Fenelon Place 0658 658 renolon Place B.of A. Fetn. to waive requirement Art. 1V Sec. 3 - for erection of attached garag 41 from rear lot line. Granted Docket No. 47-64 05 Fenton Pl. 0- Kiss ....',Oib e v N. IZrier Rebuild f <uoreh P,r,i42 ?/i1/52 ,0220,00 0- Charles Trlullweber C -Eldon Kintzle 2'200.00 Repairs to fire damage to s.f.Br.Dwellg.B.P. 355. 6 -16 -58 O. George Kennedy 00 Alt & Repairs 2 Family Br. DwellingB.P.715 9 -2 -64 2,000. 658 Fenelon Place D. George Kennedy Erect Att. Garage Rear 2 F. Br. & Fr. DwellingB.P. 740 -10-64 1,600.00 0- Christopher Theisen C -Gary Schmitt Const. erect 24x25 det. brk ven garage & deck above, SF res BP 13903 7/1/88 $14,000.00