Garfield Avenue 0801 801 Garfield Ave. Third Presbytermian Church C- Dubuque - Roofing Co. fieroof Frame Church Bdlg._B.P. 418 7-9-57 420.00 0. Elmer Thompson C. Tames F. Kress Reroof Brk Ven -Fr Bus Bldg.B.P.755 9/4/74 1,000.00 0- Dubuque Area Workshop 0 -Cy Hanten Alteration to Fr Dus Bldg 3/3/75 -B.P. 83 650.00 Remodel interior fr bus bldg B.P. 511 4 June 76 2000.00 0 -Dub. Industrial Dev. C- Masters Home Improve. tear -off, reroof frm comm. bldg. BP 12806 10/29/87 $7500. 00 801 Garfield , 0- Indust. Devel. Center C-Masters Home Improve. tear - off, reroof, comm. bldg. BP 13576 5/19/88 $8800.00 0-Hoffmann Indust. Dev. Center C- Advanta Sign Co. install two 3'x4' wall mounted signs to bldg BP 14851 3/1/89 0- Hoffman Industries C- Perry Const. tear -off, resheet,reroof dock area, comm. BP23149 11/22/93 $1400.00 0- Hoffman Ind C- Tri State Reroof, sd, Comm BP30508 6 -7 -95 $13,500.00 0- Hoffman Indust. Devel. Center C -Jim Steil replace outside steps(wood),workshop BP40979 10/26/99 $1 500