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Garfield Avenue 0918
912 Geifielu C--.8 I CM a. C-E, foils Toanace. 8apPia.=. Leiza 280 8/1:C/37 190.00 CI- C. Snangler C- Owner En-lose front porch nn C.F..F. Dwelling B.P. 111 5/1,44.6 190.00 0-0herles Spangler C-The Burke Alumatic Go. Reside S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.F. 913 3-23-50 650.00 0. Robert Schwartz C. Bever Rfg. Co. Reroof S.F. Fr. Dwellg.B.P. 1189 12-15-65 395.00 918 Garfield •.- 0- Walter Briggs C -DISCO Reside SF Fr Dwllg, B.P. 1004, 1UJT/"T6 1$75.00 OG_e_arge Andresen - _CAI Rfg_S,E_S_d_g_- rarnnf SE Bp _313D3 7J10/_95— $3500 00 0- George Andresen C-MAT Const. t /o, reside(v),fascia,csgs, relocate door, close up window SF- BP33-989-- 1-/1 -1 /964- 13T34 -OEr 4