North Grandview Avenue 0051 51 No. Grandview Ave,
0- Washington Jr.High School C- Heitzman Const. Co,
5 0 000.00
Add, to Jr, High School Bldg., 7.0 B.P. 40 2 -16 -80
C. Earl Droessler Const. Co.
Erect Add. Junior High School Bldg. B.P. 269 5 -1 -64
244,000.00 C zman Gons +. Co. 'sonn.nn
R epair storm
Repair _ damage to School ,B,1. 753 '_ -x,-70
C. Willy . Const Co
Library Addition B.P. 464 6/28/72 29,440.00
51 North Grandview Avenue
0- Dubuque Comm. Sch. Dist. C- Willey Construction
Remodel Int. of Jr. HS BP 722 7/2/79 $18,699.00
0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C- Rafoth Sheet Metal
reroof school BP 7119 6/6/84 $22247.00
0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C- Aylsworth Bros. Movers
move mobile classroom to 1800 Clarke Dr. BP 13303 4/14/88
move mobile classroom to 1800 Clarke Dr. BP 13304 N/A
0 -Dub. Comm. School Dist. C- Bradley Iron Works Inc.
alter. to inter., masonry school BP 16594 3/29/90 $9950.00
51 N. Grandview Ave.
0- .Dubuque Comm. Schools C -Tim Pancratz Const.
remodel interior for classrooms SCHOOL BP22264 6 -25 -93
0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C- Renaissance Restor. Inc.
erect retaining wall, school BP24116 6/22/94 $3075.00
O -Dbq School Dist C- Pancratz Const
Remodel classrooms BP 30626 6/12/95 $330,000.00
0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C -Dub. Comm. Schools
construct room at back of auditorium balcony — school
BP33890 12/12/95 $8500.00
0 -Dub Comm Schools- C_ -Prism Corp.
• erect -FOP for future elevator add., school BP35u50 6/6/96
n .
0 -Dub Comm Schools C -Giese Roofing
reroof school gym BP35195 6/20/96 $16625.00
0 -Dub Comm Schools C -Prism Corp.
on existing foundation, erect enc. stair tower & elevator
school BP35419 7/12/96 $379,161.00
0 -Dub Comm Schools C- Geisler Bros.
install rubber roof over no gym, school BP37096 6/2/97
0 -Dub Comm Sch Dist C =Dub comm Sch Dist
repair & Cover /paint- inside -of exterior walls at cafeteria
comet BP37394 7/9/97 $6500.00
51 No. Grandview
Board of Adjustment Docket 14 -98 for Variance to install
58 sq. ft. monument sign, Approved 3/26/98
0 -Dub Comm. Schools C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst.
install 69 "x121" dbl face v- shaped sign BP38381 4/1/98
I0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C- Klauer Const.
remodel gen. offices & install accst ceiling in N. wing
,1st grd. FL BP38837 6/18/98
0 -Dub Comm. Schools C- Klauer Const.
construct new entry alcove on Dodge St. side, school
BP40198 5/27/99 $19,950.00
51 No Grandview
0-Washington Jr. High C- Klauer Const.
remodel inter-. stage - -& auditorium -ex ts, school BP41710
5/25/2000 $37,854.00____