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North Grandview Avenue 0350
G.ig.4 -e >6c` o°, ®ys6 - 04 /c. 62Aer-fDv.cui lvE 14 Allison Pl. 0- Finley Hospital C- Montgomery Elev. Co. Install Elevator B.P. 346 6 -13 -58 30,000.00 0- F inley Hospital C- .dilly Const. Co. Install Elevator Shaft B.P. 375 6 -19 -58 9,000. 0- Finley Hospital. G- Heitzman Const, Co. Addition to Hospital Bldg., B.F. 477 6 -15 -61 10,000.00 C. Dick Loetscher Inca Erect Temporary Fr. Bldg. B. P. 989 8 -19 -66 5,500.00 Alt. Int. Br. Hospital Bldg. B.P. 26 1 -11 -68 30,000.00 C. Viggo M. Jensen Co.2,336,713 Erect masonry & br add hose. bldgB.P.575 8/13/71 Address Changed to 350 North Grandview Avenue 10/8/73 Notifications: Water Dept, 10/10/73 Assessor Post Office 350 N. Grandview 0- Pinto Hosp. C- Ileitzman Cons t. Addition to hospital B.P. 1033 11 -18 -74 176,600.00 O- Finley Hospital — Erect Nlodu3ar aids SI - ,dg; B.P. 1374, 11/ A "fii'; 0 FinleyHospital Erect foundation for future exp., B.P. 63, 2/8/78 TT A • C 0 - Finle Hospital C -Giese Roofing Co. Reroof mas hospital bldg, B.P. 1046, 9/13/77 6320.00 -- -- OnFinley Hospital e ra, -ar�� r., �nr ,sac hnGpita1 R P 1418_7_,_9121/21____ 380,000.00 3 350 N. Grandview 0 • .eq— Korspt t - Alteration to int. mas. hose., B.P. 285, 4/7/78 90000. O - Finley Hospital 3 3 s;4G' Erect mas add to hosp.,B`P. 731,6/27/78 :"; y 350 N. Grandview r'in`Te'j.._ . - ......... ._. _... . --- Erect parking B.P. 159, 3/27/79 1,586,235. I . 0- Finley Hospital C- McCarthy Bros_ Const_ remodel int. of mas. hospital BP 2576 9/17/80 $55700.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Powers Const. Co. install suspended ceiling system lark inst. bldg. BP 2950 _ 1/5/8L__ aoo o0 __ 0- Finley Hospital C- Powers Const. Co. erect arcade from nursing home to hospital BP3145 4/7/81 0-Finley Hospital C- Heitzman Const. Co $5000.09 remodel int of mas & - - st1 hospital BP 3543 7/20/81 $147,960.00 350 N. Grandview 0- Finley Hospital C- Owner remodel int. of mas. hospital BP 4819 8/18/82 $15,000.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Willy Const. Co. remodel int. of mas. & stl. hospital BP 5061 10/11/82 $42000.00 0- Finley Hospital C -Willy Const. general remodeling of hospital BP 5273 - 1/5/83 $23834.00 0- Finley Hospital C -Willy Const. int. remodeling work mas. hospital BP 5365 3/7/83 $49000.00 0- Finley Hospital C -Willy Const. remodel int. of mas. & stl. hosp. bldg. BP 5949 7/13/83 $15262.00 350 No. Grandview 0- Finley Hospital C -Willy Const. alt.__ to C.T_.__Scan_ &- _adm__ area - hospital BP 6051 8/5/83_ $145,732.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Signgraphics, Inc. insta -ll 3'x14' SF int. i11ni. BP 9191 9/13/85 0- Finley Hospital C- Signgraphics, Inc. install one 4'x18" SF int. illum. direct. sign BP 9532 12/19/ 0-Finley Hospital C- Signgraphics, Inc. remove, reinstall direct. sign at corner Delhi & Allison BP 9533 12/19/85 0-Finley Hospital C -Joe Lyster move office to 1583 W. 3rd BP 10377 6/24/86 7 350 No. Grandview 0- Finley Hospital C -Debs Const. demolish 3 story brk - bldg, school• nursing 1 9/'1 /-BF-N -- 0-finlay Hospital (Michae_LReadT) ['-JDLils1ef�lel.ding move 20x36 frm storage bldg to city of Asbury BP 10781 97/-86 --M-A — — -0 Fin1e� Hasp -i -tal rixo_Pa Gratz Const alter. to inter. of masnry hospital BP 10869 9/18/86 0- Finley Hospital C- Rinderknecht Assoc. si30U.QO suGstru Gro i , trop - RP t1 - 0 10/t5/86 - --N /A 350 No. Grandview 0- Finley Hospital C- Rinderknecht Assoc. Inc. erect - addition to masonry hospital BP 11332 2/3/87 cancer research_ center $1,506,400.00 0- Finley Hospital C -Tim Pancratz Const. inter. alter., drywall, hospital BP 11391 2/24/87 $6700.06 0- Finley Hospital C -Inter -State Contractors reroof_ walk ways - _hosp.ital-- BP__12253 7/28/87 $1300.00 0- Finley Hospital __ C-Advanta Signs install one wall mtd illum. sign over main entrance BP 12642 9/28/87 ......_......... _.... 350 No. Grandview -- 0= - Finley Hospital mm _ 5ignmCo: remove exist. fs sign & replace -w /62'x7' -sign BP 12768 10/22/87 .. .............. 0- Finley Hospital C -M.P. Kluck Const. erect 1000 sq. ft. addition for MRI & heliport, hospital 12/21/87-$71,734.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Conlon Construction remodel obstetrics dept., hospital BP 14735 12/14/88 $544,700.00 0-Finley Hospital C?-Conlon - Const. remodel radiology dept. mas. hospital BP 15459 6/20/89 $576,000.00 /0 350 No. Grandview 0- Finley Hospital C- Advanta Sign add 20 "x74" sgl face sign to exist. sign BP 15898 9/7/89 ..................... 0- Finley Hospital C -Tim Pancratz Const. remodel - inter. space into - hospital BP16421 1/26/90 $17500.00 0- Finley Hospital C -Tim Pancratz Const. alter. to inter. hospital BP18952 7715/91 $22500.00 0 -The Finley Hospital -- C - Conlon -- Const. repairs, 8: addition to parking facility hospital BP18993 7/23/91 $977,200.00 0-Finley Hospital C-Geisler Bros. Co. tear =off - reroof hospital BP21292 1172/92 $37334.00 if 350 N. Grandview Ave. 0- Finley Hospital C- Hospital Bldg &Equip. construct temp.bridge cover temp.remodel, hospital BP21728 4/8/93 549999 90 NIA 0- Finley Hospital C- Hospital Bldg & Equip. site demolition,excavation,drilled piers,foundations, site utilities Hosp. BP21929 5/11/93 NA 0- Finley Hospital C- Hospital Bldg & Equip. construct 4 story add. & remodel hospital BP22384 7/14/93 $7,850,498.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Blackhawk Auto Sprinkler install sprinkler system in boiler rm & corridors hospital, BP23685 4/27/94 $10000.00 /az 350 No. Grandview 0-Finley Hospital C-Finley Hospital install 6 monument signs & one bldg sign BP24415 8/8/94 n/a 0-Finley Hospital C-Strub Const Pedestrian arcade & fire door added 22,600.00 BP29981 5/19/95 0-Finley Hospital C-Blackhawk Sprinklers Extend sprinkler system, hospital BP 30862 6/29/95$8700.00 350 N GRANDVIEW 0- Finley Hospital C- Blackhawk Sprinklers Install 3rd flr sprinkler system, hospital BP 32119 8/16/95 $29,100.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Campco Fire Protect. Install firesprinkler, 2nd flr, ctr, Comm BP 32485 9/1/95 $N /A 0- Finley Hospital C- Campco Fire Protect. Install sprinkler system, 1st flr hospital BP 32774 9/13/95 $27,575.00 350 N GRANDVIEW 0- Finley Hospital C- Campco Fire Protect. Install fire sprinkler syst., 3rd flr, hospital BP 32775 9/13/95 $ N/A 0- Finley Hospital C- Conlon Const. remodel part of hospital for MRI unit 3P38036 11/5/97 $399,795.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Continental Fire Sprkl. install fire sprinklers in MRI area, hospital BP38077 11/18/97 $3084.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Blackhawk Sprinkler Co. add sprinklers in 3 areas of exist. hospital BP38710 5/26/98 $41,620.00 .......... o) 350 No. Grandview O- Finley Hospital C -B1 ackhawk Sprinkler relocate sprinkler heads, 5th flr, hospital BP39489 10/23/98 $6470.00 O- Finley Hospital C- Conlon Const. - Co. remodel 5th floor hospital,_BP39952 11/10/98 $250,000.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Hospital Bldg & Equip. erect brk ven. addition & bearing wall for cancer center, hospital BP40745 9/7/99 $729,300.00 0- Finley Hospital C- Biackhawk Sprinklers install fire protection for 3rd flr, hospital BP40774 9/10/99 $2210.00 350 No Grandview Js 0-Finley Hospital C -Owner remodel 3rd flr west for cardiac rehab, hospitaT BP40835 9/23/99 $2-7, 300.00 0- Finley Ho.ap al C- Adventures Inc_ erect temporary blimp BP41632 5/12/2000 n/a 0- Finley Hospital C- Conlon Const. Co. -- construct "4=sLory conc. /steel /masonry veneer medical off. addition to_hos_pital BP42700__1 /17/2001 $4,533,000.00_ 0- Finley Hospital C- Conlon Const. Co. construct 3- sided masonry 1 story addition shell enclosure bove- "exist. structure, hospital - BP42713 1/24/2001 370,000.00