English Lane 0420 420 Englieh Lene,
0-Dr, E. G. Wilson c J.p. Schiltz.
E Story 3 Room Frame Deellina.
B.P. 470 8/2/40
0-W. R. Gruwell.
, B.of A. Petn to wrtaddimda waive side yerd recuirement
for erection of Gerege. Denied. Docket No. 9-44
0 -46, Dueller A Sons.
Erect open torch frcme de11in B.P. 8 6/7/4
420 English Lane
0- W.R.Gruwell C -C.Ted Menael
Addition to ?.F.Frame ikvellg.B.P. 553 9 -21-48 400.00
O -LeRoy Feyen C -Burke Alumatic
Reside sf fr dwllg B.P. 548 1 Aug 75 1500.00
0- Leroy Feyen C- Globel Co
New roof on garage & dormer, sd, SF BP25923
10 -1I -94 $1100.00