Flint Hill Drive 2254 2254 Flint Hill Dr. 0 -Ta — - -_-man ere 0. - ..- ,Tdg BP35588 7 /96 N., wcYk Sfa lr 0 -Joe Schadler C- Gerardy Const. erect frm /brk ven office bldg BP37827 9/19/97 $160,924.00 0-tenant: Maxwell Eye Care Center C- Advanta Sign Co. install 6'x12 -' pole sign BP38106 11 /26/97 n/a 0 -Joe Schadler C- Gerardy Const. finish inter. 3/4 of comm. bldg BP38204 1/14/98 $56,000.00 0 -Joe Schadler C-Gerardy Const. finish inter. of 1/4 of- -comm. -bldg BP38264 2/11/98 $25,000.00 2254 Flint Hill Dr. 0 -Key West Chiropractic C -Owner ,erect temporary sign BP38368 3/27/98 n/a 0 -Key West Chiropractic C -Dub Sign Co install 4x10 freestanding ID sign & 2x3 direct. non- illum. BP42109 8/10/2000 n/a