1975 February Council Proceedings Regular Session, February 3, 1975 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Se..ion, February 3, 1975. Council met at 7:30 P.M. fC.S.T.) Present - Msyor Justmann, Councilmen Brady, Lundh, Stackls, Thoms. City Ma'nager Gilbert D. Chavene"e. Mayor Justmann read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this Meeting is the REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the City Council called for the purpose of acting IIpon such business as may prop. erly come hefore the Meeting. City Management submitting The Becker Report (ManagementRe. port) on Job Classification, Volume I on Pay Survey, and Volume II on Pay Administration Manual. Councilman Stackis moved that the report be received and filed. Sec. onded by Councilman Lnndh. Car. ried .by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Tri.State Elec. tronics Ass'n.,being a grOUp of Dubuque TV service technicians, being of the opiniou that the qual. ity of TV signal betng supplied by Dubuque TV-FM Cable Co. is still unsatisfactory, presented and read. Mayor Justmann moved that the communication be received and filed and referred to Council and City Manager. Seconded by Coun. cilman Thoms. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Abstain-Councilman Lnndh. Mayor Justmann moved that a public hearing be held for the Du. buque TV.FM Cable Company rate structure on Februêry 24, 1975, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall and that the City Clerk 'be instructed, to publish notice of the hearing. Sec. onded ,by Councilman Thoms. Car- riedby the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Ahstain-Councilman Lundh. 57 Communication of Urban Renew- al Director advising that Mr. Hampton will be present at this meeting to discuss status of pro- posed Ramada Inn Motor Lodge in the Downtown area, presented and read. , Councilman Lundh moved to sus- pend the rules to let anyone pres- ent address the Council if they so desire. Seconded by Conncilman Stacki.. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann,Council- men Brady, Lundh, StaCkis, Thoms. Nays-None. Mr. Ro:bert Hampton addressed tl¡e Conncil stating financiug is still the problem for thebnilding delay, and questioned the possi- bility of issuiug iadustrial bonds. Councilman Brady moved this :be the final extension date unless financing is secured in the inter- ium. 'MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. Councilman Thoms moved that an extension be granted to R. Hampton & Associates until March 3, '. 1975. Seconded by Mayor Just- mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Jnstmann, Council- men Lundh, Thoms, Nays - Councilmen Brady, Stackis. Councilman Thoms moved that the communication of Urban Re- newal Director be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 28.75 Authorizing an Extension of Time In which R. Hampton a,nd Compa,n,y, Inc. is to Commence Construction, on Certain Land in the Downtown Urban Renewa,1 Prolect, Iowa R.15. WHEREA:S, under date of Sep. tember 4, 1973, the City of Du. buque and R. Hampton and Com. pany, Inc. entered into a Contract fór 'Sale of Land for Private Re- development covering Block 14 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza; and WHE!lEAS, the said Contract provided that construction was to commence within six months from November 11, 1973, the date of delivery óÍ the deed to said parcel 58 Regular Session, February 3, 1975 of real estate by the City of Du- buque to R. Hampton and Com. pany, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the City Council of tl¡e CHy of Dubuqùe has from time to time granted R.' Hampton and Company, Inc., at their request, ex. tensions of time to dates certain in which to commence construe. non of the improvements upon the said parcel of real estate; and WHEREAS, R. Hampton and Company, Inc. has been unable to secure the requir~d commitment for financIng the cùnstruction of the improvements u¡jon the said parcel of real estate; and WHJiJREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of' the Down. town Urban Renewal iProject, Iowa R.15" and the City of Du. bUque to grant R. Hrtmptop - and Company, Inc. rt .further extension of thrie in which 'to commenCe and complete construction of the reo quired improvements; nùw there. fore'.' - BE IT RESOLVJiJD by the Coun. cil ùf the City of Dubuque, Iowa: ,SECTION 1. 1'hat the time in which R. Hampton and Company, Inc. is to ,commenee construction of the required improvements up. on Block 14 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza be and the same is hereby extended to March 3, 1975, and the time in which the said improve. ments are to be completed shall be eighteen months from said date. SEC'.PION 2; That all other terms, conditions and provisions of the Contract for Sale'of.Land for Pri. vate Redevelopm,ent dated Septem- ber 4, 1973, shall remain in full force and effect. Passed, adopted - and approved this 3rd day of E;ehruary, 1975. C. Robe.t - Justmann Mayót Alvin E. Lundh Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attcst: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Lundh, Thoms. Nays - Councilmen Brady, Stackis. Communication of Dubuque Ad. visory Commission submitting min- utes of their meeting of January 28, 1975, - and request from David Clemens to discuss Advisory Com. mission meeting relative to com. munity development fnnds for the Fourth Street peninsula, presented and read. Councilman Brady moved that the communication he reo ferred back to the Commission , for correction of the minutes. Sec. ondedby Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Board of Dock Commissioners submitting minutes of their meeting of December 5, 1974, presented arid read. Coùncil. man Lundh moved that the com. munication he received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Justmann:Car. tied 'by the follo\ving vote: - . " Yeas--Maybr Jústmann, , council' men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nay¡j.;..None. Communications of AirpOrt Com. mission - submitting ,minutes of their meetings of November 14 and December 26, 1974, arid January 16, 1975, presented and read. Ooun. cilman Lundh moved that the min- utes be received and filed. Second. ed by Mayor Jnstmann. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas---'Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Playground & Recreation Commission submitting minutes of their meeting ,of Jan. uary 13. 1975, presented and read. Councilman Lundh moved that the minutes be received and filed. Sec. onded by Conncilman Thoms. Car. ried by the following yote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. , Communication of Department of Commuriity Development advising of arrangement to hold meetings in various areas of the City to discuss range of activities relative to Community Development Block Grant Funds,presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded 'by Mayor Just. mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Jnstmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays---'None. Regular Session, February 3, 1975 Communication of Tanktek In- dustries objecting to the proposed Fourth Street Redevelopment, more particularly objecting to the proposed paving of E. 7th Street, presenied 'and read. Mayor Just. mann moved that the communlca. tion be received and filed and a copy be sent to the 4th Street De- velopment Study Commission. Sec. onded by Councilman Lundh. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Area One Vo. cational Technical Schoól advising of a Dnbuque County organization. al meeting for all those interested in services to senior citizens to be held on February 27th at Divine Word College in Epworth, pre. sented and read. Councilman Lundh moved that the communi. cation be reoeived and filed. Sec. onded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Proof of Pnblication, certified to by the Publisher, of list of receipts and disbursements during the month of December, 1974,present. ed. Councilman Lundh moved that the proof of publication be re. oeived and filed. Seconded hy Councilman Thoms. Carried 'by the fOllowing vote: Yeas~Mayor JustmanII', Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. January 30, 1975 Honorable Mayor and City Council Increased lighting has been reo quested in the area of Gay Street playfield. The situation has been investi. gated and it is recommended that a new 175 watt mercury vapor light be installed at the east end of a parking strip on Putnam Street, and an existing 4000 lumen incandescent fixture at the west end be replaced with a 17'5 watt mercury vapor light. Gilbert D .Ohavenelle City Manager Councilman Thoms moved that the communication be received and filed and recommendation be ape proved. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: 59 Yeas-Councilmen Brady, Lundh, Thoms. Nays--Mayor Justmann, Coun. oilman Stackis. Cómmunication of Mayor Just. mann indicating intention of plac. ing a motion before the Council to explore the possibility of es- tablishing a revolving fund to pro. vide interest free loans to citizens of Dubuque to replace lead water lines and arrange for repayment of such loans via regular payments of City Water Bills, presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved that the communication be reo ferred to the City Manager, City Solicitor and Water Superintend. ent. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition of Alpha Phi Omega of Loras College requesting permis. sion to distribute tags to Support the "Shamrocks for Dystrophy" Drive on March 15, 1975, presented and read. Councilman Lundh moved that the petition be ap- proved and referred to the City Manager for final approval. Sec. onded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men 'Brady, Lundhi Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition of D.A.V. Unit #6 reo questing permission to sell Forget. Me-Nots on Angust 1 and 2, i975, presented and read. Councilman Lundh moved that the petition be approved and referred to the City Manager for final approval. Sec. onded by Mayor Justmann. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays~None. Communication of Dubuque Jay. cees requesting adoption of a reso. lution supporting their bid to host the National Outstanding Young Farmer Congress for 1976, present. ed and read. Councilman Lundh moved that the commuunicationbe received and filed. Seconded 'by Councilman Stackis. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Justmann, Coun. cilmen Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. -------- 60 Regular Session, February 3, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 29.75 Soliciting the 1976 Outstanding Young Farmers' Awards Con. gress for the City of Dubuque. WHEREAS, the President of the United States of Amertea desig. nated the week of Jannary 19, 1975, as National Jaycee Week in recognition of America's gratitude for the many contrihutions of the United states Jayceos; and WHEREAS, for more than thir. ty.five years the Dubuque Jaycees have brought together young men from ail walks of life and who ,by I their energy, skills and persever. an,ce have contributed in substan. tial measures to the growth and promotion of Dubuqueland; and WHEREAS, the Dubuque Jaycees to the credit of themselves and the City of Dubuque hosted the 1974 Outstanding Young Farmers' Awards Congress bringing togeth. er forty outstanding candidates from forty different states; and WHEREAS, the Dubuque JaYCees have bid to host the 1976 Out- standing Young Farmers' Awards Congress as a major undertaking for the local observance on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the United states of America to 'be celebrated nationwide in 1976; and WHEJRIEAS, Dubuque, the oldest city in the State of Iowa, rich in history and heritage, is the first Bicentennial City in the State; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque" Iowa; SECTION 1. That the United States Jaycees, are urgently and cordiaily solicited by the City of Dubuque to award the 1976 Out. standing Young Farmers' Awards Cangress to the Dubuque Jaycees. SECT10N 2. That the City Clerk be and he is authorized and di. rected to provide a certified co,py of this resolution ta the Dubuqne Jaycees f<>r their personal delivery to the United States Jaycees at their National Headquarters in Tul. sa, Oklahoma. Passed, approved, and adopted this 3rd day of Fehrnary, 197'5. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Ailan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Formmelt City Clerk Councilman Lundh moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Cauncilman Stackis. Carried by the foilowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lnndh, Stackls, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Urban Renew- al submitting a Certificate of Com. pletion for Dubuque County (Coun. ty.City Law Enforcement Center Building), presented and read. Councilman Stackis moved that the communication he received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried hy the foilowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 30-75 Authorizing the Execution of a Certificate of Completion for Du. buque County. WHEREAS, under date of June 11, 1973, the City of Dubuque en. tered into a Contract for the Sale of Land for Puhlic Redevelapment with Dubuque County for the real estate hereinafter descdbed; and WHEREAS, under the terms of said contract the subject real es- tate was conveyed by the City of Dubuque under date of August 10, 1973, to Dubuque County who con- structed thereon ceriain improve. ments; and WHEREAS, Section 3 of Article ill of said Contract provides that upon completion of the improve. ments the City of Dubuque will fumish Dubnque County a Certifi. cate of Completion; and WHEREAS, it has determined that the required improvements have been satisfactorily completed; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City- of Dubuque, Iowa: SECTION 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute Regular Session, February 3, 1975 61 a Certificate of Completion for Du. buque County for the improve. ments located on Lot 1, except the South 79 feet thereof, in Block 3 in Dubuque Downtown Plaza in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, situated in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, I<>wa R-I5. SECTION 2. That the Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of this res- olution and the executed copy of the Certificate of Completion in the office of the County Recorder in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 3rd day of Fehrnary, 1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Couneilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Stackis moved adop. tionof the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 31.75 WHEREAS, applications for Beer permits have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined; NOW THEJREFORE BE IT iRE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applications be granted and permits issued upon the compliance with the terms of the Ordinances of the City. CLASS "c" BEER PERMIT Lucky Stores, Inc., Eagle Discount Supermarket #130, 1800 Elm Street Lucky Stores, Inc., Eagle Discount Supermarket #144, 3033 Asbury Street Lucky Stores, Inc.; May's Drug Store #204, 3049 Ashury Street Passed, adopted and' approved this 3rd day of Febmary 197,5. C. Rohert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Conncilman Stackis,. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 32.75 WHEREAS, applications for Beer Permits were filed by the wIthin named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council; and WHEJREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the following named applicants a Beer Permit. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Lucky Stores, Inc., Eagle Discount Supermarket #130, 1800 Elm St. Lucky Stores, Inc., Eagie Discount Supermarket #144, 3033 Asbnry Street Lucky Stores, Inc., May's Drug Store #204, 3049 Asbury Street Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of Fehruary ,1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayur Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms m.oved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thums. Nays-None. 62 Regular Session, February 3, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 33.75 WHEREAS, applications for Liq. uor Licenses have been submitted to this Council for approval and the sême have been examined; NOW THEREFORE HE IT RE. SOLVfiJD by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applications be ap. proved and licenses issued upon the compliance with the provisions of Chapter 131, Acts of the First Regular Session, 64th Geueral As. sembly. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Rita Clancy, Clancy's Silver Tap, 201 East 22nd Street John iR. Hirsch, Lorraine's, 206 West 3rd Street Lorraine A. Fransen, 1900 Tap, 1100 Lincoln Avenue Passed, adopted 'and approved this 3rd day of Febrnary 1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Conncilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution, Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. NaYS-None. RESOLUTION NO. 34.75 WHEREAS, applications for Liq- uuor Licenses were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this, Council, and WHEREAiS, the premises to be occupied by snch applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and all City Ordinances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be ,authorized to cause to be is. sued to the following named ap. plicants a Liquor License. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Rita Clancy, Clancy's Silver Tap, 201 East 22nd Street John R. Hirsch, Lorraine's,206 West3rd Street Lorraine A. Fransen, 1900 Tap, 1100 Lincoln Avenue Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of February 1975. C. Robert Jnstmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis JamesE. Brady Allan T. Thoms Couneilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried ,by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 35.75 BE IT REJSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of Ciga. rettes within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. Joseph F. Davis and James J. Sut- ter, Donnt Hut Ltd., 1555 J. F. Kennedy Road Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of Fe'bruary 1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh,Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. ' Regular Session, February 3, 1975 Councilman Lundh moved that Councilman Thoms be directed to communicate with Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) in Des Moines relative to the proposed Iowa.Wisconsin bridge. Seconded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by thò following vote: Yeas-Mêyor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Some discussion arose as to the sale of land in the Urban Renewal area. Co;uncilman Brady moved that everything possible be done to encourage and qnicken the sale of land in the Urban Renewal area I and the subject be an agenda item for the next meeting. Seconded by Mayor Justmann. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council, men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms, Nays-None. 63 There being no further business Coúncilman Thoms moved to ad. journ. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, ThomS. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved ........................,...........1975. Adopted ......................................1975. """""""""':i4äÿö;:""""""""""""""" ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ """"""""'cöüiiëiïiüëii""""""""""" Attest: """ciiy"ëiërj[""""""""""" Spt:cial . Session, J"ebruary 10, 1975 man Lundl¡. Carried by the foll(}w- ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council, men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Human ,Rights Commission advising that a public workshop session will be 'held on February 13, 1975, deaiing with dis. crimination in the area of credit, (Senate File 1265 Civil Rights Act 1965 as amended), presented and read. Councilman Thoms m(}ved that the communication he reo ceived and filed and referred to Council. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmánn, Council. men Brady, Lundh; Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None, Communication of Human Rights Commissioa submitting minutes of their meetings of January 16th and January 23rd, 1975, presented and read.' Councilman Lundh, moved that the minutes be received and filed. Seconded hy Councilman Stackis. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, 'Stackis, Thoms. Nays-.None. Communication of Planning & Zoning Commission submitting minutes of their meeting of Jan- uary 29, 1975, presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved that the minutes be received and filed. Sec. onded 'by Councilman Lundh. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays~None. 64 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special Session, February 10, 1975. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) Present - Mayor Justman'n, Councilmen Brady, Lundh, Stackls, Thoms. City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Justmann read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this Meeting is called for the purpose of CON. DUCTING A PUBUC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN INTERIM OR. DINANCE AUTHORIZING A NINE. TY DAY WAITING PERIOD PRIOR TO DEMOLITION PERMITS and acting upon such other business as may properly come before a Regular Meeting of the Conncil. Communication of Teleprompter Cable Co., by Atty. Leo A. McCar. thy, submitting in writing, oral proposals made at work session held Feb. 1, 1975, if rate increase is granted, presented and read. Ma. yor Justmann moved that the com. munication he received and filed and referred to the meeting set for public hearing on February 24, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried -by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Justmann, Coun. cilmen Brady, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Abstain-Councilman Lundh. Communication of Paul Zimmer. man of 2175 Coates Street, object- ing to the type of TV reception using an outside antenna, alleg. edly due to leakage of T.V. cable, presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved that the communi. cation be received and filed. Sec. onded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Justmann, Coun. cilmen Brady, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Abstain-Councilman Lundh. Printed Council Proceedings for the months of November & Decem. ber, 1974, presented for approval. Councilman Thoms moved that the Council Proceedings be approved as printed. Seconded by Council. February 7, 1975 Honorable Mayor and Memhers of the City Council 1 have approved the following GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY and deisre to have your appro,val of same subject to approval of the City Solicitor. Dubuque Stone Products Co.- Bituminous Fire & Marine Insur. ance Co.---iPolicy No. GA769113, from January 3, 1975 to January 3, 1976. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Thoms moved that the communication :be received,and filed arid ap,proyed subject to ap. Special Session, February 10, 1975 proval of the City 'Solicitor. Sec. onded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following ..ote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. February 5, 1975 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Couneil 1 submit to you the report of the County.City Authority for the year 1974. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Thoms moved that the communication h" received and filed. Seconded by Couneilman Lundh. Carri"d by the following vote: Ye'as-M'¡ýor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. N;¡ys-NMe. C"mmnnication of Dubuque County Board of Supervisors reo questing County.City Authority have charge of maintenance of Law Enforcement Center, present. ed and read Councilman Thoms m"ved that the communication be received and filed and referred to the City Solicitor for consideration and rep"rt. Seconded by Council. man Lundh. Carried by the f,,!low. ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Dubuque County Democratic Central Com. mittee requesting a resolution from Council, as a tribute to Leo .T. Meuser, former County Treasur. er, for 36' years of public service, presented and read. Councilman Stackis moved that the communi. cation be reeeived and filed and referred to the City Atto.rne,y. Sec. onded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following .."te: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of David J. Pow- ers, President of Dubuque New Car Dealers' Assn., requesting to ad. dress Council specifying certain standards and requirements need. ed in order to be an auto dealer in the City of Dubuque, presented and read. Councilman Brady moved to suspeud the ruies to let anyone preseJ1t address the Council .if they 65 so desire. Seconded. by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Dave Powers addressed the Coun. cil relative to the communication Mayor Justmann moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Conncilman Stackis. Carried by the fOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor JUstmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. ' Notice of General Casualty Co., advising of a personal inju~y acci- dent, of a certain Isidore Zimmer at a parking meter on Central Ave. nue on a sidewalk owned by their insured Maurice Humke, presented and read. Mayor Justmann moved that the Notice of General Cas- ualty 00. be referred to the City Solicitor for p,roper proeeedings. Seconded by Councilman Brady. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis,. Thoms. Nays-None. Petition of Fischer Companies requesting vacation of portion of Tower Street between 6th & Wall Streets, in Dubuque Ifarbor 1m. provements Company's Addition, presented and reacI!. Mayor Just- mann moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and Planning & Zoning Commission for proper proceedings. See<>nded by Councilm'an Stacki.. Carried "y the followis!: vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, oJ Notice ofJPuh. lie Hearing to consider an Interim Ordinance authorizing a sinety day waitisg period prior to demoJ¡ü<>n permits in certain neighborhoods, presented and read. No written o'b. jections were filed at the time set for the hearing. Councilman Thoms moved that the proof of publica. tion be received and filed. 'Second. ed by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas---Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundb, Stackis, Thoms, Nays~None. -.------- 66 Special Session, February 10, 1975 Mary Billington addressed the Council requesting to retain the 4th Street Neighhorhood. Ruth Nash stated the Ordinance is min. imal. Councilman Brady moved to refer the Ordinance to the meet. ing of February 24, 1975. Second. ed by Councilman Thoms. Vote on the motion was as follows: Yeas-Councilmen Brady, Thoms. Nays-Mayor Justmann, Council. I\l,en Lundh, Stackls. MOiJ'ION FAILED. Mayor Justmann moved to amend Ordinance to re'ad "Heri. tage of Dubuque be considered as a comprehensive study for the his. torlcal preservation of City of Du. buque and one of the guides to be considered at such time as a demolition permit is applied for in a reference neighborhood." Second. ed by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Ju~tmann, Council. men Lundh, Stackis. Nays-Councilmen Thoms, Brady. ORDINANCE, NO. 7.75 An Interim Ordinance Authoriz- ing a Ninety (9(), Day Waiting Period Prio,r to the Issuance of a Demolition Permit for' ,Any Building Located Within the Area Herein Described, Said Ordinance having been pre. viously presented and read at the Council meeting of January 27, 1975, presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 7.75 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE AU. THORIZING A NINETY (9O) DAY WAITING PERIOD TO THE ISSU. ANCE OF A DEMOLITION PERMIT FOR ANY BUILDING LOCATED WITHIN THE AREA HEREIN DE. SCRIBED. Wh""" p"limin"y "udi" oouduCt<d by th, City Phnning ,ud Zouiug Com. mi"ion hm "ntotiv,ly idontiliod ,mn u,ighboehood, in Dubuqu, " "'" oon. toiu;ug impo",nt ooncon""ion, ,nd p<o. poetion, of hi,wi"lly ,nd/ oc "chi",. ,""lly ,ignilic,nt building', th, con. tinu,d moin"nonc, ,nd pmm,tion of which m'y b, ;'qui"d by the public w,l£"" ,nd Wh""" th, uucont<oll,d d,molition of building. within the ,fo"m,ntion,d ntighbochood. m'y fmm"e ,ny futu" phn, oc pcog"m' of ch, City of Dubuqu" Iow"to pcotoct tb, hi"ócic,l ,nd ,,01>1. ,,"u,,1 ""to of ,uch ntighbochood, ,nd Wh""" th, City Council doom, it d"i"bl, that tkd,molition of hi,wi"l. ly ,nd/ oc ",hitoetu"lly ,ignifi"nt build. ing' within ..eh ""'. be ","pumily dd,y,d lot 'p,dod of tim, ,uHid,nt to ,n,bl, tb, City Council to inv"tig"e ,1. totn,dv" to demolition, NOW THEREPORE BE IT ORDAIN. ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA, SECTION 1. Application. Tb, provi. ,iom of thi, Ocdin,n" .b,ll 'pply to ,11 building, loe",d inwhol, oc in p"c within the following d",db,d ntighboc. hood """ "(A) Fo."rth Stmtßclghborhooá, B,ginning " th, intmoedon of sev. enth ond muff $""to, th"", 'outh. edy ,long BI"ff Stm' tò it> ¡""" "etion with We" Fifth St"it: th,n" w",edy',long W'" Fifth S"e" to ito intmeetion with th, no"h,dy "ton,ion of R,ymond s"',,; th,nco ,ouch,dy "long R'ymond S"", ,nd ¡to no"h,dy ,nd ,ou\h,dy ex"n. ,ion, to itointemction,with W"t Thi,d. Stroot; ',hcn«c.""ly ,long W", Thicd Stteet to ito intemction with St. M"y', SttO"; then" ,outh. edy ,long St. M"y', S"", '0 ito in. tmeetion with Emmott Sme" th,nce "",dy ,long Emmott Stmt to ito int",eedon with Bluff Stm" th'nce ,"uth,dy ,long Bluff Stmt to ito in"mcdon with Fitot S"te" th'nce ""edy ,long Fi"t Stmt to ito 'intte",ction with th, ,lley b"ween Bluff ,nd, Loemt. Stte"; thence notth,dy ,long the ,lley be. twten Bluff ,nd Locu" Stteet. to ;C, intmeetion with W"t Pifth Smet; th~", """Iy ,long W"t Fifth S"ett to ito intmection with Locu" S"ee" th'nce notth,dy ,long Loco" Stmt to ito intmeetion with Smnth Stmt; th'n" w""dy ,long S'venth Stroot to ito intomction with Bluff S"tet which i. th, point of beginning. ' (B) Fenelon Place NâghborhOQá, B,ginuing " the intm",ion of W"t Fifth ,nd Bmch Stroot"~ th'nce ,"nth. ',.)y ,Ions ButCh S"tet to ito in",. ",d"" with We" Thi,d S"tet: th'n" """Iy' ,long W"t Th"d S"tet to ito 'intmeedon with th, ,"uth,dy extemion' ot R.ymond Sm", th,uce no,th,dy ,loug. R,y- mond Smet ,nd ito ,"uthcdy ,nd no"hedy "tomiou, to ito in"""tion with W'" Fifth Smet; th,n" w"t. ,dy ,Ions W"t .Fifth Smet <0 ito intmoedon with ButCh Stmt which i, th, point of b,ginning. (C) Thhá Stmt N,;ghb",hooá, B,ginning " the iutemcdon of W", Thi,d ,nd Hill Smet' th'n" ,"uth. w"tody ",ong, Hill ,S"e" to ito intemetion with L,ngwo,thy S"tOt; ,th,n', uo"hw"ccdy ,long L,ng. watChy Siteet to ito irttm"don with Alpin, S"ett; then" notth"",rly ì Special Session, Febrmuy 10, 1975 ,long Alpine S"eet to ito intmwion with We" Thi,d S""" thence notCh. w"tedy ,long We" Thicd Stteet to ito intemction with Nmd, S"tet; th,rt" notCh"""ly ,long Nmd, Smet to ito int,c"etion with W"t Fifth S"tOt; th'n" ,"uth".tedy ,long W", Fifth S"m t<o ito intot. "ction with Alpin, Stmt; thonco ,outhedy ,long Alpine Stroot to ito intomction with Mol"" Tttt"'; th'nce .ouci""",.)y ,iong Mol"" Te",ce ,nd ito ,0uth"""ly "ton. cion to ito intmeetion with Winon, S"tOC; th,n" ,"uthw,"totly ,long Winona Stroot "0 ito intm"don with W"t Thi,d Smet; th'nce ,"nth. "'tedy ,long W"t, Thicd S"tOt to ito intmection with Hill Stmt which i, the point of b,ginning. (D) Wa<hlngto1l St",t N,;ghb",. hooá, n,ginning " the inemeetion of SixttOnth 'nd W"hington S"tOto then" w"tody ,long Six"enth St"et to ito intmection with Jackoon S"eet; th,nce no,th"ly ,long Jack,on S"tOt to ito intemtion with Eighte'nth Smet: thence w""dy ,long Eigh. te,nth S"eet to ito in""'cdon with Qnt,,1 Av,nu" th,nce ,"uthedy ,long Cen",1 Avenue to ito intoc. ..cdon with PoutCtOneh Sm,,; th'nce ",tedy ,long Foucteenth Street to ito int",oedon w;ch W"hingt<on Sm,,; then" no,th,dy ,long W"h. ington StrOOt t<o it. inemeedon w;ch Sixtttnth Stroot which i, th, point of beginning. (E) 'ack"n Pack Ntighb",hooá, B,. ginning" th, intm",ion of Fouc. 'tenth S"tOt ,nd C'n",1 Avenu, th,nc, we"erly ,long Pou"tOnth Stmt to ito intmecti,n with low, S"to" then" ,"uth,dy ,long low, Stroot to ito intmection with T'nth Stmt; 'then" w""dy ,long T'nth Stmt to ito int"..ction with Bluff S"",; thence nocch,dy ,long Bluff St"et to ito intemction with Loeu" Street; then" no,thwe"edy ,long Locu" Stte" to ito in"mction with Elli, Stmt; th'nce notChedy ,long Elli, S"tOt 'nd ito notOh,rly oxton. ,ion to ito intmcedon with Clock, D,ive;' theuce notCh"',"edy ,lou, Clock, Ddv, to ito in"",ction with P,ul S"tOt; thence notChe,,"dy ,long P,ul S"tOt to ito in"tooedon with Low,ll S"e,,: th,nce ,"uth,aster!y ,long Low,ll Stte" to ito in",. 'oedon with NotCh M,in Stroot, th'n" ,"uthedy ,long No"h M,in Street to ito intmection wi,b Ch,k, Deive; th'nce ,"uth"",rly ,long Clock, Deive ,nd ito 'Ouch,,'tedy """,ion to ito intmeecion with Ceut,,1 Av,nue: th'n" ,"uthedy ,long C,n",1 Av,nu, to itdntm". don with FoutCtOnth S"eet which i, the point of b'ginning. 67 IF) W"t Eleventh Stteet N,;ghb",. hom!, Beginning" the iuc""'tiou of Ninth ,nd Bluff S"eeto thence w"'etly ,long Ninth Stmt to ito int",ection with Univ",¡'y Av,nue; th,nce we"edy ,long Uni",,;ty Ave. to ito intmection with Sp,uce S"eet, th,n" notthedy ,iong Spence S"eet to i" int""'tion w¡,h W'" EI,venth S"tot; then" w""dy ,long W"t Elmnth SttOtt to ito intm",ion with W,lnot Smet; then" nOtthedy ,long W,lnut SttOtt to ito int",eCtion whh Lo", Boulevocd; then" w,"edy ,long Loc" Boulm,d to ito it",,' "ction with Cox S"cee; th,nce no"h. ,dy ,long Cox S"eet to it> into': "etion with the w"cody extomion of W"t Sixteenth Sm,,; th~", e",. edy ,long W", Sixteenth S"tot ,nd ito w""dy emn.ion to ito inett. ",don with Montro" Te",ce; th,net notth,dy ,long 'th, notth",tody ex. tomion of Mon"o" T""" to ito int"'",ion wi,h W", Loeu" Stme; thence ,"uth,,"edy ,long We" Lo. eu" S"eet to ito intmeCtion with Bluff S"",; :h,nco ,"uth,dy .long Bluff S"eet to ito intmection with Ninth SttOtt which i, the point of b,ginning. (G) B,oaáw,y St"" Ncighbm-hood, Beginning" the intm",ion of W", Tw,nty Thicd SttCtt ,nd Cen",! Avonue th,nce w,"edy ,long W'" Twenty Thicd S"eet to ito intet. "Ction with Lewi, S",et; th,nce notthw""dy ,long Lewi, S"eet to ito intmeCtion with Fulton Smet; thence notthedy ,long Fulton Smet t<o ito intemcdon with King Smet, then" ,,"etly ,long King Street ,nd ito "",dy "con,ion to ito intec. ,oedon with C,nt,,1 Av,nu,; thence ,"uth,dy ,long C'n",1 Avenue to it, intm",ion with We" Tw,nty Thh'd S"tot which ¡, th, point of be. ginning." SECTION 2. Di""tio","'y Waiting P"ioá on D,molition Permit" Upon reo ceiving 'n 'pplic"ion fo, , D,molidon Petmit fo, 'ny building lo"tod in whoI, 0' in poet within the "", d",tibed in S'Ction 1 of thi, o,dinonce, th, Build. ing Commi"ion" ,h,ll immedi"dy notify ch, City Council of ouch ,pplicotion. At ito n'xt cogul" meeting the Council mu" then toke fo,m,1 ,etian to ,ithet 'ppcov' 0' withhold th, D,molition P'nnit fOt , 'pecili,d petiod not to excoed ninety (90) d,y.. If the Council f,il, to take ,etion to 'pp'ove Ot withhold the Demo. lition Petmit " ito next eegul" meeting, th, Building Cammi"ion" ,h,1I i"u, th, Petmit fotthwith. Th, ,Council m,y in ito di"",ion withhold th, D,molition Fetmit whcnm, it detetmin" that ch, building lot which th, petmit i, ,ought m,y b, of hi"oti,,! 0' ",hiteetu,,! ,ig. nificonoe to the City. Th, pu,po". of ~-""""""""""""""c~.~.~ Special Session, Febmary 10, 1975 thi, w,iting potiod " to ,..blotho Coun- Cømmission. Seconded by Mayor oil to have time to in"",iga'" tho hi"oti- Justmann. Carried by the following calor atehi"ctu,,1 value of the build- voie: ing. to rhe community and to. tnk, meh Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- actmn(.) " m'y bo approp,,:" to <n' men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. m" or on"urago '" p",marmn. Nays-None. Howovor, nothing in thi, ordin,nce ..' . ,1,011 ,",hori" th, wiihholdingby the Proof of PubllcatlO'n, certifIed Building Comm~,ion" of ,D,moHtion to by the Publisher, of Notice of P"mit for mo" th,n ninety (%) d,y, Intention to issue Hospital Facil- following notifi"tion to Council of 'po ity First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, pli"tion for,uch Formii. presented and read. Councilman SECTION J. Th" th, "pon, "THE Thoms moved that the proof of HERITAGE OF DUBUQUE" d"od publication be received and filed. Mmh 1974 ,nd filed of record on J,n Seconded by Councilman Stackis n"y 27, 1975, b, co.,id",d " ,com' Carried by the following vote: ~;:::~~v:f '~~~ .;;r D~~nq~:t~~~'~:"':i Yeas-Mayor Justman~, Council. the guid" to he "n,id"od " ,nch tim, men Brady, Lundh, StacklS, Thoms. " , d,molition p"mit i, ,ppH,d for in Nays-None. , "fereneo noiglrbo<hood. Communication of Pani D. Speer ,SECTION 4. Elt'e/lv< D:" o~ 0,. & Associates Inc., submitting a d",anc" Th, pcov..~o", .of th,~ ordm,nce resume of informational meetings ,h,1l become ,ff~cttVO 'm'~od""ly upon and research done in the matter p,,"g' by tho Crty Counc,;.. of bonding for Finiey Hospital, P""d, ,dop"d ..d ,pprovod th.. 10th presented and read. Councilman d,y of Fobru"y 1975. Stackis moved -that the communi. C. M~;~:rt Ju"m'nn caUon be receiv.ed and filed. Sec. Alvin E. Lundh onded by CouncIlman Thoms. Car- Emil S"cki, ried by the following vote: J,m" E. B"dy Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Councii- Coundlm.. men Brady Lundh Stackis Thoms At"'" NêyS-N~ne.' , . Lro 1'. Frommelt City CI"k RESOLUTION NO. 36.75 Publi,h,d o£fici,lly in tho ToIe.mph Hornlrl New'p,per thi, 14<1, d,y of RESOLUTION determining to Febru"y 19'>' proceed with ,the issuance of L,o F. Ftomm,tt $4,250,000 Hospital Facility First City Clerk Mortgage Revenue Bonds (The It. 2-14 Finley Hospital Project) Series Mayor Justmann moved final A, of the City "f Dubuque, Iowa. adoption of the Ordinance as ...' amended. Seconded by Councilman. WHEREAS the CIty of Dubuque, Stackis. Carried by the fol1owing ill the County of Dubnque, state vote: ?f rowa (t.!'e "CÜ~"), pr?'Poses to Yeas~MayorJustmann, Council. Issue Hospital FacIltty FIrst ~ort. men Brady, Lundh, Slackis. gage. Reven,,:e Bonds (The Finl~y Nays-Councilman Thoms H~"pl!al ProJect), ~efles A, of saId . . City In the prmc1p~1 amount of Co.uncIlman .Brady m?~ed to r~. $4,250,000 (the "BondS") for the consIder adoptIOn of oflgmal Or~I- purpose of lending the proceeds ?ance s~ amended on 90 day wa:t- thereof to The Finley 'Hospital (the Ing perIOd. Seconded by Coun~ll- "Corporation") to defr~y the cost, man Thoms. Vote on the mohon to -that amount, of -the acquisition was as foliows: of certain equipment and improve. Yeas-Councilmen BradY, Thoms. ments by the Oorporati'onsuitahle Nay.. -Mayor Justmanu, Coun- for use in its voluntary nonprofit cilmen Lundh, Stackis. MOTION hospital (the "Project"), including FAILED. the repayment 'of constrnction Communication of Margaret Cal- loans obtained by the Corporation laghan 01 11J57 W. ,3rd Street ex- uutil permanent financing coùld be pressing ,concern 01 the zoning arranged, all to be located on a changes for group homes, present- site wltllin the City, ali in accord- ed and read. Councilman Brady ance with the pJ'ovision of Chap- moved that thec<>mmunicati011 be ter 419 of the Code of 10M/a, 1973, referred to the Planning & Zoning as amended (the "Act"); and 68 Special Session, February 10, 1975 WHEiREAS pursuant to pub- lished notice of intention this City Conncil has conducted a public hearing, as required by Section 419.9 of the Act, and this City Council deems it necessary and advisable ,to proceed with the Proj- ect, tl¡e issuance of the Bonds, and the loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Corporation; NOW, THEiREFORE, BE IT R:E SOLVED .by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as follows: Section I. That at the public hearing conducted by this City Counrll pursuant to published no. tice all local residents who ap- peared were given an opportunity to express their views for or against the proposal to issue the Bonds. Section 2. That this City Council deems it necessary and advisable, and here'by determines, to proceed with the Project, the issuance of the Bonds, and the loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Cor. opration, all upon terms and con. ditions mutually satisfactory to the City and the Corporation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediate- ly upon its passage and approval. I Passed and approved February 10, 1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Recorded February 10, 1975. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop- tion of the resotution. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Jannary 30, 1975 Honorable Mayor and City Council I am enclosing a letter from Mr. Paul Speer and a proposed revised contract for his services in Con. nection with the sale of City reve. nue and general obligation honds. The proposed contract is effec. tive only for direct City financial and bond work. It is completely separate from the contract with Mr. Sp,eer for work involving in. <lustri¡¡j l'èvenuebonds. 69 The proposed revision is identi. cal with an existing contract, ex- cept for the fee schednie, which reads: Revenue Bonds: $3'.50 per $1,000 par value for all bonds of a sin- gle issue up to and irtcluding $2,000,000, and $:3.00 per $1,000 par value for all bonds of that issue in excess .of $2,000,000, with a minimum fee of $2,500 for any revenue bond issue. Gene.ra/ O,bl/gation Bonds: $3.00 per $1,000 par value of all bonds of a single issue up to and including $1,000,000 and $.2.50 for $1,000 Pêr value for all boads of that issUe in excess of $1,(}oo,OOO with a mini- mum fee of $1,000 for any general obligation bond issue. I pOint out that nnder this con. tract, fees are paid only when bonds are issned and delivered. The services of Paul D. Speer & Associates are effective and valuable. I recommend that the manager be authorized to sign the revised agreement. I request your consideration of this matter at council meeting, Fe'bruary 10th. Gilbert D. Chavenelie City Manager Conncilman Thoms moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Conncil- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 37.75 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque has been undertaking negotiations with Paul D. Speer & Associates, Inc., for the employment of said firm as financial consultants to the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS, City Council has ex- amined the proposed terms of agreement to be entered into 'by and between the City of Dubuque and the said Paul D. Speer & As. sociates, Inc., a copy of which pro. posal is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. NO:W THEREFORE: BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1: That terms of agree- nIent as set forth in letter of pro. posal, dated December 17, 1974, from Paul D. Speer & Associates" ------ 70 Special Session, February 10, 1975 Inc. to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, a copy of which is hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A", and ,by ref- erence made a part hereof be and the same is hereby approved and the employment of ¡Paul D. Speer & Associates, Inc., as financial con. sultants to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the terms of said Agreement be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2: That the City Man. ager be and he is hereby author. ized and empowered and directed to execute said letter of proposal for and on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 10th day of ,February, 197'5. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Cierk Councilman Thoms moved adop- tion of the resoiution. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms, Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 38.75 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque has applied to the Iowa State High- way Commission for funding of the School Signai Improvement Project under the Federal TOPICS Program. WHEJREAS, the Iowa State High- way Commission has reviewed the application and is requesting Fed. eral Highway Administration ap. proval of the Location and Design Study. WHEREAS, it is required by the Federal Highway Administration that Public Notice be given that the Iowa State Highway Commis- sion is applying for approval of the Location and Design 'Study. NOW, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the City Clerk shall publish said notice as shown on the attached "Exhibit A" Passed, adopted, and approved this 10th day of February, 1975. C. Robert Justmann Ma)'or Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Stackis moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded ,by Councilman Thoms, Carried by the folloW\ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 39.75 WiHEREAS, the City of Dubuque has applied to the Iowa State High. way Commission for funding of the School Signal Improvement Project nnder the Federal TOPICS Pro. gram. WHEREAS, the Iowa State High. way Commission has reviewed the application and has requested Fed. eral Highway Administration ap- proval of the "Location and De. sign Study Report." , WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration has given approval of the "Location and Design Study Report." WHEJREAS, it is required by the Federal Highway Administration that Public Notice be given that the Federal Highway Administra. tion has given approval of the "Lo. cation and Design Study Report". NOW, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the City Clerk shall publish said notice as shown on the attached "Exhibit A". Passed, adopted, and approved this 10th day of Fehruary, 1975, C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F, Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Staokis moved adop- tion of theresolution.SeêOndedhy Special Session, February 10, 197.5 71 Councilman Thoms. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays~None. February 6, 1975 Honorahle Mayor and Councilmen The City of Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission has reo viewed the final plat of Block 11, Block 12 and Block 13 of 'Mettel. Byrne Addition in the City of Du. buuque, Iowa. 'The Commission has found that the final plat' conforms to the ap. proved preliminary plat, of the Subdivision' and meets all stand. ards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinauces. It is the recommenda. tion of the Planuing and Zoning Commission that the final plat 'be approved. City Planning and Zoning Commission Daniel Dittemore, Development Planner Councilman Thoms moved that the communication be received and filed. Secondedhy Conncilman Stackis. Carl'ied 'by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, 'Stackis, Thoms. Nays~None. RESOLUTION NO. 40.75 'Resolution Approving the Plat of Block 11, Block 12 and Block 13 in Mettal.Byr'ne Addition in the City of Dubuuque, Iowa. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Clerk a plat of the Subdivision to he known as Block 11, Block 12 and Block 13, in Met. tel-Byrne Addition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by 'MettelRealty & Investment Co.; and WHEJREAS,upOI! said plat ap. pear streets to be known as HilI. crest tRoad, Short Street and Ad. miral Street, together with certain public utility easements which the Owners hy said plat have dedicated to the public forever; and WHEREAS, said plat has been i examined by the City Pianningand Zoning Commission and had its ap- proval endorsed thereon; and WHEREAS, said plat has heen examined ,by the City Council and they find that the same conforms to statutes and ordinances relating thereto, except that street grades have not been established, the streets brought to grade, or pav- ing, sewer or water instalIed; NOW THEJREFORE, BE IT RE- ::;OLVEJD hy the City Council of the City of Duhuque, Iowa: Section 1. That the dedications of Hillcrest Road, Short Street and Admiral Street, together with the easements for public utiUties as the same appear upon said plat, be and the same are hereby ac. cepted; Section 2. That the plat of Block 11, Block 12 and Block 13 in Met- tel.Byrne Addition in thè City of Dubuque, Iowa, he and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby anthor. ized and directed to endorse the approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon said plat, provided the owners of said property herein named, execute their written ac. ceptance hereto attached agreeing: a. To reduce all streets to grade and to construct concrete curb and gutter and to hard surface Hillcrest Road, Short Street and Admiral Street with bituminous concrete, or with concrete paving with in. tegral curb, all in accordance with City of Dubuque stand. ard specifications; b. To install sanitary sewer mains and sewer service lat. erals in accordance with plans submitted with the plat; c. To install water mains and water service laterals in ac. cordance with plans submit- ted with the plat; d. To install storm sewers and catchhasins in accordance with plans submitted with the plat; e. To install concrete sidewalks as required by Ordinances, and where directed by the City Engineer and the City Manager; f. To construct the foregoing improvements in accordance with plans and specifications approved hy the City Manag. er, under the inspection of the City Engineer, and in a manner approved by the City Manager; g. To maintain the foregoing improvements for a period of four (4) years from the date 72 Special Session, February 10, 1975 o~ their aecept¡j¡¡çe ,by the Dated at Dubuque Iowa this City of D.ubuqu~, IOWa; 13th day of March, 1~75. ' h. To provIde the, foregoing Gitbert D. Chavenelle constructIOn and maintenance City Manager at the sole expense of the Subdivider, Mettel Realty & Councilman Thoms moved adop. . Investment Co., as owner; tion of the resolution. Seconded by 1. To construct said improve. Councilman Stackis. Carried by the ments, except sidewalks, pri- following vote: or to January 20, 1977, and to Yeas-Mayor Justmann Council- construct the sidewalks prior men Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. to January 20, 1979; Nays-Councilman Brady. And furtber provided that s~id Mette! Realt~ & Investmeut Co., as Fto'" " Fehr~ary la, 1975 owner of saId Subdivision, secure C! nor,able, )lŒayor and the performance of the foregoing ty E;ouncII conditions by providing security in The Trustees of the Dubuque such form and with, such sureties Tran$!,t, System recently submitted as may beêecept~ble to the City a preliminary application' to ' the Manager. ' ' ' Department of Transportation reo Section 3. That in the event Met- questing funds, for the purchase of tel Realty & Investment Co., shall n.ew bu~e.s. and related transporta. fail to execute the aceeptance and tIOn faClhtIes. furnish,the security provided for The Department of Transporta. in Section 2 hereof within 45 days tion has informed the local transit after the date of this Resolution board that the application is in the provisions hereof shall 'he nulì p~oper form and has suggested and void and the acceptanee of the that. the- local City Collncil hold dedication and approval of the plat pubhe hearings on theexpendilure shall not be effective. of, $837,376.00 for buse's and relat. Passed, adopted and approved by .<1 eqUlpmeftt. unanimous recorded roll call this The F,ederal share of this 10th day of Febrnary, A.D., 1975. amount would b~' $669,901.00' and C. Robert Justmann the local share WIll be $167,475.00. Mayor Under the rules and regulations Alvin E. Lundh as s'¡¡pul~te<l by the Transportatio~ Emil Stackis Act, two notices must be published Allan T. Thoms relative to a public hearing and Councilmen the first It.tice must be pllblished Attest: no less than 30 days before the Leo F. Frommelt date of the hearing. FUrthermore City Clerk representatives of UMTA hav'e SUg: gested certification that this pub. Acceptance af Resolutian No. 40-75 lie he~ring has heen held shonk! We, the undersigned Mettel Real. ! he' transmitted to their office no ty & Investment Co. having read ¡later than, ~arch 15" 1975. the terms and conditions of the, Attached IS a resolution whieh foregoing Resolution No. 40-75 and ¡ ~uthori~es the City Clerk to ~dver. bE>ing famiUar with the conditions tise t.wlce. for this public hearing thereof hereby accept the same' and IdentIfies the date on which and agree to perform the condi. i the public hearing will he held. I tions required therein . would request your adoption of Dated at Dl.1buqu~, Iowa, this tills resolution. . 18th day of February 1975 FraucIS A. Murray By C. E. Mettel-p~esident Assistant City Manager By Lorraine Klumpp-Vice~Pres ,Councilman Thoms moved that TO: . the communication be rE>ceived and LE>O F. Frommelt flIed. Seconded by Councilman City Clerk Stackis. Carried by the following . .' votE>: ThIS IS to cerl1fy that the secur. Yeas - Ma;l"or Justma' C ity provided by the foregoing RES- cilmen Brady Lundh nnSta o:.n. OLUTlON NO. 40.75 has been fur- Thoms. ' ,C IS, mshed 'by the owners. Nays - None. ' Special Sessio!\, February 10, 1975 73 RESOLUTION NO. 41.75 C.Rl>bert Justmann Mayor Rl>Solution Fixing Time and Alvin E. Lnndh Place of Hearing to, conslde,r a Emil Stackis Project for Financiel Assistence James E. Brady sought from the Urban Mass Allan T Thoms Transpartatlon, Administra,tion. Conncilmen WHEREAS, the 'City of Dubu. que, Iowa, has heretofore adopted Resolution No. 384.74 being a Reso. lution authorizing the filing of an Application with the Department of Transportation, United' States of America, for a grant under the Ur. ban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the dlreetions of the U;S. Depart. mentof Transportation, a public hearing mus,t be held thereon, and WHEREAS, a public hearing should be fixed for the 17.th day of March, 1975, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Central Daylight time, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, City of Dubuque, Iowa. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE OITY COUNCIL, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1: That a public hearing be and the same is hereby fixed for 7:30 o'clock P.M., in the City Council Chambers, in the City Hail, Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, for the 17th day of March, 1975, at' wilich time an persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard for' and agains,f a pro. posed project by thE> City of Du. buque, Iowa, for which financial assistance is being sought from the Urban Mass Transportation Admin. istration pursuant to the Urban Mass Transpor,tation Act of 1964, as amended. Section 2: That the City Clerk be and iIle is bereby ordered to publish notice of time and place of hearing upon said projE>ct nnd shall cause same to ,be published at least twice with the first no'¡¡ce published not less than thirty {30) days before the date of hearing hereon. Said notice has been pub- lished in the TelE>graph.Herald, a newspaper of general publication, publisned in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, 'adopted and appvoved this 10th day of February, 1975. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seoondedby Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 42-75 BE !IT RESOLVED by the City Council of .the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following having compIled with the provisions of law relating to the sale of Ciga- rettes within the City of Dwbuque, Iowa, be granted a pE>rmit to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. Sirloin Stockade, Inc., dba Sirloin Stockade Restaurant, 1895 John F. Kennedy Road Passed, adopted and approved this 10th day of February 1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis lames E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded ,by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: YeaS---<I'Iayor Justmann, Council. men Brady,Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 43.75 WHEREAS, applications for Liq- uor Licenses have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same have been examined, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the ,fuUow¡ng oaPplications'be ap- proved and licenses issued npon 74 Special Session, February 10, 1975 the compliance with the provisions I of Chapter 131, Acts of the First Regular Session, 64th General As- sembly. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Gerald C. Kirchberg, Bottle Stop Lounge, 3203 Jackson Street Robert J. Karr, Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, 35 Locust Street Passed, adopted and, approved this 10th day of February 197'5. C, Robert,Justmann Mayor Alvin K Lundh Emil. Stacki. James E. Brady , Allan 'T. Thoms' Còimcilmen ' this 10th day Of F.,bruary 197:5. C. Ro,bert Justmanu Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop- tion of the resolution. SecondBdby Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas..,..Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady,Lundh, Stacki., Thoms. Nays-,...None. Attest: . LeO' F.'Fro'Ìnmelt City. Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop- tion of the resolution. SecoIlded'hy Councilman Stackis. Carried by' the following vote:, Yeas~Mayor 'JustmanIl: Co,uncil. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays:"""N~ne. ' RESOLUTION NO. 44.75 February 10, '1975 Honöra~le .M'âyor and " City',Cquncil ,. .. .' ". Re:, Local 'Op,tioll Taxàtioll , . The' Joint House and 'Senate Cities and Towns Committee 'and the Ways and Means Committee will hold a pùblic hearing in Sen- ate Room #22, State Capital, <'Ill Wednesday, February 12 from 2:00- 4:00 p.m. to discuss local option taxation. ' The League .of Iowa Municipal. ities has suggested that we sub. mit ,a statement either in the form of a resolution or letter to these hearing committees stating the po. sition of the Dubuque City Council. Last August the League of Mu- nicipalities submitted to us a ques- tionnaire relative to the subject of financing local government. ThÌs quesUonnaire was discussed with the City Council on September 9, 1974 and a letter was transmitted to the League of Municipalities dated September 13, 1974 outli(lÎng the position taken by the C¡'¡y Council. A copy of the letter and the questionnaire is attached. The Large Cities had representa. tives at a meeting held in Sioux City on September 20, 1974 toes. tablish the position to be taken by the Large Cities relative to local option taxation. The cities at that time agreed to the following: 1. The State should grant City Councils the right to impose a tax of their own choosing- a local option tax: WHEREAS, applications for Liq- uor Licenses were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the approval of this Council,and WFlEJREJAcS, the premises to be occupied 'by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the State Law and all City Ordinances relevant' thereto and they have filed proper bonds, NOW THEREFOItE BE IT Œ- SOLVED þy ,the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to ,be issued to .the following named applicants a Liquor License. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Gerald C. Kirchberg, Bottle Stop LoUnge, '3203 Jackson Street Raþert J. Karr, Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, 35 Locust'Stre.,t Passed, adopted and approved ., / Special Session, February 10, 1975 75 2. The State should require that as much as 50 percent of the tax should be used to reduce property taxes. 3. The State should establish a flextble maximum millage rate. 4. The existing State machinery used in collecting sales tax should be utilized in collect- ing local option taxes. I have drafted a resolution which reflects the position taken by the Dubnque City Council on Septem- ber 9, 1974. 1 would recommend your adoption of this resolution and would suggest that the Mayor snbmit this resolution along with a transmittal letter ,to the hearing committe",. Francis A. Murray Assistant City Manager Councilman Stackis moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Councilmen Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-Mayor Justmann, RESOLUTION NO'. 45.75 A Policy 5tateme.nt by the City of Dubuque, Dubuque Cou'nty, Iowa Supporting the Concept of the Loca' Option Taxation. WHEREAS, the City of >Dubuqne, Dubuque County, Iowa has an in- creasing need for additional reve. nue to finance the City govern. ment; and WHEJREAS, the Code of Iowa, Chêpter 404, Section 404.2 places a limit of 30 mills on the dollar in any tax year that can be levied on taxable property in the City of Du- buque for functional funds; and WHEREAS, it Is the desire of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to reduce dependence on property tax for financing City fnnctions; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque advocates the conce¡>l: of local option taxes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa that: 1. The legislature herewith con- sider the adoption of an act authorizing local governmen. tal bodies to impose a local option tax; 2. That the local governing bo- dies be granted the option of using these local option taxes for providing relief to prop. erty owners; 3. That the act ,be adopted to provide the citizens the right of a reverse referendum four (4) years after adoption by local jurisdictions. Passed, adopted and approved this 10th day of February, 1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Ailan T. Thoms Conncilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Stackis moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried <by the following vote: Yeas-Councilmen Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-Mayor Justmann. Community Development submit- ting documents in support of citi- zen involvement in the community development processes, presented. Councilman Thoms moved that the documents be received and filed and referred to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-IMayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Mr. Wm. Kruse of Dubuque Area Development Association submitted a repoDt on What, Who, Why, & How their association fits into the Urhan Renewal picture which calls for positive thinking and orderly sale of the land despite the think. ing of some citizens that Urban Renewal is moving ,too slow. The report was received and made a matter of record. 76 Special Session, February If}, 1975 There being no further business, Councilman Thoms moved to ad. journ. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas-Ma¥or J\lstmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved ....................................1975. Adopted ......................................1975. """"""""""""""""""M~~~~"""""'" ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .............................................,.............. Councilmen Attest: """"'ëit;'ci~;k""""""""""'" Special Sesson, February 14, 1975 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special Session, February 14, 1975. Council met at 4:00 P.M. (C.S.T.) P.esent-Mayor Ju$tmann, Coun. cilmen Brady, Lundh, Stacki$, Thoms. City Manager Gilbert D. Chaveneile; Mayor Justmann read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this Meeting is called for the purpose of acting Uipon suob. business as may prop. erly come ,before the Meeting. T. V. Teleprompter's proposed rate increases and methods of op. eration came under discussion at great length and future action was deferred until the pUiblic hearing to be held on Febrnary 24, 197'5, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Procedure in the procurement of the monies from the State for the purpose of funding the Sew. age Treatment plant was discussed. Councilman Thoms moved that a citizen's task force 'be appointed by the Mayor and Council for the purpose of assisting State Legis- lators and the Council hold in abey. ance the recommendation of a fnll time lobbyist. Seconded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the followiag vote: 77 Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Tl¡oms. Nays-None. There ,being no further business, Councilman Thoms moved to ad. journ. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Justmann, Coul1cil. men Brady, Lundh,Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved ....................................1975. Adopted ......................................1975. """"""""""""""""""M~Ÿ~~"""""'" ............................................................ ............................................................ Councilmen Attest: ....................................,"'.......... City Clerk 78 Special Session, February 24, 1975 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special Session, February 24, 1975, Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D.T.) Present - Mayor Jllstm,ann, Councilmen Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. City Manager Giibert D, Chavenelle. Mayor Justmann read the call and stated that service thereof had Men duly made and this meeting is called to CONDUCT A PUB'LIC HEARING ON THE RATE SCED. ULE OF TELEPROMPTER TV .and acting upon such other business as may properly come before a regular meeting of the CouncIl. Communication of Iowa Depart. ment of Environmental Quality ex. tending constrncUon permit No. 74-81-S issued March 14, 1974 for one year on South Dubuque Sani. tary Interceptor Sewer, construc- tion on project must be initiated by March 14, 1976, presented and read. Councilman Lundh moved that the communication be reo ceived and filed. Seconded 'by Ma. yor Justmann. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Luudh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Airport Com. mission submitting minutes of their meeting of February 13, 1975, presented and read. Councilman Lundh moved that the minutes be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Justmann. Carvied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Dock Commis- sion submitting minutes of their meeting of January 22, 197'5, pre- sented and read. Councilman Lundh moved tbat the minutes be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brêdy, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Mrs. Harold Bechen submitting a copy of let. ter received from Allen L. Doniel- son, U. S. Attorney, relative to por. nography in Dubuque and the State of Iowa, presented and read. Coun. cilman Lundh moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded ,by Mayor Just. mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-<Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundb, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Citizens for Decency Through Law requesting time for Mrs. Marylee Marting to present new information on the Massage Parlor Ordinance, present- ed and read. Councilman Lundh moved to suspend the rules to let anyone present address the Coun. cil if they so desire. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Mrs. Marting addressed the Coun- cil and submitted a report on the State of Oregon's new Obscenity Bill. Mayor Justmann moved that the communication of Citizens for De. cenCy Through Law and the reo port of Mrs. Marting be received and filed. Seconded by Council. man Lundh. Carried by the follow. ing vote: Yeas----'Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Mayor's In- dustrial Committee submitting a modification of its December 4, 1974 recommendation concerning the option by Thermolyne Corpo. ration to purchase 7.206 acres in Dubuquc Industrial Park, present- ed and read. Councilman Stackis moved that the recommendation be approved and communication referred to the City Solicitor for proper proceedings. Seconded 'by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Natural Re- sources Council advising of pre. sentation of reports on ,both past and possible fnture flooding along the Mississippi on February 25, 1975 at Rock Island, presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved Special Session, February 24, 1975 that the communication be reo ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmanh, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Councilman Thoms suggesting the esta'blish, ment of a commission for the bene. fit of individuals seeking assistance to abate ,the excessive discrimina. tory aubhority over individual prop. erty in designated neighborhoods all relative to, the recently enacted demolition Ordinance, and request. ing referral of the matter to the Planning & Zoning Commission, presented,and read. Councilman Stackis moved that the communi. cation be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Seconded by Mayor Justmann. Carried by the followi¡¡g vote: Yeas:-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Low.Rent Housing Commission submitting minutes of their meeting of Feb- ruary 18, 1975, presented and read. Councilman Lundh moved that the minutes be received and filed. Sec. onded by CoUncilman Stackis. Car. riedby the following vote: Yeas----'Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. February 19, 1975 Honorahle Mayor and Members of the City Council We 'hereby submit the Iowa .of. ficial ,Bond of R. N. Russo, City Attorney, for term beginning March 1, 1975 and ending March 1, 1976, >Bond No. 5122316. M~y we request your approval for filing. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Thoms moved that the communication be received and filed and filing be approved. Sec" onded hy Councilman Stackis. Car. vied by the following vote: \,:eas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice of PI/b. lie Hearing for the purpose of ob- taining the views of citizens on Commnnity Development and Hous- ing needs, presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved that the proof of publication 'be reo ceived and filed. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carl'Îed 'by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms, Nays-None. Communication of Council of Organized NeigbborhoOds and .oth. ers recommending Community De. velopment Block Grant program be used for the rehabilitation of neighborhoods, Presented and read. Mr. John "Hank" Waltz, President of Washington Neighborhood Coun- cil, Mary Billington of the 4th Street Neighborhood and Dick Vor. wald of North Dubuque Improve. ment Association addressed the Council concurring with the com. munication. Mayor Justmann moved that the communication be received and £iled. Seconded by Councilman Stac,kis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, 'l1homs. Nays-None. Cömmunication of Rose Marie Montgomery, on behalf of G.A.I.N., requesting financial support from community for their organization, and also submitting a "Girls Club" model budget, presented and read. Mrs. Montgomery and Edna Thompson addressed the Council relative to the communnication and stating a desperate need for a meeting place for the girls. Coun. cilman ,Stackis moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Just. mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lund», Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. John Bahl of Dubuque Connty Historkal Society addressed the Cöuncil requesting and recom. mending revolving funds be used for rehabilitation. Communication of Director of Community Development submit. ting Commnnity Development Block Grant program, presented. Mr. John Grau addressed the Coun. cil on Mini-Programs and projects for a plan of action. 79 8t) Special Session,. February 24, 1975 Councilman Stackis moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Just. mann. Carried by the foil owing vote: Yaes-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Pat J. Tier. ney, et ai, requesting parking area along l),odge Street, presented and read, Mayor Justmann moved that the communication be received and filed and referred to Gent Witten- berg. Seconded by Councilman Stackis. Carried 'by the folloWing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis" Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of 'Dubuque County Hospital Board of Trustees, addressed to Gent Wittenberg, in- terested in obtaining a share of C()mmunity Development funds to construct a second access road to Dubuque County Nursing Home, presented and read. Mayor Just. mann moved that the communica. tlonbe received and filed. Second. ed by Councilman Siackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. February 7, 1975 H()!lörable Mayor and City Co!lDcil On April 29, 1975,' Mrs. Leona Kortmeyer, 2310 Evergreen, Du- buque, filed claim against the City in an unstated amount for personal injuries allegedly suffered on April 17, 1974, as the result of tripping over a raised portion of the pubiic sidewalk on the south. east corner of 9th and Locust Street. This matter waS referred to the City Attorney who has made an investigation thereof and has con. ferred with the' claimant and reo viewed her medic~1 bills and has determined that the claimant reo ceived a nose fracture, abrasions and bruises and a"mQgeda þQir of slacks and hose. Claimant has made an offer 'Of settlement of this claim in the amount of $200.00, and in view 'Of the foregoing, it i. the recommendation of the City Att<i>rney that said offer of settle. ment be accepted and tŒilat the City Auditor be directed to issue w~rrant payable to Leona, Kort- meyer and Earl Kortmeyer, ,her husband, in the amount of $200.00, and t'Û transmit same to the un. dersigned for delivery upon re- ceipt of duly executed releases. Original claim is returned here- with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Thoms moved that the communication be received and filed and recommendation ,he ap:proved. Seconded by May'Ûr Just. mann. Carried ,by, the foilowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justman¡¡, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. February 11, 1975 Honorable Mayör and City.council ' On December 9, 1974, suit was commenced in the District' Court of Iowa, Dubuque .county, by Wi!. iiam Thomas as plaintiff ånðnam. ing the City of Dllbuque, , Iowa, defendant,being No. 6965L, ênd wherein plaintiff cI~imedstorage damages in the amount of $114;.00 and exemplary damages In the amount of $1,000.00 and alleging said damages arising out <>f, the City of Dnbuque i)'l1poundingthe automobile of the plaintiff ,for al. leged nonpayment of certain fines and parking violations. This matter was referred to the City Attorney who has interposed defenses thereto, ,and settlement has been reached, and on January 27, 1975, plaintiff dismissed his aêtion. It is thereêommendation of thè City Attorney that City An. ditor be instructed to draw war. rant payable to Clerk of Court in the amount of $10.25 for Court costs in this matter. Copy of original notice with pe. tition attaêhed is herewith re- turned, R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Thoms moved that the communication be received and filed and recommendation be approved. Seconded by Mayor Just. mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, &tackis, Thoms. Nay,s--None. Special Session, February 24, 1975 Communication of City Attorney amount of $2380, for loss of per. submitting an opinion relative to sonal property items as ,the result the Hampton Contract as to the of impounding his car on February purchase of Urban Renewal prop- 26, 1974, presented and read. Conn. erty and the Agency can declare cilman Thoms moved that the No. the 'redeveloper to be in default tice of Claim 'be referred to the and within three months have the City Solicitor for proper proceed. right 'to re-enter and take posses- ings. Seconded ,by Mayor Just. sion, presented and read. Council. mann. Carried by the following man Thoms moved that ,the com. vote: munication be received and filed Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council' and referred to the Council meet. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. ingof March 3, 1975. Seconded by Nays-None. Councilman Lundh. Carried by the Notice of Claim of Julie Kay folloWing vote: . Avenarius, in an undetermined Yeas-Mayor Justman~, CouncIl- amonnt, for personal injuries reo men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. ceived in a fall on the ice rink Nays--None. at Comiskey Park on 1-23-15, pre. Notice of Claim of John J. Cody, sented and re.d. Councilman in an unspecified amount, for 'per. Thoms moved that the Notiee of sonalinjuries received as the reo Claim be referred to the ()ity So. suit of an accident at the ski tow licitor for proper proceedings. on 32nd Street on February 1, Seconded by Mayor Justmann. 1975, presented and read. Council. Carried by the following vote: man Thoms moved that the notice Yeall--'Mayor Justmann, Council. of claim be referred to the City men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Solicitor for proper proceedings. NaYS-NOne. Seconded by May~r Justmann. Car. COUNCIL RECESSED AT 9'05 PM ried by the folloWIng vote: . " YeaS-Mayor Justmann, Council. RECONVENED AT 9:16 P.M. m~a B:."..~~;~ndh, Stackis, Thoms. Proof of PUblication, certified to Y. by the Publisher, of Notice of Pub- B!,lk Transfer Notic~, related to lie Hearing, relative to a proposed buSllless. of Intereontinental. ~ol. rate increase for Teleprompter TV, fee ServlCe of Dwbuque, conSisting presented and read. Councilman of lease rights in co~fee mac.hin~s, Thoms moved that the proof of coffee serVIce machines and mls. publication be received and filed. cellaneous s1!ppliea, presented and Seconded by Councilman Brady. read. Councilman Thoms moved Carried by the following vote: t~at the .r~'otice b~ referred to the Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. CIty SolIcItor for proper ,proceed. men Brady, Stackis, l1homs. ings.. Second~d bY"Ma~or Justmann. Nays-None. Carried by the followmg vote: Abstain-Councilman Lundh. Yeas-Mayor Justmann¡ Council- Communications of Telepromp. men Brady, Lundh, Stackls, Thoms. ter TV submitting their proposal Nays-None. of continuation of service Local Notice of Suit of Frank & Ruth prográmming & Community' Access Elliott, in the amount of $4000, Channel, and Financial reporting, for both real and personal prop. presented and read. Attorney Leo erty damage. as' ,the result of a McCarthy addressed the Council flooded basement at the time of stating necessities for rate In. constructing Woodworth Street on creases. August 9, 1974, presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved that Councilman Thoms moved that the the communicaÜons be received Notice of 'Suit be referred to the and filed. Seconded by Councilman City Solicitor for proper proceed. Brady. Carried by the folloWing ings. Seconded by Mayor Justmann. vote: Carried by the following vote: . Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. Yeas-Mayor Justmann, CounCIl. men Brady Stackis Thoms. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-N¿ne. ' Nays-None. Abstain-Councilman Lundh. Notice of Claim of David L. Communications of objections Meier, of LaCrosse, Wise., in the from prior file to TV service etc., 81 82 Special Session, February 24, 1975 presented and read. Waiter Clark adressed the Council objecting to rate reduction on annual income for household of $4000 or les,s; should be set higher. Councilman Thoms moved that the communi. cations he received and iHed. Sec. onded by Counoilman Brady. Gar. ricd hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Councll- men Brady, Stackis, Thoms. Nays~None. kbstain-Councllman Lundh. , Petition of J. M. Gordon, etal, ohjecting' to the proposed "able TV rate increase, (557 signers), presented ahdread, Councilman Thoms moved thàt the petitIon be received and fHed. Seconded hy Councilman Brady;' Carried by the following vote: Ye~s.:..cMayor Justmann, Councll. men Brady, Stackis, Thoms. Nays~None. " Ahstàin-Councilman Lundh. Petition of Mrs. Jos.Roepsch ob. jecting to the proposed cable TV rate' increase and further request- ing that the rate be frozen, pre. sented ànd read. Councllman Tho¡ns moved that, the petition be received and, filed.Seconde(!, by councilman Brady. Carried by the following vote:, , , ., , YCês--,Mêyor Justmann, Counoll- men Brady, Stackis, Thoms. Nays,-None, Ahstain-Councilman. Lundh. Conncilman Brady moved to amend Section 9 of Section 1 of Ordinance "and with a per family income of $4000.00 or less be Amended to read famlly income of $5000.00 or less." Seconded hy Councllman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-'-None. kbstain~Councllman Lundh, ÒRDINANCE NO. 8.75 An Ordinance Amand'ing Ordi. nance No. 25.63 by Repe.'¡¡ng Soctlon 9 thereof and Enading a New Section 9in Lieu The'reof to Provide for Fixing and Estab. lishlng Rates and Fees to be Charged by Teleprompter Cable TV for Regular Subscribors a'nd Subscribers Aged' 65 Years and Older, and Enacting a New See- tion26, a New Section 27, a,nd a New Section 28 Thereto to Pro. vide for Rebate in Event of In. terruption of Service, to Provide' for Systems of Measurement Te'sts, and to Provide for Amount to Be Paid by Company for Local Accass Programming, Respectivefy; and Repe,'ling Or. dinance No. 43.67, Presented and, read. Mayor Just. manu moved that the reading just had he consIdered the first read. ilJg of the Ordinance. Seconded hy Couucllmau Thoms. Carried ,by the following vote: Yeas-M~yôr Justmann, Council. men Bradý,Thoms. Nays--CounclIman Staclcis. Abstain-Councilman Lundh. Mayor .:fustmann moved that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read, on, three separate days he waived, Secònded, hy, Councllman Thoms. Carried by ,the following vote: , Yeas-Mayor ,JustmanlJ, 'Council- men Brady, Thoms. NaYs--CounclIman Staclcis. Abstain-Councilman Luudh. ORDINANCE N'O. 8.75 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI. NANCE NO. 21.63 BY REPEALING SEÓ'fIÒN9THÉREÒF AND ENAè'r: ING A NEW ,SECTION 9 IN LIEU THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR FIX. ING AND ESTABLISHING RATES AND F,E¡¡S;TOBE 'CHARGED BY TELE. FROMPTER CABLE TV FOR REGU. LAR SUBSCRIBERS AND SUBSCRIB- ERS AGED 61. YEARS AND. OLDER, AND ENAC'rING A NEW SECTION 26, A NEW SECTION 27; AND A NEW SECTION 28 THERETO TO PROVIDE FOR REBATE IN EVENT OF INTER. RUPTION OF SERVICE, ,TO PRO. VIDE FOR SYSTEMS OF MEASURE. MENT TESTS, AND TO PROVIDE fOR AMOUNT TO BE PAID BY, COM, PANY FOR LOCAL ACCESS PRO; GRAMM'ING, RESPECTIVELY;Ai'/D REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 43.67. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIN. ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA; SECTION 1. Th" S"'ion 9 of Or. din'n'~ No. 21-63 b""d tho "m~i' ¡""by "p"I,d ,nd , now S"tion 9' i, ,n,ctod in lieu th",of " fuilow", "S"tion 9. R,to, eh"g,d by th, COmpn,y fot ,mb h",und" ,h'¡] b, hir ,nd ""onobI, ,nd d"ign,d to moot ,II n""",y CO", of '"vk" induding , f,ir "" of r"utn on th" .,]u,tion of i" ptuP"y d,vo"d thcr"o, nnd" offici,nt 'nd "onomk Special Session, February 24, 1975 m,n'g'm,nt. Th, Comp,ny 'g"" it ' ,h,1I b, ,ubj"t to ,II a.thotity now Ot h""f"t po"""d by th,. City Councii or 'uy oth" body b,Ying ,omp",nt juri,di"ion to fix ""on. .b], ,nd comp""'tory td,vi,ion ,ign,l di"ribution ""'. From ,nd ,f"r tb'bt d,y of M"th, 197', th, monthly"" fot rub",ibe" ,h,1I b, " follow", R'gubt ""-,!7.21 pOt month Lif"imt ""-11.71 pOt mohth Seoondacy "rvice "to-l1." P" month Th, h"d of , ho",ehoId 'g,d 6' y"" or ovcr wI,. r"id" in "r"i. d,nthi p"mi"," and ",ith 'p" £Om. iiy ,nnu,i in,om, of 1',000.00 or I"" upon 'pplk,tion to th, COm. p'"y ,b,1I b, ,"on'""d Ùom th, p'yment of $.77 pcr .,.nth for tb, 'rcgubt "" 'nd ,¡"n b, ,"on". ",d ftom p'ym,nt uf th, ,urn of $.86 pcr month for th, Jif"ime "". Th, COmpany .1,,11 h,v, ,uthodty to "qui" moh proof of fin,nd,¡ in- come 'nd 'g, " it m,y doom n"". ",y. "R"id,nthl premi"," " ,on. mu,d hcr,in ,I"lL moon .nd in- elud, ,;ngI, f,mily dwelling" 'pm. m,nt Oni", g"d,n typ' 'I"'tm'n" 'nd row type hou,ing uni". Com. m,ndng from th, £i", d,y of J,n. .",y; Ø71, 'nd th""f"t, ,h, Com. p'ny ,1,,11 ,ppIy " pcr tOnt of i" 0" in'om, from th, Dubuqu, "ble 'y'tom, ,{c" tm" to "du" out. ",nding ind,btodn"" fot "Itubt. ing , "" b", for "'e of tOtuen ev,Iu"ion on the Dubuqu, C,bl, 'y",m. Th, Comp,ny ,h,1I p'y to th, City of Dubuq." low" foi the u" of i" 10',1 'ommitto, fot tommunity 'CO", bto,d.."in. th,mmof $.01 pcr montb fot "eh reguI" 'nd Hf,. tim, ,ub",iber, who ""iv" 'mic, within th, dty Iimi" of Dubuque, low,. Th, p'yment ,h,1I b, m,d, "mi-,nnu,lIy from 'nd ,ftor Mmh I, 197', tu b, u"d for th, develop. ment of ,ommunity """ prug"m. ming " d,fined 'nd ,dmini",red by "id 10..] ,ommitto,. Th, Com. P'"y ,h,1I m,k, th, fint "mi.,nnu.I p'yment on Ot h,fo" ApdI I, 1971, ,nd 'u,h "mi.,nnu,] p'ym'nt ,IuI¡ b, .diu"ed on Au,"" 31, i97f b",d un th, ,ver'ge numb" of regubi ,nd lif,time ,ub",ib", fòr th, fint ,ix (6) month p,dod, tl" m"g, to b, derermin,d by ,d. ding th, to,,] number of "gu],t ,nd Hf"im' mb,¿,ib", on M",h I, 197' 'nd th, tu"I numb" of "gu. I" ,nd Hf,.tim' mb",ib", on Augu" 31, 1971 'nd di"idingth" total by two (2), wher,in ,th, ApdI I, 1971 p'ym'nt ,b,1I b,. ,dju",d "eotdingly. Th, $.0, pcr month 'b'r.. ,h,1I not b,', th"", fo,' mb'"ib", ,,"iving ,"ond"y '",vi". The Comp.ny will p',ovid, th, City of Dubuqu". low" with '" ,nnu,I "pore. of £in.nd,I OP'"ti.o.. to;,. occning . i" ,Dubuqu, "bl, ,'y"'m opmtion, 'nd ,uch 'nnuo! "POrt will be fii,d with the. City of Du. buqu" 10,"', .on or bcfo" April 30th of ",h ye", t,porting th, ,fi. n,nd,1 op""io", of th, p"viou, ..1. ,nd" ye", th, fi"t "POrt to b, m,d on 0', before Ap"I 30, 1976, fo,' ..I,nd" y'" 1971." SECTION 2. Th" Ordin,n" No. 25. 63 b, 'nd tit, "me i, hereby 'm'ndtd by ,""ting , n,w S"tion 26 " follow", "S",ion 26. In th, mnt of intet. ruption of 'mi" to th, ,ub"db"" " h",in,Ù" provided, fot , period of "v,n (7) "I,nd" d,yo, th, COm. p'ny .1,,11 "b,te to th, ,ub"db", 'n 'mount of th, momhly ,ub"",p- tion "to for ",h c'¡,nd" d,y of intorrnptod 'Ctvi". Th" 'mount of tb, "b,to ,1,,11 b, d"ermin,d ,dol. low", Th, d,iiy eh"g' to , ,ub. ""b,, ,h,1I be d""min,d, with ,u,h d.iiy "to divid,d by twdv, (12), to d""mine th, p". ,h.nnd '0"; th, number of ,h,nn,!. intmuptod ,h,1I b, d""mln,d, 'nd 'uth pOt d"nnd '0" ,b,1I b, muItipH,d by th, number uf intmup"d ch,nn,!. to d""mine tb, "b,to 'mount On , d,iiy b"i,. An interruption of 'mi" ,h,1I b, dcom,d , "b""bl, intmuption when tit, Compa.y,J,i;' to. mty ur di,play I", th,n ten (10) ,h,nnd, fo., , p"iod of "Yon (7) or mo" "I,nd" d,y,. An immuption of "tVi" ,1,,11 ';'0 b, d,fin,d ", pittu" of 'n,h pour qu,Iity po""'y,d o.n tite twolvo (12) ,h,nn,I, ""i,d by tb, COmp,ny " in tb, judgm,nt of th, City M,o- ,gOt, do" not mm th, ",nd"d, th, Comp,ny h" ,ubmi",d to. th, City of Dubuqu,- 'nd the minimum "'nd- ",d, '" fmh in F,d"'.d Commnni". tion Commi"iun RuI, 76.60; " now "o;"tituted,o, m,y h.."fter be ;."nd,d. In th, mnt tit, City M,n. 'gOt d""mi." th" th, 'CDmp",y do" nDt hm tb, qu,Hty o.f picture in ",otd,nce with th, ,boYo ,"nd"d" tit, City ,h,¡¡. notify th, COmpony in wdting of the '¡¡'g,d picture qu'¡. ity probl,m, 'nd th, Comp,ny ,h,1I hm ten (10) d,y, in whi,h to 'or. "tt "m', before thi, inteCtuption wonld b, 'o",Ctn,d " ,n in"Ctup- tion of "tVitt fot 'purpo", of reb", to th, mbterib". Tbe CDmp,ny will ,ontinu, t<t m,in. t,;n , log of ¡"""vi" ..11, end "POct "m, in writing to th, City of Dubuque, Iuw" on , qum,rly b"i" ooinm'uting ,with th, ..I,n. doc qumer coding M",h 31, 1971; "",.., , 83 84 Special Session, February 24, 1975 th, rep'" will d",il tm, numb" and typ' of ,mi" <.II. mad, duro ing the "po"ing qua"'t; tho am"" I,ngth of tim' b"wttn ",..pt of th, ""vico "que",d ..d th, di.. p,tohing of "",i"m,n ro handle the ."vice con; and ",to wheth" "ch ,mi" coli i, f" a cable company re. l<ted problem ,nd/or a non-c,ble It. 2-27 eomp..y "Inted problem. The Còm- . pany will ,dv",i" ito "rvico num' Ma~or Jmrtmann m~ved fmal bet, including tbe .pecial nightorid adoptlOn of the Ordmance as holiday ",vi" numb"" indic"ing it Amended. Se.conded by Council- pmvid" fr" mainton,n" ..rvitt "n, man Thoms. Carried hy the follow. m .ub..rib",." ing vote: SECTION 3. Th" Ordinan" No. 2J. Yeas---"Mayor Justmann, Council. 63 be and the ..me io he"by ameoded men Brady, Thoms. by en"ting a new Se"ion. 27 '" foI- Nays-Councilman Stackis. low" Abstain-Councilman Lundh. "S"cion 27. The Company ,g"" thot it will p,,£orm a ",i" of Proof of Publication, certified to oy",m me"o"men" on or befo" by the Publisher, of Notice of Pub. Moroh 31, 1975, ,nd "eh sub", lie Hearing to amend the Zoning quent ym th"eaftoó for i:, Dubuque Ordinance by amending Article :IV e:~le ""tom compI".'ng w.ti. the pm. Section 2 subsection (i) to permit v,,"on. set fo"h ro Feder.J Com. off street parking on Lots 1 2 3 ~~u:~:io~on~;:~~:iO:r ~'tc~6;:~; & 4 in Humboldt Addn. :(32nd he",ft" be amended, ,0<1 the Gom- Str.eet), prese~ted and re~d. No F'ny ,h,ll file th, ,nnu,1 "'tW"to wrItten objectlOns were flIed at of ptoof of p"formantt on or be- the time set for the hearing. Coun. foro April 30, 1915 ,nd e"hsub. c1lman Thoms moved that the quent >"at the",fcor for i" Dubuquo proof of publication ,be received rernl" of such t""'" and filed. Seconded by Councilman SECTION 4. Thot Ordin.." No. 25. Lundh. Carried by the following 63 be aod th, ..me i. he"by ,mended by vote: en"ting , new S",ion 28 " follow" Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. "Se"ion ZO. The Company wlll ,on. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. tinue i" policy of m,kiog ,..¡¡abIe Nays---"None. ita "udio ..d equipm,nt for the p",. po.. of community ace..' b,..d.."ing ORDINAN'CE N'O. 9.75 on one of i" chaooela in the City of Dubuqu" low., and it will ""vid, An Ordinance Amending Ordi. 10,,1 odgin"ed prog"mming f" the nance No. 3-34, known as the mioimum of ten (10) hou" per "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning wie'k "" ,uch community occ.., Map of the City of Dubuque, choonel. Th, minimum ~~ ten (I.) Iowa:' by amending Article tV, hou" p" w"k 10,,1 o""mated P,"- Sectio'n 2, Subsection (i) Thereof g"mmmg by tb, Comp,ny .b,ll to Include Certain Real Estate ;;::;~;: it ~~~::: p':~~~~;\bi:";;::'i~~ to Permit Off.Street Parking, ood in ,uch mnt the Company will Said Ordinance having beeR pre- advi.. the City of Dobuque, 10wo, viously presented and read at the ,no wdting of £,:"nci,1 ,xigeocy Council meeting of Jauuary 20, tb."y (10) day,p"or to ooy "duc. 1975 presented for final adop:tion rion of local originated prog"mming' . below ton (10) bou,,'p" w"k, ,nd ORDINANCE NO. '9.75 tbe Comp,nv .g.... to d¡,cu" thi, deei,i", with the City of Dubuque, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI. low" wh",;o it will ",tify fin'ncial ANCE NO. ,.34, KNOWN AS THE exig,ncy." "ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZON. SECTION 5. Th>t O,dinan" No. 43- ING MAP OF THE CITY OF DU. 67 be ,nd th, ..me i, h...;hy tepe.,¡,d. ~â.~¡¡' I~:~~;t~ ~~~~~:~T~ P""d, 'pp,"v,d ,nd ,dopted th.. 24th (i) THEREOF TO INCLUJ:>¡¡ CERTAIN d,y of Feb,uatY, 197'. REAL ¡¡STATE TO FERMIT OFF- C'M~;~:" Juotm..n STREET P.ARKING. J,m.. E. B"Sy NOW THER:EFORE BE IT ORJ:>AIN. All,. T. Thom, ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Cooneilmen CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, Atte'" Loo F. F,"mmolt City CI"k Pobli,b,d offici,lIy in the Teleg"ph Herold N,w,p'p" thi, 27th day of F,b. ..aty 1975. Leo F. Fromm,lt City Cl"k Special Session, February 24, 1975 85 S¡¡CTION 1. That O,dinanCt No. 3- 34, known" "the Zon;og Otdin.." 'nd Zoning M,p of th, City of Duhuqu" Iowa" b, ,nd th, ",n, ¡,¡ h"eby ,mended by ,mending A"kle IV, Soction 2, 'ub- ..ction (i) th"eof " follow" "A"icle IV. Section 2. (i) Off ""ee parking within th, fOllowing d..cdb,d "'" Lo" I, 2, 3, ..d 4 of 'Hnmboldt Ad. dition' in the City of Dubuque, Iowa." SECTION 2. Th" the foregoing At¡..ndm,nt h" he"'ofo" hero approved by th, Phnoing ,nd Zoniog Gommi"ion of th, City of Dubuque, Iowa. P""d, 'pproVtd 'nd adopted thi, 24th d,y of Feb..aty, I9lL C. Robe" Ju'tm..n M'yot Alvin E. Luodh Allan T. Thom, Couoeilmen A""" Loo F. Frommelt City Cl"k Published offici,lly in th, TelegrAph He"ld New,p,p" thi, 27th day of Feb. 'Uaty 1975. Leo F. F"mmtIt City Cl"k It. 2.27. Council Thoms moved final adop. tion of the Ordinanc,e. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Lundh, Thoms. Nays-Councilmen Brady, Stack. is. Proof of Publieation, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice of Pnb. lie Rearing to amend Zoning Ordi. nanCe ,by repealing subsection (i) of Section 2 of Article IV in Mul. tiple Residence District and fur. ther amending Zoning Ordinance to permit off.street parking as a special exception in Single Family District, presented and read. Coun- cilman Thoms moved that the proof of publicatiol1 be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Lundll. Carried by the' foliowing vote: Yeas-à\[ayor Jus:tmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. N'¡ys~None. AN ORI'JINANCE: amending and I changing Ordil1ance No. 3'34, known as "The Zoning Ordinance And ZonlngMêP ,of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing off. street parl<ing as a supplementary use wähin the Multiple Residence District as provided by Subsection (i) of Section 2 of Article IV, and by adding a new Subsection (n) of Section lof Article II in lieu there. of to permit parking iots in the Single Family Residence District asa Special Exception upon an. thorization by the Board of Ad. justment, ,said Ordinanee having been previoUsly presented and read at the Council meeting of Jannary 20, 1975, presented for final adoption. Councilman Stackis moved final adoption of the Ordi. nauce. Seconded by Councilman Brady. Vote on the motion was as follows: Yeas - Conncilmen Brady, Stackis. Nays--Mayor Ju.tmann, Council- men Lund'h, Thoms. MOTION FAILED. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice of Pnblic Hearing to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 3.34 by changing lots in Annie Walier's Sub. from Multiple Residence District to Local Business "A" District, pre. sented and read. No written objec. tions were fHed and no oral ob. jectors were present in the Coun. cil Chamber at the time set for the hearing. Councilman Thoms moved that the proof of publica. tion be received and filed. Second. ed by Councilman Lnndh. Carried by the roliowing vote: Yeas~Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 10"75 An Ordinance Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3.34, known as "The Zoning O'rdlnance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to Change Certain Property Hereinafter De. scribed from "Multiple Residence District" Classification tø "Local Busi'ness 'A' District" Classiflca. lion, Said Ordinance having 'b~en pre. viously presented and read at the Couwil meeting of January 20, 1975, presented for final adoption. ORDINAN,CE NO. 10-75 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND CHANGING ORDINANCE NO. 3-34, KNOWN A$ "THE ZONiNG ORDI- NANCE AND ZONING MAP OF THE 86 Special Session, February 24, 1975 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA" SO AS TO CHANGE CERTAIN PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FROM "MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT" CLASSIFICATION TO "LOCAL BUSI. NESS 'A' DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIN. ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, SECTION I. Th" O,din,n" No. J. 34, known" "the Zoning O,di..n" ,nd Zoning M,p of the City of Dnhuque, Inw," he ,nd the "me i, h",hy ,mend- ed hy ,h,nging hom "Muldple R"i- den" Dimi,," ,b"ili"tion to "Lo,,1 Bndn", 'A' Di"d,," d",i¡¡",ion the following d",dbed ,..1 ""te, to wi" Lot I of Lot 1 01 Lot I 01 Lot 1 01 Lot 1 01 Lot I 01 Lot 1 01 Lot I 01 Annie W,ll,,', Suhdivi,ion No.2 in SOttion, I ,nd 12, Tow..hip 88 North, R,nge 2 E..t 01 the 5th Ptintip,I Meddi,n, T,hle Mound Tow..hip, in the City 01 Duhuque, low,. SECTION 2. Th" ehe lo"going ,mendment h" h"etOfo" hoen ,ppoovod by the Pbnning ,nd Zoning Commi"ion 01 the City 01 Dubuque, low,. P""d, ,dopted ,nd app,oved thi, 24th d,y 01 Feb,u"y, 1975- C. Rub", Ju"m'nn M'yor Alvin E. Lundh Emil s",k" J,m.. E. B"dy All,n T. Thorn' Councilmen An.." Leo F. Frommelt City CI"k Puhli,hed oflk"lly in ,he Teleg"ph Herald New,p,p" rbi, 27th d,y 01 Feh. m"y 1975. Lco F. Foommelt City CI"k It. 2.27. Councilman Thoms moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Sec- onded hy Councilman Lundh. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundb, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-----None. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice of Pub. lic Hearing to amend Zoning Or. dinance No. 3.34 to classify recent. ly annexed Jungwirth's Morocco property as Single Family District, presented and read. No written ob. jectlons were filed at the Ume set for the hearing. Councilman Thoms moved that the proof of publica. tion be received and filed. Second- Special Session, February 24, 1975 87 ed by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yea8-'Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Llindh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 11.75 An Ordina'nce Amending and Changing Ordinance No. 3-34, known as "The Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa," so as to Include Certain Hereinafter Described Property, Recently Annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in the "SIngle Family Residence District" Classification, Said Ordinance having 'been pre. viouslypresented and read at the Council meeting of January 20, 1975, presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 11.75 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND CHANGING ORDINANCE NO. J.34, KNOWN AS "THE ZONING ORDI. NACE AND ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA," SO AS TO INCLUDE CERTAIN HEREIN. AFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, RE. CENTL Y ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, IN THE "SIN. GLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT" CLASSIFICATION. Whet"', the ",1 """ h",i..ft" de. "dhed w" rocently annexed to, ,nd be. c,me , p"t 01 th, City 01 Dubuque, low, by R"olution No. 407.74 01 the City Council p""d, ,dopted ,nd ,po proved" it> moeting of November 25, 1974, ,nd which 'nnexation w" upon volunt"y petition; 'nd, Whe"", tbe Pbnning ,nd Zoning Commi"ion of the City 01 Dubuque, low, h" ,pptoved ,nd "commended that "id t",itOty rocently ,nnexed ,nd betein,ft" d""ibed be zoned ,nd da"ilied " , "Single F,mily R..iden" Di"d"." NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIN- ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, SECTION 1. That Ordin,n" No. J. 34, known" "The Zoning Ordin,n" and Zoning Map of rhe City 01 Dubuqne, low,," be ,nd the "me i, heteby ,mend. ed to indude the h"ein,f"r d"edbed ,..1 """ in the "Single F'mily R..i. den" Dimi,t" d",ili"don, to wi" Jungwirth', Morocco, co..i,dng 01 1.44 at'" mo" or Ie", in Tahle Mound Town,hip, Dubuque County, low,. SECTION 2. Th" ,aid "rtirory be ,nd the "me ,h,ll be in ,nd bOtome p"t 01 the Twenty.Fourth Voting F"cinct 01 the City 01 Dubuque, Iowo. F.."d, ,dop"d 'nd 'pproved thi, 24th d,y 01 Feb,u"y, 1975. C. Rob", Ju"m'nn M,yo, Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stacki, All,n T. Thorn, Councilmen At"'" Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Fubli,hed officialiy in tho Telog"ph He"ld New,p,p" thit 27th d,y 01 Feb- m"y 1975. Leo F. Frommelt It. 2-27. City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved final adoptiDn of the 0l'dinance.' Sec. onded ,by Councilman Lundh. Car. ried by the following vote: Yeas-----Mayor Justmann, Council. men Lundh, &tackis, Thoms. Nêys-Councilman Brady. Petition of Clinton Federal Sav. ings & Loan Assn. ,by Thomas Lei. bold, requesting rezoning of City Lots 623 and 624 from Multiple Residence District Classification to Local Business District "A" (Elks property), presented and read. Councilman' Thoms moved that the petition be referred to Planning & Zoning Commission. Seconded hy Councilman Lundh. Carried <by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Conncil. men Brady, Lnndh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition of Gene Parker request. i¡1g permission to purchase apiece of city.owned property approx. 36' facing Rosedale Ave. on the east. erly side of. Lot 1 of Rosedale Addn.' #2, presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Couucilman Stackis. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--"Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays~None. Petition of Joan Murphy,. reo questing a refund of $633.75 on unexpired portion of Beer.Liquor License No. #C-4624, discontinued business On 1.1.75, presented and read. Councilman Thoms moved tbat the petition be approved and the City Auditor directed to issne proper warrant. Seconded by Coun- cilman Stackis. Carried by the fol. I lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, ,stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO, 46,75 WHEREAS, Leo J. Meuser, a de. voted and conscientious public servant has served Dubuque Coun. ty as its County Treasurer having taken office on January 1, 193<9, and having served therein con. tinuously since said date, to the date of January 1, 1<975, at which time, he voluntarily withdrew from public life and retired into the relaxed climate of private citizen. ship; and WHEREAS, Leo J. Meuser has been a loyal and faithful servant of his political party having served the Democra'tic :party in many ca. pacities during his tenure of pub. lic'offlce. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Secti~n "That the City Coun. cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for and on behalf of the Inhabi. tants of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, formally, expresses)ts grateful ap' preciation to Leo J. Meuser for his loyal and devoted service to the public in his capacity as Dubuque Connty Treasurer. Section 2: That the City CoUllcil formally goes on record expressing its regrets that the said LeoJ; Meuser has seen fit to Withdraw horn' public life .by retiring from his office, and the City Council wishes to go on, record extending its sincerest 'best wishes to said loyal public servant and expresses its profound, hope. that. he enjoy life as a private citizen withal! the benefits and blessing upon such life which he so richly de. serves. Section 3: That the City, Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to spread a copy of this Resolution upon the records of his office and to transmit a certified copy hereof to Leo J. Meuser. Passed, adopted and approved tl¡is 24th day of Fehruary, 1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Al!an T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk - 88 Special Session, Febrl,lary 24, 1975 Councilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Couucilman Lundh. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. January 24, 1975 Honorable Mayor and City Council The accompanying agreement 'be. tweel1 the Iowa Highway Commis. sion and the City of Dubuque which gives the City' 50% of the cost of. repaving Dodge. Street with asphalt from Bluff Street to Grand. view A~enue .and 50% of the cost of 'building, ,a' ,deceleration lane with traffic sigm¡¡ modifications at the Devon Drive, intersection. This agreement does not bind us to do these jobs, hut it does stipulate the conditions under which the work will be handled and paid for if you gentlemen de. cide we should proceed with these projects. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Mal1ager , Councilman' Thoms, moved. that the communication. be received and filed. Seconded hy Councilman Lundb. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. mel1,Brady, Lundh,Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 47.75 Resolution Authorizing Execu. tlon of Agreement Between City of Dubuque, Iowa and Iowa State Highway Commission Re- lating to ResuÃacing of Dodge Street, and ConstrucHng a De. caleration Lene With Traffic Sig. nal Modification at the Devon Drive !mer.action. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed tó execute agree. ments dated 24th of February, '1975 with Iowa state Highway Commis- sion, a copy of which Agreements are attached, respecting the financ. ing, planning, establishment, im- provement, maintenance, use on regulation of public improvement in their respective jurisdiction and it is the judgment of the parties that U.S. #20 from Grandview to Bluff, approximately 1.05 miles be resurfaced with asphalt con. crete and to eonstruet a decelera. tion lane with traffic signal modi. fication at Devon Drive intersec. tion. Passed, approved and adopted this 24th day of February, 1975. C. Robert Justmann Mayor James E. Brady Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Council!nan Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thóms. Nays-None. February 24, 1975 Honorable Mayor and city Council I submit for your consideration the Budget Summary for the fiscal year July 1, 1975-June 30, 1976. Also, for fiscal year 1976 and fis. cal year 1977, I am, submitting the budget data according to a prevÌ' ous1y used report form. I believe this will assist you in nnderstand. ing the new presentation> The recOmmended budget is $15,385,227. The estimated tax rate is 47.9243 mills. It is requested that you favor. ably consider the resolution, au. thorizing,the City Clerk to publish the Budget Summary for fiscal year 1976 and to publish notice fixing the date of hearing for Mon. day evening, March 10th. Copies of the Budget Summary are available at ,the City Clerk's office and at the Library. On Fe'b. ruary 26th or 27th the detailed budget will be given to you and made available at the Clerk's of. fice and the Library. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Thoms moved that the communtcation be received and filed. Seconded ,by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Special Session, February 24, 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 48.75 WHEREAS the City Manager has submitted a BUDGET ESTIMATE for the period of July 1, 1915 to June 30, 1976, in compliance with Chapter 1020, Acts of 64, 2nd Gen. eral Assembly 1972, as amended, and the City Council has been dniy considered and caused to ,be pre- pared the Budget Estimate for ex. penditnres beginning July 1, 1975 and ending June 30, 1976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: I That said Budget Estimate be and the same is 'hereby ordered filed,inthe office of the City Clerk of the City of Dubuuque, Iowa, and the date of public hearing is here. by fixed as the 10th day of March 1975, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Central Daylight Time in the Council Chamber at the City, Hall. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City 'Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause said Bud- get Estimate of expenditures to he published in the official notice to be given of the time and place, when and where said Budget Esti. mate will he considered by said Council for final adoption at which time and place taxpayers will be heard for or against said Estimate, said pwblication to be not less than ten (10) days before said date of hearing. Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of February 197'5. C. Robert Justmann Mayor AlvinE. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded ,by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the followIng vote: Yeas-.Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of International Union of Operating Engineers reo qUesting permission to present their position to the Council prior 89 to the adoption of a resolution relative to casual day proposal, presented and read. Mr. Wm. Swee. ney, President of Local #758 and George Bogarth addressed the Council relative to the communi- cation. Councilman Thoms moved that the communication ,be reo ceived and filed. Seconded ,by Councilman Lundh. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. F"bruary 24, 1975 Honorable Mayor and City Council My office has been negotiating with the various employee groUp organizations in an attempt to reach a mutual agreement on the wage and benefit package for the period Jannary 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976. The settlement that has been reached 'between the employee group organizations and my office has been ratified by the majority of the group organizations. There. fore, I am recommending that the proposed wage and benefit pro. gram be adopted by the City Coun. cil and made effective January 1, 1975. I would reqU%t your, adoption of the attached ResolutiOn. 'Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Brady moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded hy Councilman Thom.s. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Thoms. Nays-Councilman Stackis. RESOLUTION NO. 49.75 WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, through its City Manager's Office, has ,been negotiating agree. ments relating to wage and benefit programs with various employee group organizations and employee groups; and WHEREAS,. the parties have reached agreement On various wage and benefit programs, to be effective for the period January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976 as stipulated in the revised manual identified as the City of Dubuque, ~--,~ ~---~--- -~- -- "":!,~~c . 90 Special Session, Febrnary 24, 1975 January ,1, 1975 . June 30, 1978, Wage' and Salary Plan, Revised January 29, 1975. WHEREAS, it is desiTous that the City Manager be given author. ity by the City Council to place in effect this proposed wage and salary plan. NOW" THEREFORE, BE ITRE. SOLVEJD by the City Council of the City of Du,buque, Iowa, as fol. lows: Section 1. That the City Manag. er be authorized to implement the proposed wage and salary plan and employee benefits for the period January 1, 1975 through June' 30, 19'1&, Section 2. That the City Manager be authorized to execute Memoran' da of Agreements relating to the plan with: a) Dubuque Profess;onal :Fire Fighters', Association Local 353 b) General Drivers ,and Helpers Union Local 421 c) Amalgamated TransitUnioJl Division 329 d) Dubuque policemen's protec. tive Association Section 3. That the City Manag, erbc authorized to recommend ad- justments to the ,pay plan during the perIod January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976 as may be deemed necessary for the effective opera. tion of the City of Duhuque. This Resolution ,repeals Resol". tion' No. It!.75 passed, àdopted and approved on the 141th day of Jan- uary, 1975. Passed, adopted. and approved this 24th day of Febnlary, 1975, C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundb James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen RESOLUTION NO. 50.75 WHEREAS, applkations for ,Beer Permits have ,been submitted to thIs Council for approval and the same have ,been examIned; NOW NIEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following applications ,be grant- ed and permìts issued upon the compliance witl¡ the terms of the Ordinances of the Cìty. C:'LASS "C" BEER PERMIT Thompson's Food 'Markets, Inc., Oky Doky *n,' n01 Rhomberg Avenue Passed, adopted and approved tbis ,24th day of February 19'15. C. Robert Justmann Mayor Alvin E, Lundh Emil Staekis James E, Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Mtest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Counciltnan Stackis moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by councilman Brady. Carried ,by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, CounciL- men Brady, 'Lundh, Stacki" Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 51-75 WlHEREAS, applications for Beer Permìts were filed by the within named applicants and they havere. ceived the approval of thisCoun. cil; and' WHEREAS, the premises to he occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of thIs City and they have filed proper bonds; NOW THEREFORE BElT RE- SOLVED by 'the City Council of the Cìty of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to he issued to the following named applicants a Beer PermIt. Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Jus,tmann moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Lundh. Carried 'by the followil1g vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann; . Council. men Brady, Lundh, Thoms. N;ays-Councilman Stackis. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., Oky- Doky *11, 1101 Rhomberg Avenue Special Session, February 24, 1975 Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day of Fehruary 1975. C. Rohert Jnstmann Mayor Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stackis James E. Brady Allan T. Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Stackis moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded hy Councilman Brady. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Mayor Justmann moved to pro. claim March 2, 1975, as "Leo J. I Meuser Day." Seconded by Coun. cilman Thoms. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Council- men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. There being no further business, Councilman 'fhoms moved to ad. journ. Seconded hy Councilman Stackis. Carried hy the fOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Justmann, Conncil. men Brady, Lnndh, Stackis, Thoms. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved ....................................1975. Adopted ......................................1975. """""""""""""""""""':Mäÿõ¡;""""""""""""" """""""""""""""'ëö'ü¡;ëiiiñëi,""'" """"""""". Attest: """""'ëitÿ"'ëï;;k 91