Francis Street 2230 / 2 230 7rancis Et. 0- Ovaler Oonst fr. bldg. E.Im.15 4/732 10000 2230 Francis St. 0 -Mrs. Mary Witter C -Major Roofing Co. Reside 2 Fam.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 658 9 -10 -52 745.00 C -Wm Papenthein Repairs to rear porch of S. F.Frame Dwelling B.P. 206 4 -27 -54 95.00 0. Ed Sincock C. Giese Sheet Metal Co. Reroof 2 Family Frame DwellingB. P. 793 8 -26 -63 420.00 2230 Francis St. 0- Margaret Schroeder C -Owner reside, int. remodel. 2F frm dwllg BP 6277 9/22/83 $10,000.00