Garfield Avenue 1311 1311 Garfield Ave. !
0 -John Tallman C -Home Siding Co.
Reside b.F.Frene Dwellg.B.P. 771 3 -5-48 680.00
0- Leonard Kruse c- Giese Sheet Metal Co.
Reside S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 676 11 -2 -51 600.00
0 -Leroy McCoy C -Giese Sheet Metal Co.
Reroof S,F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 252 5 -3 -56 90,00
0_Mrs, Joe Lange C -Ed Papenthien
Alterations to Kitchen S.F.Br.Dwellg. B.P. 121 kQ979@1
0 -Elmer Steffen
Reside k'rame Garage B.P. 158 4 -16 -62 100.00
I 1311 Garfield Ave.
Board of Adjustment Docket 43 -84 for variance from
side and front yard setback to allow construction of
a porch 2'6" from side property line and 7'4" from
front property line. Approved 7/19/84 Also approved
back porch 2'6" from side property line - 8/16/84
0 -John Hirsch C- Owner
erect 12x16 rear deck & 6x12 frt. porch SF frm dwllg
BP 8446 5/8/85 $1390.00
0 -John Hirsch C -Owner
install patio door, SF frm dwllg BP 9462 11/12/85 $300.00
0 -John Hirsch C -Owner
install 7' wood fence SF frm dwllg BP 10181 5/29/86
1311 Garfield -
I 0 -John Hirsch C-Inter-State Contractors
reroof SF frm dwllg & det. garage, BP 14234 8/26/88 $850.00
0 -Dave Dimmer C- Owner
t/o, resheet, reroof, sd, SF BP29954 5/18/95 1000.00
Dimmer C -Pat Johnson
t /o,rebuild 6x12 frt porch, siding(v),soffit,fascia,casings
SF BP33800 11/28/95 $6000.00