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Garfield Avenue 0623
623 Gerfield Ave. P. bchilling. 0-Owner.__ Enclose porch - repairs. B.P. 716 10/6/39 85.00 C- Owner. E single car frame gar. B.P. 325 6/26/40 25.00 0. Ella Schilling C. Dubuque Insulaton & Siding Reside S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 1073 11 -10 -65 550.00 ReroofS.F. Fr. Dwellg.B.P. 1244 10 -21 -66 280.00 OJerry Coltrell 0 -Dub Ins & Siding Reside SF FR Dwelling B.P. 1015 11 -12 -74 840.00