Finley Street 1745 1745 Finley St. 0- George Brown C- IIrbain Klaa.s Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.F. 339 5 -26 -56 12 C -0, L. Haase 29200,00 l.dcit_on to S;de of S.F.Frame Dwellg,B,P, 178 4 -20-65 0- George Brown C -Reg Nauman install patio door & wind. SF frm dwllg BP 6962 5/15/84 0 -Mrs. George Brown C- Zephyr Alum. Product cover overhang SF res BP 13055 2/17/88 $844.00 0 -Mrs. George Brown C- Dennis Hackbarth inter. remodeliing,drywall, patio door,fireplace SF res BP 16379 1/8/90 $4400.00 1745 Finley 0 0 -Mrss. George Brown C Dennis Hackbarth install fireplace(gas) in living room, SF res BP 16550 3/23/90 $1.500.00 0 -Mrs. George Brown C- Dennis Hackbarth erect 14'x20` frm garage att. SF frm res BP21300 11/3/92 $2786 .00 0- Dorothy Brown C- Dennis Hackbarth tear - off,reroof SFfrm dwllg BP22036 5 -24 -93 $2600.00