Garfield Avenue 0430 430 G<rfield ave. 0- Gelene dove 61 - T.4itten Co "- Uabucue Roofing "o. Reroof 1 story brick bide:. 104 7/20%30 008.00 C- Geisler Bros. Reroot bus: bldg B.P. 3-77 -- 6/25/41 -- X500.00- 0 -Kipp Rfg. e Insltg. Co. Minor eitera tions to commercial bldg. 9e5 Wfli / _ 3/3/42 .200.00 9 430 Garfield Ave. 0- Galena Glove & Mitten C -Total Structures, Inc. remodel mas. & frm mfg. bldg. BP 4359 6/2/82 $39263.00 0- Galena Glove & Mitten C -Willy Const. alt. to mas. & frm mfg. bldg. BP 5948 7/13/83 $19803.00 0- Galena Glove & Mitten C -Dub. Insul. & Siding reroof mfg. bldg. BP 8304 4/15/85 $8000.00 0- Galena Glove & Mitten C -DISCO Bldg. Imp. reroof comm. bldg. BP 9991 5/5/86 $3500.00 0- Galena Glove & Mitten C -Owner alter. to inter. comm. bldg. BP 10723 8/25/86 $700.00 430 Garfield 0- Galena Glove & Mitten C -Total Structures Inc. ,ins all concrete st6o iand�a i comm. bftg - BP - 1 - 913-48.6-1430.0.0 — 0- Galena Glove & Mitten C -Tim Pancratz alter. to inter. to make offices, brk comm. bldg. BP - 14345 91 $6t000700 0- Walser Crane Ser. C -Total Structures Miser fndn for future wall, comm. bldg BP20742 8/3/92 0- Walser Crane Ser. C -Owner wall moditications - to mas. rm. m g s .g B u_ 8/2492.42C100_00 430 Garfield 0- Bob Walser C- Owner insul, inter ._walls __& ceiling, brk._comm. bldg BP21475 1/7/93 $2500.00