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Garfield Avenue 0511
id 511 Garfield Ave 0 --Tos. Vorraeld C -Joe Lisbach retsir roof S.P. I510 9/11/42 92.00 0- Joe i Reroof 2 Story Brick Bldg. B, ?. 51 1/15/46 1155.00 0 —Mrs, Vorwald Alteration toBrick Bus Bldg. B.P. 650 8 -23 -50 1000,00 0 —;irs, One Vorwald C— Dubuque Insulation & Siding o. Re®oof Brick Hotel Bldg ,,B.P. 834 9-25-61 320:,00 - - 511 Garfield St. 0-Tilden Polscan Erect detached fr garage, B.P. 823, 8/18/76 2000.00 0-George Giellis C-Jim Weitz Install firedoors in brk bldg, B.P. 101, 3/1/78 3600.00 73 4pel/t 41c 220‘,e-e.„, /776e44-/c/ 511 Garfield Ave 5 0- George Giellis C -Jim Weitz Erect outside stairway on brk bldg, B.P. 148, 3/13/78 800.00 0 -Scott Potter C- Jackson Excavating demolish 2 story brk bldg w /partial bsmt, comm /res. BP41579 5/1/2000 n/a Board of Adjustment Docket 53 -00 for Variance to provide 12 off - street parking spaces, 14 min. in OR zone. Approved 7/27/2000 0 -Scott & Dawn Potter C -Owner install fndn only for future congregate residence BP42554 11/1/2000 n/a 511 Garfield 0 -Scott & Dawn Potter C- Owner /Cedar Ridge Const. erect-new 2 story frm congregate residence on exist. fndn, - -19 u.ni-ts, BP425.92 1.1/1. 4/2000 -- $350_,_000_00 1