North Grandview Avenue 2100 2100 Ia -$t
0 -Frank Riassetto C- Glen Carris
Erect S,F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 164 4 -14 -55 13,000.00
B.of A. Petn, to waive part of required side yard
and *ermit enclosing of present car port . Granted
Docket No. 42 -57
O. Ray Kies C. Carl Blosch
Reapir Siding S.F. Frame DwellingB.P.455 6 -4 -63 100.00
Reroof SF Fr Dw11g.B.P. 862 10/1/74 380.00
'° 0 -Mark Hantelmann C -Owner
tear-off, reroof SF- frm- dwllg- BP18805 6/18/91 $1425.00
2100 N Grandview Ave
0-Mark & Kathy Hantelmann C-Owner
ereeiLA4xIi 1 deck on rear SF BP37267
6/23/97 $924.00