North Grandview Avenue 1715 1715 E.Cranivieu We. 0 - 53 O'Brien 0 - Ed, Radloff Reroof frame dwelling b.P. 288 8/22/45 150.00 B . .Petn.to - give side ye rd area recuirerierit for alteration of enlarging sunporch. Granted subjected to State La'=s pocket No. 52 -40 0 -Mrs. Minnie French C -Bob Shireman R eroof S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 433 7 -14 -58 150.00 0. Mrs. R.A.Frasoh C. Giese Sheet Metal Co. Reroof S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P.350 5 -13 -63 240.00 1715 So. Grandview 0 -Dr. Robert Melgaard C -Steve Schnee Rfg & Sdg. tear-off one layer, reroof SF frm dwllq BP18960 7/16/91 $1600.00 ------ - - -- ------------------------------