Gandolfo Street 0027 r 27 Gonce1pha 8u. 0 - Mrs. Louise 1Ioser 0- Owner 0onst. fr. garage- B.P. 780 3/31/32 4100.00 Add room on rear of 2 -st. fr. dwellg. B.P.636 9/16/40 4:400.00 0 -Jos. R. Duscheck C- Dubuouc Roofing Co.. Reroof S.F.Frame Dwelig.B.P. 66 3 -1 3-53 169.00 C- Triple Tite Const, Co, Reside Two Fart, Frame Dwellg.B,P, 724 11-11 -54 2,900.00 Reroof Rear Part of S FF r.Dwellg. B.P. 241 5 -3400 27 Gandolfo St. 0- Patrick DeHeck C -Owner remodel int. of SF frm dwllg BP 6834 4/24/84 $1800.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 23-92 for variance to allow constructio of new addition 13'1" from frt prop. line. Approved 4/23/92 - Patrick DeHeck C- Owner erect 896 sq. ft. add. w /bsmt, SF res BP20071 4/24/92 $31122.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 43 -92 for variance to allow addition to house, 8'll" from frt prop. line. Approved w/ condition hard surface driveway 6/25/92