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Goethe Street 0809
809 Goe:the at. 0 -J. A. welu. C -Fred Hanselmenn. Reroof frame dwelling. b.P. 51 4/17/39 140.00 0- Donald Theisen Erect Frame Garage B.P. 680 9_9_56 3.00.00 0-Jack Bauerly C- Quality Roofing Co. Reroof S.F.Frar:e Dwe]1g.B.P. 76 1 -3-66 325.00 0 -Ray Breitsprecker C- Bullock Garages Inc. erect 24x24 det. frm gar. SF frm res BP 8163 3/18/85 0-Ray Breitsprecker C -Owner $5731.00 :,enclose 4x15 rear porch, SF frm BP 13148 3/21/88 $2600.0 809 Goethe ' 0 -Ray Breitsprecker C- Bldrs. Supply Co. siding, soffit, fascia, i'- 1 1. A .1 i 11.11 . replace damaged siding SE dwllg & garage sd BP27930 2/15/95 $1450.00 '0 -Ray Breitsprecker C -Steve LuGrain It o, res ee , reroo .w g, o, rersi '.?, F, sd RP 32557 9/6/95 $3756.00