Garfield Avenue 1501 6 1 501 arfield 0 -Frank Bucl C -Ginner Reside of fr.d.^:ell. k 143 5/15/43 30,00 Erect Dormer to S.F.Frame Dwellg. & Reroof B.P. 89 3 -12 -54 950.00 B.ef A. to :naive side yard requirement for erection of addition on Garfield SIve. side. Denied Docket No. 8 -5J' O -fnanh Buoy C DISCO Reside det gate BP 1105 8/28/79 $1179.00 1501 GARFIELD 0 -Carl Buol C -3 In One Const t /o, reroof, SF, sd BP 33127 10/4/95 $2700.00