English Lane 0430 430 English Lane. 0 -Floyd Rundle C -0.7D. Hansel Erect S.F.Frame Dwelling. B.E. 293- 6-18-48 5000.00 B.of A. Petn. to Establish building Line closer than in line with present houses. Denied Building Set at 38• Docket No. 46-48 0 -Floyd Rundle C- Bullock Garages Erect det fr gar BP 1462 10/26/79 $4322.00 0 -Floyd Rundle C -Owner erect L shaped deck rear of SF frm dwllg BP 5399 3/18/83 $2277.00 430 English Ln 0 -Frank Heraver C- Inter- State Contr. — reroof upper flat roof area, SF res BP21635 3/12/93 $1100.00 0 -Frank Heraves C -Inter State Contr reroof, SF BP 32552 9/6/95 $3800 "00