North Grandview Avenue 0024 24 N. Grandview Ave. 0 -John Aa7astrong C -Chas Naas Repairs to rear porch of S.F.Br,Ven.Dtirellg. B.P. 308 6 -1 -54 800.00 0-Mrs. J. A. Armstrong 0 -Giese Sheet Metal Co. Reroof 3.F,Franie Dwelig,B,P, 1235 11 -19 -62 525.00 0- Paul /Ellyn Schroeder C -Owner remove, replace bsmt. gar. w /porch - above, - SF- masnry BP 10146 5/23/86 $10638.00 0 -Paul Schroeder C- Owner -- reside dormer w /alum: SE brk dwllg BP 12056 6/25/87 $500.00 24 No. Grandview Ave. 0 -Paul Schroeder C -Owner erect 12x26 deck on side'& rear SF brk dwllg BP13400 5/2/88 $1644.00 0 -Paul Schroeder C -Owner t /o, reroof, porch, rear, SF, sd BP 32533 9/5/95 $600.00 0 -Paul Schroeder C. Joe Healey t /o, reroof SF sd BP35077 6/10/96 $6,000.00 0-Paul Schroeder C-Dub Symphony Orch. League erect temporary sign BP42435 10/6/2000 $n /a