Fairview Place 1565 1565 Fairview Place. 0 -Miss NI. Kennedy. C- Owner, 75,00 Repair Porch of 2 story frame dv:ellg.B.''. 82 4/20/40 0- Robert J. Schmidt. C -John J. Fransen n eroof & beside S.r.Frame Dwellg,B,P. 31 4 -12 -48 1,190,00 Alterations to SF Fr falling B.P. 951 11 -1 -74 1200.00 -- C- Hartman Const. - - -0 Robert - Schmidt C -Burke Alumatic Co. siding,soffit,fascia, trim, reroof SF frm dwllg BP 11579 4/10/87 $4975.00 - 0- Robert Schmidt C- Disco Bldg Imp. ' reroof SF BP34193 3/12/96 $1600.00