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North Grandview Avenue 1410
1410 d r e. % 0 - Fred Ldorgan 0 - H.J.wcniltz, "rect 1 story frare. B.F. 1 ? ?5 10/27/25 0 -Al. Kearns C- Henschel Roofing Co, hereof S.F.Frm.Dwellg.B.P. 179 4 -20 -54 300.00 0. Melvin Weydert Erect Brk Addition B.P. 511 7 -17 -72 100.00 0- Melvin Weydert C- Kustom Home Improve. tear -off, reroof SF brk dwllg BP 7087 6/4/84 $1760.00 1410 No. Grandview 0 -Betty Weydert C- Masters Home Improve. soffit, fascia SF res RP17427 '78/90 $1384.00 0- Elizabeth Weydert C- Iri State t/o 1 sayer, reroof, sd, SF BP -28348 3 -20 -95 $4300.00 0 -Betty Weydert C -Power of Prayer Inc. erect temporary sign : *7 n/a 0 -Betty Weydert C -Power of Prayer erect tcmporar. :o : e 5/21/98 n/a 0- Melvin Weydert C -Power of Prayer erect temporary sign BP40121 5/18/99 n/a 1410 No Grandview -' 0-Betty Weydert C -The Power of Prayer erect temporary sign BP41756 "6 /2 /2000-n /a