Glen Oak Street 1390 1390 Glen Oak St.
0 -E._W. Hilton C -Major Roofing Co.
Reside S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 861 12 -3 -56 1,224.00
B.of A. Petn erect garage closer than 15' to side lot line,
Granted 10 back from Loras Blvd Property line.
Docket No. 30-61
O. Vera Collinson C. Midwest Builders
Erect Frame Garage B.P. 866 10 -8 -65 1,500.00 55pp
Repair porches to S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P, 483 7- 176
0-hrs. Edna Fesler 0.44ettille Roofing & Sheet Metal 00,
Reroof .F,Fr,Dwellg,B.P. 683 1e -8 -70 598.00
1390 Glen Oak Str
0- Harvey Gary Blosch C -Owner
drywall, windows, repair siding, SF frm dwllg
BP 17333 7 -23 -90 10,000
0 -Gary Blosch C -Owner
tort roo S rm .w g • G 1 .- o- 0.00
0- (ary Rlnsrh C- Mika Ackarlandl
New roof, sd, SF BP26769 11 -1 -94 $3700.00
0- Gary & Renee Blosch C- Davis Roofing
New roof, sd, SF BP27441 12 -1 -94 $700.00
0 -Dave Cox C -E Dbq Roofing & Sdg
t /o, reroof, SF, sd BP 31425 7/14/95 $3897,00