Garfield Avenue 2360 2360 Garfield
0-Louis Guasto C.Giese Roofing Co.
nReroof S. F Frame Dwelling 1 -4 -71 $358.00
Board of Adjustment Docket 59 -86 for Conditional Use
Permit to allow expansion of non - conforming use to
allow 13'x26' addition to SF res. Approved 11/20/86
0- Michael Havenstein C -Ray McDonald
erect 12x26 frm add. on rear SF ,side, roof BP 11200
11/24/86 $15400 .00
Board of Adjustment Docket 63 -92 for variance to allow
residential garage in HI district. Approved 8/27/92
Docket 64-92 for Conditional Use Permit to allow expansion
of a nonconforming use in HI approved 8/27/92
2360 Garfield
0- Michael Havenstein C -Owner
erect 24'x28' det. - frm - ga-r-age, SF -res. -BP-21 -020
9/15/92 $6,686.00