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Garfield Avenue 0601
601Garfield Ave. 0 -Mrs. Milton Harvey Repairs to frame Grage B.P. 322 5 -23 -56 400.00 C -Major Roofing Co. Reroof S. F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 327 5 -24-56 248.00 0. -Mrs, Milton Harvey Alteration to M,F.Br.Dwellg,B.P, 652 9 -26-58 500.00 0-Mrs. Milton Harvey C- Amerioan Roofing & Sheet Metal Reroof part of M,F,Br,Twellg.B,P, 785 9 - 300.00 C. Beaver Roofing Co. Reroof Br, Bldg. B. P. 658 9 -20 -68 125.00 601 Garfield J Board of Adjustment Docket 63 -90 for conditional use permit to allow rooming & boarding__ house w /10 sleeping rooms and a resident apartment. Approved w /conditions 10/25/90 0 -David & Les Brotzman C- Manders Const. remodel inter. to make sleeping rms, MF BP18108 2/20/91 $50856.00 0 -Les Brotzman C -Owner tear -off, reroof, siding det. garage MF res BP18239 3/21/91 $2800.00 0 -Les Brotzman C -Owner side det. gar.,soffit,fascia, MF BP36658 3/20/97 $1800.00 601 Garfield a 0 -Les Brotzman C -Owner t /o, resheet- reroof MF BP40292 6/14/99 $2000.00 ......... ___ ....................