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North Grandview Avenue 1570
//,K 1570 t w-nt. Aeuter. 6—lbert —isbact. Etel‘ciof '6 .62. 40 4/13/38 293.00 G-H. Schl G-Owner Lengthen fr. garage B.P. 78 4/16/4125.O B.of A. Petn to enlarge end enclose front porch Granted Docket No. 57-46 0 G. Schlegel Repairs to roof of S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. '718 10-16-58 - - 1570 No. Grandview 0-Martin Baumgartner C-P & J Const. tear-off,- sheeting, -reroof SF res BP 15509 6/26/89 3000.00 0-Martin Baumgartner C-P & J Const. Co. tear-off, reroof porches, soffit, SF res BP20322 5/2-1/92 $800.00 0-Martin L. Baumgartner C-P&J Cont. co. erect 22x22 det garageSF dwllg BP20527 7/1/92 $4.815._00