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Goethe Street 0801
801 Goethe 6 t. 0-J.J. Hoffmann. 0 - J.P.�chiltz. ireot frame garage. B.P. 759 10/12/38 240.00 0- Charles Cullen C- Quality Roofing Go. Reroof S,F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 27 1 -3 -66 400.00 C. Zephyr Aluminum Products Inc. Reside S.F. Fr. Dwellg.B.P. 171 4 -6 -67 1,230.00 0- Charles Cullen C- Zephyr Aluminum Re- soffit SF Fr Dwelling B.P. 307 4 -23 -76 1500.00 0- Clark Nichols C- Home Doctors New roof, sd, SF BP25792 10/6/94 $5339.00