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Garfield Avenue 1625
1625 Garfield Ave. 0 —John James Fransen Erect S.F.Frame Dwel7g.B.P. 424 7 -6-53 8,200.00 _0 -Jim Fransen C -Owner enclose frt. porch, wind. wall const. SF frm dwllg BP 5406 3/23/83 $1500.00 0 -Jim Fransen C -J & B Lath & Plastering apply stucco siding SF frm dwllg BP 5817 6/20/83 0 -Mary Fransen C -Disco Bldg. Improv $2000.00 install partiko (canopy) SF frm dwllg BP 9869 4/18/86 $489.00 1625 Garfield Ave. 0- Mrs James Fransen C -Steve LuGrain Rfg &Sdg tear - off,reroofSFfrmdwlg BP22234 6 -22 -93 $1600.00 0 -Mary Fransen C -Disco replace portiko and awnings sf sd BP25261 9/21/94 $2150.00 0- Mary Fransen C- Steve LuGrain t /o, reroof, SF & det garage, sd BP30259 5 -30 -95 $2800.00