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Garfield Avenue 0800
800. Garfield _Ave, 0 -Third Presbyterian Church C- Dubuque Rfg, Col Reroofing church building B.P. 528 8/11/41 4375,00 C -;ao ii tv Roofing Co. Reside B" emd Bldg. B.P. 549 1&46 1,000.00 0 -Third Presbyterian Church C- Quality Roofing Co. Reside frame church Bldg. B.P. 796 10 -23 -50 400,00 0- Quality Roofing Co. Reroof frame building B.P. 56 4-19-51 265.00 800 Garfield f 0- Jacobsen Welding Supply C -Owner erect frm comm. bldg. BP T0602 8/4/86 $T9,820.00 0-Jacobsen Welding L Signgrapliics, rnc. i �sJ all twa 4 —xb n fla wal 1- mttd—s -igns- BP 10783— 9/4/86 install 4'x6' dbl faced non- illum. freestanding sign BP 10/8 - 4 0 Jacobsen— Welding— Su$Ply - G- Sagngraphics Inc install 3x6 non- illum. dbl faced sign - free standing BP 11376 2/17/87 0 -Hess Brick C- M.P. K1uck constiuct po-l-e— bldg--- tor ag BP1739C ' 8-1-90 2050000 800 Garfield 0 -Hess Brick C -Larry Weitz Signs ',—a A' " Al ens BP17 2 -7790