Fenelon Place 0590 dr 590 r'enel Pio 0 - ter® 7.F. M cr d C Lutacue Roofing Co. L Pe irersa dwe� B.P. 45 5/13/44 100.00 ,�..�_iin� C- I&ibuque Roofing Co. 169.0C Reroof part of b.F.Fran Lwe11g.B.P. 80 4 -26-48 0. Roger Bertsch C. Dubuque Insulaion & Siding Reroof S.F. Fr. DwelIg.B.P. 970 8 -11 -66 860.00 Reside SF Fr Dwilg B.P. 836 10/20/72 420.00 0-Burke Alumatic Reside sf fr dwelling B.P. 269 21 -5 -75 2535.00 590 Fenelon P1. 0-Harvey Curry C Mastes Home Improve. siding, SF frm dwllg BP 14460 10/3/88 $3900.00 - 0 -Pat & Bill Hesse C-Burke Alum. siding,soffit,trim,SF res BP22557 8/11/93 $4000.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 73-93 for Special Exception to allow construction of deck 0' from side prop. line & det. garage 2' from side prop. line & 4' from rear prop. line. Approved w /deck supports 1' from side prop. line. 9/30/93 0 -Pat Hesse C- Professional Rfg t /o, resheet, reroof SF sd_BP33965- 1/3/96 - $8922.00 --