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Fairfax Avenue 1550
1550 Fairfax Ave. 0 —James ?dolbers Addition to side of S.F.Fr.lhaellg.B.P. 119 4 -8 -53 150,00 0—Wrie Donath 0— Reliance impr. co. Reside S.F. 1 r.Dweflg.B.P. 890 12 -1 -67 1,500.00 0 -Owen Donath C -Owner erect add. to SF dwllg on masonry fndn BP21079 9/25/92 $800.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 70 -92 for Variance to allow 5'x8' add. to front, 6" from frt prop. line.Approved 9/24/92 1550 Fairfax Avenue 0 -Owen Donath C -Owner erect 7'x16'open deck on rear SFfrm dwlo BP22213 6 -16 -93 0 -Owen Donath C -Owner S590.00 erect 14x20 det. garage on fltg slab SF dwllg 3P24377 $2786.00 8/2/94 Board of Adjustment Docket 39 -94 for Special Exception to allow const. of 14'x20' garage 11' from frt prop. line. Approved 7/28/94