Farragut Street 2000 2000 Faragut St, 0-Arts P_erlyn Dignan Erect S,F,Frame Dwe11g,B,F, 759 9 -1 -60 12,000,00 B.of A. Pete, for Var. of Art, III, Sect. 3 b waive side yard requirement for erection of carport on side street lot line. Docket No, 53 - 0.40. Lange 0-Quality Roofingco Reroof s.F.Frame Dwellg B.P. 106 1-3-66 300.00 Erect carport Att side S.F. Fr. Dw.B.P. 701 10 -3 -68 100.00 Addition to SF Fr Dwllg B.P. 446 6/27/72 1,500.00 -2000 Parragnt 0-Dorrance4ange 11 .01_1...pet Por.Var of irtIII, tee 1.1(c) to allow erei ction of 10 x 30 detached carport, 0 from rear of.dwelling and less than 25 from street Denied Docket 36-75 Board of Adjustment Docket 59-84 for variance from front yard setback tO allow of carport _ to front property line Approved 10/18/84 0-Shirley Lange C-Inter-State Contractors reroof SF res BP 12466 9/2/87 $2000.00 0-Shirley Lange C-INterstat Contr reroof Bp25073 9/19/94 $2500.00 2000 FARRAGUT 0- Shirley Lange C- Disco Bldg Imp Rep carport casing covers, sd, SF BP-28220 3 14 9-5- 529-97.00-