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South Grandview Avenue 0120
120 S. Grendiiel Eve„ Meyer Marmis C -E:nrt Luel_er & Sons. Erect S.F.Frame 13caei_o, B.P. 843 3-25-48 10,000o00 C. Giese Sheet Metal Co. Reroof S.F. Br. Ven.Dwellg.B.P. 1229 10 -17 -66 501.00 0- Gerald Meester B of a for var towaive rear yard req. to allow add to dwllg has 10 needs 24' Docket 53 -77 Granted 0- Gerald Meester Erect add to SFBrk Dwllg, B.P. 861, 8/10/77 18000.00