Foye Street 2176 2176 Foye 8t. 0 -L, Le dtlilbricht. 0 -Owner. Addition to frame dwelling. B.p. 58 4/19/39 600.00 C - Wilbricht Bract frame eerrage Bp. I 532 9125f42 90.00 _ Enlarge Frame "are ge. B.P. 606 10 -16 -47 90.00 0 - Ray Bittinger C - Mid - State Home Imp. Reside reroof SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 338, 4/19/78 3300.00 0 -Ray & Joan Bittinger C -Owner erect 10x12 wood deck on rear of SF frm dwllg BP 4639 7/16/82 $632.00 2176 Foye 0-Ray Bittinger C- Inter -State Contr. t /o, resheet, reroof SF BP39351 9/28/98 $6000.00