North Grandview Avenue 1590 /1/ .0 i ' 4.JL l//e r.J 1590 Bfec bon. S treet. / B.of p,.Petn to waive side yard reouirerent for attached Garage. Denied but approved e gar. 8 ft. froam side dt.prorerty line. Docket No. 81 -41 0- Delbert Cox C -Owner Adding privete garage to :Crane dwellg. B.P. 752 10/15/41 �a20o.o 1590 Audubon St, 0 -John R. Murphy C -Major Roofing Co. Reroof S.F.Fr.Dwellg,B.P, 273 5 -26 -53 225.00 O. Thomas Richard C. Burke Alumatic Reside S.F. Fr. Dgellg.B.P. 921 8 -1 -66 600.00 0- Hansel Bldrs. Incor. C -Owner reroof SF frm dwllg BP 4759 8/6/82 $600.00 0 -Neil Frommelt C- Masters Home Improvement soffit, fascia, gutters SF frm dwllg BP 7797 10/11/84 0 -Neil Frommelt C -Owner $1060.00 erect deck on side SF dwllg BP 13363 4/22/88 $512.00 3 1590 No. Grandview Board of Adjustment-- Docket..24 -99 for Special Exception to expand an existing garage 5' from frt prop. line (Decorah St.) & to expand exist. frt porch 14' from the- -front prop. line (Grandview Ave.) Approved 5/27/99 -- 0- Neal Frommelt C -Owner replace exist. garagew /18'x21' garage, replace exist. enclosed porch w/ new 11x11 porch, repairs SF BP40458 7/9/99 $15,000.00 0-Nell Frommelt C— Owner t /o, wall, SF BP42520 10/23/2000 $500.00