Garfield Avenue 0625 525 Garfield Ave. '
0- Howard Brownell C -John C. Krueger
Re -roof frame dwelling B.r. 714 10;5/40 $80.00
0- Everett Brown
Repair rear porch to M.F.Freme B.F. 215 6 -14 -5
0- Everett Brown
Remits to rear porch of 2 F.Frame Dwelg.
B.P. 232 5 - - 90.00
B.of A. Petn. to waive yard requirement of III Sect. 4c
for erection of Garage. Front of Garage one foot back
from face of stone wall.OK north lot line provided
written consent of adjoining property owner
625 Garfield Ave. 7 -
O- Everett Brown
rRerooi 2 F n.Frame Nwe11g B.F. 304. 5 -4 -60 200.00
0 -Jerry Vize C -Owner
replace porch deck on no. side 2F frm dwllg BP 6728
3/29/84 $758.00