North Grandview Avenue 1630 ✓_Grn,v< 1 1630 b"cjT' Str Fi Cit 0 -James L. Riley, C Owner, Repair & .61ter frame dwellg. B.P. 422 7/20/40 500 B.of A.Pet n,to waive front yard requirement for erection of garage. Granted subject to B.G,Docket No. 20 -40 0- James Butcher 0- Dubuque Horae Impr. Co. Beroof $.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 26, 6 -5 -50 200.00 0. Jerry Van Osterand kdd. Rear S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 252 4 -27 -64 1,000.00 1630 North Graadvl w Avenue O. Gerry A. VanOstrand C. AcriWholesale Siding Reside SF Frame Dwelling B.P. 769 9/19/73 _ 3,12 0- .Jerry VanOstrand C- Owner Reroof SF frm dwelling BP292 4/19/79 $495.00 0- Charles Polkinghorn C- Owner t /o, reside (v) sd SF BP30059 5 -22 -95 $1800.00