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Gordon Drive 2296
2296 Cordon St. 0- Carris Const. Co. Erect s ".Frasae Iwellr.B.r. 614 7 -25 -60 11,000.00 0 -Dick Rotzoll C -Chuck Carr Const. reroof SF frm dwllg BP 9596 2/3/86 $2000.00 0 -Dick Rotzoll C -Owner erect 10'x12' open wooddeck on rear SFfrm res BP22042 5 -24 -93 $632.00 0- Richard Rotzoll C- Rellihan Constr Replace 1 side, Masonite, sd, SF BP29103 4.18 -95 $800.00 2296 GORDON DRIVE 0- Richard Rotzoll C -Davis Roofing t /o, reroof, SF BP 32099 8/15/95 $2000.00 0- Richard Rotzoll C -Rim Rellihan Const install vinyl siding & sof, fas SFD BP37405 7/10/97 $3000.0