North Grandview Avenue 1776 - fru 1776 Artfinson - -St® 0 -L1od Kinzie Erect S.F,freme Duelling. B.P. 371 7 -13 -48 4,500.00 0 - Louis Runde C -Power of Prayer erect temporary sign BP17005 6/1/90 N/A 0 - Louis Runde 0 - Power of Prayer erect temporary sign BP18551 5/15/91 N/A 0 -Louis Runde C -Power of Prayer '- erect temporary sign BP20310 5/26/92 0- Louise Randa C -Power of Prayer, Inc. - erect temp. sign BP 22001 5 -19 -93 N/A 1776 No. Grandview 0-Louis Runde C- Power of Prayer erect temporary sign BP23823 5/13/94 N/A 0- Lou Runde C- Schmitt Constr New roof, sd, SF BP -28418 3 -21 -95 $1500-:00 0- Louis Runde C- Power of Prayer Erect -temp sign $P30104 5- 2 -3 -95 $ n/a 0 Louis Runde - C-The Power of Prayer erect temporary sign BP34864 5/16/96 na: 0 -Louis Runde C -Power of Prayer erect temporary sign BP40127 5/18/99 n/a