Fairway Drive 2192 2192 `airway Drive 0- Cletus Na,imw, C- Richard Yagnall Erect B.F.Frame Dwe11g.B,P. 385 6 -20 -58 15,500.00 B,of A, Petn, to :=-__ve variation from the reouirements of Section 3 -B, Art, 11 Granted 2 from Alley line, Docket No. 31-65 0 -Wayne Gruben C -Elroy Hinz tear -off, reroof 1/3 Sf brk dwllg BP 21091 9/28/92 $1000.0( TO --dames W. Lange Jr. C= Owner t/o, reroof SF BP36882 5/2/97 $3500.00