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Garfield Avenue 0709
7 709 Gsrfield 2,72. - ass ca. 0- He2.cYc -1 i >ui: ia€ i erc,ci fr. , ola 0 -Dan " Erect chirmey 2 at. £r, dwellg, B.P. 540 8/21/40 50.00 0 -Dan Schmalz Erect 4 car garage 3.P. 761 10 -7 -50 950.00 Reroof 2 F. Frame Dwellg.B.P. 6$1 9 - 17 - 53 190.00 0 ner Mils C Modern Siding & Roofing Co, 990. Reroof & Reside 2 Fam.Fr. Dwellg. B.P. 1002 11 -7 1