Milligan, Michael, City's rep for America's River Corp. (5/19))...:........................................163
Van Milligen, City Manager Mike, serve on GDDC Board of Directors; serve on Iowa League's
Legislative Policy Committee; responding to Bud Isenhart query @ jobs created and TIF
funding; meeting to evaluate his professional. competency - employment agreement etc.;
twelfth amendment to employment agreement; reappointed to DRA Board; appointed to
Iowa League of Citie's Policy Committee.
(6/16)(717)(8/4)(8/19)(9/2)(12/1)(12/15) .............................................184,194,240,261,267,402,410
Vanden Heuvel, Vincent J., appointed to Human Rights Comm. (1/6)........................................... 6
Veenstra & Kimm, contract as consultant for Carter Rd Detention Basin. (5/19)(7/7).....162,200
Veenstra & Kimm, Engineering Contract for Heritage Trail Extension Project. (1/6) ...................4
Veenstra & Kimm, update of City's Annexation Study, contract.(5/19)......................................148
Vega, Gabriela, member of Immigrants Rights Network - introduced to Council. (9/15) ........ 277
Vehicle impoundment - Administrative Fee added - Police authorized Vehicle Impoundments,
Vehicles - Licenses for Taxicabs, Limosines, fees changed etc. (7/9) ..................................... 208
Vehicles that hover - USA Today article - comment by Cline. (1/6) .............................................. 8
Vehicular traffic - Port of Dubuque, viaduct open etc. (8/18) ..................................................... 260
Vendor Application Process for vendors for use of Public ROW at Hawthorne Streèt Peninsula.
Vendor Locations maximum amount- Port of Dubuque & Hawthorne St. area. (11/17) .........386
Vessel Systems, Inc. at Dubuque Industrial Center West, property to them to construct a
31,000 square foot manufacturing facility and a Development Agreement.; CEBA.
Application; disposition of Lots 7 & 8 in Dbq Industrial Center West 2"" Addn.; CEBA
.... -IDED $125,000; Assignment of Development Agreement; Tax Increment Revenue Bonds to
support them. (5119)(6/2)(7/21)(9/26)(1211)(12/15)..................151,163,170,212,297,395,416,417
Viaduct open to vehicular traffic - Port of Dubuque discussion etc. (8/18)..............................260
Vierkant, Sheila, objecting to rezoning of 296 N. Grandview. (1120) ............................................19
Vilsack, Governor, U.S. Senate Economic Stimulus Package; "Reinventing Government Bill;"
letter to him requesting he veto HF 692 and 683which exclude funds to provide relief for
Iowa cities; Iowa Values Fund Legislation and tax & regulatory changes.
(6/2)(6/16)(717).........................................................................................................165, 174,175,194
Violence Prevention - Drug & Violence Prevention Grant, Helping Services for NE Iowa, IA Dept.
of Health. (417)(10/20) ........................................................................................................... 95,332
Visintin, Michael J., @a request to demolition property at 1112-1114 Central for a Colts' Drum
& Bugle Corp Parking Lot. (5/5) ............................................................................................... 139
Vision Iowa Application filing authorization for baseball stadium. (11/3) ................................. 363
Visiting Nurse Assn - VNA - Agreement with IA Dept. of Public Health -local childhood lead
poisoning contract. (6/16) ........................................................................................................177
Visiting Nurse Assn. - Elderly Home Based Dental Program, Cp2 fund. (5/19)(6/16) .......162,178
Visitor Center - Shot Tower, naming opportunities. (6/2)...........................................................171
VNA - Agreement with IA Dept. of Public Health - local childhood lead poisoning contract.
VNA - Visiting Nurse Assn. - Elderly Home Based Dental Program, Cp2 fund.
Voetberg, Dirk, with the Shepherd Co., receive CEBA Grant for moving business back to
Dubuque etc. (8/18)...................................................................................................................259
Volkens Excavating awarded contract for Fiber Optic Connection Project between City Network
& Port of Dubuque; project finalized. (4/21)(10/20) .........................................................123,331
Voluntary Annexation Agreement with Marilyn Blake. (9/2)........................................................ 266
Voluntary Annexation request, Joel Callahan - Callahan Construction.
Voluntary Annexation, City Mgr. letter opposing legislation. (3/17)............:................................ 82
VonHein-Mott, Victoria A.A., rezoning of 2800 Rhomberg for condos. (5/5) .............................140
Vorwald, Agnes, claim; settlement. (1113) ................................................................................... 347
Voting delegate named - Nicholson for National League of Cities. (9/2) .......................... 273,274
Vouchers, Application for Section 8 Mainstream Program Housing. (6/16)..............................173
Yacht Basin, Dubuque, sublease of land leased by them, Joyce's Tugboat etc. (5/5) ............. 130
Yaklin, Fabian, reo Anti-War Resolution proposed. (2117)(3/3)............................................36,74,75
Yard Waste Collection fee increased from $20 to $25. (2127) ....................................................... 60
Yardarm Restaurant & Bar, 1202 Shiras Ext., Liquor Lic. (3/3)..................................................... 71
Yen Ching Rest., Sun's Corp., Liquor Lic. (11/3) .........................................................................356
Young Citizens' Forum, students work results submitted - T. Determan. (5/19) .....................145
Young, Janet, reo Continuum Sculpture, discussion for placement. (3/17)................................78
Youth Appreciation Month Proclamation for Optimists. (11/3)...................................................347
Youth in Government Students sworn in, attended Council Meeting. (4/7) """""""""""""""" 89
(1/6)(2/17)(3/17)(417)(4/21 )(5/19)(6/16)(7/21 )(8/18)(9/2)(11/17)(12115)
.......................................................................................1,36,78,89, 107,144,174.212,243,265,368,406
(1/20)(2117)(4/7)(4/21 )(5/19)(6/16)(717)(8/18)(1 0/20)(11/17)(12115)
..........................................................................................10,36,89, 107, 144,174, 190,243,327,368,406
Zalaznik, Tom and Ed, rezoning of Crescent Ridge Road, west of Cedar Cross Rd.; plat
approval of Railroad Street and vacation of property. (3/17)(5/19)(6/2) ................... 84,150,170
Ziepprecht Block Building, @ 1350 Central, on National Register of Historic Places. (1120) ....15
Zihlke, Loren, objecting to rezoning of 3280 Pennsylvania Ave. (5/19).....................................154
Zoning Advisory Comm. approval of plat of Canfield Place No.2. (3/17)....................................80
Zoning Advisory Commission applicants Stephen Hardie & Ben Roush; reappointed.
(6/2)(6/16) ...................................................................................................................:........169, 180
Zoning allowance to allow for continuance of portable classrooms for Hillcrest. (3/17) ..... 84,85
Zoning Board of Adjustment applicant Jim Urell; appointed. (3/3)(3/17) ...............................73,84
Zoning Board of Adjustment, Mike Ruden, in favor of requested Planner position. (2/27) ....... 50
Zoning change 16"' & Sycamore, Wal-Mart development proposal for Smithfield property.
(1/6)(1/20)(2117)..............................................................................................................4,5, 18,39,40
Zoning change requested for 296 N. Grandview. (1/20)(213)...............................................18,19,32
Zoning change for 1320 Locust for Alfred Kopczyk. (1120)...........................................................19
Zoning change request, comments, discussion etc. for former Tollbridge property, for condos
at 2800 Rhomberg, development by AJ. Spiegel; Zoning for Eagle Villa at 2800 Rhomberg;
objections to loss of bluff etc. (2/3)(2/17)(4/21)(5/5)(5/8)(10/6)...............27,40,117,140,142,322
Zoning change requested for property S ofHwy 61/151 & Highway 52 (Lot 1 of Key Gate Center
No.2) from PR to PI to allow a concrete batch mix plant - Apex Concrete, property owned
by Dan Mueller. (2/17)(4/21)(12/15)........................................................................40,120,121,415
Zoning change 1205 Cleveland, from R2 to C1 for Doug & Marie Colin. (2/17)...........................41
Zoning Change for Crescent Ridge Rd., west of Cedar Cross Rd., for Zalaznik's. (3/17) .......... 84
Zoning change for Wayne Stewart Property SW Old Highway Road & Seippel Road; rezoning,
Tri-State Development SW Corner Old Highway Rd & Seippel Rd. (4121)(12/15) ..118,119,416
Zoning change for Theisen's Inc., 2900 Dodge St. (4/21).....................................................119,120
Zoning change requested for QHQ'Properties South of Holliday Dr. and West of the NW Arterial
to C3. (5/19)(6/2)(6/16)(8/4)(9/2)(10/6)............................................. 153,169,174.236,237,273,322
Zoning change - amend PUD, 555 John F. Kennedy Rd., for Best Buy Store. (5/19) ...............154
Zoning change Steve's Ace Hardware - Steve & Judy Selchert, 3280 Pennsylvania. (5/19) ...154
Zoning change for Asbury Plaza for convenience store & car wash - near HyVee. (5/19)156,157
Zoning change for Seippel Rd. County Bd of Supervisors, conditions on rezoning etc. (6/2) 166
Zoning change 2915 J F. Kennedy Rd. AG to R1 Carey Grabill/Steelegray Inc. (6/16) .....180,181
Zoning change to allow sidewalk cafes - restaurants. (717)............................................... 200-202
Zoning change 605 W. Locust, 2085, 2085 Y, Foye St. from R2A and C1 to C2. (7/21) ............ 220
Zoning change 44 Main St. from LI to C4 - Kevin Menning - K & C Investments. (7/21)......... 220
Zoning change 4100 Asbury Rd. Harvest Development, 180 unit senior housing. (7/21).......221
Zoning change request with voluntary annexation - 40 acres on Seippel Road - Callahan
Construction. ...(8/18)(10/20)............................................................................... 251,252,336,337
Zoning change to allow residential use as a conditional use in HI Heavy Industrial Districts.
(8/18).................................................................................................................................... 253,254
Zoning change request, intersection of W. 32"" St. & JFK Road from R3 to C2 - Kivlahan Farms.
(8/18)........................................................................................................................................... 253
Zoning change requested for Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church at 419 & 485 N.
Grandview, 1755 Bennett St., 1730 Grace St. from R1 to C2. for Grandview Church and Dick
Hartig. (1 0/20) ..................................................................................................................... 335,336
Zoning change - Kennedy Mall, The Cafaro Co., allow for change in sign regulations and PUD.
Zoning change on Radford Rd. near Saratoga - Joseph Siegert's and Dbq Community School
District. (11/17) ..........................................................................................................................375
Zoning change request, 468 Lincoln Ave. from R2A to CS at request of Jay Winger - Winger
Construction. (11/17)(12/1) ....,.................................................................................... 375,376,400
Zoning change for 1870 Asbury- Dbq County Right to Life. (11/17)......................................... 379
Zoning change for 5255 Pennsylvania Ave. -Jim Runde. (12/15).......................................415,416
Zoning Ordinance, hiring of a consultant to review & update, request for funds; Zoning
Ordinance Update listed as Top Priority Item. (2120)(2/27)(9/4) .............,.................... 46,58,276
Zoning Text amendment, Site Plan Review & application & approval- installation & completion
of site plan requirements prior to issuance of occupancy permits. (8/18) ..........,............... 254
Zoning, 13503 Seippel Road" Kenneth & Maurine Harris. (11/17).......................................377,378
Zoning, 3136 & 3146 Central Ave. R3 to C2, John Kretz request - Perfection Oil Co. (10/20).336
Zoning, 3251 Roosevelt Road, for Fondell Excavating from R1 to R2 & R3- Eagle Valley
Subdivision etc. (5/5)(8/18).........................................................................................136,137,257
Zoning, 3300 Nightengale Lane, Pat Kennedy's, from R1C to R1. (2/17)................................40,41
Zoning, 3925 Dodge St., for Tom Luksetich & Steve Smith, allow construction of a 44,287 sq.
foot building. (2117)..................................................................................................................... 41
Zoning, Eagle Valley Subd. final plat. (8/18).......................................................................... 257,258
Zoning, corner of NW Arterial & Asbury for DB & T Bank. (9/15) ............................................... 288
Zoning, amend PUD, Emerald Acres No.2 PUD - Equity Builders - Peter Eck & Ed Tschiggfrie,
NW corner of Tanzanite Dr. (11/17)................................................................................... 376,377
Zoning, 521 Garfield, from R2A to OR for Scott Potter. (11/17) ........................................... 378,379
Zoning, final plat of Woodland Ridge Subdivision, acceptance of improvements by Horizon'
Corp. (1/6) ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Zoning, final plat of O'Mara Second Subd. -11983 Kennedy Rd. (1/20) .....................................11
Zoning, final plat of 2389 University - portion of Finley's Addn. (1120) .......................................11
Zoning, final plat, Gassman Quarry, Old Massey Rd & Hwy 52. (3/17)........................................ 80
Zoning, final plat of Link Acres in Dubuque County. (7/21) ........................................................ 216
Zoning, final plat of Lot 1, Lot 2 & Lot 3 of Miller Place. (7/21)...................................................215
Zoning, final plat of portion of Forest Grange Subd. No.2 in Dubuque County, IA. (8/18) ...... 243
Zoning, final plat Medical Associates Subd. No.3 end of Aggie St. -.Bob Hartig.(10/20) 328,329
Zoning, final plat of Sullivan's 2"" Addn. (10/20).......................................................................... 329
Zoning, final plat Westbrook Subd. (10/6) ............................................................................. 324,325
Zoning, Moratorium for Subdivision Plats in the Iowa 32 - SW Arterial Corridor. (4/21).........122.
Zoning, Planning Dept. - Schedule of Development Fees in Zoning Ordinances, changed.
(2127)(7/9) .............................................................................................................................. 64,209
Zoning, plat of survey of Whites Place No.2. (10/20) ................................................................. 328
Zoning, preliminary plat of Pothoff Place No.2. (3/17) .................................................................. 87
Zoning, preliminary plat of Wertzberger Acres No.2. (3/17) ......................................................... 87
Zoning, Rockdale Road Development by Tschiggfrie, T Corp - access road dilemma. (9/2).. 273
Zoning, site plan review for East Dubuque Savings Bank at SW corner of Cedar Cross Rd. &
Starlite Dr. (7/21 )........................................................................................................................ 223
Zoning, University of Dubuque - South Campus Student Apartments, not significant change
from conceptual plan. (9/15) .................................................................................................... 279
Zoning, Warehouse Neighborhood Demolition District discussions. (10/20)(11/3)........... 342,364